Why Doesn't Russian Use the Latin Alphabet?

Why Doesn't Russian Use the Latin Alphabet?

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@familiant72 - 17.12.2024 21:18

Ukrainians? They did not exist until 1920 😂

@dude7127 - 18.12.2024 00:29

The question should be why they force other nations to use the Cyrillic alphabet. Why should the Caucasian, Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Siberian peoples use a foreign alphabet, although this alphabet is completely unsuitable for non-Slavic languages?

@Vixtorz - 18.12.2024 06:10

I think Cyrillic just looks awkward and not very pretty.

@mane771000 - 18.12.2024 08:05

You have to ask why Mongolia use Cyrillic alphabet while having their own unique writing system

@platannapipidae9621 - 18.12.2024 13:38

Because it has all the letters for the sounds we use. The better question is why english doesn't use runes.

@skladzasnimki6th818 - 18.12.2024 14:33

Cyrillic is phonetic. What you see is what you get.
Cyrillic allows me to write дъщеря and read дъщеря. Unlike DAUGHTER (даугхтер)😂

@RichieLarpa - 18.12.2024 17:34

Bulgarians are paying for something Russians did. Nations are abandoning an alphabet that is viewed as "Russian", but is actually a Bulgarian. That is actually sad.

@7DaysChanel_VandenReich - 18.12.2024 17:55

Zelensky is foolish to suggest switching from Cyrillic to Latin. Cyrillic was specifically created for Slavic languages, making it more useful than Latin. Cyrillic is not used exclusively by Russia. The main point is that Cyrillic is just an instrument; how can it be blamed?
He has already implemented another one of his foolish ideas: banning Orthodox Easter in Ukraine. Now Ukrainian Orthodox churches must celebrate it in a Catholic way. He's not a priest and has no authority to dictate how people should believe or worship. This is really confusing.
Just imagine if the Allies in WWII had banned the Latin alphabet simply because it was used by Germans. It's absurd. Should we ban the Cyrillic alphabet, Orthodox Christianity, and anything else used by Russians? Or, in the end, should we ban breathing air? You know who else breathes air? Russians. Breathing air must be banned.

@TenositSergeich - 18.12.2024 20:39

Cyrillic was made for Slavic languages, that's why. It is better to ask why Germanic languages use Latin... or why Russia pressured Turkic and Mongolic and other languages on its territory to be written in Cyrillic.

@nouneim-iz-interneta - 18.12.2024 20:41

Weird question. Why doesn't English use the Cyrillic lol

@hephraimblumenberg7299 - 18.12.2024 21:23

Before glagolitic script, Russians actually used runic writing. As an interesting fact, I would also like to add that in 1916 the Roseau Rune Stone was found in Roseau, Minnesota and there are several words written in pure Russian. The stone dates back to approximately 7000-5000 BC

@kebman - 18.12.2024 22:09

Handwritten Cyrillic is very beautiful. But, as a reader of both alphabets, I think the Latin one is the easiest to understand and use. Fewer letters, sure, but you can add letters together to make up all necessary sounds.

@drottercat - 18.12.2024 22:27

In Serbia the Serbian cyrillic and the Latin script are both used. To me Serbian written in cyrillic feels more authentic and I use it out of responsibility to maintain and support my native language.

@kalinkavelinova2529 - 18.12.2024 22:55

Russian latin concept 1

@kalinkavelinova2529 - 18.12.2024 22:57

Belarusian/Ukrainian latin

@user-cq3pb6es9h - 19.12.2024 02:12

Well, for example because Latin is just useless for the most of the languages.

@SeverityOne - 19.12.2024 03:21

If you can write Vietnamese and Maltese (a mostly Semitic language) in the Latin alphabet, you can write pretty much any language in it. You just need a lot of diacritical marks.

@oksanatulpa7984 - 19.12.2024 03:42

« kirilic»alphabet is similar to early Coptic as Latin . In reality we have only different pronunciation of several letters. Because in old Slavic there were letters similar to “w” similar to “ Z” in Serbian still remains “j” . V in Latin had came from Greek . So in Latin there was more Greek influence

@anton_gavrilov - 19.12.2024 09:10

Vsem privet! Pohodu ya odin dodumalsya napisat komentatiy latinitsey pod video o kirilitse. Syesh yescho etih myagkih frantsuzskih bulok!

@Dietfriedlenz - 19.12.2024 12:19

Why does the Russian language use Cyrillic? Why doesn't it switch to the Latin alphabet as some Slavic peoples did? Because Slavic languages ​​have their differences. The Russian language has features that make it difficult to depict with Latin letters. The Russian language is characterized by the presence of soft and hard consonants, iotated vowels, etc. If you use diacritics, the text turns into a continuous terrible pattern. If you use letter combinations, the text becomes difficult to read. The Russian alphabet based on the Cyrillic alphabet is much more convenient and comes as close as possible to the rule "one sound - one letter".
For some Slavic languages, where there are no such features, the transition to the Latin alphabet is not a problem, but not for Russian. I have been developing a writing system based on Latin letters for a long time and no matter how many projects I come up with, no matter how many projects I have seen from others, they are all worse than the Cyrillic alphabet, inconvenient, difficult to read and ugly.
To answer the question - why the Russian language does not use the Latin alphabet, you need to know the features of the Russian language. Then the question will disappear by itself.

Не существует ни одного варианта русской латиницы, которая была бы лучше и давала преимущества в сравнении с русской кириллицей. А такие варианты упорно разрабатывались на протяжении более чем ста лет, как многочисленными любителями, так и профессионалами. До сих пор не существует даже хорошей системы транслитерации. Просто из-за особенностей русского языка латинская письменность неизбежно превращается в жуткую смесь из диакритических знаков или буквосочетаний, или и того и другого. И ради чего всё это? Зачем? Чтобы что? Внятного, исчерпывающего ответа пока что нет.

Dlą sravnenią, prosto poprobuíte nasytitî text na russcom ązyke latiniceí s diacritiçeskimi znacami i posmotrite, çto poluçilosî. Êto eŝo samyí ŝadąŝií variant, no çitaetsą on vsø ravno trudno, a vyglądit necrasivo. Poprobuíte napisatî - zaŝiŝaųŝiísą (защищающийся) i posmotrite êto slovo v vaşem variante. A vedî takih slov v russcom polno!

Ili zhe varianty russcoi latinicy bez diacritiki, no ispoljzujusczie bucvosochetania. Tac zhe, poprobujte napisatj chto-nibudj dlinnoe, zhelateljno, cac i dlja varianta s diacriticoi, ot ruki. Vy pochuvstvujte nascoljco eto neudobno i ploho chitajetsja. Nu i to zhe slovo zasczisczajusczijsja (защищающийся) s bucvosochetanijami. Nu zhutco zhe vygljadit!

@vaclav_fejt - 19.12.2024 20:02

Funny thing, even though I'm film a land which glagolic was actually created for, I was never even shown at school what those scripts looked like. And even funnier now that I notice that D looks like... "the D".

@Dowlphin - 20.12.2024 01:48

BTW, worth mentioning: In Ukraine the anti-Russian sentiment was there first, then came the war agenda to eradicate their cultural influences, then the 'blowback'.

@Benzebuth18 - 20.12.2024 02:04

Why does English use Latin alphabet?

@iMetmor - 21.12.2024 05:04

Why don't Western countries use Cyrillic? It is a superior alphabet

@SlavjaninRussij - 21.12.2024 06:14

Здрасте, господа, как вы тут?))

@Mikula095 - 21.12.2024 11:25

In fact, the Latin alphabet is very actively used in Russia. As an additional alphabet necessary to emphasize certain words or to give words additional emotional meaning. Moreover, very diverse emotional content depending on the context, from disparagingly ironic to respectful. Latin is used in all spheres from corporate identity and outdoor advertising to literature and Internet communication. Most often in the names of restaurants and entertainment enterprises where both Latin letters and combinations of Latin and Cyrillic letters are used.
I would say we have a whole culture of using the Latin alphabet and that is the reason why Russia has not switched to the Latin alphabet. We are already using it and we will lose a lot if we switch to Latin only.
Let me give you an example from literature. In the book “A Clockwork Orange” the slang of the main characters was based on Russian words. For English-speaking readers it looked like incomprehensible foreign words, which is what the author wanted. Now the question is how to write a Russian word in Russian to make it look like a foreign word? Here in translation they wrote these slang words in Latin letters and it became clear what the author meant.

@shezviolet - 21.12.2024 12:07

Short answer: it's much more convenient to use cyrillic. Where with Latin we need to use 2-3 letters to express a sound, with Cyrillic we only need one letter. Look at Polish or Czech. If we were to write Polish words in Cyrillic, it would be much shorter

@ObtuseGoose2 - 22.12.2024 07:03

GREEEEECEEE ?! You mean eastern Rome

@Xavier-xb6ij - 23.12.2024 02:25

If you’re going to ask that question, then why doesn’t Greek use the Latin Alphabet? Why not Chinese? Why not Hebrew, Why not Arabic? This seems like a silly question to answer

@mito88 - 24.12.2024 08:33


@mito88 - 24.12.2024 08:34


@Novgorod_Republic - 24.12.2024 11:52

Латинский алфавит просто не совместим со Славянскими языками. Иногда бывает, что зайду на какой-нибудь польский канал и пытаюсь читать чат/комментарии. Это сплошное мучение. Для передачи звуков, которые в кириллице передаются одной буквой, им надо писать две-три-четыре, или пририсовывать к уже существующим буквам, использующимся для передачи одних звуков, всякие символы, чтобы эта буква передала какой-то другой звук.
В русском таких букв две: й, ё. В польском - девять: ć, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż, ą, ę, ł. В чешском - пятнадцать: á, č, ď, é, ě, í, ň, ó, ř, š, ť, ú, ů, ý, ž. В хорватском алфавите, впридачу к пяти таким буквам(č, ć, đ, š, ž), есть три буквы, состоящие из двух букв: dž, lj, nj. Над нашими братьями-славянами будто кто-то решил поиздеваться, дав им такие алфавиты. Это надругательство как над ними, так и над их языками.
Nice video, by the way 😊
P.S. Кстати, я изначально написал, что нужно две-три буквы, чтобы передать один звук. Но я вспомнил, как в польском передаётся звук, для которого у нас есть буква "щ". Вот этими четырьмя буквами: "szcz".
Русский: "Щётка". Польский: "Szczotka".
Русский: "Щука". Польский: "Szczupak".
Русский: "Ещё". Польский: "Jeszcze".
И это не какой-то необычный звук в польском, в нём есть ещё сотни других слов с этим звуком и этими четырьмя буквами, передающими его...

@God-save-the-galactic-tsar - 24.12.2024 19:00

Nu ok. Ja mogu pisatj na russkom ispoljzuja latinskij alfavit

@zersky495 - 25.12.2024 04:03

The main argument against Russian in Latin script is Polish

@Бекрия - 26.12.2024 06:55

Why Russian language doesn't uses latin alfavit?
Because Russia never was conquered by Roman Empire, by the states that was formed on the land of Roman Empire, or by catholic country that forced it to switch to latin due to latin language was the only official language in catholic church. That's all. All the things like "different sounds", "not enough letters" and stuff not make any sense, since there was never a reason to use latin.

Honestly, I'd rather to both latin and cyrillica in the whole Europe been replaced by ελληνικη, it's a way more beautiful. Romans are just inherited everything from Greece, latin alfavit is just a fork of a greek one.

@kitanowitsch - 26.12.2024 21:59

Cyrillic alphabet has undeveloped minuscule and so it looks archaic, unpractical and harder to read than Latin or Greek script.

@vlix3s - 28.12.2024 14:12

My ideal world is one country, one language, one people.

@TheRepublican_09 - 28.12.2024 23:55

Because it’s cool and I can say that I know two different alphabets 😎

@ilya_maqreen9513 - 29.12.2024 02:41

Mi mozhem ispolzovat latinitsu na russkom yazike. (We can use latin alphabet on russian language)

@TiernanOleary - 31.12.2024 07:59

English should use the Futhorc

@mihailnikoloff2554 - 02.01.2025 19:40

The Cyrillic alphabet was developed by Bulgarian scholars from the Preslav Literary School (founded in 886 by Prince (Knyaz) Boris I) in the 890s, possibly on instruction from Tsar Simeon I of Bulgaria. (It drew liberally from the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew scripts.) The Tsar's desire was to have a church independent from Constantinople that would use its own language (instead of the prevailing Latin or Greek). Scholars from that literary school, a type of university, together with their colleagues from the Ohrid Literary School began translating Christian texts from other languages into Old Bulgarian, as well as producing a body of literature and poetry (mostly Christian, rarely secular, as was the norm in Mediaeval times). Thus ushering the Golden Age of medieval Bulgarian culture. --

Bulgaria achieved the glory of being the home of classical Slavonic letters and the Preslav literary centre played a significant role in the history of Slavic Orthodoxy and in the formation of the Byzantine-Slavonic political, religious and cultural commonwealth. The Preslav literary heritage found its way to Kievan Rus’, where the tradition continued and the works were copied until up the 15th-16th century. --

@anthonykranjc4379 - 06.01.2025 04:24

Very fun video!

I was a little surprised to hear the term "American alphabet". I Googled the term American alphabet and that is just a synonym for the term "English alphabet" . . . you know, the alphabet used in English speaking countries such as Canada (not yet an American state), Britain (not yet an American state either), Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, (none yet an American state) etc. I've never heard anybody call the English alphabet the American alphabet before . . . but I don't live in the US.

Funnily enough, "America" can refer to "the Americas: North and South", or just to one section of it, a section also referred to as "U.S. of A".

Like I said, a pretty fun video, but I for one wouldn't mind seeing that mention of "Amreican alphabet" changed to "English alphabet". That may be a bit more "standard". The additional mention in the video of "the English alphabet" being just one variation on the Latin or Roman alphabet might seem a bit more "getting the whole picture". I also think things might seem a bit more balanced if you included with the mention of the "English alphabet" not just the OOsa flag, but also the British flag, even if you left out the Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, and South African flags.

Like I said, really fun video! The whole thing with the American thinking that America is the center of the universe, or better still IS THE UNIVERSE, is kind of funny too, but also a teentsy weentsy bit irritating . . . if the choice of that presentation actually wasn't meant as deliberate trollery drollery.

@АндрейГамбур - 07.01.2025 16:12

Ансвер из симпл: бикоз сайриллик алфабет лукс лайк беттер вёршн оф латин лайк сам хайпергигачад альфамэйл тук боринг латин леттерс энд тёрн зем инто самфинг амэйзинг

@allendeednella - 17.12.2024 00:23

Russia used the Latin alphabet informally in the early 2000s, when SMS communication was at its peak, since 1 SMS could hold 160 characters in Latin (and only 70 in Cyrillic). But then smartphones and messengers appeared, and the need for SMS disappeared. But it was an interesting experience, which showed that there is nothing wrong with using Latin.
