The Music Industry’s Darkest Secret

The Music Industry’s Darkest Secret

Barely Sociable

2 года назад

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High Maintenance
High Maintenance - 26.09.2023 22:51

Factor in gematria and ish gets more interesting 😅

Nick Mune
Nick Mune - 26.09.2023 22:34

I’m loving the comments why are humans so funny 😂

Nightmare Rex
Nightmare Rex - 26.09.2023 21:16

chief commander of this and the unseen? sounds like satan but also yaldaboath.

Nightmare Rex
Nightmare Rex - 26.09.2023 21:05

the whole fact you can get "life insurance" (its atcualy DEATH insurance) and that one life is worth a lousy 2000 and another worth a lousy 50000 while the rothschilds just print the shit is discusting. if we the peaople stopped being greedy and evil we could just say NO CDBC NO rothschilds notes NO elite are allowd to spawn money but eveyrone else is "counterfietting scum"

Nightmare Rex
Nightmare Rex - 26.09.2023 20:59

earth wind and fire, water is PURPOSLY not included if look in the grand griemoire it will say to control the sprits of earth air and infernal with ZERO mention again of "Water" so i wonder what if the "water sprits" are good while the "air earth and fire" sprits are bad?

Nightmare Rex
Nightmare Rex - 26.09.2023 20:50

and whats up with those overpaying for beyonce and talow swift concerts for alot of the peaople to jus tforget it? whitchcraft? testing some new tech? mix of both?

Marvin PhiRatio
Marvin PhiRatio - 26.09.2023 19:08

Just because the news says someone is dead, means nothing, they are not dead.

leafster - 26.09.2023 12:15

they all wear a suit to stay hidden. no face, just suit and tie

Kegan Mahon
Kegan Mahon - 26.09.2023 11:36

It talks about death, so viewer discretion is advised, blah blah

king3aby Reacts
king3aby Reacts - 26.09.2023 09:51

Wheres part 2

Alice Bowie
Alice Bowie - 26.09.2023 05:40

Shug knight is lying. Everyone knows Eezy E got A I D S from Freddie Mercury.

Alice Bowie
Alice Bowie - 26.09.2023 05:39

Growing up, i shopped at a mob owned local music chain. They always had stuff i liked in the .25 cent bin. They also would order records other stores wouldnt...
Today, i always wonder who is actually buying any big record. I figure most people only buy number colored vinyl.

Dredge Rivers
Dredge Rivers - 26.09.2023 05:32

Why do you keep showing David Bowie? He lived a long life.

Gray Matters
Gray Matters - 26.09.2023 04:08

Who would ever sold her soul to the music industry after knowing this?

Kelvin Anderson
Kelvin Anderson - 26.09.2023 03:49

Should have ABC, CBS or NBC do this documentary 😂😆😂😆

Nicola Douglas
Nicola Douglas - 26.09.2023 01:04

So the Rolling Stones really are the Walking dead 😂

VIKING JOE - 25.09.2023 23:53

I was offered as well but decided not to. Its not worth selling your soul into a satanic industry.

YaboyWaffles - 25.09.2023 21:42

If anybody would like to buy my soul feel free

432 369
432 369 - 25.09.2023 21:10

Brought to you by babble... you know where that word comes from?

Gwen Sommers
Gwen Sommers - 25.09.2023 20:34

Tottenham London England
Use to wonder how some groups/ singers, were classed as the best,
Now it's so obvious, you can tell the political correct set, ££££££

marcia boyd
marcia boyd - 25.09.2023 20:13

There has been several artust who admit they literally sell their soul to the devil., This ia also applicable to actors , media and politicians. They become assets to this satanic cult, being cloned, and have doses of mind control when they step out of line. Today it couldnt be more obvious how society is being weaponized and readied for a demonic existence. The corruption, deceit, chaos, hatred,lack of boundries, selfishness, greed,loss of morals and lack of humsnity grow daily! They have taken pedophilia and labeled it as a illness, while sexualizing children uaing the school system with the giverment leadership of the day. Wake up the attacks on Christians and all who believe in Jesus as yhey prepare to to seat satan as the only god of the New World Order, a 1 gov, 1 leader,1 religion, 1 God world. The truth is in the Bible and Gods Word, if you dont know him its a good time to introduce yourselves!

Vincent Nelson
Vincent Nelson - 25.09.2023 20:05

😢....just 😢

Human beings man.😢

Kenny Michael Alanya
Kenny Michael Alanya - 25.09.2023 16:32

Makes me glad that Oliver Anthony didn't sign any contract with the music industry. He refused many deals including an $8 million and $100 Million .

Reez - 25.09.2023 16:00

So Kanye was indeed right! These cabal of "God's chosen people" are truly the worst people on earth.

Tha Muzik Media Man
Tha Muzik Media Man - 25.09.2023 10:30


Brad Sanders
Brad Sanders - 25.09.2023 06:41

3 minutes of information spread out over and hour and a half. Are you trying to make documentaries for netflix?

Brad Mills
Brad Mills - 25.09.2023 05:46

Starts at one minute and 30 seconds

Ryan Simmons
Ryan Simmons - 25.09.2023 04:28

This is the 1st piece of content of yours that ive seen! Idk how youve never populated in my algos b4!!

You crushed this vid! +subbed! Cant wait to look thru your work!!

Gastòn Rado
Gastòn Rado - 25.09.2023 01:31

Cantor cuando cantes fuerte
Antes tenés que pensar
Si el ideal que predicas
Lo podrás asimilar
Hay muchos que gritan fuerte
Pocos piensan al cantar

Hay que cantar a conciencia
Con fundamento y razón
Que en toda jauría de caza
No falta el cuzco rabón
Ladra y ladra, mas no muerde
Presentada la ocasión

Hay cantores que protestan
Con un fervor sin igual
Falta saber si lo sienten
O lo cantan nada mas
Mucho más dice el ejemplo
Y hay que saberlo aplicar

A veces me quedo horas
Escuchando algún cantor
De esos que vibran cantando
Porque sienten el dolor
Que causa el canto sincero
Salidos sale del corazón
Trozos del alma con notas
Unidas por la emoción

Siento pena por aquel
Que canta por un reflejo
Es como el sauce llorón
Que se mira en el espejo
Del río que corre lento
Viendo al sauce como llora
Serán sus notas sonoras
Muy lindas pero sin alma
Muy poco vivirá el sauce
Si lo alejaran del agua

Para mi el cantor debe ser
La mezcla de hombre y de idea
La maleta se ladea
Si de un lado no hay que poner
Y es una ciencia aprender
A equilibrar bien la carga
Porque la vida es amarga
Llevando de un lado lo ajeno
Nunca bebe peor veneno
Que el que por su boca sangra

Cuando se largue a cantar
Hágalo con fundamento
Grite, si es que esta sufriendo
No cante por alardear
He visto cuzcos ladrar
Y atropellar contra el viento
El canto sin sentimiento
No sirve de atropellada
La verdad queda trancada
Y se ve que esta mintiendo

Quien ha visto al caracú
Siempre metido en el hueso
Usté tendrá que ser eso
Razón de pueblo que espera
Al que le duele la muela
No se arrancará el colmillo
La yegua cela al potrillo
Y este crece retobao
Nunca cantando amargao
Se ha defendido un principio

Si nota que su cantar
Sirve de ayuda al caído
No se lo niegue mi amigo
Y póngasele a la par
Y sentirá palpitar
En lo profundo de su pecho
La alegría de haber hecho
Algo que nunca se cobra
Para el cantor ya da de sobra
Dejando a alguien satisfecho

Un cantor para saber
De la vida y de las cosas
Ha de leer muchas hojas
En el diario recorrer.
Pero el querer aprender
Requiere tiempo y paciencia
El sazonar la conciencia
No es moco de pavo mi amigo
La que le cortó el ombligo
Ya le daba independencia.

Y no le pido disculpas
Por el tiempo que cante
Nunca me arrodillare
Porque soy de pocas pulgas.
Si me equivoco, es mi culpa
A nadie pedí opinión,
Porque no soy cuzco rabón
Para atropellar contra el viento
Yo canto porque lo siento
Por algo nací cantor

Alguno estará pensando
Que hablo solo por hablar ,
Ese.. Ese no me entenderá,
Si no me esta analizando,
O será del otro bando
Pues nunca ha usado alpargatas,
Pensará, ¡que lengua de lata!
Ya me tenés aburrido,..
Pobre mozo, su lengua es un salpullido
De tanto lamber las patas.

Con esos nunca se ablande
Dele fuerte compañero
No son hombres, ¡son carneros!
Ni corre en sus venas sangre
Están para el que pague y mande
Aunque sea matar su hermano
Son los que niegan la mano
Al caído que precisa
de guampa siempre aterrizan
y los comen ¡los gusanos!..

Jordan Fagan
Jordan Fagan - 24.09.2023 22:10

"Behind every fortune is a crime"

-Method Man

incredulous kirk
incredulous kirk - 24.09.2023 17:59

Undeniable ties between organized crime and the CIA. See "One Nation Under Blackmail" vols I and II by Witney Webb.

mrsrestorationoftruth YAH'S CHOSEN
mrsrestorationoftruth YAH'S CHOSEN - 24.09.2023 00:54

You are speaking TRUTH❤

Hannah Sareur
Hannah Sareur - 24.09.2023 00:05

Big singers dead in this documentary. So are we also gonna see beyonce, taylor, demi, katy perry dead soon? Is this gonna happen to them too?

Na-Ra - 24.09.2023 00:03

Would love to know some horrors of kpop industry.

ThomasConover - 23.09.2023 18:42

That’s why they finished Michael Jackson; cuz his music is worth even more now for the “owners”.

Don Hall
Don Hall - 23.09.2023 01:27

Janice Joplin, Jim morrison, jimi Hendrix

Ashton Coniglio
Ashton Coniglio - 23.09.2023 01:23

This is evil. Your a slave if you live, your a fortune if you die

lurji - 22.09.2023 20:38

the scariest part of this video was how ass the spanish was

D - 22.09.2023 20:06

This clause is a great thing. It's worse now. Silent but deadly. Works perfectly. Against the murderers. It's really a wonderful spell.

Justin McLovin
Justin McLovin - 22.09.2023 14:52

27 club

AdamTheCoop1 - 22.09.2023 08:17

its not always that a video will get me to say "that was so good!" to myself, in a room by myself without realizing that last part until after

Starr00 - 22.09.2023 06:27

Everything they worked for

Starr00 - 22.09.2023 06:25

Y isn’t the new up n comers checking dis out

Alpha Hotel42
Alpha Hotel42 - 22.09.2023 03:04

Oh noooo not you too jukebox!

Suheyla A
Suheyla A - 22.09.2023 00:09

Why do most artists "come from nothing"? Those, the originally disenfranchised- they are easier prey. Who would say no to that amount of money after having zero....!?

Suheyla A
Suheyla A - 22.09.2023 00:07

They poured alcohol down Jimi hendrix's throat after he was dead. The report said that the alcohol did not go down his throat and just came up and out. Hmm wonder why...
