Worst Horror Husbands (Dead Meat Podcast Ep. 207)

Worst Horror Husbands (Dead Meat Podcast Ep. 207)

Dead Meat Presents...

11 месяцев назад

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@PrinceMishka - 21.07.2024 08:42

I know this is late and maybe y'all are old enough to know (maybe not) but 143 was beeper code for I love you.

@mor3796 - 21.07.2024 14:34

god i fucking hate that when you put dan cain on the list i went like 'i mean herbert isnt any better to him, really' and then remembered myself

@whatgari - 21.07.2024 23:53

Oooooo, this isn't worst horror partners. They goin get youuuu

@Shatterspeed - 25.07.2024 20:13

Hardin Scott voice: "Fucking TREVOR?!" Trevors are just the worst 😂
I agree with Ethan Hawke's character over Christian. Like Christian sucks horribly, but I think most people use the r4pe scene as their justification for hating him, and that makes me super uncomfortable.

@MarvelsScreamSimp - 26.07.2024 01:13

The sudden kink shaming when they got to Gerald really caught me offguard. A daddy kink is like...incredibly common. Weird to see two very open minded, accepting people just...mock people for it, essentially. It's gross and disheartening

@hanaarikson8935 - 26.07.2024 18:51

What about Alex from Ready or Not? He does try to kill her at the end so maybe that disqualifies him

@louise9158 - 01.08.2024 04:25

Would love to see Jennifer Check from Jennifer's Body discussed in the worst best friend tier.

Another one could be the sorority sister from Black Christmas that betrays her friends.

@MooTelevision - 06.08.2024 08:16

I HAAATTEEEEE Francis from the Watcher. Anther one of his crimes.. at the end he sees his girlfriend’s throat has been cut and he just stands there 😭
She has to ask him to call the cops!

@abov8030 - 10.08.2024 01:19

Another detail I don’t think they mentioned about Crispan is that HE WAS ERIN’S TEACHER!! So he was her professor and she stopped taking his class to date him thus starting out with an unbalanced power dynamic, plus he hired the team of assassins.

@boondocksboii - 13.08.2024 00:02

What about Harrison Ford in What Lies Beneath?

@kennethadair9915 - 21.08.2024 20:09

If the logic for Ethan hawk was that he couldn't have predicted the supernatural element then couldn't that same logic be used for Mika too?

@lcg8220 - 25.08.2024 16:47

I stand by it that Christian is as much a victim as Dany, yeah he's kind of shitty but he really didn't want to be in that relationship anymore but felt obliged to because of the awful situation she was in. He tried to be good but just made things worse.

@daniellogue8365 - 27.08.2024 02:26

This would be a good survivor episode, bad husbands vs final girls

@kitsummers4945 - 28.08.2024 02:48

Not the Amish X'D

@courtneyhill7798 - 30.08.2024 07:44

I think the husband from The Fall and the husband from The Descent would have been great paired together for which was the worst. Both had affairs with their wife's friends and died in the beginning of the films. Also in both movies their deaths then lead to the wives going on another trip that ultimately leads to a worse situation for them. Also the wife finds out about the affair during the terrible trip/adventure that follows.

@Xehanort10 - 14.09.2024 12:07

Another bad horror husband is Halloween 6's John Strode who complains about his wife Debra giving their daughter Kara money and later gets pissed off when Debra finds out he only moved the family into the Myers house because he couldn't sell it.

@rsvrsv92 - 17.09.2024 10:07

Technically wasn't it the husband in Paranormal Activity 2 the one who caused all the problems and not Micah, because his wife got possessed and he passed it on to her sister katie? Regardless of what Micah did Katie was always going to get possessed because of her brother in law

@honeyOatmilks - 18.09.2024 11:45

rory from the new beetlejuice movie would've made the list for sure

@CarolineLancaster-j9p - 19.09.2024 20:08

Wow, this was disappointing. I really wanted to enjoy this episode but hearing Chelsea defend sexual assault just to make Mika out to be the “worse husband” can only be dissapointing

@Game6Horror - 20.09.2024 19:59

Shouldn’t Billy from scream be on there

@TheHopelessFan - 30.09.2024 08:25

I just watched EVERY paranormal activity. Y'all over sell how responsible Micah is for everything. The rest of the franchise is the fault of a cult, not Micah's actions.

@sydneygauthier9103 - 03.10.2024 08:30

If they ever do a worst girlfriend March madness, my vote is the girlfriend from Hell House Origins. I have never wanted anyone to die in a movie more than her

@nevawhite2575 - 03.10.2024 10:17

Omg I love your Zags shirt!!!! Proud Spokanite

@DaRkSn1p3r777 - 04.10.2024 09:28

Husband from orphan literally did nothing wrong.

@georgerogers2120 - 08.10.2024 09:36

I think Francis is so much worse because Micah has the benefit of not taking an assertion of supernatural beings seriously, while Francis ignores the assertion of a serial killer that is known to them to really exist in the area. And whether or not Francis believes the serial killer bit, his partner is still telling him that a creepy guy is leering at her while she's home alone and he doesn't even take that seriously, either.

Also, the deliberately not translating thing is just so freaking heinous. My wife and I have different native languages and intentionally leaving someone hanging like that? I am definitely biased but just the description of his behavior raises my hackles so much more.

@mortua_conjuga - 10.10.2024 18:14

"tyler doesn't count" that would be devastating for him 😂

@RoboBongoCuckooCop - 15.10.2024 16:06

what about the husband killed at the start of Malignant?

@majorghoul9017 - 22.10.2024 21:21

We can't forget the number one bad husband in any horror media, James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2

@Talkinnerdy1 - 28.10.2024 22:15

The husband from The Witch could have been in there.

@no-ed2uz - 29.10.2024 01:13

A little late to this, but I have 2 which might qualify:
1. Jonathan Terry (Colonel Glover) in Return of the Living Dead - when his wife has the candles lit and the fine China laid out and he's just like, "I had turkey for lunch...". So much disdain... and you can see the pain in the wife's face 😂
2. Adrian Brody (Clive) in Splice... 😬

@clandman - 31.10.2024 02:03

I’ve honestly never really felt boyfriend/girlfriend vibes from Trent and Jenna. They never really act romantic with each other, they don’t kiss. Granted she doesn’t correct Clay when he says something like “are you sure your boyfriend wouldn’t mind?” I remember when the character descriptions were announced and Jenna was described as “Trent’s date for the weekend” Which I’d be more inclined to be believe that based on their interactions.

@Jackie-McCann - 15.11.2024 19:44

Another worst horror bestie would be Corey from The Scarehouse.

While yes, she and Elaina were wrongfully convicted of an accidental murder, which led to her mother taking her own life, that still doesn’t fully justify her tricking Elaina into a su*cide pact after taking revenge on the sorority girls who got them jailed, only to back out at the last second to pin all the murders on Elaina.

@raccoon_regent - 21.11.2024 23:06

trevor in smile saying “i googled mental illness” to his psychiatrist fiancée gets me every time

@gothgreenrock - 24.11.2024 15:22

The fact you guys came up with excuses for Peter’s behavior (some based on things you fabricated and assumptions on his background) and he was somehow deemed a better partner to Jess than some of these other guys is kind of disgusting. It doesn’t matter if his emotions “ran away from him,” there is no excuse for a man to threaten a woman and try to control her body simply because he had a hand in creating the thing that is inside HER body. If you were actually feminists it wouldn’t even be a debate. Peter is worse than a large majority of these guys simply based on the fact he is fully trying to control Jess by way of oppressing her bodily autonomy and trying to force her to cater to him when his dreams fall apart. Your decisions and conversations regarding him and his behavior honestly grossed me out and makes me view you differently. Very sad day.

@elisimon3865 - 27.11.2024 19:35

Trevor never had the makings of a varsity douchebag

@NAFO_Wrangler-oo6tm - 10.12.2024 11:41

As a Freemason, it makes me very happy that you use the Temple for your live gigs :)

@WinterborneTE - 15.12.2024 23:24

When i think of worst horror husbands, I think Don from 28 Weeks Later. Abandons his wife to die because he is a coward, lies to their kids and says she died, then she is found alive, gets used for science research then gets her eyes gouged out by him! The dishonesty to his entire family coupled with his contribution to the perpetuation of the outbreak was pretty damning. Bonus points for it entirely being him being terrible and that terribleness not being related to disbelief or gaslighting which is a bit unique in terms of this list.

@mor3796 - 20.12.2024 16:22

rewatched black christmas recently, he also springs the 'we're getting married' and 'you're NOT getting an abortion' on her when shes already said that shes looking for her missing friend and that another little girl is dead.

@TheicMoggy - 25.12.2024 20:09

Guy Woodhouse is the absolute worst.

Non-horror: Jerry Lundegaard and Earl Hunterson

@clammysammy2823 - 02.01.2025 04:11

Molly being slumped

@jazzyj6335 - 26.01.2025 00:17

Not tyler, but the older husband from The Menu. The guy that hired Erin before Tyler. He definitely wouldve been on my bracket

@jacobjohnson9296 - 26.01.2025 21:13

How about worst horror movie moms bracket?

@StephenLyons-c3h - 30.01.2025 06:42

Worst bestie is Jennifer. Jennifer's body.

@Luke-yd7zi - 03.02.2025 21:58

No idea why Chad from Tucker & Dale vs. Evil was my immediate thought but he is certainly a bad boyfriend

@CatherineKenny-s8u - 10.03.2025 14:38

I think the husband from ready or not could’ve given the husband from your next a good fight. I’m not sure if he counts but I feel like it’s the same grey area.

@CatherineKenny-s8u - 10.03.2025 14:43

You guys should do a rating if horror husbands that actually do kill their SO oof
