*First Impression* North Pole Peppermint Mocha Sutliff pipe tobacco review #ytpc

*First Impression* North Pole Peppermint Mocha Sutliff pipe tobacco review #ytpc

The Piping Brew Nerd

54 года назад

111 Просмотров

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@ronhardcrackers6969 - 12.12.2022 23:17

I would keep the bag inside the car as holiday car freshener or inside the house as holiday potpourri while seeing if it would dry or if you decided you didn't want to smoke the rest.

@twanbutler692 - 13.12.2022 18:22

Man that stuff will clear your sinuses. It's great tho I did add alil chocolate tobacco to it kinda taste like peppermint hot chocolate

@SmokingCardboard - 14.12.2022 17:53

Yeah, not sure that is like it. But makes sense some might. Happy smokes
