Is a Cyber Security Degree Worth it? (My Tips)

Is a Cyber Security Degree Worth it? (My Tips)

Colin Kelly

3 года назад

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Pra S Asta
Pra S Asta - 18.08.2023 13:01

Hi Colin, major on CS or Cybersecurity?

Cody Campbell
Cody Campbell - 17.08.2023 08:33

Hey Colin I got a question im just starting out I love your video this really was eye opening and helped me walk away with a good perspective. Would you recommend getting a computer science degree with a concentration in cybersecurity? Im a father of two and im restarting my life and my education in a manner of speaking. I want to go into this industry the right way. But I dont know how or where to start off. Im gonna go to school but I want to make sure I don't waist my own time in the process.

Ambatukam - 15.08.2023 10:52

What if your employer pays for your degree up to a master's no strings attached 100% for units, books, and any other expenses?

Michael Jarvis
Michael Jarvis - 25.06.2023 18:21

Without experience you want even get noticed....even WITH a degree

Christopher Narh
Christopher Narh - 22.06.2023 23:10

Please what’s the difference between BTech and BSc in cyber security and how do they relate

VickNastyy - 05.06.2023 17:26

Holy audio. Thanks for blowing out my ear drums 👍

Jazy NerdyGirl Reacts
Jazy NerdyGirl Reacts - 23.05.2023 04:17

I just started my bachelor degree for computer science/cyber security at Colorado technical university online an if I keep the current course load or take more classes could be finished in 2 years

Al Nejashi
Al Nejashi - 06.04.2023 21:38

I’m almost getting my associates degree in cybersecurity in community college, they told me that I can only look job for entry level positions or it’s hard to get job at all. What is your opinion on that? Thanks

thuggishruggish216 - 03.04.2023 06:25

Great video. The idea of the video is awesome. Only complaint, which was a deal breaker for me, is the audio quality. When there is a pause in speech the next sentence starts out screaming at me, and for this reason, I could only watch half the video. I would try more of your content but it's scary how loud it gets lol

Archez !
Archez ! - 28.03.2023 00:02

Im planning on trying to learn as much as i csn before i go get my bachelors in cybersecurity i wanna be working while im in school tbh

ctjmaughs - 12.03.2023 04:06

Would like to see a follow up to this video. Seems like he focused too much on the status of college rather than what you learned.

Cristian Solares
Cristian Solares - 09.03.2023 07:51

I believe cyber security employers would want candidates to have a degree in the near future. The same thing happened with the programming job title. Back then you could have gotten a job just with certificates and proof of knowledge. Now it's very difficult to get into programming without a computer science degree.

B Sairam Shastri
B Sairam Shastri - 27.02.2023 09:07

Hey I would like to know your input about doing Masters in Cybersecurity at University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Lorenzo Figueroa
Lorenzo Figueroa - 11.02.2023 20:18

I really like your stand, very neutral. It may come out as rude but for some reason you start explaining something and in the middle you start adding points to your speech with a different tone so my attention goes there. But please don't take it as plain insult, I really liked your video. Cheers!

Jasmyne Love
Jasmyne Love - 01.12.2022 01:19

I love how he talked about the pros and cons first and then related it to his own experience. Most people will just tell us what they go through and not explain both ends of the spectrum.

Rehaan Ali
Rehaan Ali - 17.11.2022 05:44

This helps me think about it from a different pov! Thankyou soo much, greetings from India!

Denspion - 04.11.2022 03:48

i'm considering going this route to, i'm currently a federal employee so hope that helps, I also have an associates in Computer Information Tech that I hope to transfer a few credits toward the B.S. I also live in Augusta, GA which is said to be the Cybersecurity capital of the world so hope that also gives me an advantage, now my hurdles are my budget and time since I work full time living pay check to pay check.

Dhyanendra Singh Yadav
Dhyanendra Singh Yadav - 24.10.2022 05:42

Kindly reply: How much time does one need to spend every day in learning to learn cyber security in 1 year through self taught route?

Hoagie D
Hoagie D - 29.09.2022 17:19

I have a bachelors in business and I’m enrolled in a cyber security bachelors program as a transfer student. They’re letting me apply all my gen ed credits from my first degree so I only have to take the degree specific courses. This will allow me to get a second bachelors in Cybersecurity in only about 3 semesters. I’d recommend this to anyone with a completed undergrad.

Xxshazam - 24.09.2022 08:33

Would you recommend majoring in a computer science degree or cyber security degree? I don’t want to be limited to only Cyber security with the degree but at the same time it’s also the career I’m most interested in?

MeJamesMe - 10.09.2022 04:02

YOur Fing volume. pick one and keep it. jerk

Richdel Etac
Richdel Etac - 08.09.2022 23:22

Its attractive how calm tNice tutorials guy is

Laython Kemp
Laython Kemp - 31.08.2022 00:58

What if you have a information technology degree will it help with getting into cyber security?

Jay Henderson
Jay Henderson - 16.08.2022 17:51

I have tryhackme premium and a bunch of pdfs, I think that’s equivalent to a degree.

Shyam Anumalla
Shyam Anumalla - 12.08.2022 22:44

I think of doing MBA in cybersecurity. it's a better option? ???

Gadiel Santiago
Gadiel Santiago - 07.08.2022 02:12

I'm looking into getting the college degree for the kind of work I'm aiming at it will help me a lot.

Abdullah Abualrub
Abdullah Abualrub - 31.07.2022 22:30

I have finished an associates in general studies. Now I want to pursue my bachelors in cybersecurity. does that mean I study four years or two? and do you advise it for somebody with literally no IT skills period? I also am not very good at math but I heard cybersecurity doesnt have much to do with really hard math.

Rachel Tan
Rachel Tan - 21.07.2022 19:03

Hi Colin, thanks for this insightful video. Could I get your perspective on doing a Masters in Cyber Security? I studied an unrelated degree (accountancy) and am thinking of spending 2 years to do part-time masters (not as long as a bachelor's). I am already in the cyber security industry at the entry level. Would I be better off going for the certification route? Thanks in advance!

Also, I'm thinking of doing either CRISC or CISM. Are you able to recommend which to do first?

The Latin Arrow
The Latin Arrow - 12.07.2022 15:33

Coming from hvac and construction, covid lung got me so I'm looking for a career that doesn't have as much wear and tear on my body, I Love hvac but cybersecurity seems to be calling my name, service and repairs while learning this will be interesting

Apelanto777 - 24.06.2022 13:56

should i do bachelor in cybersecurity or data engineering?

Ryan Maderas
Ryan Maderas - 18.06.2022 04:25

How about associate degree for Cyber Security, what do you think?

Naomi Owen
Naomi Owen - 15.06.2022 07:30

What do you think about the 10 month courses by colleges. CU Boulder has a cyber security bootcamp

FullSendcirca92 - 14.06.2022 03:33

you can get these interns just by going to job fairs at your local university for free. In college they teach to the book, not the problem. You can also buy the same txt books they use at Harvard, not to mention you can watch the lectures for free in fact you can go to the 400lv courses in college without being enrolled to sit in and learn. You just won’t get a piece of paper but you’ll save 3 years of your life not learning anything. There’s a reason they don’t teach you about money and why corporations “train” you regardless if you have a degree. That should tell you how valuable it is

ali aliraqi
ali aliraqi - 11.06.2022 21:25

Thank you very much for information

Lefty - 04.06.2022 16:12

As a older male (27) looking to make a career change from Automotive I have no idea where to start. I know for a fact that I will fall off with self study so I’m currently trying to get into a 4 year program. If that doesn’t work I’ll just take the community college route. Whatever it takes truly

Vman - 27.05.2022 21:36

Thank you for the info.

havoc - 25.05.2022 05:41

Unfortunately I dropped out in my Mechanical engineering 3rd year! and choose to learn Cyebrsecurity on my own! I Applied for a Open BA degree so that I don't have to go to college and get a graduate degree!
I learnt many thanks on my own I did many certifications!
CEH, Ejpt, SANS, PNPT and luckily it worked for me :)

Got a Job in Orecel as a Security Analyst!
you never know which path will work for you, you just have to give your 100% 🔥❤️

Scott J
Scott J - 10.05.2022 03:41

I agree with the uselessness of Geology and such in degrees. Each state has a board that tries to decide what will make us all "well-rounded" after we graduate. My solution is to look into Associate degrees. You learn the nuts and bolts of a degree subject without all the fluff classes. You are in and out with a degree, which is more useful without the 3rd- and 4th-year management classes. If you want to be a manager, then transfer that degree to a 4-year program.

Nosizwe Dlamini
Nosizwe Dlamini - 23.04.2022 21:57

Can you specialize in Cybersecurity with an IT degree?

Gabriel Fono
Gabriel Fono - 21.04.2022 09:59

Please renew your ssl because we can't access your blog.
Most people secure their cell phone and laptop 💻
Very great content

Gabriel Fono
Gabriel Fono - 21.04.2022 09:53

Absolutely great
I am software engineer.
I taught myself two years ago.
Right now, I teaching cyber security for fun beside my full time job as software engineer
Your video is amazing

Daniel B
Daniel B - 21.04.2022 02:06

I’m so confused my community college offers this program for 1k 10 week course

Oti el
Oti el - 24.03.2022 01:47

Loved this..1year is enough that's great

Akuma no Kuma
Akuma no Kuma - 21.03.2022 20:08

thank you!!!

METAL ELMMER - 15.03.2022 21:58

I'm going the college route

Turkey Sammich
Turkey Sammich - 08.03.2022 08:21

Do you think a associates degree from a community College will get you anywhere in the field??

rawpilot84 - 19.02.2022 11:28

Why are you wearing a different shirt in the thumbnail? I was expecting to see you in a white shirt, then I got really disappointed when I saw this royal blue shirt instead. Geez

Ritchie Davies
Ritchie Davies - 19.02.2022 02:14

do you think a associates degree could get you anywhere?

Hans de Jamir
Hans de Jamir - 13.02.2022 12:03

You need to fix the sound mate!
