Pan-American Overland Traveler Gives a Tour of a Custom-Built Sprinter 4x4 and shows most used mods.

Pan-American Overland Traveler Gives a Tour of a Custom-Built Sprinter 4x4 and shows most used mods.

Famagogo- Peter & Kathy Holcombe

4 месяца назад

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@GooniesVideos - 23.11.2024 02:59

Thanks Peter and Kathy for sharing your knowledge and experiences traveling throughout South America. Question: Where did you get DEF and is it readily available?

@johnplyler7054 - 23.11.2024 04:13

Thanks SO MUCH!!! I have wanted this video for so long!

@controller2152 - 23.11.2024 04:52

Great Video and I love the format too. I’m getting ready for Baja for the 1st and can’t wait for it. I need a fuel upgrade and I’m going to call Agile for a diesel and drinking water add-on.
I love all my Agile upgrades but the drinking water is key as well as more diesel. Hopefully they can fit me in on my way to Baja.

@phalmdk4677 - 23.11.2024 05:34


@Jason_Boone - 23.11.2024 07:48

Peter, are you running wheel spacers with those wheels? They look like Method 703's. Thanks.

@Justcruisintrails - 23.11.2024 09:27

Great info! We are doing Tuktoyuktuk this summer, love seeing what everyone does. As far as a replacement for the trash, Rhino USA makes a really solid one that we have used for several years. They are about $50 on Amazon. I have seen so many people with trasharoos that just don’t last. Safe Travels😃👍

@trentdavey779 - 23.11.2024 20:11

Excellent video. Are those the stock headlights?

@ogaddcb - 23.11.2024 21:24

Good walk thru. Is your Air Conditioner a 110 unit running of batteries/inverter? What do you do with gray water?

@aviationphd - 23.11.2024 21:51

Cool, I have a 24 Revel and will be retiring next summer so look out here I come.

@everett3223 - 24.11.2024 03:45

Lot’s of great info here. Thank you! Starting south in two weeks…finally.

@rupe687 - 24.11.2024 13:59

Where can I get a hat like yours Peter?

@kuleaninghouse - 24.11.2024 15:43

Great Video - definitely picked up a few ideas for our Revel! Suggestion, I am always interested in how you "live" in the van. Two people in that space can be a dance and it would be interesting to hear how you have managed for so long!

@Chasingthesun2019 - 24.11.2024 15:54

Excellent!! You covered some cool helps and tricks that you guys have found to be helpful in your vanlife. One question, does your starlink stay in that position and still pickup signal, or can it reposition! I know you said you can take it down if needed but I wondered about while it was seated on the roof? Ingenious idea.

@nunoporfirio8144 - 24.11.2024 16:35

Greetings from Portugal. If you don't have solar panels, how do you charge the batteries when you are stopped for several days? Does it mean you always have to go to campsites because of electricity?

@barbaragrazerrobinson1207 - 25.11.2024 00:05

Fantastic information will definitely watch a few more times. So much great mods
Have a great Thanksgiving

@sunj8286 - 25.11.2024 21:09

Can you talk about 170 vs 144 inch?

@aliciamoreno3306 - 27.11.2024 08:40

Thanks for the video.
Did you make yourself the garage drawers? What material are they made off?

@brucegreenberg6310 - 30.11.2024 04:39

Peter, have you had any mechanical issues that required the assistance of a MB mechanic? How accessible are MB parts and technicians?

@skydude58 - 06.12.2024 23:23

Enjoy your videos, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger next of my concerns is medication...I know I can leave with 90 days supply and I just dont want to be flying back every 90 days to get other issue is going to be able to ship my lithium batteries ( both large and small).. still figuring it out.

@carlosdevos1 - 09.12.2024 16:14

Great video 🎉. Would you rather have length beds and give up the dinette double seat or stay with the bed you now have? I’m asking because we’re looking to buy the Frankia Yucon 6.0 GD K-peak (with lengt beds) or the Hymer Grand Canyon S with standard bed. We’re from Europe and will be travelling with the camper to the US next year. Thanks and keep up with the great explainer videos!😊

@KenzieRoan - 18.12.2024 06:59

Hi! I am currently building out my first (!!) van, hoping to do some epic trips inspired by yours! As a whitewater kayaker, I have been trying to figure out the best way to carry boats (2-5) and gear. I noticed in your videos that you always have them loaded on a roof rack. This is originally what I was thinking, but I must admit, crawling up up there trying to throw around kayaks makes me a bit nervous. How did you find the roof rack system? Have you considered a hitch or rear door-mounted system? There are not a ton of examples out there so very curious to hear your thoughts!

@coteluce14 - 24.01.2025 01:11

Hi Peter and Kathy! I’m a new subscriber from Canada and my husband and I like so much your videos! We are newer RV’s owners and your trips are so amazing…I would like to know the company’s name of your outside carpet because I didn’t find this information in your links…Thank you very much and have a great day.

@andybrockmann8242 - 25.01.2025 16:31

What mounting base and arm did you use for the Quad Lock phone mount? Driver and passenger side. Such a good idea. Thank for your great and helpful video.

@Balasubbarayan - 30.01.2025 23:02

Peter, appreciate this video. Very informative and detailed. Did you install the center diff lock from Agile? Did it help thru the South American terrain you've bee thru? If not did the stock 4x4 capability suffice?

@SF-ce1qn - 07.03.2025 23:31

found the video I just inquired about :)

@biologistjim4905 - 17.03.2025 15:30

What cell phone changes must you make when traveling internationally?
