My Most Addictive Tool - THE JAMBMASTER! Full Demo...

My Most Addictive Tool - THE JAMBMASTER! Full Demo...

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Planked Woodworking
Planked Woodworking - 21.09.2023 19:26

I must have missed it. Got one side plumb. What about square rather not racked?

Lee Stebbins
Lee Stebbins - 15.09.2023 22:45

Isn’t what you are referring to as a cripple stud actually a jack stud? Cripples go above door or window headers.

Ann - 12.09.2023 16:52

What about a cased opening

carpenter33 - 10.09.2023 02:20

I always start routing from the bottom up so that I don't have all the dust on my face.

Nick C
Nick C - 16.08.2023 05:48

Those are either the tallest doors in the world or this super informative, talented carpenter is 4’2”. 🤣

Peter Wowk
Peter Wowk - 29.07.2023 20:14

I bought this and tried it. It is really good. I have a question… do you find that you need to have a larger than 2 inch wider rough opening? I am finding that if the studs are twisted the templates don’t fit. I was wondering if it would be better to have a 2.5 in bigger rough opening

Daniel Crail
Daniel Crail - 29.07.2023 03:13

Same….I’m going broke😂

Sanya Odeychook
Sanya Odeychook - 22.07.2023 22:24

How long before grind shims down ?

Bill Jensen
Bill Jensen - 21.07.2023 10:03

Great demo - thank you very very much. You do things right and that takes time, experience, intelligence and a whole lot of WANT TO. All of you which you have in spades. I'm assuming there must be an extension for double swing doors - we struggle with the framing irregularities on those the most especially spanning 4', 5' or often 6'. Thank you. Cheers from Wisconsin.

Conor Duffy
Conor Duffy - 15.07.2023 23:47

Can you use this tool for double doors?

Morokei Boethia
Morokei Boethia - 06.07.2023 00:29

Quick question about the Jambmaster / exterior doors. Do you just glue the blocks on top of the rough opening flashing on an exterior door? Was just wondering does the hot glue have any problems sticking to the outter coating of the door flashing.

Anthony Fischer
Anthony Fischer - 09.06.2023 15:03

Well it’s been almost a year now and I think you should do another video on the jambmaster I have since purchased one and l used a Bosch laser measure to check the after router measurements. I guess a 1/16” proud is the goal. How do you prevent the hinge jack stud screws from pulling the jamb inward ?

docfate - 31.05.2023 05:08

What so you do if the floor isn't level?

Dan Huston
Dan Huston - 30.05.2023 06:45

Cool tool! I thought man this is so silly until you got the router out then the lightbulb went off in my head.

Allen Guffey
Allen Guffey - 20.04.2023 02:42

Awsome tool gotta have one great job as always

Ken Dodd
Ken Dodd - 15.04.2023 21:11

Swinging doors is an art if done correctly the amount of doors I’ve seen over the years that have been fitted badly r so numerous of u ask me u have to b a chippy to fit them correctly ( it’s a bit beyond the average diy,er ) especially now with all the fire regs that r imposed on the tolerances with intumescent strips and brush seals and door closers so to allow for these tolerances u rearly do have to think in advance and b very accurate this tool is definitely advantageous in respect of this

ken - 05.04.2023 14:13

nice video

Enrique Mansilla Romero
Enrique Mansilla Romero - 01.04.2023 07:59

"holy cow!!" hahahaha

jl a
jl a - 29.03.2023 17:24

I like it.

Eclectic Gentleman
Eclectic Gentleman - 29.03.2023 01:57

You should try the "Door Stud Pro" it basically does the same thing just a lot faster in a smaller size factor

Alive761 - 26.03.2023 07:11

Thank you, Spencer. Long time watcher and subscriber. Wanted to tell you how much you’ve helped me. Left a job in a completely different industry last year to start an interior trim business. Your knowledge and throughout explanations have given me a great deal of peace with my transition, and helped me be successful. Doors have definitely been quite a learning curve, with each opening presenting a new puzzle to figure out. Just received a Jambmaster on Friday and will use it for the first time in my upcoming house. Developing a system for every thing possible is of paramount importance. Really looking forward to the potential benefits of the tool and increased productivity and quality. Appreciate all your hard work and time more than you can know.

Jerrell Bevers
Jerrell Bevers - 20.03.2023 18:02

I find it kind of hilarious how he claims how hard wedge shims are to use and then commences to use the router to make small wedges out of the wooden blocks he's hot glued onto the cripples. Counterproductive at best. Slam the hinges to the jamb and shim them, then the latch and finish with any discrepancies in the jamb and walk away...

I've framed homes for 30+ years and in my humble opinion this is one of the more wasteful devices I've ever seen. Setting interior doors can be done completely without shims, just using the jambs when you attach them if they're hollow-core doors and they will never be an issue. A level is almost never needed to set a door when the reveal tells you everything you need to know. Especially on interior doors.

I can see how this thing really sells work tho, looks legit and pro-status for sure.

Chris Logue
Chris Logue - 19.03.2023 17:58

I love the shim bin

Avi Ivgi
Avi Ivgi - 19.03.2023 02:13

this is awesome! thanks for sharing.

Wade Cruise
Wade Cruise - 15.03.2023 06:10

Yeah I’m in the 35 year club too, and this tool is a total revelation to me. I totally understand every challenge that is being solved by this thing! Spencer you are so knowledgeable and also a great instructor! Can I come work with you for a while? 😊 I’m new to your vids and I will now be spending a lot of time trying to catch up. Do you get paid every time you say “Jambmaster”? 😅
BTW is that a made in Canada sticker I see on there?

Ta53508 - 12.03.2023 03:44

So how wide of door will it go to? Tks. I like your stuff

Lee Marzahl
Lee Marzahl - 11.03.2023 22:26

Spencer, you ROCK! I absolutely admire your attention to detail! I’ve also have been in construction for a really long time as well & have seen a lot of hacks! Keep up the awesome work! I am 56 years old and have been a high end finish carpenter/woodworker for my entire life. I always say… You are ever to old to learn something new! If you think you know everything, it’s probably time for you to get out of the trades!

Evan Sturzl
Evan Sturzl - 11.03.2023 21:44

I use the same model safety squints as you! I definitely like the concept of this and agree with you about how you can efficiently produce quality results. That's critical to the level of perfection expected in the homes you work on. I'm constantly annoyed (despite the job security it provides) with the opposite end of that spectrum, doors held in by only the Brad nails in the trim. Yes, that's a thing and was in fact how I was told to do it on larger 2500 sf homes when I entered the trades.

I've come to prefer using a middle ground approach. I shimb only three points on ALL doors, top hinge, bottom hinge, and behind the strike plate. I prefer to replace a face screw on the top hinge with a 3.5" #10 whenever I can match it to the original hardware finish. I've seen too many hinge plate screws fail on solid core doors to trust them. If I can't camouflage it though, I'll place it under like you do and typically do that at the other two shimb points.
I've found that those three points are the most critical for supporting and securing the door over time. It also simplifies making adjustments if (or more accurately when) the house settles and shifts. The rest of the jamb is held square to the door with only the trim. It might seem like that's not enough but it's also less likely to cause binding if the framing warps or settles. Kinda like how we never shimb between the header and the jamb...

Anyway, that's my way. Your mileage may vary.

Class Hound
Class Hound - 08.03.2023 12:05

That was fantastic. I loved how I started watching this and then there was a point when the penny suddenly dropped and I could see exactly what you were going to do with this thing. Great tool and well demonstrated. Thank you.

Jonneonut - 06.03.2023 21:53

Holy cats. I never really understood just how functional this tool is! I've seen it and heard it talked about, but I always thought it looked far more complicated than things need to be. Now I really understand, thank you. This gives a really well installed door!

Jonneonut - 06.03.2023 21:15

More addictive that a cordless pinner?!?

Christopher Charles
Christopher Charles - 05.03.2023 06:40

Why do you call those trimmers cripples? Where I've worked "cripples" are the partial studs over or under window or door openings. Also, I can see this tool being great if you're a one-man operation installing more than half a dozen doors solo, but you have to be tight with your framing crew to make that system work. I think if you frame an R/O 1"-1 1/2" larger than your door then you're fine for the shim method.

Thomas Ryan
Thomas Ryan - 04.03.2023 13:10

Now do a video on pricing these jobs

HS - 24.02.2023 21:03

Personally and being a retired finish carpenter, plus seeing the abilities of most finish carpenters that is in the trades today, that contraption and I do mean contraption, would only screw up there abilities to even get one door hung 😅.
What about scissored openings, easy fix if you don’t have a perpendicular wall with in a few inches, is to drift one of the walls to match the other wall. How about when they don’t line up the cripple stud with the king stud and now you have a wall wider than the jamb width? What about a floor that is out of whack ?( hardwoods or tile ) you will need to shorten one of the jamb legs!
I did like the video on skirt boards 👍🏻! And wouldn’t waist my money on that contraption.

Craig J.
Craig J. - 24.02.2023 02:23

I’ll watch the vid but my most addicting tool is so stupid and Ive been doing construction 16 yrs from roofing, framing to now my own kitchen bath finish business but my favorite is the drywall bit lol, even better than my Milwaukee framing gun, or pin nailer!!!😂

mike m
mike m - 23.02.2023 15:53

Made perfect sense.

Rob - 21.02.2023 05:13

At 59 working as a carpenter for 35 yrs these days it's hard to be like him now it's work fast get it done we need to make money off of you it's a shame now to become a carpenter now ot sure I'd get into the trade but allways enjoy Spencer's worked keeps showing younger carpenters the reward for the profession if he can teach younger kids about the enjoyment them maybe we can gain more junior carpenters like him still

Rob Rey
Rob Rey - 16.02.2023 14:11

Spencer, I ordered the jamb master a couple months ago and I'm ready tu use it... May you please share the link for the router template guide, and straight router bit as well. Thanks

Tools are Kool
Tools are Kool - 12.02.2023 20:29

Looks like a great product. Had a hard time finding prices and the correct website to purchase. Jamb these days are getting so cheap I'm lucky to have 5/8" thickness. Do you have to grind off the screw tips on the back of the hinge side to install the door? Do you place the shims so they are not exactly behind the hinge to the top or bottom?

sailorman - 12.02.2023 19:00

I've been a Carpenter for 30 years, and the day I need one of these contraptions to properly set a door , is the day I'm hanging up my tool belt. I've now seen it all.

Ronnie Bagwell
Ronnie Bagwell - 01.02.2023 05:00

Does your shims align up behind the shims. And if so do you put screws through shims

Trim carpentry Orlando fla
Trim carpentry Orlando fla - 28.01.2023 17:45

Waste of time. By the time you got that thing set up, I would’ve had three Doors set perfectly. You are a waste of time. If you need that you need to find something else to do because you are not a carpenter

bassfan41 - 28.01.2023 06:19

I don't understand why framers cant just make their headers a half inch bigger

Gene Parmesan 88
Gene Parmesan 88 - 27.01.2023 09:52

I see how accurate and consistent it can be , but it takes a lot of time for one door…

Spencer should be a carpentry teacher our right a book or something , he’s got skills

sam henderson
sam henderson - 25.01.2023 16:03

Wow. Yeah I get it. Nice tool.

Levi Miller
Levi Miller - 24.01.2023 01:17

I have one of these we purchased for our home remodel. It worked great! When the project is done we will be getting rid of it. If anyone is interested let me know!

Josh Jacobson
Josh Jacobson - 21.01.2023 05:01

Does it extend to the full 8’?

K Pfeiffer
K Pfeiffer - 20.01.2023 15:01

I must be old school as i would already have one or two James installed by the time he even sets that up, and as for cripples being twisted, thats why we use tapered shims lol but i guess for someone that has not done this for 30 yrs go ahead and get one.
