PARKRUN RETURNS! Southampton (SUB 20 5K attempt)

PARKRUN RETURNS! Southampton (SUB 20 5K attempt)

JOG ON with Harry Morgan

3 года назад

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@davidjuson5608 - 31.07.2021 10:26

Great! Good show Harry.
I'd say more, but it's time to lace up and head for the Common.

@paulbarfoot2566 - 31.07.2021 12:25

I was there, can't believe I missed you among the 700 runners lol. Next time...

@Alex-uj4zf - 31.07.2021 12:38

We are not worthy of parkrun or jog on parkrun content 🙏

@barnabybeere1557 - 31.07.2021 13:26

Great video Harry, and a solid run!

@dannybenson3417 - 31.07.2021 13:55

Great video Harry! I wasn’t able to take part in parkrun last week, as i was isolating ,but as i crossed the line this morning, it hit me how much i missed it. Keep up the great work!!

@DoctorPolski - 31.07.2021 14:05

Hey Harry! Mine was the `amazing` mohawk and the rainbow next to me is my beautiful wife Debs. Loving your passion and energy. Stay strong!

@aprilmunday1152 - 31.07.2021 14:05

How wonderful to have a record of last week. I was almost as emotional watching it as I was at the time.

@deanantony8620 - 31.07.2021 14:23

Love this! Can’t wait to get back down to the common for my weekly 5k! Hoping for a sub 30 let alone a sub 20.

@yellowfolder - 31.07.2021 15:50

How do you keep up the talking and cheeriness when you’re basically doing a time trial?! I just want to die and hate the world when I’m pushing that much.

@PROBETTGUITARS - 31.07.2021 16:54

All the best runners have their birthday on October 2nd!

@gmicallef1 - 31.07.2021 17:05

AWESOME VIDEO!!! love your content

@jacksonm.6549 - 31.07.2021 18:03

This was beautiful to watch and made me miss Parkrun even more. Does this mean that normal races are back in the UK?

@HereWeAreRunning - 31.07.2021 18:49

Certainly a great feeling to be back at parkrun. I must add Southampton on to my list for a bit of parkrun tourism. I've done several of the larger ones but not that one yet. Great video, as always and a quick time 👍

@neilwhite4889 - 31.07.2021 19:44

I was back! In fact, in your firm running behind you on the second on the second hill.

@Harrold_monk - 31.07.2021 21:45

Fabulous video Harry!
I originally found your channel while searching for parkrun courses so this is perfect.
I made my return to parkrun today and it was amazing 🧡

@garymitchell277 - 31.07.2021 22:12

Splendiferous and magnifico Harry. 🎯Did Barnstaple today in my green alien suit.👽 got lots of shout outs!. Volunteering next week. Doing my bit. Cheers Gazz and Rileyboy. 🍮

@dsmith8384 - 31.07.2021 23:02

Hi Harry, I have enjoyed 2 weeks of Castle Park parkrun (near Stansted Airport) and it has been truly magical to be back.
Thanks for making this film, it really captured `the return` perfectly and it was really well put together. You are a great storyteller.

@jordyboy49 - 01.08.2021 21:02

You young man! Have just gained yourself another subscriber! Love the style of your videos

@iconcomputing4720 - 02.08.2021 11:11

Still no signs of park run coming back in my area of wales, which sucks as we have 2 :(

@gypsymuffinABZ - 02.08.2021 17:40

Brilliant video! I managed to get back on Saturday. It was emotional after so long!

@6663622 - 07.08.2021 18:32

An interesting video about running. Great job. 👍🏻😊

@edwardaustin6410 - 08.08.2021 23:51

Captures what we all love about parkrun Thanks 😀 🌈

@RunningOffGrid - 09.08.2021 15:16

I finally found some wifi. Nice video Harry, hopefully we will be getting our first Parkrun action soon in Venice.

@Rene_Christensen - 15.08.2021 20:17

Great run. What is your PB?

@peterkirktenor - 02.09.2021 11:35

Beautiful video thanks!

@jerftecimer9690 - 15.09.2021 14:35

I wish I was living somewhere like this, seeing a lot of runners make me sad because I'm the only runner in the area and I feel lonely :/

@danieljanicki1635 - 23.09.2021 19:04

You deserve more subscribers. Excellent video and great running!

@spoilthatsong2544 - 28.09.2021 10:28

Great video. Just started doing parkrun and I really look forward to doing it every week.

@isaacplays9881 - 28.10.2021 11:33

Great run mate, quick question what sports watch you using to track the time of each kilometre?

@rosiepalmer7359 - 08.04.2022 03:42

How beautiful is it that community is formed, and people are motivated to attend, by the urge to cheer on both complete strangers and close family alike

@brucecrawford649 - 21.07.2022 00:24

Crazy how fast you ran while holding a camera the whole time lol

@nightknight2790 - 13.06.2023 17:22

Great content keep it up btw i have the same birthdate as you

@antonioloza5762 - 14.07.2024 05:29

No way, we have the same birthday.

@h0ckeyd - 05.11.2024 00:18

You even managed to get Gareth briefly in it! The man is a legend.

@kerrypowell38 - 31.07.2021 13:07

Fabulous video! The perfect way to celebrate the return of parkrun! 😊
