How to Recognize a Terrible Anime (in just one episode)

How to Recognize a Terrible Anime (in just one episode)

Trixie the Golden Witch

8 лет назад

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@aktuellyattee8265 - 11.01.2024 10:34

i always knew Gate wasn't very good. but i still binge watch it

@jamieduncan4380 - 10.01.2024 14:58

idc sao can be called garbage all htye want but its my kind of garbage

@imark7777777 - 07.01.2024 12:47

Interesting. Somebody once told me I would hate Eden of the east, guess what when I finally ran across it I enjoyed the first season I didn't even realize the companies behind it. Since then I've been more picky on recommendations. As I like to say I saw like the good ones first ghost in the shell, serial experiments lain, dual parallel universe I almost think that I have ruined most of the other ones but I also just left the weird stuff. so yah yeah looking at those two references they look interesting but I don't think I would like them.

Oh and of what I have seen of sword art online I want to see more.

Edit: oh and the Almighty algorithm brought me to a 7 year old video, definitely worth it.

@syntheticvocalist-p472 - 07.01.2024 06:05

The main character of gate is so bland and boring

@srabonfkhan5834 - 01.01.2024 21:40

Dude feels like the type of guy who would declare himself as the winner of an internet argument if the other person made a grammatical error.

@Direwreck - 30.12.2023 08:06

It’s a lot harder to find a good anime than a bad one. They’re everywhere

@opulentpenumbra3412 - 29.12.2023 13:10

Its kinda sad that gate anime did so poorly, i feel like i genuinely enjoyed the manga.

@Kira-ji2ft - 28.12.2023 21:48

Book critics have for a century said that an experienced reader can tell whether a book is good by the first page. The writing style, language, tone, etc will tell you more about the book than the actual scene contained there. YA dystopias will often belie their poor quality by displaying hallmark issues of their kind of novel, whereas a Roger Zelazny novel will begin with a strange and intriguing tone, mysterious characters, and hints at cool world building within one page that carry through to the end.
Its the same with anime honestly. You can tell most of the time whether its well put together, whether it prioritizes pandering over storytelling, visuals, tone, pace, concepts, it's all there from square one and if you learn to pick up on these and know yout tastes well you can quickly assess whether something is worth your time. I knew in one episode that Texhnolyze would become one of my favorite shows because it aligned with my tastes and had a great atmosphere. I dropped Undead Unluck after half an episode because after a very visually interesting first two minutes it became ten minutes of chibi characters shouting for no reason with zero thought for setting the tone.

@Ultimate_Gamer_3000 - 20.12.2023 15:51

I think this is a good tutorial for people who want to get into anime and not waste their time. I, however, have been watching anime since i was like 12 so i dont really give a fuck about whether or not its good as long as its entertaining.

@skeletontheboneman4382 - 20.12.2023 03:22

I reckon the best thing they couldve done with the joker game (and I don't know anything about the anime) was have him win the first one due to some of them wanting to have the others not win and a complicated competition between them however has it as a scene where it doesnt seem like much is happening until the mention of whats going on, then they could do a similar scene later into the series where the spies consider him if not an equal, a competitor and then we could have a proper match where it goes through the game in depth and you can try to figure out what each one is doing or trying to do etc and have the main character get clowned on

@zk0rned - 20.12.2023 00:44

Most of your arguments are pretty pedantic

@user-pt9rj2jz2l - 19.12.2023 21:35

In Gintama The First two Episode are basically fillers

@truck.-kun. - 18.12.2023 12:58

GATE anime was fun to watch. No matter how much anyone whines, they all watched it completely 😂
When people really dont like an anime, they don't complete it at all and throw it in their trashcan list

@The8merp - 17.12.2023 07:08

I found Aldnoah Zero to be interesting when I first started watching it, the protagonists logic based approach to figuring out the opponent mechs weaknesses and using his limited tech and resources in a clever way to beat them was kinda fun, but as the show progressed I kind of lost interest, but I don't understand why anyone would call it a bad anime, at worst it's boring

@reiuji_utsuho - 17.12.2023 00:44

If you think GATE is garbage, you should see 'Summoning Japan' for a truly shit attempt at exploring the same idea.

@xanderestes6023 - 16.12.2023 11:40

im to down bad for Gates premise to call it bad.

@rickbhattacharya2334 - 15.12.2023 22:18

I literally wasted 16 min for a review of Gate wtf

@1864YJH - 15.12.2023 09:06

There's actually a similar story to gate but it's a manhwa... But I recommend it, it's called "Omniscient readers viewpoint"

@BeRnUgEeK - 15.12.2023 05:18

The strategy most of internet use is:
If I didn't like it, it's bad

@SuperNovaRider - 15.12.2023 03:48

I actually somewhat liked Gate at its release (but only barely, just enough to finish it with a ~meh).
But after rewatching it last year, I couldn't even finish it.
In short: I was seriously looking for a JSDF recruitment number or website in the closing credits.
It was unberable.

@bluefmi - 15.12.2023 00:09

death note good? congrats on the downvote

@baillonette4771 - 14.12.2023 04:57

Gate is... okay
I was like, "Hell yeah, smash them" all along, so I'll put a 7/10 on it. But I can agree with your arguments
Oh, and obviously, the manga was way better.

@tharushafernando6378 - 13.12.2023 23:41

damn and i thought gate was good

@dontask9000 - 12.12.2023 23:11

For me personally, I still enjoyed sword art online. Even if the writing is bad, you’d be an absolute fool to deny the fact that this anime is absolutely beautiful. The animation is stunning (and gets better with every new season), and the OST is absolutely fantastic. I might even argue that it has some aspects of good writing. The way the show presents trauma and ptsd is so well done imo. I would even go as far to say that Kirito is actually fairly well written as a protagonist. They show Kirito to be this cool calm and collected warrior, but really he’s suffering from survivals guilt, and a lot of ptsd from watching people die as well as actually killing people for survival. I love the way they show the trauma and survivors guilt he went through, especially at the end where it finally comes to the surface, and he has to mentally relive everything he went through. The light novel does a better job at showing this than the anime does, but despite the whole facade he puts up, it’s all just a front. Really he’s just a socially awkward teen with a lot of trauma.

@jeremywinston221 - 11.12.2023 23:17

there’s no strategy: you either like or dislike something and that is subjective. What’s trash to someone is great to someone else.
“i’m here to help you recognize the science of bad execution” is a phrase that’s gonna go in my vocabulary though.

@limasomestre - 11.12.2023 16:30

Sword art online is one of the most boring animes I've ever watched, I dont know why its so popular, a bunch of friends recommended to me, and I saw everyone talking about it like the best anime of all time, and then I watched the first episode, I knew a little about it but not much, and the premisse is not bad, its interesting, but as soon as the theme is set, nothing else happens, I watched the first season whole to make sure it was bad, because everyone seems to live it so it should be good at some point, but then the plot doesn't go anywhere, no one is worried about it, no one talks about it, they all just start living in the game like nothing happend, and the finale has nothing to do with the start, I literally was falling asleep as I watched this shit, and thats not comun to me. As I watched the first season, I just stoped and I know why so many people like it but for me its one of the worst animes ever, it sets a theme, goes nowhere and evolves nothing.

@ZaxFSO8083 - 11.12.2023 06:34

Its very insane how Gate is a fanfiction that got greenlit for an anime... Yeah at first I thought it sucked that it didn't get a second season after learning what's supposed to happen later on I'm glad i don't have to witness the dumpster fire progress... To clarify im a bad judge of quality so I'll never know if an anime is objectively terrible just by looking at it.

Edit: what drew me to watch this from start to finish was seeing a clip of the military primary group "no diffing" a dragon and i thought that was funny as hel.

@NeonTheeBlade - 11.12.2023 00:38

Really Thought I'm the only one who who have a problem with GATE, Cause i really like fantasy worlds and seeing them just being mowed down, Is kinda off putting, Then they add mage and wizards to the enemies and the enemies still lose, Bllshit, This is what uncreative people think guns and modern weaponries are against literal Air manipulating and Some literal piercing magic, Legend of korra did this better

@chipin1526 - 10.12.2023 00:23

honestly I have become so good at telling if a anime will be trash just by looking at a poster if there is a loli character or a generic looking mf then I am not watching it

@themelancholyofgay3543 - 09.12.2023 17:22

This is the first time i agree to Mother's Basement, Akeboshi is way too generic by now.

@SkyNetAlias - 09.12.2023 01:58

Almost didn’t watch Ergo Proxy until ep 3

@voiden3338 - 08.12.2023 16:32

to many anime and manga suffer from "self insert fantasy" syndrome

@user-tc5zw9dv3u - 08.12.2023 06:40

Bro i just like guns😊

@atomskShadox - 08.12.2023 02:16

Pro tip: check out the AMVs of the anime. If the music suits your taste and the clips look good then give the show a chance.

@digbodhsf1882 - 07.12.2023 03:39

Ok I’m bout to go off gate was one of da most amazing anime I ever found and of course the premise is going to be weak it’s a fuckin start u dumb bitch and yes they have a lot of girls but compared to most anime I’ve seen they are not over used in a sexual way Mabye watch the fuckin anime before u fuckin comment u fuckin bum and the start wasn’t supposed to be funny if u have no fuckin taste js say tht 🤭🤗

@cadbyo4683 - 06.12.2023 20:33

i just like pew pew lol

@Mythopoeikon - 06.12.2023 18:13

I actually enjoyed GATE a lot. The premise was weak at the beginning but it caught me by the end of it. The rule of 3 episodes have never failed me so far. But it's OK not to like it, for whatever reasons. If I just judged a show for how silly it was, I woduln't care anything at all about so many other animes, like FLCL for instance. Anime is meant to be enjoyed, mainly, but it is true that some aspects of it would feel right or wrong. I hate DBZ for example, because it's just terrible (only the first DB was great, the rest were just an endless repeat of the same premise, only with different villains)

@shonmil - 05.12.2023 21:39

As much as i agree with the points ur making, i enjoy gate as a whole and am going to rewartch it again in protest :D

@BeelzebubFailure - 05.12.2023 16:31

Here’s my trick: if the pro-tag looks generic as hell it’s gonna be trash. Looking at you Isekai Cheat Magic. God you are just the worst.

@tunasandwich8049 - 05.12.2023 14:20

I remember my brother and I just straight up hate watched the first episode of in another world with my smartphone

It's so unbelievably boring
We couldn't get through the 2nd episode with how much of a Gary Stu the main character was

What would've made the story hilarious would be the kid being an actual phone addict and the God that sent him to the other world is actually a cruel dude
Like the twist is he has his smartphone but no way to charge it

So the entire premise is him trying to find different ways to charge it using the other world's lore and magic

Like the show doesn't have any stakes at all, it's just a show of "when is the next harem member gonna join"

@kacpercastor7948 - 05.12.2023 12:03

Gate is my second loved anime first is zero no tsukaima

@regachi6554 - 04.12.2023 07:42

i liked gate cause Heli sniper go BOom bOOm BOoM BOOm

@Wubbab00 - 04.12.2023 05:38

Thank you, oh wise one, you made me realize that the frustration I had when seeing this episode myself wasn't me loosing my love for MY hobbies, and the episode was just crappy.

@palrick-05k - 03.12.2023 07:23

nah am just watchin it for getting the fantasy army getting Wrecked by a bunch of guy with guns

@electricx2.5.02 - 02.12.2023 19:06

Harem anime literally sucks ass. Admit it, people who watch this genre are lonely fat astards with no life + no girlfriends.

@Molya - 02.12.2023 13:29

GATE is actually alright, but only if we talk about the book. Anime though... Well, the execution is almost as bad as what Studio Pierrot did to Tokyo Ghoul. Actually nevermind, nothing can be as bad as what Pierrot did to Tokyo Ghoul.

@user-ly1lq4pn4w - 30.11.2023 15:52

I agree that Gate was disappointing. And Sword Art Online. Noragami had a boring beginning, but it got much better over time. I didn't watch Overlord because the first episodes put me off (Sexy girl harem, horrible goofy attempt at comedy), but I've decided to try it again since you placed it in the 'gets better over time' category. ^^

Not that I know much about anime production, but I just dislike sloppy anime, especially stuff that oversexualize underage girls instead of actually focusing on the plot.
Loved the video, it was so relatable and so sad. T^T
I hope we get some better anime in the future.

@jammermt99 - 29.11.2023 14:04

gate is a top tier anime fuck off

@josephdavis3472 - 29.11.2023 11:18

Honestly with SAO I feel like the first 4 or 5 episodes were pretty good, and the whole series just takes a nosedive as soon as Heathcliff exists.

Edit: Not like, top tier "good", but certainly passable compared to what comes after.
