Kenny Ausubel - Hoxsey and How Healing Becomes a Crime | Bioneers

Kenny Ausubel - Hoxsey and How Healing Becomes a Crime | Bioneers


4 года назад

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@atlejohanlvaas4498 - 08.07.2020 23:03

This is 20 years old.

@jackiwilson1489 - 13.07.2020 21:23

I am the great niece of Harry a Hoxsey!!so proud to be a Hoxsey!!

@ndotch - 19.07.2020 13:12

What is the name of the featured film?

@hannahrosa5485 - 07.08.2020 01:34

An AIDS virus has never been isolated. The tests are ripe with inaccuracies. TY for sharing. His predictions couldn't be further than the truth.

@clarityofmind7317 - 14.08.2020 22:03

Harry Hoxie, Marie Caisse (Essiac Tea) and others were great benefactors of mankind and were all suppressed… Notice how ANYTHING that benefits the general American public is suppressed, rejected, destroyed?🤑🤮🤮🤮

@nickmoro4045 - 01.01.2021 09:41

The bustling objective bailly whine because seashore metrically complete aboard a towering structure. grateful gratis, different slash

@Bayonet-Taboo - 01.05.2021 07:40

that one guy that gave a thumbs down... I got something for you

@DrewPicklesTheDark - 12.05.2021 19:31

There is tons of money in research and treatments, there is little money in cures.

@annekhanh-van4744 - 27.07.2021 07:02

Hi Kenny, I am a true believer in medicine from nature as well and I’ve been reading about Hoxsey’s contributions to humanity and felt so grateful for us to have Hoxsey and Cayce came on this earth. Thank you for making this video and sharing with us. It’s powerful. We need to do everything in our capability to protect and treasure what Hoxsey left for us and continue his legacy, as well as Mildred and Liz’s work. Work of God. ❤️

@luisloya1120 - 29.08.2021 03:31

The A.M.A. & F.D.A. are both Diabolical. Millions of deaths on their bloody hands.

@timothychamberlin6985 - 24.09.2021 06:59

God bless you....

@sislertx - 30.11.2021 17:13

Anybody who has watched the fauci crap knows those people are insane....drunk on power and lie lie im not surprised at all...

@3373-g8z - 26.12.2021 02:05

If people bothered looking at the Chronology, they can see that "Someone", knew of plans to force unnecessary vaccines on humanity at least 20 years ago. How can a government that attempted to outlaw Raw Milk
(Consumed for thousands of years), and make Organic gardening a Felony, SUDDENLY
CARE about your health. After 9/11, how on Earth can you believe these assholes?

@3373-g8z - 26.12.2021 02:10

ALL the actions by the Pharmaceutical/Medical industry, were obviously part of a plan, NOW coming to fruition. Injecting humans with technology they DO NOT understand.

@jeanettawithwhomihaveagood1681 - 03.01.2022 08:46

I wonder if Fishbine is related to Bill Gates and Fauci.

@joanhoffmann871 - 16.01.2022 03:48

So this is 20 years old and we haven't seen one bit of progress. Big pharma is worse. But I believe every word. We have to do our own research. After watching the cancer establishment torture my mom, I will never believe a word they say.

@Jugivadi - 25.03.2022 19:55

The primary problem is that the medical industry is locked in to chemo and radiation and it’s a business as usual mindset. They need cancer it’s their life’s blood. You realize that surgeons of old didn’t see any point in washing their hands prior surgery. Can we really trust this industry, they revel in what they don’t know.

@deanamartinez9732 - 06.08.2022 01:53

everyone has a right to decide what they do or do not want in their bodies should not be up to our goverment , if we decide we want natural remedies its our buisness, if we want to vaccinate our bodies or not thats our buisness.what this all boils down to is i am not a guinea pig to man made drugs , i do not consent to my body being a test dummy or allow corporations to use me for profit , healthy or unhealthy.

@AnbroBR - 08.09.2022 19:11

Another very worthwhile video to watch is "Cancer: The Forbidden Cures." This particular video was produced by Massimo Mazucco, an award-winning documentary producer. Also do some research on Royal Raymond Rife's "Rife Machine."

@billdell3051 - 20.09.2022 21:13

Cancer is one of the most Horrible diseases and if Anyone or Organisation is holding back a Potential Cure they must have a special place in Hell waiting for them.

@lucuspreston7292 - 24.10.2022 17:07

I’m not surprised, in a capitalist society, medical treatment is more profitable than medical cures. We need to reset the system. I’m beside myself. This was in the 90s! SOMEBODY USE THIS INFORMATION AND CURE CANCER ALREADY!!!!!!!!!111!1!one!!11!!!

@albertomartinez714 - 13.11.2022 23:11

Anyone know where to find the 1988 film Hoxsey: How Healing Becomes a Crime?

@macjones3522 - 22.11.2022 21:03

Fix our tap water stop poisoning our crops quit spraying our air scapes

@macjones3522 - 22.11.2022 21:03

Health care will become obsolete

@timmyodaley1411 - 05.12.2022 08:03

Thank you.....

@bettydiazflores8147 - 18.12.2022 02:37

If Bill Gates and or Gorge Soros supports it...I am out,! No thank you!

@joeynowak8499 - 11.01.2023 00:26

amen,,, 1776,,, thank you,,

@tomjordan5832 - 12.02.2023 00:42

Magnificent !!!! Thank you !!!! Capt. Tom

@genesispirela7482 - 13.02.2023 20:35

I need to know the medicen that hoxie use .for a children that has a tumor .

@mikedavison3400 - 16.02.2023 13:40

Comparing someone to Mother Teresa is not a compliment. She consigned many to lives of wretched poverty because of her stance against the use of any form of birth control. Christopher Hitchens said more than once that every society that gave women reproductive choice over their bodies saw a marked increase in health.

@madamoisellec4721 - 02.04.2023 18:09

Great job of presenting the info on Hoxsey, but his prediction for medical freedom was way off the path. Interesting comments about Soros back then and everybody clapped for that creature. People have no idea that Soros and Gates and all of their ilk are working towards their new world order that will not include medical freedom nor any freedom whatsoever for the public, only the so-called Elite will have freedom.

Next on the agenda is the 15-minute City and I'm sure people will comply with that BS also.

@lydiamcmahancason - 19.05.2023 23:34

As a naturopathic doctor myself, I am totally convinced of the healing modes in nature.
However, and although I wish it were true, the comment that alternative doctors’ clientele surpassed traditional medical doctors in 1997 is not factual.
Although the waiting room time in traditional practices in 1997 was much less than it is in present day, it was still around 30 minutes and the waiting area was packed out, even as it is today. Just a small town would usually have at least two or three medical doctors in which every office was packed out. And at that time you would have to go to the larger towns or the city to even find an alternative practitioner which would possibly have up to three people in the waiting area.
I’m so thankful these alternative practitioners are becoming more prevalent today, and hopefully will surpass traditional medicine in the near future but that has not happened as of yet.

@danieltrickey9285 - 10.06.2023 17:48

This is similar to the Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla story. Edison going on the road and electrocuting elephants to prove AC current was deadly.

@frankbass2028 - 24.07.2023 13:33

I personally know a 40 plus years old woman who completely got cured of type 4 leukemia in 2 or 3 years it the Bio Medical Center in Tijuana Mexico her treatment was from 2018-to 2021 give or take a year bottom line she is in full recovery NO CHEMO NO RADIATION This Works

@raymondsaldana9519 - 01.08.2023 19:48

Tremendous information. Share this everywhere!

@sirellyn - 22.08.2023 09:47

Disgree on the government providing money for alternative care.
All it has to do is lower restrictions. At this point get rid of the FDA, it does far more harm than good. Open up nearly any company to produce pharma products. You can still sue for harm obviously.

@sirellyn - 22.08.2023 11:24

Great. So what is the ACTUAL recipe for this therapy?

@rogerscottcathey - 29.10.2023 09:07

The enormous resistance was mounted by the Rockefellers. Fishbein and many others were Rockefeller minions.

@stringslinger6 - 08.02.2024 23:56

George Soros is a Nazi collaborator. Hates America. Hates freedom and basically hates people. The only time he says something vaguely wholesome and altruistic is when he has a backdoor scheme to screw someone over, take away your freedom or to enrich himself. He is like the cold snake that asked the little girl to warm him up and promised not to bite. But when he was warm he bit the little girl anyway. "Why did you bite me?" asked the girl. "I'm a snake. That's what we do." Soros is that snake.

@feliciamccarron300 - 29.02.2024 04:50

Download this before it's gone

@kellyfeltzer5402 - 23.04.2024 02:55

Soros is a snake!

@Leann68 - 18.06.2024 20:47

I’ve never seen a Hispanic person with cancer ,, thank you.

@BuddhistZenDave - 04.07.2024 20:22

The quote about alternative medicine from wikipedia is so mind boggling wrong.
"Alternative medicine is any practice that aims to achieve the healing effects of medicine despite lacking biological plausibility, testability, repeatability or evidence of effectiveness."

@JamalFuckinKilla - 23.07.2024 18:44

Dick Gregory was talking ablut this and they called him crazy. He even had the patent number they used and never took it to market. Sebi had receipts. Turtle Mountain gives you all you need to be healthy.

@Vigiliantez - 22.08.2024 20:53

What’s the formula?
