Which DJI Goggles are the Best Value? Goggles 3, Goggles 2, Goggles Integra, Goggles N3? - FPV Q&A

Which DJI Goggles are the Best Value? Goggles 3, Goggles 2, Goggles Integra, Goggles N3? - FPV Q&A

Joshua Bardwell Livestream Clips

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@herotrojan1645 - 29.11.2024 18:21

I'm the first one comment.. amazing!!!

@DemiBogart - 29.11.2024 18:49

Goggles V2 still. FTW!

@tonyyimbo - 29.11.2024 19:05

V2 goggles not even on the list

@EthanLee-go9lp - 29.11.2024 19:08

Do you think the Integra’s will be marked down when the o4 unit is released, and should I wait to buy?

@airgavvy - 29.11.2024 19:34

Integra doesn't have lens adjustment, so that sucks. I can tell G2 has an amazing FOV but for 50 extra bucks, G3 are the best option. Especially since O4 might be coming out.

@2_Mars - 29.11.2024 20:00

Goggles V2 meight be old, but are still gold.

@phail_trail - 29.11.2024 20:38

Googles v2!

@putrid.p - 29.11.2024 21:40

Goggles N3 vs Goggles L is an interesting choice for someone looking to get into HD at a lower price point 🤔 A dilemma 🧐

@andi67951 - 29.11.2024 22:17

idk its hard to talk about good Value talking about DJI.
DJI has the best picture no doubt but their behavior is just anti (hardcore FPV-)consumer.
I had the goggles 2 and sold them to get another system, and if you look on online second hand shops there are tons of goggles 2 or integras online (bundled with avatas) because a lot of people have the same problems I had.
Now I use HD0 and have a Walksnail VTX, yeah its not the best picture but it works pretty well and looks really good too.
But the best part is, I can actually use every new Camera that comes out, I can use the next VTX that will come out and I can get a lens replacement for 10€ when I crash into a metal bar again.
I can go to a event and with low band more than 10 people can whoop some racegates after the race.
Also AiO5 is a game changer, the new 1s o4 or whatever will not be lightweight eneugh to go into a 65mm whoop and still be up there with other 20g whoops running HD0 (or even lighter analog).
And it will be very hard to convince the race crowd to adapt DJI from the events I attended they will have to produce alot of good will.
to each their own but I would not go for DJI again

@MrWheezyE420 - 30.11.2024 05:16

I own the G3's and have owned the G2's. The G2's hurt my face. The G3's I feel like they could use a little more adjustment options to get a better fit, but they are really comfortable. But for video the G3's look great and the G2's FOV was a little weird with some vignetting.

If you are looking for googles to buy now, buy the G3's.

Anyone saying the V2's need to move on, yes they are feature rich, but the tech is long on the tooth now and it shows. Unless you have a bunch of different VTX's like analogue, Vistas, OG Air units and O3 then the V2s are an option, but other wise you are paying a premium price for used and abused goggles.

@GENERALLee-jp4xr - 30.11.2024 22:21

Goggles v2 cosmetics alone v2 love

@BintonDribo - 01.12.2024 17:50

I'm new for this hobby and want a try. I have flywoo explorer walksnail and jumper t-lite so which budget goggle I can buy

@marrenirre9994 - 03.12.2024 22:52

Goggles N3 are not compatible with O3. So as of right now they are useless.

@NovaeGal - 04.12.2024 23:42

So is n3 a good choice for starting out or no? want to get into digital fpv, cleaner video quality to learn etc compared to analogue and everyone says the goggles 3, but at 500 that's a no

@FlyTimeRC - 05.12.2024 19:58

I just got the goggles integra. I'm pretty happy with them.

@williambergenii7277 - 23.12.2024 01:17

Are Goggles V2 still good for first goggles flying O3? Understand the will not be supported by 04, but 03 looks pretty good from what I've seen...

@willianb.6475 - 03.01.2025 17:45

Is Google N3 compatible with Mini 4 Pro?

@kedelbach - 05.01.2025 20:28

Amazon currently has the G3, Avata 2 and HC3 combo for $700. I am close to making the jump from analog to digital (mostly RC planes but do like flying RTF drones) and was pretty much settled on N3 goggles (have only owned box goggles, with no complaints) Neo and O4 light for micro planes but this seems like a screaming deal, or? DJI not selling many G3s now with N3 release?

@Garden-k3r - 20.01.2025 21:12

Does anyone know if the N3 goggles have wifi capabilities?

@hohuy_thegraycat - 22.01.2025 16:11

I wear glasses, should I get the integra or the g2?

@ElEscolta - 25.01.2025 23:23

if the n3 get support for air units i would sell my g3 get them.
I much rather would prefer a set of goggles ic an use with my lenses

@warriorrus7 - 28.01.2025 01:59

Hi! Thank you so much for the content!
Does anyone knows if there will be some analog of the v1/v2?
I mean something with a larger FOV (58° in v1/v2 vs 44° in googles 3).
N3 have big fov, but I hope it will be something with great quality

@AquariusTurtle - 31.01.2025 03:31

Is there any way to input external video to Goggles 3? I'd like to be able to look at a computer screen with them via HDMI or USB-C.

@LeeLiam-t3w - 08.02.2025 10:27

any boby can show the footage of radiomaster gx12 how to program and place every switches in the right position. just for preparation for every freestyle and cinematic or raising drone. please. i am new in this kind of hobbies

@LeeLiam-t3w - 08.02.2025 10:27

any boby can tell the DJI FPV drone can bind to radiomaster remote controller????? who can show that on your programs. thats the challence

@itsajoeybeat - 24.02.2025 03:57

Just got some g2 goggles , can’t wait til they come in

@KingHaggis - 28.02.2025 16:33

I have an Integra and it's reasonably nice but it's difficult to get a good sharp image out of it. I had to remove the entire face mask to get a good focus and now it's not very comfortable anymore.
