Aquascape Tutorial - Dennerle Scapers Tank 70L - Jungle Style Aquascape

Aquascape Tutorial - Dennerle Scapers Tank 70L - Jungle Style Aquascape

MJ Aquascaping

4 года назад

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@bradleyscheurwater5558 - 06.12.2020 22:16

Another beautifull scape done by an amazing artist. Keep up the good work!

@alexander196629 - 06.12.2020 22:23

Gaaf MJ

@robinjonas1803 - 06.12.2020 22:51

freaking awesome 😈 was looking forward to this set up!! great job! Updates will follow?

@mariarusnak9975 - 06.12.2020 23:01


@darrenderousse4804 - 07.12.2020 01:19

Beautiful scape! I was watching Felipe’s channel and saw your scape in the ANAC! Haha didn’t agree with 10th though but loved the scape! I told Felipe to check out your channel and he said he did after! Keep up the great content and hope the channel keeps growing!

@stephenclarke9302 - 07.12.2020 01:22

Awesome job dude, this already looks amazing 🙌 🇮🇪

@TankTastic - 07.12.2020 01:57

Great job, but yooo am I the only one that thought that first piece of hardscape going in was a bit phallic? 😂😂😂

@Robert-Jaudon - 07.12.2020 04:57

beautiful...Love your videos.

@SlickNick3 - 07.12.2020 05:19

I’ve been wanting to use your technique for putting moss on the rocks it looks great! Do you have any algae issues with the moss on top of the rocks closest to the surface and light?

@berndtwiest4571 - 07.12.2020 09:24

Prachtig, wat vind jij tot nu toe van dennerle soil? Ik ben er zeer tevreden over, ik gebruik het sinds de zomer. Planten ontwikkelen enorme wortels binnen no time.

@aquariumplantman - 07.12.2020 11:03

Looking great Mark, love the moss work. 🌱

@maart0123 - 07.12.2020 12:26

Nicely done! what is the aquarium stand you used here?

@jayrowe6473 - 07.12.2020 14:57

Looks great! I wish I could find those tanks in the US.

@raybro2216 - 11.12.2020 01:53

Amazing MJ.

@nathanwilliams415 - 18.03.2021 01:00

Your videos are top notch. I have never seen that fish in the States. Think they can be paired with cherry shrimp?

@leonardodogevinci4501 - 19.03.2021 20:42

Do you think it worked better with the soil powder than with the yoghurt?

@outofcreativity8478 - 27.06.2021 21:13

Wow dude, that’s awesome! I am searching for a rimless aquarium to replace my old one and I like this one!

@syameel666 - 01.09.2021 04:22

Awesome idea with the painting moss, how long did you do the dry start method after painting the moss before even starting to scape it? Planning to give it a try myself since I have few lava rocks in hand 🤣 hope to hear your reply soon, eager to start it myself 🙏🏽🙏🏽

@mathieurevel9268 - 11.12.2021 23:30

How do you prepared this moss on the rocks ?
From with plant ? And this which method of mixing ?
Maybe it is already in one of your video , please give me the reference
Thanks and good Christmas .

@adrianradu2332 - 17.12.2021 20:16

Hey! Please recommend some good lights for this tank! I just got it aswell :)

@bananafloat27 - 25.01.2022 00:22

Such talent!

@roypelzers8624 - 08.05.2022 23:35

Geeft het substraat geen ammonia af in het begin? Heb je dit opgelost door veel waterwissels te doen in de toekomstige weken?

@chanceboudrau - 08.06.2022 16:04

bonjour, magnifique réalisation que je veux essayer de reproduire. je voulais savoir comment vous arrivez à mettre les roches ensemble ? Merci

@marcinz.5361 - 11.10.2023 23:45

Hello, is this Dennerle aquarium white glass?

@BonniePrincesa - 27.03.2024 09:42


@sakurayuki8391 - 05.04.2024 12:37

Do you think this tank is appropriate for 2 large goldfish? Thanks

@gallahant - 23.05.2024 22:45

Really wonderful build. I bought this tank and waiting for it to come in the mail in a couple of days. It will be my first real tank (besides a 30L Biorb that i have with some neon tetras). I also ordered the Dennerle external filter but I want to ask you from where did you get those long transparent pipes for your filter, because I am looking for something like these to replace the stock ones so I can rest the filter on the furniture instead of hanging from the tank.
