its really stupid 🤦♂️ so much things could've been avoided but nah this show kind of disappoints me.
ОтветитьNo ,she went Reverse flash XS on em 🤣
ОтветитьMan i love the RF glowing eyes and the run sound effect for RF!
ОтветитьBarry Allen you deserved it
ОтветитьShe becomes goood to quickly
Ответитьi hate you
ОтветитьServe you right
Ответить"aRe u tAlkInG tO sOmEoNe?" Bruh
ОтветитьNora was the worst character in the flash
ОтветитьJ'adore Xs mais pas trop quand elle est mechant
ОтветитьTurns out words hurt more when you are a speedster
ОтветитьOOF oh my saying that sentence I hate you to one of your parents that IS STRONG its a really strong thing to say to your parents
ОтветитьThis moment made me feel extremely bad for her like I see all the pain in her voice all she wanted was her dad and even though barry didn't mean for it to be like that it doesn't change the fact that she was in so much much pain. That she felt so unwanted by her dad like it to her it had to take her mom to convince her to stay with them, it's sad that barry didn't really make her feel welcome so it makes you make be on her side at that moment
ОтветитьU all be saying she powerful when Barry didn’t even move he literally used none his speed so u don’t know if she powerful
ОтветитьSX is the reverse of XS
ОтветитьSeeing Nora become evil is kinda a little scary there, but it was badass but a bit of a disappointment when she became good at the end of this episode. I honestly can't help but feel bad for Nora when Barry took her back to the future home when he found out she was doing a bidding for Thawne.
ОтветитьJessica Parker Kennedy was my favorite part of season 5. 😍😍
ОтветитьVery disappointing who quick she turned good . Let's hope they stick with a evil killer frost next season .. they should've keep the villan arch
ОтветитьBarry need to get a belt or sumn
ОтветитьBarry got déjà vu when Nora’s face was vibrating 😬
ОтветитьOH SO NOW YOU wanna say sorry now?!?! Barry?!!! BulllShxxttt
ОтветитьI think it would’ve been really interesting if Nora stayed evil so Barry and iris decided to wait to have a child this altered the timeline causing them to have Bart Allen instead of Nora, Nora was saved from the changes of the timeline because she was in the neg speedforce like thawne and she becomes the villian of s6
ОтветитьTbh they should have kept her evil for a couple more episodes
ОтветитьBro when Nora started vibrating her face Barry didn’t even believe it at first “Nora what are you doing” 😭😭
Ответитьomg i love your videos mr. legends universe, they are so good quality!! :)
ОтветитьI subscribed !! :)
ОтветитьAnd this is why Iris didnt want Barry to just leave her in the future
ОтветитьHere going reverse could have been a whole season
ОтветитьSad thing that barry when he is suit-up as flash dont change his voice like thawne and nore in negativity but barry in possitive way cz of possitive speed force , its sad anyway..
ОтветитьI would have loved it if she and flash had a fight where barry went rage mode and beat the shit out of the negative speedforce nora.
ОтветитьThis exact scene was very emotional , trusting your child and the child working with someone who hurt you all your life , 💔 shi hits frl
ОтветитьHonestly imagine how freaked out Barry would be seeing his own daughter going Reverse Flash on him
ОтветитьThis would have worked so much better if nora was 16-20.
ОтветитьThis love isn’t unconditional, it’s conditional. This type isn’t strong, it’s manipulative, it’s fear, it’s abusr
ОтветитьI would have left her in the future no matter without any Shame of doing so.
ОтветитьI know Barry got major ptsd when Nora did that 🫨
ОтветитьProfessor X : we can show them a better path , just because someone stumbled losses their way doesn't mean they lost forever
ОтветитьSpeedster dad probs.
ОтветитьHe abandoned her and he wasn’t with her in the future when she needed him. WHAT DOES HE EXPECT?! WHO ELSE can she turn to?! To explain who she is to her? Iris understood her.
ОтветитьTbh Barry got exactly what he deserved here
ОтветитьI don’t care what other people says.
I love Nora and she is a great character.
Is nora and bart gay
ОтветитьWhen I first watched season 5 of the Flash I was kinda hoping Nora was working with Savitar instead of Thawne. It would’ve been better I think Savitar was killed off too soon and deserved more screen time. Including his character backstory.
ОтветитьMan, if only Barry possessed the ability to relocate her to the pipeline cell without her being able to react, something he did a mere episode ago. If only that were possible 🤷♂️
ОтветитьI’m in love with this actress
ОтветитьBarry Allen doesn’t have to say it, his eyes say it all by himself
ОтветитьAll he had to do was apologise and say he understood and he loved her. He should've done that instead of taking her back to the future, given that he did the exact same thing multiple times even after he knew Eobard killed his mum. Plus his never ending screw ups that everyone always forgives him for. The hypocrisy and audacity🙄
ОтветитьThawne effect