Is Furina Still Good in Natlan? (Ask Jello Furina, Updated Guide)

Is Furina Still Good in Natlan? (Ask Jello Furina, Updated Guide)

Jello Impact

4 дня назад

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@twinktane - 24.02.2025 00:48

I use harbinger of dawn for my xiao team

@masterjedicat - 24.02.2025 02:55

Great video! Thanks for responding to my comment!

@dabry5 - 24.02.2025 03:15

im gonna take the flip for furina c4 and then hopefully get, then pull on whatever banner iansan is on and hope to get a bunch and surely i'll find a 5 star i wouldn't mind.

@StanTheWoz - 24.02.2025 03:21

The issue with "pull supports around the specific teams you want to use" is priorities can and will change over time, sometimes before you can even complete a full "best in slot team". Someone might pull a new character because they liked their visual design or their personality in the story only to realize they really don't like how that character plays a few patches later, or they're too weak, etc. And they might totally change their priorities on what they want to use. I went through this to some extent early on in my account and I'm sure many other people did as well.

I agree with "Furina is not a must pull character", she's not an amazing 10/10 unit on every account. That's definitely correct. However, characters exist along a spectrum from more generalist/flexible to more niche/specific, and Furina is a stronger generalist than just about any other limited five star other than Xilonen. She's best in slot in many teams and she's almost best in slot in many more teams. If someone initially decides they want to main, say, Gaming, pulls Citlali to use with him, then a few months later they decide they don't like plunge teams, there's a decent chance they just won't have a good team to use their Citlali on. (Or Xianyun, etc., any more niche specific support can fall into this). This is a downside that Furina and Xilonen don't have to anywhere near that same extent and is absolutely a factor in pull value for any account without an abundance of characters or infinite money to spend getting new ones.

@hentaihav3n - 24.02.2025 03:31

i dont have citlali, would furina be better for my mauvika xilonen team, or should i use a cryo with mavuika instead?

@Tithulta1 - 24.02.2025 04:37

I have too many "Good" characters, AR45 and a ton of level 80. Currently farming to raise my primary team to 90 once i do my ascension. Raiden, Bennett, Furina and Xilonen...and also Muavica, Navia and a couple others so I have something of a flexible team at 90 while I rebuild my favorites. I have many of the meta SS S and A tier characters, not every one, but most.

@arthena2130 - 24.02.2025 05:04

On c2 the difference between hydro goblet and hp is not very big, so unless the substats are comparable, hp is still better.

@arthena2130 - 24.02.2025 05:25

I wonder how c2 Raiden, c2 Furina, Sigewine and Nahida for a team as a quick bloom dps Raiden? I love those characters, so want them in a team. But I have struggled with c0 Raiden and c0 Furina. Epically against hydro immune enemies. Will that disappear with c2 Raiden and c2 Furina?

@Aegis_Paradise - 24.02.2025 05:49

Furina walking on water is one the main selling points for me. I absolutely hate traversing where there is water. But now I no longer have to. She’s also my strongest healer outside of Jean but she has more use than Jean so she stays in my overworld teams

@Crisalpha - 24.02.2025 08:20

OK but it's STILL unclear. You say don't pull if you have Mualani / Arle etc on the 2nd side. But WHO are the buffers then? All top buffers go to Mavuika (Citlali, Bennet, Xilonen), PLEASE, WHO is the other team made of? WHO?

This is making me go mental, I've been watching you for ages, you say you take Abyss into account, but you always talk about the meta like it's ONE team, not TWO. If the endgame requires 2 teams, then meta is 2 teams, not 1. Yeah, you say Neuvi team but then you proceed to give NO other info on the 2nd side and what it could consist of - Neuvi & Furina & who (since it can't be Xilonen & Kazuha, Xilonen goes to Mavuika)? Mualani with who? Arle with who? Yeah you can pair them with anybody and get some numbers, but who's their best team when their best buffers are taken?

What good does it do me when your rankings and discussions overlap the buffers. LIke "20 teams use Mavuika". OK, but I can't use her in both sides, which means I just picked your top team and eliminated everything else. Then proceed to eliminate all teams with Bennet and Citlali and Xilonen too, because they're on the 1 side with Mavuika. And then? Have you ever checked your rankings and see if you have anything left that's relevant anymore?

WHY are you treating meta as ONE team instead of TWO? When your choice of criteria is Abyss?

@Haik0 - 24.02.2025 08:53

Why wouldn't you want a healer in the Nuviliet team? She drains the HP from the rest of the team there, how is that optimal?

@JoelLim-rd9wl - 24.02.2025 08:54

I have to know does furina works well with chasca since both my premium healers (benny and xilonen) is in my other team(mavuika citlali benny xilonen) and i like playing chasca (i dun have kazuha btw)

@jacobanderson6114 - 24.02.2025 09:09

I started playing last July during a Furina banner and pulled for her before I really even knew what I was doing. Crazy looking back on how significant that was for my account lol

@zeid1172 - 24.02.2025 10:05

Thank you 🙏

@xShame_less - 24.02.2025 10:14


I was planning to pull furina c2 (currently c1) BUT NOW I AM NOT SURE. My current mains are neuvillette (c2 r2) and arlecchino (c1r0+homa) but i am lowkey planning on changing her to mavuika. Also i have xilonen c0r1. BUT i dont have either mavuika or citlali (but i have their weapons lmao). So my top priorities are getting mavuika and citlali but i also plan on someday getting xilonen c2 and mayby mavuika c1 or c2 and citlali c2. So i am now debating if i should pull furina c2 or maybe use those primos to pull cons on xilonen? IDK HELP

@lionriver9126 - 24.02.2025 10:46

Furina cons: 3rd best hydro character for bloom, burgeon, hyperbloom teams. Gives 50% dmg buff, does alot of hydro dmg, helps with fountain puzzles, walks on water.
Furina downsides: her buff isnt as strong as other characters so you might as well use them over her(e.g xilonen cinder city, mona with ttds *only for atk scaling characters*, Bannett with nobless *only for atk scaling characters*). Her hp drain will make you vulnerable to being oneshotted by bosses (happens to many times to be ignored). You are gonna want a healer on the team in order to effectively get the 50% dmg buff from furina, so if you wanna bring yelan, xiangling, kazuha furina, your gonna have to have one for a healer or else you might as well play yelan, xiangling, kazuha, bannett for better gameplay. But due to her dmg and hydro application she is widely used, THOUGH she is kinda slowly falling off as current characters would rather use other characters than her (like I mentioned earlier newer characters use mona, benny, xilonen, citali*for pyro or freeze teams only*) hopefully i didnt make someone question about getting furina bc she still is amazing

@berltrin5565 - 24.02.2025 11:05

Which team's better
Furina Baizhu Xiangling Mualani
Candace Xilonen Xiangling Mualani?

@Arlecchinoenthusiast - 24.02.2025 12:17

I'm not gonna lie, ever since citlali came out my furina has been seeing the light of day less and less 😭

@ealwenmz - 24.02.2025 14:02

A character that was once the best unit can't ever become bad💀 Hoyo wouldn't ever let that happen.

@superherofan9425 - 24.02.2025 16:51

Thank you for the vid and the answers Jello! This was actually pretty informative. I think I'll want c1 Furina someday for myself, but unfortunately I don't think it will work this rerun, since I want to try for as many Iansan cons as I can. I've been waiting for Iansan a long time, and every four star I get before her is a four star that could have been a Iansan. Next time though for sure for Fufu.

Hope you'll enjoy the rest of your day!

@elijahbotha470 - 24.02.2025 17:01

Furina C2 vs Xilonen C2
Who's better?

@wolf0151 - 24.02.2025 18:02

Can you do this with wriothesley too?

@Bandangosw - 24.02.2025 22:16

I use furina, mavuika, wriotsley , and nahia/Bennett/ Chaska

@Bandangosw - 24.02.2025 22:57

Can I also do xilonen, furina, and bennet for neveillete or wriotsley?

@jacobwhittaker6241 - 25.02.2025 01:09

I have C2 Arle and C1 Furina and Furina sucks with Arle....... lol Maybe if you build a bunch of ER with Arle it might work so you can heal up but it basically makes Arle extremely vulnerable.

@Kitaros_Anxious - 25.02.2025 02:58

is Furina is still Lyney's best teammate?

@MrBigBazinga - 25.02.2025 05:13

Furina buffs my Eula. Mauvika does not. Case closed.

@amazinggeologist455 - 25.02.2025 05:41

Sigewinne + furina is the best combo idc

@ChhiringSherpa-ty1hl - 25.02.2025 08:59

Im getting her since im a neuvullite main and also like her as a character only problem is she is hydro I can’t kill those slimes my team will be nevi furina xilonen and maybe fischil what should use instead of fischil 4 star only

@RafaelAAMerlo - 25.02.2025 14:43

I really missed a lot the mention to 2 of the only 3 Limited 5* I have: Nahida and Baizhu (the third is Yelan). How Furina works with them? My other built characters are Kuki Shinobu, Fischl, Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu and Rosaria.

@Ibwidana - 25.02.2025 18:33

As a veteran day one genshin player who observes the rise and downfall of Genshin creator, Jello's take on Furina finally shows the first sign of a downwards trend.

I'm too old for breaking down the reason. But this is basically Jinjinx Tuna 2.0.

@JankatÖzbağ - 25.02.2025 19:56

bro my furina is c0 r1 crowned(skill) lvl 9 burst and she outdamages my neuvi(he is kinda built bad but still!) she does like 200k im so happy❤❤❤❤

@rickyboycarballo314 - 26.02.2025 01:16

Is furina good with Clorinde? I only have bennet and Jean as my healer. Thanks!

@shadowwalker4633 - 26.02.2025 04:10

Citlali is a bit better but furina still for Xiao and Neuvi

@alessandrosarati - 26.02.2025 05:20

completely f2p whats better for clorinde ? furina c0 or xilonen c0 dont have them but i like to play my clorinde yelan togheter i dont want to waste all my primos..i know both are amazing but at c0 whats the best pick just asking .also no garanteed. =(

@Nerwen_331 - 26.02.2025 09:57

Did NOT expect that 'nyma iei' in a genshin vidéo...burated in tears of joy and nostalgia 😊😢😢

@arcann_de - 26.02.2025 16:03

thank you very much for the amount of effort you´ve put in this video! <3

@71775926 - 26.02.2025 18:34

Seeing how you got the pronunciation of Khaj-Nisut correct, just keep in mind the Wenut is the same idea (Way-Noot)

@meow..4442 - 26.02.2025 21:18

Furina is good everywhere she is one of the best character in genshin impact now, before and forever🗿🗿

@Diethyl419 - 26.02.2025 22:05

What about a f2p hyperbloom with keqing, dendro traveler, and maybe Barbra

@DemonSlayerCR - 26.02.2025 23:23

Furina is emotion

@sillylaeti - 27.02.2025 03:42

as someone who is not super into meta i love the advice you give on it and also the fun ideas inbetween :P great work man

@Goshenaito - 27.02.2025 09:55

I'd like Furina eventually cuz she's a strong generalist and I like her character, but I think I'll skip this time around. I only started playing since Natlan and have every Natlan character but Kinich, and the only character I'd currently use Furina with is Chasca. But I'm not sure if getting Chasca's BiS is worth more than a brand new team (like Varesa or potentially Skirk), if I already have Mavuika+Citlali and Mualani as teams. So I guess my question is, does Chasca NEED Furina to be competitive? Or is she just fine without her?

@intensegaming9256 - 28.02.2025 07:00

None of my dps need furina im still pulling with my guaranteed

@chakib7781 - 28.02.2025 20:55

Omg you read my comment ❤

@nighturkey99 - 01.03.2025 21:51

Thank you for this vid! I was genuinely gonna pull for Furina because I really like her as a character! But I main arle and mavuika and this vid convinced me to wait for Xilonen!

@Kisutu - 02.03.2025 17:10

I have no place in my teams currently for furina, but I really like her so furina is my healer, just so that I can have her in the team 😂

@goldentype - 02.03.2025 17:44

I get her to C2 & BIS wpn becasue I want to pets to do damage , while my main DPS even more damage. pets can do abt 20k, burst 50k , vape 80k(w xilonen)

@WhoAmI_1596 - 04.03.2025 10:21

Ayaka, layla(noblesse), kokomi (healing artifact of smth) and furina(tenacity). Is it good? Supposed to be a kind of freeze team
