a little snippet of a film that is killin' my ribs...

a little snippet of a film that is killin' my ribs...

the deeliciousplum

1 десятилетие назад

570 Просмотров

from a unique & loved director, Woody Allen.

Hi folkies,

I have been pretty much a life long fan of Woody Allen. His dialogue laden films are just my cup of tea. Mind you, they are not for everyone. Yet, there is something for everyone in each movie. Just that a certain level of patience is needed. Most folkies have been raised or migrate toward movies with explosions and high speed chases. One would be hard pressed to find those in Woody's films. So, y'all can see why I mentioned that to enjoy a Woody Allen movie, ya need to be interested in story tellin' and in dialogue. Both are rare commodities in the Hollywood scene...even when the Hollywood scene is trying for 'em. Yup yup.

Enjoy this wee little snippet of "Whatever Works" and trust me when I say this was the somewhat tamer side of the film.

best wishes,
demetri b.

p.s. Please, forgive me for the light out-of-sych sound. I kinda did this one quickly, so that I can do some other things. Um...at least I am honest :P


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