Should Kuki Shinobu Even Exist? (Genshin Impact)

Should Kuki Shinobu Even Exist? (Genshin Impact)


2 года назад

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@WatermelonW - 29.06.2022 00:50

her healing and electro application fit the support role I wanted for eula perfectly! up until her I had been using lisa and sometimes died in abyss but this more constant electro and massive healing helped a ton ^^

@masterlimegaming7095 - 29.06.2022 06:48

I like using her with Eula. It's consistent heals/electro application

@sillygoober752 - 29.06.2022 11:51

4 cookies in coop are op cause the healing stacks

@Dan-zi9rb - 29.06.2022 18:05

You should try out building her full EM with the Mililleth set. She'd be buffing the team and be dealing much more damage through elemental reactions

@riskyworks - 01.07.2022 09:22

I'm still surprised that I got Gorou and Kuki Shinobu back to back. I'm gonna save for another banner now. I'm just happy with that luck. Getting two on banner 4 stars in a row, and both of them were characters I didnt have

@samanthabulmer3905 - 02.07.2022 07:14

I just finished triple crowning my Kuki, and I will say I actually really like her! I'm definitely not going to say she's perfect, because that would just be a lie, but personally I think her playstyle is really fun, and personally I find that most important haha. I got her HP to just under 40k, and she heals pretty well, so I think she fills her role well. Of course, I'm not the best at knowing what's good and whats not, but personally I've found her to be pretty decent
I think my main complaint would be that her burst is a bit odd. I've been playing with her for a while now, and I'm still not entirely sure what it does? If anyone knows, please let me know... I feel like it doesn't really do anything, just a bit of damage, but for a healer/support I'm not sure how important that is

@thatonejade-san2987 - 02.07.2022 12:35

DEAR MOGA. would you try her out as a physical dps? shes very strong at phys

@NathanTruby - 03.07.2022 01:55

I wonder if they made Shinobu with the thought being that future dendro characters will use her as a support

@NathanTruby - 03.07.2022 02:18

Kuki with the clam set could be good on a physical team, since they want superconduct and she's half of that, plus they always like healing, and that's not including that the clam's burst damage does more damage if an enemy is affected by superconduct

@Omnikeith1 - 04.07.2022 11:10

is there a sword that has a effect like staff of homa?

@Omnikeith1 - 04.07.2022 11:20

i think she has a really super hybrid build hope they give her a weapon that helps with her build.

@valkenhayn412 - 06.07.2022 08:27

the game already has 50 characters, and its gonna have 100 in a couple years.
Kuki being "only" an electro healer is fine. Its unique, that's all she needs to be relevant. There's only so much they can do when it comes to new characters.. they can't all do everything, so having very niche characters seems fine to me.
I've had teams built before with double electro + 2 others and was missing a healer.. and now, we have an electro applier that also heals. As for her scaling, we all saw she heals just fine so all the crying is unjustified tbh

guys, not all characters have to be main dps (and also I'm pretty sure if you try hard enough you can dps with her if that's what you really wanted)

@scoopy187 - 06.07.2022 23:28


@devthatindianscammer - 07.07.2022 06:53

Dps Kuki is the way to go

@doctor6003 - 07.07.2022 21:06

This is what I think should be the build for shinobu.
You should try this out:-
Goblet: electro dmg
Sands: HP percentage
Circlet: crit rate /dmg.
set of clam 2piece set
Set of tenacity of the millelith 2piece set. This should get you some good numbers in attack and healing. I hope this works.

@mozzy2968 - 08.07.2022 03:53

I've heard that she will get better when Dendro is released, but rn I think her best niche is a healer for Tazer teams. She can also serve to kinda battery a Beidou in place of Fischl if you need healing. If she is going to be the one triggering reactions then going for EM is probably better, otherwise your probably going to want to focus on hp.

She is a pretty average character, she can do a few things well, but there is nothing that really makes her stand out, apart from being the only electro healer. I think its a bit annoying that everyone is focusing on the lack of damage on a HEALER. I was expecting good healing, decent electro application, Some particle generation, and maybe a bit of damage, and she has so far met all of them.

@ArjunSidhan - 08.07.2022 11:22

Too soon...

I know Abortion discussions are a hot topic but this is too soon

@BunBros - 09.07.2022 02:23

I feel like there isn't a set and/or weapon that truly taps into her kit as of yet. She just feels half-baked in a way. Maybe I'm just optimistic and assuming she would be like patch 1.0 Bennet where we just haven't truly understand how she is fits. Til then I guess she just a jack-of-trades character.

@han2xiah - 09.07.2022 18:21

maybe will have some space after dendro is introduce base on the hoyo teaser there are 2 new reaction bloom and catalized which is reaction for electro and hydro so maybe a tri element combo

@Ryokai395 - 13.07.2022 01:19

Give her Iron Sting with 4pc tenacity and 2x hp 1x em for mainstats then she heals pretty good AND her reactions deal good dmg.

@mellofuego4917 - 26.07.2022 16:09

I hate it when Hoyo does this crap. Kuki should have had her mats come from thunder manifestation. She's an electro inazuma character and TM is an electro inazuma boss. There was no need to make the Ruin Serpent her ascension boss thereby depriving her of the electro shards she needs to ascend.

@gktte2574 - 27.07.2022 10:27

I use her for Sayu.... I use Gouba then her ES then I let Sayu roll to spam overload :D

@nikyraven1956 - 31.07.2022 02:34

I wonder what would happen with the clam set artefact if you gave her the physical damage weapon. Since there is no HP sword (that I know of) and the clam pop is physical damage I imagine she wouldn't loose much healing but could make better damage with the clam set no ?

@pyro5159 - 01.08.2022 19:54

Reliable in story character model is a cute character in my tea pot lol

@riotkitty - 20.08.2022 19:40

I saw a really good Kuki video where you give her a Clam set and infinitely pop her E Skill

@MeowMeow37958 - 28.08.2022 21:16

you’re supposed to build her with a lot of EM if you want her to do dmg

@shailendrasinghjakhar341 - 07.09.2022 22:12

who is not using the trial ()

@arany5123 - 09.09.2022 07:31

We do not need covid scare in a game, so no, she should not exist.

@temite9935 - 15.09.2022 02:00

Kuki has really strong EM builds, mine hits semi-fast 20,000 overload in my Hu Tao party so I use her often, she really shines specifically in hyperbloom comps with consistent 30,000s

@CommunistSpud - 28.09.2022 03:16

this video aged like milk

@pm_davidjones - 09.10.2022 09:08

It looks like she would be a good electro applicator for superconduct with physical Rosaria or Eula (and keep them alive while they pound people into the ground in close combat). Thoughts?

@Forakus - 16.11.2022 10:03

This aged badly lol

@blackpearl8191 - 11.12.2022 07:21

Me for for hyper bloom . Kuki exists

@kevzbee - 15.12.2022 17:19

Him: Her E is the most important thing
Me a phone user: E? 👁👄👁

@potato_pc181 - 24.01.2023 08:17

aged like milk

@demiosnightly6639 - 24.01.2023 20:51

Now I'm looking back with dendro, I'll love to see a new showcase of her dendro ability. It makes sense to me why she scales off EM partly, could be she was prepared for dendro?

@Ferrishlikeseverything - 27.01.2023 12:35

He really doesn’t know what hyper bloom did to her 😅

@havemoicy - 14.03.2023 01:54

Man, reading these comments after the dendro release makes me pretty hopeful for Deyha in the future

@tsyganko - 20.03.2023 00:19

Why was this video recommended to me in 2023, the year of hyperbloom Kuki Shinobu supremacy?

@GoshTimeBR - 20.03.2023 02:04

Pretty funny to see how Dendro increased her strength and usage overall. Before Dendro, she was REEEALLY niche, but I rolled for her because I like to have all 4*, and I found her really cute.

She was used rarely, but could work with a Shogun team, a Tazer team and stuff like that. Nowadays she's really good for the healing within a Dendro reaction team, and if you build EM on her, she can do some numbers as well as heal a good amount. She's far from being the best healer, but she's a good one, that nowadays makes sense to have rather than before Dendro was introduced XD

@kazuha.gnshnmpct - 20.06.2023 08:18

i came back here just to say: SHE'S A BEAST NOW😂

@bijinb7089 - 28.06.2023 08:30

My damage sucks highest damage i did was with my yanfei it was 15.4 k damage. I know it a decent damage but someguys are getting 300 k

@fourinteger - 29.10.2023 12:40

little did he know she would be in the meta when dendro came out

@mphenomenal - 19.11.2023 18:37

From the future: Kuki is BROKEN with dendro

@karasu_099 - 28.03.2024 06:13

Well this aged like fine milk...

@CookieSlayerThirdJunior - 01.05.2024 15:04

I love reading those comments after dendro

@Smc32193 - 21.07.2024 11:49


@catcatcat8 - 30.09.2024 01:54

Idk why I got this recommend, but it's quite hilarious to see how nice my favorite bloom core popper used to be 🤭

@ThatMecha - 29.10.2024 16:54

This comment section aged like milk lmao

@Mogawty - 22.06.2022 17:03

I know the title is a little harsh, especially from me (who is generally pretty positive/optimistic).
I think her kit, scaling, and some constellations are a little strange, but overall there are some specific use cases where I think she'd be viable.
Of course, if you don't have a big selection of heroes to begin with, she can be an overall decent healer/electro applicator.

I like Kuki as a character, but I question some decisions in her mechanics.
