Ollie Ollerton - Full Interview with the Mulligan Brothers

Ollie Ollerton - Full Interview with the Mulligan Brothers

Mulligan Brothers Interviews

4 года назад

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@Lord.Mac3 - 04.09.2022 20:19

This is so so good. I listen to it like literally all the time💯💯💥💥💥

@robertvonschumann7297 - 19.09.2022 14:51

Greatest interview of all time, great work you ve done in Thailand ❤❤❤ Thank you for your service bro 🤌❤ One thing Ollie, did you get back with your son after Irak?

@pi3ladbd417 - 26.09.2022 08:36

I carnt believe Gary windas from coronation Street is interviewing wow

@rockytroiani4223 - 01.10.2022 20:12

Absolutely amazing pod cast one I connected with understood and felt. Well done guys and Ollie what a truly sincere soul that delivers feeling from his journey in life that also delivers truth of our potential as human beings. Loved this well done all.

@adrianmcgachie - 15.10.2022 00:30

I always enjoy these interviews, whilst they often discuss dark subjects at times, I marvel at the intelligence of all the guest speakers and the wisdom and motivation they impart. Always a pleasure to watch.

@mc5589 - 17.10.2022 22:54

This man is unreal 👍🏾👌🏾

@rawvizion4125 - 10.11.2022 13:37

This man is soft on 3 years now I have been in this flow of thought. After 29 years of negative thinking. I'm unraveling my true self and its amasing

@mikehunt4018 - 18.11.2022 22:35

Glen is a twat ,don’t be a glen 🤯🙄

@carlanthonyholmes2162 - 27.11.2022 15:24

Have some relatives of friends that stormed the beaches at Normandy in WW2. They didn't write novels or did TV, or made careers out of their service. They just served and went home,,,,,,, or not.

@theresajack1646 - 28.11.2022 19:03

Thanks Thanks stopping by.... great rest fight week, great fun this, left being what, so etching. Couched at by every fucjin woman possible in the changing room. Triggering manipulation.. go stand where the car says lab, drives away, what is it u want me to do... cus uve just left me high an dry with no idea ... again

@I_like_bacon_well_done - 30.11.2022 18:23

I can't tolerate all the adverts. 8 so far and 3 in 10 minutes. Cheers for putting this stuff out there though.

@Happyheart146 - 13.12.2022 11:16

I have learned more from this man, than all of my psychiatrists, family, friends and every person I've ever met put together. Thank you for this wisdom. My life is going to change for the better.

@martinmasey7453 - 20.12.2022 20:38

Superb Chat Gentlemen. Watching this was a synchronicity for myself, as what Ollie is saying ties in with the Esoteric stuff I watch about the holographic magneto-electric reality, remote viewing and lost knowledge of our capabilities- verily, we are a species with amnesia. Nice one, Oliver!

@nathanlynch5002 - 21.12.2022 06:40

I'm from Burton on Trent 😮

Hearing Ollie, an SAS soldier talking about his experiences in Burton caught me off guard..

@nicky-pn3pj - 25.12.2022 01:37

Ant's, Billy's and Ollies Books are amazing. lots who are youre loosing them as its not pushed

@DJ-vh2uh - 26.12.2022 13:57

Special forces guys seem to always have a great insight into the human condition. Raw and honest.

@regmorton2389 - 06.01.2023 22:55

One of the best descriptions of someone's mind I've ever heard. Epic. This man is something correct.

@mariamcdonough2431 - 31.01.2023 17:39

That was a premonition...

@anniemac7545 - 13.02.2023 06:49

I have to agree with Ollie regarding visualisation.....and I have listened to Kenneth Goddard's lectures who says that God is our visualisation there is no external god, it lives in each of us. This should be done with the feeling, as well as the visualisation. It does work, it happened in a huge way for me twice. We are our own gods. Great interview.

@Alex.1739 - 20.02.2023 19:06

Eh? 100k in two weeks is nothing

@rachaelmiles8233 - 01.03.2023 02:58

Hello, RMTGB is a very good school, Royal Masonic Trust for Boys and Girls, or Rachael Miles Trusts Great Britain. £3,000.00 a term, elite. I like the SAS and I've devoted myself to James and I love him.

@rachaelmiles8233 - 01.03.2023 03:01

Tell me how I can get over a Royal Marine, RM breaching protocol and compromising Duke and Duchess of Argyll.

@rachaelmiles8233 - 01.03.2023 03:08

I dated a RM, Steve Jobs died, he showed me private quarters of Duke and Duchess of Argyll, beastility as well, idiot.

@rachaelmiles8233 - 01.03.2023 03:13

I know 188 Presidents.

@rachaelmiles8233 - 01.03.2023 03:19

Do you know crown prince of saudia rabia, he has 132 trillion usd, isn't that good.

@karelpeeters1994 - 08.03.2023 17:43

Simply mindblowing! By far one of the best interviews I have ever heard. It combines everything I encountered in my life about how to lead your life by giving it purpose through buddhist teachings, avatar, what Jesus Christ really came to teach us here: using your mind to create things instead of living a life of fear to fall into temptation etc.....

@redballoonluke - 20.03.2023 21:26

Jesus Christ yes!

@kingbiscuittime6082 - 03.04.2023 17:07

Thanks Ollie and The Mulligan Brothers we are a TEAM 👍

@kingbiscuittime6082 - 03.04.2023 17:13

Everyone has ♥️

@irenedemarco1354 - 06.04.2023 12:20

Fortunately Ollie went toward armed forces...
addicted to adrenaline after his horrific incident as a kid...

could well easily have gone down the drug route...

Certain jobs need certain personality types...and thats what gels them as a team...

@Broski2322 - 21.04.2023 23:20

Egg me on enough to lift ten houses

@Nathan-kf7kt - 26.07.2023 20:35

Show your monkey. Skar

@PositiveMindset-c9k - 05.08.2023 02:36

Its Great That Youe Out There Helping Othere im Proud of You 😇✝️

@PositiveMindset-c9k - 05.08.2023 02:36


@scotthaskins1264 - 12.12.2023 17:15

Met him, cooked him and his lovely family a pizza…..total gentleman. BZ Blade.

@peakingmantis5331 - 06.05.2024 01:13

Hang on a minute. Billy Billingham. Ollie Ollerton... I'm starting to think these are fake names lol

@kevclaremcd - 26.05.2024 21:36

Brilliant interview, your comments about repeating strands of Nina Simone reminds me of Joe Simpson doing the same thing when he was trying to drag himself to safety after a horrendous fall while climbing in Peru. It shows the power of the mind.

@knarkarbengt - 08.07.2024 17:34


@Daveyboy44 - 20.07.2024 17:20

Chats so much crap
All these screamers who say they are ex SF
No longer welcome in the SF community

@minkrediblegeneral - 23.08.2024 01:21

What do they do now with drones etc

@Harry-nc7zi - 10.10.2024 22:25

What a brilliant & inspiring guy he is, its all on me now.💪

@chrishutton-ce3ch - 09.11.2024 12:23

so did i today its a hassle to clean up ha ha

@Susan-kd3rv - 29.11.2024 07:34

What is the 1 meter square environment is he talking about the last thing he said , is it like the 15 minute cities, lol I don’t get it .

@Figjam77 - 20.12.2024 17:18

Sounds like growing up in gosnells in Perth w.a

@soonenough938 - 30.01.2025 17:35

This is one of the most captivating interviews I have ever heard. Amazing 👏

@nicky-pn3pj - 08.02.2025 08:22

After listening to Ants, Ollys and the other autobiography from the boys. They were all kidds left to their own devices

@nicky-pn3pj - 08.02.2025 08:23

As where we collecting gingy bottles
