Michael Snow: Cover to Cover (1975)

Michael Snow: Cover to Cover (1975)

Philip Zimmermann

4 года назад

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@arttechstruct - 11.09.2020 20:16

I got a version of this video back in 2010 and 2014 on vimeo. Better and cleaner version! thank you!

@terrysunderland3915 - 16.11.2020 09:27

Had a copy when at Mount Allison Fine Arts back in '78. It bent my head then and it still bends it now. Plus, as a Cape Bretoner, I love that the vinyl album in the record-player shot is Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald's fiddle music. Great minds -

@-hastatus- - 07.01.2025 13:20

Ich finde deine auswahl abüchern sehr interessant. Ich habe noch nie jemanden zuvor gesehen, der solche videos gemacht hat. 🌟😃👍
