Sailing Our Yacht from Spain to France in 3 DAYS!

Sailing Our Yacht from Spain to France in 3 DAYS!

Kristina's Travels

1 год назад

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@HalcyonGuitars - 23.12.2023 08:43

Is that your own boat or a charter?

@sachinradhakrishnan855 - 23.12.2023 11:34

love from India😍❤❤❤

@EsotericNY - 23.12.2023 12:28

Re. the chocolate-inducing sneezes, you have a mild allergy. I have the same. Because I've been gobbling them since childhood the reaction is mild (sneezing). Nice work w/ the Code 0...what a gorgeous beast.

@knutweberg8549 - 23.12.2023 19:00

Your sheetingblock for the code should be much further back, preferably at the stern. It will give a much better sailshape. You can hook on a barberhaul further foreward on the sheet, but it will rarely be required

@wonderingthoughts926 - 23.12.2023 22:01

I have the chocolate thing! And sunlight, also mint. It’s a life of sneezing

@mattdavidson6155 - 24.12.2023 00:07

Merry Christmas to everyone!!! Love the videos and dreaming of getting into sailing soon.
Cheers from Canada!!

@annettemay5743 - 24.12.2023 01:56

#2 hear John, Let me say John when you've worked out why they put a round pizza in a square box and then cut it into triangles then you will fully understand your Love Language and women. 🤗🤪

@rainfinger - 24.12.2023 03:09

Great video, remembering what it was like from our circumnavigation in the 1980s, presently sailing the Eastern Atlantic, headed for Brazil. My wife's book is a good one, published by Austin Macauley of New York, and available on Amazon, literally a fictional story of sailing and adventure: "Seychelle and the Cannabis Yachties". It is very entertaining, hoping you will give it a read and review.

@AlcoCargoPig - 24.12.2023 03:22

Do a real trip..😅

@darin9557 - 24.12.2023 04:25

So fun following your adventures!

@DrMaddog - 24.12.2023 06:33

I'm a sun sneezer!

@BennyBoom77 - 24.12.2023 17:43

I've got the sunlight sneezes, but the funny thing about mine I can use any light to get one or more overwith as soon as I feel the need!

@csp5113 - 24.12.2023 17:55


@arturoprestamo1514 - 24.12.2023 18:13

Fantastic video!!! I love it. I have sailed Barcelona to Baleares Island, such a lovely part of the world. Congratulations guys!!!

@pm1104 - 24.12.2023 19:29

Lovely……Feliz Navidad…….y a disfrutar ! ❤

@mehu849 - 24.12.2023 19:44

Hello Sailer's 😊 Your journey from Spain to France was awesome 👍 Kristina your night video was very good😊 John and Kristina you both were really good at your Love language and sharing your experience, thanks for good explanation @ love language. Eager to watch your next journey France. Wishing you very Happy Merry Christmas 🎉

@HopeOfJoe - 24.12.2023 20:33

Fabulous episode guys ‼️ 🎉 💕 Love the genuineness of the dialog, especially the book, "The 5 Love Languages," which my bride and I have read and do our best to practice.....we are also opposite. 🤪 MERRY CHRISTMAS ✨ 🎄 ✨ ✝️ ✨ 💕 ✨ And, see you next time. ✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

@thomasthornton5737 - 25.12.2023 02:21

😀👍👍👍❤ Merry Christmas and a fun filled 2024!

@ramoncamacho3065 - 25.12.2023 05:09

Kristina and John,
Merry Christmas!! Love your videos. Can you tell me what is your voiceover setup? I have tried so many mics and ways to keep the background noise to a minimum. How do you so well on a boat?

@dougmassey1807 - 25.12.2023 06:39

Words of Affirmation is definitely my wife's way of expressing her love for me after 38 years of marriage. Bet you are missing the usual Seafood Binge in Oz though. Like John I shy away from words of Affirmation and like ewes two we are definitely opposites, hence the attraction. Happy sailing, next we here of you it will probably taking part in the Sydney to Hobart next year

@Richard-R-S - 25.12.2023 06:47

Hey Guys,

Some good moments in this one John, Kristina, and Kel, thanks👍🏻...

God Bless with hugs and love all🙏🏻⛵🐬...

@madsbredgaard5323 - 25.12.2023 10:41

Thank you for great videos and thank you very much for filming in the front room as well. I have watched it all with great pleasure

@jackdziuba - 25.12.2023 21:11

Do you know leading the escapade couple you met in Whitsundays on catamaran are sailing in the same area between Corsica and Sardinia on 12 metres monohull?

@АндрейЗмей-з6ю - 25.12.2023 21:17

Телка силиконовая

@TheESnoekatgmail - 26.12.2023 03:55

Waited until Christmas Day to watch this latest gift and hope you've had a happy holiday. Thanks for another engaging video. You always leave me eager for the next chapter in the story.
It's hard to imagine you could have found a more compatible member of the crew than Kelly. What good fortune for all of you. I would be interested to hear more from her, especially since you told us she gave up life as an engineer to join you for a sail. Taking a leap of faith like that suggests she's an interesting person.
Happy New Year from another sunlight sneezer!

@peterblack7828 - 26.12.2023 08:05

Tip for you guys. Lead the furling sheet back to a winch, especially if the wind suddenly comes up. You then don’t need to go forward to furl the code zero & it’s far easier & safer

@pmarcus431 - 26.12.2023 10:48

Amazing! Such a great episode, thank you!!

@georgehiotis - 26.12.2023 21:00

Kristina and John thank you for bringing to our homes the beautiful med. sea we wish you all the best for 2024 and Merry belated Christmas.

@jerrylowenstein1899 - 27.12.2023 06:09

I love your explanation of the love language. My wife and I have all 5 but didn’t know it. We just know we love each other and we are both on the same page in love language and life

@jerrylowenstein1899 - 27.12.2023 06:16

John don’t get over confident in boat handing abilities. You lack experience and on a boat that size without crew, shit can go wrong fast. Me and my wife sail a 60 footer be careful there is so much power in your vessel. Reef early reef even if you think it may be a problem. With your sail plan you can go from boredom to panic faster than you and your crew can handle

@danielerdos3046 - 27.12.2023 22:32

We're similar with my gf: She's a morning person, I'm a night owl, She's more sensitive and emotional, I'm more rational and analitical, She's high energy, I'm laid-back. Her love languages are mostly quality time and words, mine are service and gifts 😀 but we constantly learning from each other and together since 10 years so I think if two people love, respect each other willing to communicate, listen and accept the other, anything can work 🙂 sometimes it can be hard, but if it's a good thing it's worth it 🙂

@macman6107 - 29.12.2023 03:28

I've been watching you guys since you put up your first video with Tucana and haven't missed an episode since. You guys are a staple on my tv. A must watch and I have enjoyed every episode. So thank you for showing parts of the world I will never see, or experience.
It's also nice hearing a little bit of home, fellow Australians away from home just living life. I absolutely love when John gets deadly serious. The calmness in his voice and motions/movements just draws me in as if I need to heed these words as well.
Btw, dark chocolate is horrible. Just saying. One of my qwerks, is putting liquorice in chocolate yogo (something similar here in Scotland but not exact and yes, I know it isn't healthy but yum). My wife wants to puke whenever I have it, which isn't that often. I also dip my Macias fries in their chocolate sundae. Have been doing both for over 30 years.
Anyway, I wish you guys the best for 2024 and I look forward to see the next part of your travels. Thanks for sharing your life with us.🍻

@dahveed284 - 29.12.2023 04:06

Yeah, that yacht is the current hot boat.

@GeorgE-yo5yc - 29.12.2023 14:06

Careful there... some Corsicans may give you a black eye for calling Corsica French ;)

@Bzgr12 - 29.12.2023 20:08

beware with. alergies.u are away from lands... have nice trip

@kevinhayes1656 - 01.01.2024 18:34


@kevinhayes1656 - 01.01.2024 18:34


@tomriley5790 - 04.01.2024 00:58

Thanks for another lovely video! You and John compliment each other perfectly (and ocassionally hilariously😂) love following your adventures!

@grantbotha8182 - 09.01.2024 13:16

Wow guys ❤ I found you off instagram today. Just love your content and beautiful presentation of your sailing adventures. Looking forward to following you.

@SptifireAce - 12.01.2024 15:59

Lol, i have the same as john. I sometimes sneeze with very dark chocolate but i have it mostly with peppermint sweets and mint flavoured chewing gum

@finnianfitzsimons623 - 29.01.2024 23:55

In the next video could you explain how the winches and lines work either side of the helms, also if you think the Jeanneau 55 is a good option for novice sailers?

@geofflewis8599 - 07.04.2024 05:16

sneezing in bright sunlight is not uncommon esp'ly for people of northern European descent..

@jaclynwilliamson9646 - 15.04.2024 21:25

I waited to see the entrance to Bonofacio Marina but it was never shown in this episode or the next. Do you/do they ever show it? If so, what episode is it on? Thanks!

@colinsmith757 - 19.04.2024 09:34

I literally have the bright sunlight sneeze that’s crazy

@megcreates2.0 - 12.07.2024 07:02

Question 🙋‍♀️ why wouldn’t you keep the code 0 sale up at all times like the other sales?

@Pierre-it6tu - 26.09.2024 00:52

C’est long comme bateau?

@timohan100 - 06.12.2024 03:05

Fewer wraps on the winch will make it a lot easier to to furl the Zero, Prob only need 1 or 2 wraps otherwise there is too much friction. I would also not recommend putting the block on the stanchion bases. They should be on cars on the genoa track or a dedicated padeye near the stern.

@JoãoSales-f4g - 09.01.2025 23:38

Essa moça namorava um rapaz que tinha um barco. Aí conheceu outro rapaz que tinhá um barco maior. Trocou de namorado !! Kkkkkk

@travelwithus750 - 04.02.2025 22:40

My wife and I are traveling to Europe for the first time in October and wondering what do y’all do for phone service. Do y’all have a European sim or just pay for day passes from y’all’s home country service? Only option looks like gonna fit our 12 days of travel is to just pay a 12 usd per day pass from our American cell company. Any better options?
