Chad Rails

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H1TSTICK - 19.11.2023 18:42

Worth playing? Nahh I dnt think so its a Hackers Paradise

les - 18.11.2023 05:47

Dont get the game.
! De sync, cheaters, bad sound, bad balance, unrealistic recoil, AI pre aim or shoot through walls, armor is useless., learningcurve is extremely high.
You lose all your shit because of this bullshit and your odds will go down and down and down. Just pure shit with pathetic People sweating and cheating.

X My Lxve
X My Lxve - 29.10.2023 03:24

Too many cheaters

YourNatoAwacs - 27.10.2023 00:35

what about waiting for russia 2028?

ScottY - 25.10.2023 15:33

Watched this video then got very confused as to why your smaller than other with videos of this quality?!

Krystopher Johnson
Krystopher Johnson - 25.10.2023 01:29

A lot of what he said about how Tarkov works sounds VERY similar to COD's DMZ...
Yet it seems like Tarkov actually suits my playstyle more than DMZ. I tend to be more focused on a slower more tactical and sniping heavy type of play. Somebody keeps overwatch with a good rifle while teammates move up and clear a building. Keep good comms, move low and slow and keep it quick quiet and clean. It sucks on DMZ, but it sounds like it would work pretty good in Tarkov.

Jermu - 21.10.2023 10:03

I just want the new players to be aware of issues that are worse than they will even realize from me typing this. I have 2.4k hours in the game since 2019.

Cheating is rampant. Worse than in any other game I've ever played, and I have 4k hours on CSGO over a decade or so. "The wiggle that killed tarkov" video exposed that 60% of lobbies have a cheater in them.

Hitboxes and desync can be good or garbage, depends on your RNG on if you get a good server or not. You can shoot a scav in the head not once, not twice, but three times and they wont die.

The game punishes an active playstyle, and continues to make it slower and slower. You might like this, but a majority of the playerbase has quit the game since 2021 because of this and cheaters.

It will be harder than ever to catch up to veterans, because they have banned selling good ammo, some armor and attachments on the flea market, meaning you wont have access to these items that everyone else is already using until months into your experience. Good luck killing someone with a level 5 armor using 7.62x39 HP, you will take 8-12 shots to kill them assuming you hit thorax only.

They are nerfing loot, mainly to combat cheaters and real world trading. This comes at the cost of enjoyment of the player. For example, you used to be able to sell everything you got from a PMC kill on the flea, netting a nice profit. You can't anymore, which means that you are usually better off taking CPU fans or other random shit in place of good armors, because those random items will provide 3x the value per slot. Now you may be asking "Why would that combat cheaters?" well, their thought process is that if it's not worth killing PMCs, then the cheaters will go for the loot instead (which they by they way can just loot through walls) and leave the raid.

Performance issues. The game runs very poorly on even the best computers, because BSG almost exclusively hires interns from Russia to develop the game because they themselves have said they can get an intern from Russia from 1/6th of the price of a competent Russian/western developer.

If you can bear these issues, sure go for it, but once the honeymoon phase wears off, you will start to get more and more frustrated with the issues of the game and how BSG isn't listening. If you think I am just an outliar, go to the EFT subreddit and sort by "Top" and sort it by last 1 year.

potato_duud !
potato_duud ! - 10.10.2023 18:26

the 6v6 or whatever thing really doesn't excite me at all because it will become a tryhard gamemode that every streamer plays and then tarkov becomes just another game that is ruined by competitive play and it will probably get pay to win stuff but they wont fix the game kinda like what happened to cod with warzone

potato_duud !
potato_duud ! - 10.10.2023 18:13

it looks really good i am worried about the cheaters tho there are a lot of people talking about how horrendous the state of play is atm but i do really want to get it

M Knight
M Knight - 06.09.2023 14:28

My buddy wants me to buy this game so i can play with him. It is so expensive though, i don't feel like dropping 150 on a game i might not play in 3 years lol. I bought a pc about 8 years ago for the fact games were a lot cheaper. Some even free to play like Valorant. $150 to hold as much kit as possible or whatever. Thats a ripoff. Pay to Play.

Miguel-killa - 01.09.2023 06:33

I like the fun when it comes great gear win or lose
Dark & Darker
I have try

escape from tarkov do I really want it is it worth depends from what I seem slow Q
outdated graphic is the only thing I question since is a old game
but still reason im checking video is too see if worth to buy?

Neo - 22.08.2023 18:34

Excuse me but,.. Who are you? Have you even been following the real threads on the problems excisting in this game,.. or any you just another pseudo-gay streamers trying to make cash on talking bs about something that you know absolutely nothing about.. Creating nonsense content for 10 year old kids, recommending utter crap! Instead of being the asset the company need to get their thumbs out their... and actually do something about these problems.

Ive been here since Alpha, among the 100 first who preordered the game, the words "worth it" and Excape from Tarkov does not belong in the same sentence dude..
You should be saying things like Why you Do NOT recommend this game title to your community, after researching the state of it... it is not a pleasant game experience.
You people turn the game into a cod deathmatch bs arena... ruining it completely...

Gadfly - 22.08.2023 14:11

NO, saved you 11 minutes

Ed H
Ed H - 13.08.2023 12:54

Ahh yes Tarkov, for when you are mentally ill and still don't know it .

[RiFt] SNIPER_WVLF - 10.08.2023 11:09

yuh ready?! <3

Razz Berries
Razz Berries - 09.08.2023 03:39

dont buy this game its slowly dying and its getting worse, and dont even start with the cheaters

NorwegianViking - 09.08.2023 03:29

Man, i bought takov and i can't run it. My 1660s can not even run low graphics at 1080p. Money well spent😂

Big Dandy
Big Dandy - 08.08.2023 20:48

Also wipe soon TM

Big Dandy
Big Dandy - 08.08.2023 20:47

The pain will catch up to the fun lol but you get to a point where it hurts a little less each raid haha

Haviik The Goon
Haviik The Goon - 08.08.2023 19:06

You’re slowly becoming the chad people fear wearing the blackjack backpacks and a altyn helmet 🫡🥵

Haviik The Goon
Haviik The Goon - 08.08.2023 19:00

Lets play this week you small fry 🥹

Haviik The Goon
Haviik The Goon - 08.08.2023 19:00

