[Instagram] Donnie Yen 甄子丹 - Flashback  with Kenji Tanigaki and Yuji Shimomura

[Instagram] Donnie Yen 甄子丹 - Flashback with Kenji Tanigaki and Yuji Shimomura

806 Просмотров

Like good jazz, my choreography flows with my instincts, or just from playing around, footages Kenji sent me which brought back funny moments in Berlin(2000?)when I’d co-directed the TV series Puma. Kenji Tanigaki, Yuji Shimomura and Hiroyuki Yoshida (John Salvitti and Mike Woods as well)were my assistants at the time and now they are all top action film makers in Japan, proud of these boys!
#actionfilmfestival #topaction #actionmovies #KenjiTanigaki #YujiShimomura

Date: 2021.February.24
Source: Instgram

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