Interesting, I was not aware we could use ginger bug like water kefir? Cool! Am I understanding this?
ОтветитьHi there, just wondering if these soda drinks are ok to fit in my Keto diet?
ОтветитьSo this is alcoholic right? I feel like that wasn’t made clear. Or maybe I wasn’t paying attention
ОтветитьThe ascorbic acid is GMO and probably came from China. But go ahead and use it, I'm sure it's fine. 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьHow much of the starter potion should we put or does this ferment naturally. If it needs the bug then I guess we don’t add ginger to the bug?
ОтветитьI tried this with pineapple juice and it was putrid. Tried with cranberry and it taste like syrup syrup. What could I be doing wrong?
ОтветитьThank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. The instructions are very clear again thank you and have a great day.
ОтветитьFollowed your recipe for ginger bug. It never had any bubbles !
ОтветитьAlways use nylon or plastic when making fermented products do not use metal unless it’s stainless steel and you know 100%!!!!!!!
ОтветитьHi ...can i use airlock and skip the second fermentation.
ОтветитьI used to make grape soda for my kids with Welch’s grape juice and water kefir, they loved it! This is a reminder to start again
ОтветитьI love watching yalls videos! You explain so perfectly! I’ve had my ginger bug going and ready. Thank you so much. So I’m making exact juices in awhile. I love you two! Thanks so much!
ОтветитьMy ginger bug hss a slimey mother/skube on top. Is that normal?
ОтветитьThose juices are unhealthy! They sit on the shelf and not the cold section.
ОтветитьPlease beware, ascorbic acid is Vitamin C but citric acid when commercially made is from black mold
ОтветитьIs it safe to give to kids?
ОтветитьWow amazing healthy and champagne like..
ОтветитьUse a larger container and put a pressure relief valve on so you don't have to open it all the time and can see when the formatting is complete, and bottle them afterwards with a 1/4 teaspoon of sugar in each bottle to finish formatting in the bottles.
ОтветитьWhat do you do with the soda in the tester bottle?
ОтветитьAfter I take a few ginger bug, should I just replace what I took with water then just add ginger and sugar afterwards?
ОтветитьDo You Not Have To Replenish The Water and The Ginger Over Time?
ОтветитьThe acid in the lemon juice is what prevented it from fermenting
ОтветитьAfter you bottled it for the first time to build pressure.. did you leave at room temp for 12 hours or frig ?
ОтветитьSo how would you stop the fermentation process? Or you just have to drink it all before it turns into alcohol? I hate getting drunk lol. But I really want to try these drink I’ve been reading and watching videos forever now and still haven’t done it. Today I’m going to get all the stuff I need. But was just curious if it’s possible to do it without much alcohol. Or should I use less sugar? Or what
ОтветитьWill it be alcohol free if I ferment it for just one day?
ОтветитьMaybe with the Lemon Aid you could use Double the Ginger Bug! ?
ОтветитьI just started watching the videos i love them and I'm learning so much from this I'm 17 and trying to eat and drink better
Ответитьbefore pouring the quart jar into the soda jars, i stirred it. big mistake, it foamed up and
out all over my counter. i actually lost a lot of juice. be warned. stirring is not necessary.
actually, just pouring into the soda jars it foamed up prolifically. i used my own home canned grape juice, from my steamer juicer. good video.
Wouldn't it be better if you throw some ginger in there?
ОтветитьAlso let's say I got some grape juice straight from the vine and didn't pasteurize it could just throw some diced ginger and start my culture there meaning that same juice would be my starter?
ОтветитьFungus farts make the juice bubbly 😊
ОтветитьI am in the process of making a cranberry juice soda and I am on day 4. There isn't much bubble activity but it is developing a white film around the edges and white spots. It still tastes pretty sweet and tastes and smells like it's beginning to ferment. I am concerned that the white stuff is mold. How can I tell if it's mold or yeast?
ОтветитьWhat if you want to store non alcoholic soda for 1 week or more, would you not send it through the first fermentation process?
Ответитьdoes it need to ferment open first and than closed? I left mine ferment for 2 days and 12h in a closed bottle and than I left it in the fridge.
ОтветитьHave you tried out @Masontops fermentation kits/products for fermenting yet?
ОтветитьWhat is the alcohol content like on those?
ОтветитьMy first attempt was a failure. Ginger bug was doing fine. But it went flat in the apple juice. Will check the preservatives....
ОтветитьI mean, it was lemon juice. XD You can't REALLY ferment citrus. Not with yeast... I was surprised you tried.
ОтветитьI'm sry, did you just say citric acid is vitamin c? You might wanna look that up. Food grade citric acid is made as a by product of black mold. I personally try to avoid all citric acid. It's put into everything, hard to avoid sometimes. But vitamin c it is not.
ОтветитьGreat video !!
ОтветитьAre there still any health benefits if you add the ginger bug to juice and drink it right away instead of letting the bug ferment the juice?
ОтветитьDoes using fresh squeezed juice a good option for fermentation or is it better to try something from a bottle?
ОтветитьNatural fizzy drink. Say no more fam 😂
ОтветитьIn this video, you said your ginger bug was about a year old. Does that mean that you fed it once a week for a whole year?
ОтветитьCan we make it from pure home made juice
ОтветитьIs it the same as Water Kefir ?
ОтветитьThank you so much, guys! This was so enjoyable to watch I felt like I was in your kitchen next to you. Started my ginger bug before your video. Namaste, Love, and light
ОтветитьHow long can the finish product be stored in the refrigerator?