Yellowstone Season 5: Jamie Gets Killed by Rip!

Yellowstone Season 5: Jamie Gets Killed by Rip!


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@thenextfilm - 26.12.2022 21:12

What are your thoughts on Jamie’s part in ruining Beth’s life? Do you consider him guilty? What about Rip? Do you think he would kill Jamie for this? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

@g-mancollections5264 - 29.01.2024 19:58

This show got way out of hand.
I understand fiction and suspension of disbelief, but the show eventually just got way out of hand. After season 4, it was just too much. Jamie was always a coward, Beth was always a bitch.
The way she talks to her father and about sexualized stuff is gross. It's one thing to have a healthy sexuality. She loves Rip, but the whole "bad bitch" thing is too much.
I loved this show, but it just went way too far.

@petemcmeans8136 - 26.01.2024 00:31

I think she should have gotten rid of him long ago.

@ragingrebel8660 - 17.01.2024 17:27


@peterstyles5567 - 17.01.2024 07:23

It was difficult to totally hate Jamie, considering that the intent of the abortion decision was with Beth's best interest at heart, but then we realize that it was really the rep of the family for which he was concerned.

@leanneforyou1 - 31.12.2023 11:46

I would like to see,Beth and Rip run the ranch,I would like to see Kacie and Monica help with the Tate and Carter run the ranch,I would like to see something actually finally hapoen between ,Jamie and Beth where they have no choice but to end up becoming brother and sister,Where Jamie has to save Beth and she will see he doex care and us sorry,After a battle between them it is fun watching them go at it,😂,I would like actually to see that the clinic made a mistake and did NOT give ,Beth a hysterectomy and she had a miracle pregnancy, That somehow the paperwork was wrong and the doctor felt she was to young so did not go through with the full hysterectomy, After all its only a show and things can be twisted,Or that Jamie payed the doctor extra to keep her uterus but because of their rivalry he out of spite did not tell her and let her think she cant have kid's Change it somehow so she can have kids,,I want to see ,Betb and Jamie make up somehow, I would like to see some land go back to the reservation and much more

@hunorsimon5958 - 29.11.2023 01:42

Why no one is mentioning that if his father would have found out probably would have killed Rip and also it was her problem Jamie helped her like a good brother and the fear she had than she probably anyway would have said yes because she was iresponsable back than, we been there some of us would do suicide if happen something like that and fear mother and father! Rip would be dead 100%his dad also wasn't that peaceful back than so here is my thoughts

@treywelch9161 - 21.11.2023 07:42

I wouldn’t kill Jamie hes the normal one in de family

@dougb4282 - 15.11.2023 09:34

Hello I just wanted to say how much I like this show being a ex farmer my self it is very difficult to work and maintain a farm or ranch like this is with the quality of me maintain everything on the farm. I am very sadden ed to hear Kevin Costner is leaving the show he's the main character of the show and he plays a excellent part in it it would be very difficult to maintain the show with a different actor taking over

@DukeFan1971 - 06.11.2023 12:35

It wasn't a botched abortion that made Beth unable to have children. In the flashback where we see Jamie talk to the woman who runs the clinic, she specifically tells him that he'd be better off taking her to another clinic, because abortions THERE come with the caveat that the women they do abortions on MUST have a hysterectomy as part of the procedure.

Jamie deliberately never told Beth about that caveat, and so when she came to after the abortion, only to find out that they removed her uterus too...and that Jamie knew all along and hadn't told her...THAT'S why she has always hated him, and threatened him with telling Rip the FULL truth of what he did to her, because she knows Rip would likely kill Jamie if he knew what Jamie did to Beth.

@lesandmojoscoales4885 - 01.11.2023 21:44

How many times is Jamie going to die

@rustyshackleford1647 - 27.10.2023 19:59

Idk couldnt watch the scene with all you ruining it with all your talking thru it

@polymathicperturbations1476 - 26.10.2023 20:25

Yeah it wasn't a botched abortion. They made it clear it was done under the condition that the doctor would sterilize and Jamie agreed.

@PTSDDIARYPARTIIdotcom - 26.10.2023 10:45

jamie is a greedy, conniving liar, i can’t stand his character. i love every time beth gives him a beatdown.

@kathyburks9994 - 13.10.2023 01:29

I can't wait to see him killed .

@quinnlatea8561 - 30.09.2023 21:06

Fuck Beth if she didn’t keep her legs closed then it wouldn’t of happen remember she came to Jamie for help

@coleda-1460 - 15.09.2023 22:49

Jamie is not responsible for any of Beths problems. she is an abuser, I hate this character, I hope Jamie takes her to the train station, I quit watching this show because of her, but I would gladly watch an episode of him getting rid of her.

@ayodhyadawar2757 - 07.09.2023 22:17

Jami’s must be killed poor beth

@victoriarodriguez740 - 05.09.2023 18:26

I can see tip finding out because Beth is a snake right now and taking full and Tina poor way and if it came to that I see also kaycee stepping in to protect his brother over rip.

Now wouldn’t that be somehting.
Rip would have to stand down.
I love the story but I just want someone to help the light shine on how she treats him .
Yeah she is doing everything for her dad but she is not being fair.
She was being a hire when she was young and she asked him to help. What options did they have where he could not be seen at the time.
He did what he had to as a child’s mind.
Now all they can do is move forward but then Beth needs to chill out

@jesusdemata4190 - 21.08.2023 05:01

RIP cant kill Jamie without John's approval

@lasar0682 - 11.08.2023 19:46

You explained this incorrectly. It was not a "botched abortion". Jaime was informed that the reservation clinic would be required to perform a hysterectomy.

@scram6521 - 05.08.2023 04:28

Yes, it is. Jamie’s fault for what he did to Beth. And rip would come back from Texas to kill Jamie and I wouldn’t blame him

@bando5959 - 01.08.2023 20:58

Crazy how most people in the comments side with Jamie no matter how many chances John gave him and yes even tho Beth’s grudge was held a little too long she became evil because her mother knew she’s the only one that could be what the others couldn’t stomach for the family

@ccinnylou4191 - 29.07.2023 22:18

I just watched a 2023 movie w Cole Hauser and Morgan Freeman it was really good Cole Hauser is such a good Actor. that Man could Act He is Awsom and the Movie He was a Detective.. its called The Ritual killer..Yellowstone isnt nothing compared to this Movie its really good..p.s. not a Sheridan thig either

@VickieRoks53 - 03.07.2023 02:17

At the abortion clinic they tell you all they are going to do to you before they do it - Beth has no right to blame Jamie - Beth wanted her reputation protected from anyone knowing she got pregnant without being married first. It is her own fault!

@charlesmondoux4367 - 19.06.2023 03:55

Janke deserves whatever he gets

@charlesmondoux4367 - 19.06.2023 03:54

Yep jamie is so innocent gtfoh

@reginasims6492 - 07.06.2023 21:26

I can’t stand Beth if she hadn’t been a hot ass she would’ve never been in that situation, she didn’t even let Rip know that she was actually pregnant,she robbed him of that, they could’ve gotten married and raised the child. She twists any situation for her benefit. And John just lets her rage,until it effects someone he’s boinking.

@reginaanderson4177 - 14.05.2023 03:31

U can't kill John, Beth r Casey, r rip

@guilamonster654 - 30.04.2023 18:58

Yeah, Jamie fucked up in the past, but Beth has been a douche for at least a decade (and John doesn’t do shit).

@WrangleMcDangle - 24.04.2023 22:14

Beth is one of the most infuriating characters ive ever seen. Epitome of the irrational female who cant hear the word no. She has never once been held accountable or taken responsibility for any of her actions. Cannot believe there are some women who idolize her character, especially when she acts like a typical daddys girl who cant do anything for herself.

@Clarke1962gmc - 11.04.2023 23:38

Not related to the question, but I just realized that Jamie was in the movie Ghost Rider…. He looked familiar when I first saw him in Yellowstone, but it took me this long to figure it out.

@LawrenceBoley - 29.03.2023 23:15

its rips child . all Brack lose when he finds out.

@thedude1034 - 25.03.2023 10:48

I love the show but man John is the worse father/grandfather.

@vinnyc6161 - 07.03.2023 21:34

I think Jamie will hire some people from New York to take Beth down but instead John would get in their way and they would mistakenly kill John Dutton, which we all know that Mr. Kevin Costner is thinking of leaving the show. That would cause a pretty big war between Jamie and Beth, also the end of Jamie. That's also the perfect time for Rip to find out about the real reason why he can't have a child with Beth. Not saying John's death would not be enough reason for Rip to take out Jamie but finding out Jamie is behind John's death and his baby's would really make Rip go nuts.

Another thought I have but I really hope not! Jamie would end up killing Rip instead of Beth. Cause after watching different kinds of shows and movies like this including GOT, TWD, Sopranos, The Godfather and many many others.

Everytime there is a badass and most lovable character, they end up killing that character and most of the time, the person behind the killing is someone very weak and stupid like Jamie or someone who doesn't have the guts to do it themselves but ended up getting lucky. That would be devastating but I really hope not LOL 😅

@Seto34 - 06.03.2023 07:37

She needs to stop blaming Jamie, it was her fault

@MrEntertainer89 - 04.03.2023 04:05

I am disgusted the Character of Beth.
Jamie doesn't deserve all that , he's got a good soul.

@stonecoldmorris1518 - 03.03.2023 03:04

cant stand beth. shes a know it at all, full of shit, and has done way worse things then jamie. I feel bad for jamie, hes done everything john has ever asked him and john has basically disowned him, embarrassed him, made jamie feel worthless. and beth hates him because why ?? cuz he was a scared kid, doing what his sister asked. And im so sure a girl beths age went into that abortion clinic and didnt ask any questions ? like hey doc whats the procedure im going to be in ?

@sammyfoldem3655 - 01.03.2023 06:12

She was running around like a whore, it's her fault she had to get a abortion unless she was forced then it's very sad

@brendathein1463 - 27.02.2023 03:22

I think they need, for Beth to have her own miracle baby.

@ecatalan98 - 25.02.2023 23:52

I think Jamie is the most misunderstood character in all of Yellowstone (the series). First of all, why would you adopt a son, when you already have plenty of your own, only to hate and despise him? Yep, that’s John Dutton adopting Jamie from a junkie couple. Already 5.5 seasons in, no explanation whatsoever has been given as to why the Duttons decided to adopt Jamie from such an unlikable couple.
As for Jamie’s fault of making Beth infertile, he was still a young, stupid kid. I highly doubt he did it EXPLICITLY on purpose, despite being highly negligent. After all, it was Beth who got pregnant and pressured Jaime to help her get an abortion, right?
Ever since the series started, Jaime’s being treated like sh$t. Jaime has done all the things his adoptive dad wanted, even become a lawyer.
If there’s a villain here I think it’s Beth. She’s depressed, bipolar and highly violent, plus has a death wish against Jamie.
Jamie’s turning into a boiling pot and when it explodes, the Dutton’s are in for a big surprise. Besides, they made him that way, they turned him into what he is becoming.

@kaitlynbest0805 - 22.02.2023 10:42

Jamie’s trash every chance he gets turns on his family and they have to pick up his mess and then when it doesn’t work out he comeback like nothing happened

@markhernandez3860 - 20.02.2023 03:29

Are you serious ? Jaime is responsible .

@tedburndy2875 - 15.02.2023 06:19

I just wish Jamie would kill Beth it’s her fault she was whoring around at 16 and then wanted a abortion and I think she deserved it for what she did to rip in the bar scene little whore

@mikedip76 - 05.02.2023 04:04

I hope Jamie doesn't get killed

@nancybarendt7877 - 04.02.2023 21:14

Saying that Beth's abortion was a botched one is WRONG it was not botched. The women at the clinic told Jamie when he went into the clinic that along with an abortion comes sterilization and that is why Beth hates him he did not mention to Beth that if she wants an abortion they have to sterilize her......botched would mean the clinic screwed up and that did not happen. Jamie was just a kid himself Beth messed around and got pregnant and was to chicken to tell John if she would have none of this would have happened....Jamie should have told her the truth that day before they went into that clinic and why didn't the clinic talk to Beth about it as well I doubt Jamie was old enough to sign for medical procedure and we know Beth wasn't........Beth should have told her father that she was screwing the ranch hand. So Beth finds out that Jamie has a son and threatens to take him well I think she forgets that that kid has a mother that just might have something to say about Beth walking in and taking HER son.........I cannot stand Beth.

@eberruiz1706 - 02.02.2023 03:08

Beth is a fucking bitch with no self accountability she blames Jamie for everything and she won’t let Jamie have his redemption when Jamie has proven himself worthy to be in the family while Beth is literally just a whore

@rubzbr5465 - 29.01.2023 03:19

From the beginning of the season i thought Jamie is a good person, then i realised of wot he did to Beth makes me that hes guilty he needs to go to the train station LOL, if Beth died, thats the end of yellowstone for me 🥺 im just saying 🥰💜, shes my main character shes my hero 💜🥰

@isabellejames9299 - 27.01.2023 06:38

I don’t this that Beth should hold this much hatred on Jamie I mean yeah he knew but at the same time Jamie was also a teenager and was trying to protect her

@graysonbrown3888 - 23.01.2023 14:35

He ain't guilty
