This Urbex Explorer Is Going Too Far

This Urbex Explorer Is Going Too Far


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@tinasnewzealand - 27.06.2024 00:39

Fun fact that mediaeval village 2 museums one is named Geiger and a man named Geiger was the one who came up with the figures from the movie Alien...people from that wee village has probably seen many a strange thing..maybe the UFOs call by because they like the cheese
Aroha nui ❤

@owtaspac4243 - 27.06.2024 08:42

His friend couldn't go with him because he had to set up inside the building first as bad guy.

@tami.1111 - 27.06.2024 20:28

Freaky deaky for sure ❤

@tinasnewzealand - 28.06.2024 00:55

What we as viewers don't understand is when you are investigating the paranormal for years is the feelings of energy shifts in minute it's fine then you might feel as if something has just joined you..then it may shift to a feeling of absolute dread etc...can't wait for emotions and smell viewing 😂
Aroha nui❤

@TheFreedyShow - 30.06.2024 03:03

I will never understand why people do this. You have to be bat shit insane to do this alone, and in America of all places, where you most likely will get shot. Never mind ghosts. People are the scariest thing on the planet some times.

@annhowcroft9493 - 01.07.2024 01:23

This was very scary.

@rokasrerroca7399 - 02.07.2024 14:05

Hell no! This is some Backrooms shite where all the monsters are crackheads and meth heads.

@hiding_my_name - 04.07.2024 00:06

Maybe Im crazy, but that abandoned building was cool AF. Id live in there if I could. Its way bigger than my actual house.

@tristanyoung8487 - 05.07.2024 20:35

He got stalked in there. Hell no.

@notagain2806 - 07.07.2024 07:49

I had to stop watching Urbex Hill's videos because I got too stressed and tense waiting for something terrible to happen. He's crazy for exploring alone.

@SpectrumGamer29 - 10.07.2024 23:50

Urbex Hill is entertaining but fake. In every single video there is some person or "entity" that he doesn't see but conveniently points his camera at. This time, he happened to put his camera down, which he didn't need to do, and happened to point it at a guy who happened to walk slowly out of shot only when the camera was facing him.

@AD_Whitman - 11.07.2024 23:58

Caspersight ramboing urban exploring in a thing…bro tryna to break the internet??? 🤣

@ashtarc.4853 - 12.07.2024 01:56

Even if criminals use this building, their moms watching this are like" Oh my goodness, you should have cleaned and tidy up, what have I told you?"

@slickrick8444 - 12.07.2024 15:08

Ben don't let chris fool you. He plans these expos in advance and all the ppl seen in this school building are his own team to make the video more scarier and for more views and notoriety. Seems to be working for him. He even got you😂

@questioneverything1776 - 13.07.2024 11:17

The mouth breathing…..

@sKarr6988 - 17.07.2024 03:52

Cool vid

@TheLadyT23 - 17.07.2024 21:03

Freaky deakier than ghosts!

@ibanut - 21.07.2024 15:59

If Urbex wants to live a long life, I suggest looking for ghosts and not Crack heads with guns!

@ismichi - 24.07.2024 00:30

I'm scared to follow him 'cause I expect he'll end up gone due to this type of stuff and I don't wanna technically support it

At the very least, I hope he at least (one day) wears bulletproof vests and steel-toed boots. Not convenient even without anything eventful occurring, but I'm always lowkey concerned when I see y'all reacting to his stuff 'cause he sounds like the average bloke underestimating blatant, non-paranormal dangers lol

@AbbyNormal12 - 25.07.2024 17:20

I like the Zelda music at the end

@bellafairy4u - 26.07.2024 11:06

Yes, the fact that Chris just enjoys exploring abandoned buildings and continually picks up paranormal and isn’t even aware of it until he goes to edit the video and gets scared right out of his chair 😅😳 I love that he carries there are way too many evil people out there I’d rather hear him shoot someone in the leg than him getting shot in the chest or worse his knogging

@worthemchawang2126 - 03.08.2024 15:00

Bro stop paushing

@thomass6434 - 22.08.2024 12:46

Tarkov discovered the crack heads!

@Samantha1642 - 01.09.2024 07:34

I’m about 30 mins from Cleveland! And let me say this I don’t even like driving there during the day.,, It’s so dangerous.

@jacksonrowley8158 - 10.09.2024 06:49

As cool as Urbex’s vids are. He’s also out of his goddamn mind going into abandoned buildings in Cleveland at night. I hope he’s still carrying when he’s out there.

@loralou-djflowerdove - 05.10.2024 03:21

You'd have buy some really expensive, good quality shoes just to walk on floors like these...then, you'd have to throw them away!!😂😂😂

@juliebrown9950 - 09.10.2024 07:01

yes ben a thong would have been nice lol

@lisaestes4748 - 14.10.2024 18:24

I love all the people saying it was his friends in the building 🙄🙄 THEN WHY ARE YOU WATCHING? GO AWAY! JESUS! Ben and Chris exploring together would be amazing!! maybe not in a place as scary as this 😂 people need to stop telling him what to do seriously, He has been doing this a long time and always takes protection. Yes some places are sketchy but everywhere is sketchy man!! 😂😂 Going to the grocery store is sketchy! I'm just sayin get off his nuts, Man!! It's not our business. If you believe it's fake, don't waste your time??? 🙄🙄🤣🤣

@maxinetebbutt5303 - 15.10.2024 01:41

What is he going to do if he sees people with a meth lab. That is so dangerous. They must have look out around the building.

@Awake335 - 21.10.2024 08:49

Dude imagine how scared you are doing this and all the sudden you hear a random guy rip the most massive disgusting fart ever. I could not stop myself from laughing.

@Awake335 - 21.10.2024 08:58

"This place is horrible,"
"Yeah bro ac hasn't been working since 2017 💀"

@Awake335 - 21.10.2024 08:59

I hide in the comments

@Wiserflunky - 04.11.2024 17:48

Oh I use to live in Cleveland. Nope nope nope.
I've been to like two of the most haunted places in Ohio. Rule one, don't spook alone.

@timothy4664 - 09.11.2024 03:05

Dude is fake as hell

@jenc925 - 01.12.2024 03:14

Urbex Hill has courage and no one can deny that. He's been in some dangerous situations in the past. I get scared just watching his videos and I'm not physically there. I can't imagine what he feels when stuff like this happens. Stay safe Urbex!

@LoriTalbot-du2qt - 25.12.2024 18:12

Ah yes Cleveland , 'the mistake by the lake!'

@tomfullery9710 - 19.01.2025 19:23

It never ceases to amaze me how people are so surprised to find out that homeless people are living in abandoned buildings. And you also have to consider how creeped out they might be when some urban explorer comes poking around in the middle of the night.

@Dumbscience4thewin - 28.01.2025 02:36

idk man thats the 2nd or 3rd time when we needed just something else to prove hes not messin about you know what i mean he said his battery died again okay its just too good to be true like c'mon mate are you having a laugh!

@Dumbscience4thewin - 28.01.2025 02:41

nah i guess their making drugs in their or running a weed grow op 100%

@shelia-paulettegarnerrober4355 - 03.02.2025 21:13

Cleveland is a bad scary place especially if you don’t know it!

@shelia-paulettegarnerrober4355 - 03.02.2025 22:48

The guy Dustin who was waiting on DoorDash his videos are fake! But he’s good I have to admit! Anyway I know this because I know someone who knows him personally

@Ryan-l8h - 18.02.2025 02:58

What’s a father🤔

@TheTeddyBearUniverse - 03.03.2025 04:31

Why did it take 3 whole minutes of yapping to start 💀

PS, I didn't mean this to be rude so there better not be arguments here. 😅

@Caspersight - 18.06.2024 00:30

WOW! Ive just checked my Instagram account. Thank you all for following me :) Maximum followers plllleeeaaasssseeee!! :)
