Is The Catholic Church a Force for Evil?

Is The Catholic Church a Force for Evil?

Brian Holdsworth

7 месяцев назад

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@ramiusstorm5664 - 14.03.2024 03:55

Jesus is Lucifer the Roman church is the world government and behind the Great Reset. The church invented science academia, and lies about Outer-Space.

@sidanx7887 - 14.03.2024 04:43

Well I’m no longer shocked so we may have a problem

@davidjolley9271 - 14.03.2024 06:59

Based on what I currently seeing being taught and accepted by Roman Catholics towards young people, yes because it is in conflict with clear biblical teachings and church traditions. Issues include abortion in the positive, homosexuality (again in the positive), climate change, and the lack of need towards repentance as long as you are in the accepted political class which conflicts with the gospel itself just the name a few. If Roman Catholics actually cared for people, then many parish priests would be placing their members under discipline, and some of them would be placed on discipline as well, instead of being elevated for their clear violations of God's law as accepted traditionally by both Jews and Christians alike, regardless of historical traditions. This goes towards cardinals as well. The evil will one day be addressed by God, since many in leadership do not wish to address it within their own community. Young people need to know God's law and the bible based on Matthew 28. And since I am the enemy for believing and saying that by those who represent Rome then I am forced to call you all out for being a force of evil. This is not based on theological difference like the mass or the Eucharist or church government.

@frederickanderson1860 - 14.03.2024 07:46

No other foundation is laid than the sons of Israel,they not been replaced by Roman universal authority.

@pemcortes9467 - 14.03.2024 08:32

Good Catholics never publicize their good works. Its just not Catholic to brag. The good works are just so common place, its taken for granted. In other cultures, the taken for granted works would amaze people.

@piface3016 - 15.03.2024 04:53

My vision of the Church is that it's a beacon of light, the body of Christ, an institution that brings God to people. Not only in the purely religious sense of spreading the word, but also by way of actions, by doing God's will though acts of charity.
It certainly was a beacon of light in my life, bringing me out of a darkness, and I think it's undeniable that this was its effect in the World as well.

The Church's effect on history was essentially as an incubator for the modern world -- the technology and universalism that her critics love so much. The Church as an institution gave birth to the scientific revolution -- not only physically through universities, but also metaphysically through its metaphysics. The body of Christ gave birth to the ideals of the Enlightenment, to the point that its most famous documents opens by saying "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are (created) equal."
Even when I was an Atheist, I used to look at Christianity with gratitude rather than disdain. I believe that a sincere look at history, raised as truly secular rather than anti-theist, would give this view.

However, you have to realize that sometimes people's experience with Christianity is different. Rather than a beacon of light that shows you Godliness, it truly is oppressive. In Southern America, Christianity is none of those things: It's not open to science, open to truth, it's a tribal identity that you take to distinguish you from the world. A cave of darkness that you retreat to, instead of a beacon of light that shines on everybody.

If that's what they're referring to, I can understand thinking that Christianity is a force for evil. But in these cases, it's a deturpation of Christianity, a misunderstanding of it.

@andrewmica1914 - 15.03.2024 13:43

THE CATHOLIC church has lost its way most definitely under Francis...
Soooo much confusion so many people no longer know what to believe.
Francis has endorsement of SIN ...
Betrayal of scripture.

@johnpglackin345 - 15.03.2024 17:08

Right now the Church's leadership is a force for evil.

@debbiedouglas5516 - 15.03.2024 23:53

Sede Vacante is the only Catholic position to hold.

@JNF-SATX - 16.03.2024 07:05

Fully take these points! However the Church can become complicit to an “exception” when there’s a systemic cover up to protect itself and not God’s word.
That’s why the initial responses to abuse scandals (Catholic and Protestant) caused such damage. When accountability has demonstrably failed, it casts a pall of suspicion over the good shepherds. It’ll take generations to rebuild that trust again.

@MM22272 - 17.03.2024 06:23

Exceptionally well articulated!

@wendyleeconnelly2939 - 20.03.2024 03:29

I've subscribed because I learn the most from immersing myself in opposing views day and night.

@nj5023 - 24.03.2024 17:10

No it’s not. I’m so tired of this forced division in the world. We need to stop doing this. Catholics are saints as well.

@grit1679 - 31.03.2024 19:56

This video feels like a Catholic pep rally. The Catholic Church has been doing a lot of evil for a very, very long time.

@JohnnyJackson746 - 05.04.2024 13:38

Yes. Catholicism and protestantism and in fact all of religion is evil.

@untoldhistory2800 - 06.04.2024 11:21

Read the book ‘The Great Contorversy’ it changed my life

@MartyMcFly1085 - 07.04.2024 01:39

Damn, I was initially excited because I thought you agreed with the truth that Catholicism is repugnant, I should have known better. If the cult is holding you hostage, send us a message by shaving your beard and we will call a search party.

@Callmethebreeze902 - 12.04.2024 11:43

And why do they just chastise us? They don’t Scientology, LDS/FLDS/AUB, Seventh day Adventists, Zoroastrians, Methodists, Presbyterians, IBLP, Jehova’s Witnesses - they are only obsessed and fixated on us.

@bearmore - 13.04.2024 13:59

Thousands of victims across the globe by the hands of vile priests are not fact enough that CC is pure evil? From top to bottom, it is rotten. We are only looking at the past 50 years. If one digs deeper into history, it has always been Satan's puppet.

@James_Wisniewski - 19.04.2024 06:06

Maybe we should organize the news by how it reflects reality instead of highlighting the rare, exceptional, and usually negative stuff. Of course, as long as journalism is a profit-motivated venture, that's never going to happen. In fact, it's pretty rare that anything good comes of people doing things solely to seek profit.

@simonjohnwright5129 - 29.04.2024 16:49

When John on the Isle of Patmos received his vision from our LORD Jesus Christ, and was asked to describe it in his own words, how would he write that he saw the son of man flying in an aeroplane. Maybe He is coming on the clouds of heaven???

@matthieuhordynski5384 - 30.04.2024 10:09

The Church is the institution responsible for the West. Without Her there would not be a Western civilization. It's as simple as that. Atheists and other anti-catholics of all sorts can argue however and whatever they want, the Church has forged every aspect of the West.

@shiftylad9938 - 04.05.2024 13:12

The greatest trick the devil did was to convince the world he didn’t exist.
Catholic Church seems to be almost his church in plain view.

@Noctuavida - 08.05.2024 12:59

It’s called virtue, and no church on this planet has any. Idolatry is not a virtue, wanting a cookie for being good to people is not a virtue.

@lervish1966 - 18.05.2024 16:52


@HarryNicNicholas - 18.05.2024 17:49

more crap. do a decent video one day please.

@KMartin-jf5kw - 20.05.2024 14:22

It's pure evil

@enriquetaborda8521 - 21.05.2024 15:54

That debate (if you refer to the one featuring Stephen Fry and the other very eloquent militant atheist) was insanely dishonest, a pathetic circus. The choice of debaters itself was clearly designed to misrepresent the Church.

@alexponce8093 - 11.06.2024 06:22

The Catholic Church is evil

@hk-jo3tm - 15.06.2024 00:48

Rampant child molestation seems to be the "norm" in the catholic church and I would argue that most people are no longer shocked to hear it occurring routinely with the catholic church often aiding and abetting the molesters to molest again and again.

@deece1482 - 18.06.2024 02:45

What about the cathars? What about constantinople? What about the knights templar?

@jarvistech7408 - 29.06.2024 14:18

You're goddamned right it is!!!!!

@jarvistech7408 - 29.06.2024 14:23

Whatever. You can make excuses for your apostasy, but the Catholic church sends billions to hell with their false Jesus, and their false gospel, and their idolatry.

@S.D.323 - 06.07.2024 06:32


@dexterfrancisvandort5458 - 08.07.2024 18:26

I do agree with most of what you say but as a Catholic we must hold the church to a higher standard. I believe what journalist do in exposing the wrongdoings of the church, will ultimately make the church better and closer to its ideal. Lets not cover up, admit our failings and strive harder.

@19AGJ86 - 23.07.2024 03:46

The catholics probably do a lot of good, but they'll still lead one to hell. It's satans church. Satan will do good if he can deceive you while doing it! The roman catholic chur h is wicked!

@brendantindall805 - 24.07.2024 05:30

Basically people get shocked by the extent, not because it’s rare

@getbusyliving144 - 01.08.2024 17:39

satans masterpiece is the roman catholic church.

@richardbenitez1282 - 09.08.2024 13:42

Where are you getting these stupid headlines? You mean I have to listen to this to find out?

@Angel-Azrael - 08.09.2024 16:24


@KMartin-jf5kw - 23.09.2024 07:19

Just look up the list of dictators and you'll see that a huge amount of them come from a Catholic background

@robertmccown7525 - 23.09.2024 15:34

Satan created a religion just to mock Jesus Christ's mother. And you know one of God's many titles is (long-suffering). What you don't know is there is a time limit on that title. And it is about to end. "Come out of her My people" Jesus
Robert McCown

@ArnoldBoss-v7p - 02.10.2024 11:09

Jest złem

@PARZIVAL.86 - 09.10.2024 03:46


@heathsavage4852 - 09.10.2024 09:38

Brian, I love your videos. They are so well researched and calmly delivered. Excellent. You are such an asset to our Mother Church.

@tombarr949 - 11.10.2024 07:49

Abuse in the church is rare, not a common trait? I did some checking to the Roman Catholic churches that I attended and lived by and my school and other Roman schools in the same area. I found some abuse at each institution. And it's not uncommon to find out that a priest had been moved around and some times shipped off to the country of origin when caught abusing children.
