Asdivine Hearts (Switch) Review

Asdivine Hearts (Switch) Review

Reviews 2 Go

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@quizzyssbu3156 - 12.04.2018 19:47

Yay another review. I absolutely love your channel and how you make reviews so often. I watch every new review the same day it is uploaded and I subscribed. Keep up the good work 👍

@SlowerIsFaster139 - 12.04.2018 22:14

I did not enjoy this game. I thought the combat was tedious and intrusive wich is 2 things you dont want in a turn basef rpg. On sale i would get this game as its good for a couple hours. But for 15 dollars i would not buy it.

@SlowerIsFaster139 - 12.04.2018 22:16

Where are you looking lmao

@AJsVideos187 - 15.04.2018 17:39

So overall there are only 5 characters?

@thatbastardson - 01.07.2018 00:27

Paid 6 bucks. Worth it, at that price.

@characterdreemurr1498 - 28.07.2018 14:01

Gems in a grid?

So Raging Blast 2

@flatcapman - 24.08.2018 18:32

its obvious Cold cuts hates RPGS or he enjoys crappy ones. No doubt a Sky RIm lover

@nathan3961 - 08.09.2018 13:42

This looks like Fernz Gate

@dbozgt - 01.10.2018 06:12

This game and story is a lot of fun.

@samljer - 27.01.2019 02:23

Any game that takes "hours" to get going is not worth it.
there are just as many other good RPGs out there that dont require that.

@jpfitness2242 - 31.01.2019 23:45

What's a game I can get on ps4 that also has interesting characters?

@ULTIMATEGOOSE01 - 02.02.2019 04:55

Bought this and Antiquia Hearts on sale recently, I like the look of the game, not so much the battles, selecting the numerous abilities can get annoying, and it's like there are a number of random abilities I rarely use and it confuses me as to what I should be using or why they are there when the basic attack option just kills everything, so I stick to the auto battle option, much quicker for getting around to the story.
I will likely get a physical copy to add to my collection of video games.

@Jack-nj9pi - 13.03.2019 06:24

great review but kemco just doesnt do it for me got burn to many times

@8bpianoplayer - 04.07.2019 02:06

One of my favorite Kemco/Exe-Create RPGs. To me it's up there with Revenant Saga...

@steven7936 - 23.09.2019 12:55

level 70 in like 20 hours. Holy fuck this game is hot garbage.

@pyroclasmcheeks5393 - 13.10.2019 21:27

Cross with hard difficulty is better

@JosePerez-tp5qf - 12.12.2019 05:16

I've watched about ten reviews today. I finally picked one.

@jzblue345 - 25.01.2020 14:51

You should review Asdivine Kamura I really enjoyed it I think you will also.

@loto5919 - 16.03.2020 19:19

I'd rather play another other jrpg on the planet than to have to play a single game from Kemco. They are the worst Japanese game dev team of all time.

@DarkZenith - 27.03.2020 22:21

1) 10 endings not 8, 2) kemco is the publisher but not the creator of this title

@mikesimmerman4457 - 06.08.2020 03:22

Dude on PC this game is awesome

@AlmirYandi20 - 08.08.2020 12:38

Download it from PS NOW on PS4. I love this kind of JRPG. And I guess 20 hour I can give for this gem.

@paulkinder8440 - 05.10.2020 13:48

I've just picked up Asdivine Hearts 1 & 2 on the Xbox One for £16.79, I've yet to play them and I've never played a Kemco game before. So I'm not too sure what to expect as many players don't appear to rate Kemco games.

@Jayce_Alexander - 12.04.2021 01:22

The fact that this was a mobile game originally really made me reluctant to buy this. But your review has sold me on it. Getting it on the Switch.

@peanutmansemporiumofrandom7472 - 03.10.2021 15:45

I know this is an old review but check out Limited Run Games and you’ll see the Asdivine Collection being released for the Switch 10/05 featuring Asdivine Hearts 1, 2, and Dios and Menace.

@moroseloki1912 - 03.04.2022 09:38

Seen this on sale the other day not bad. Was going to say looks like a mobile game.

@ComicBooksandVideoGameNerd96 - 03.05.2022 21:42

I found this game on the Wii U for sale

@PrettyGuardian - 02.08.2022 04:54

This game is on sale on the Nintendo switch right now and I was thinking about getting it.

@sheldonmurray9155 - 08.03.2023 00:40

Looks like your average, uninspired RPG Maker game with non-fluid animations.

@holymystic4490 - 07.04.2023 21:40

Before the Nintendo eShop closed, I tried to get as many games as I could on my 3DS and Wii u. I came across the kemco RPGs and they all looked interesting and I wanted to collect them all.

obviously I don't have them all yet and I'm hoping to do so one day. So I got a couple of questions

Question one, how many of these RPGs are out on volume collections on the Nintendo switch?

also does the Wii u downloaded version of as Divine hearts come with the same content that the switch version does?

I'm hoping to play these role-playing game someday and they seemed really interesting, rock on with your channel and God bless

@nezkeys79 - 02.06.2023 01:31

This is 0.99 on mobile

Has to be worth that right lol? 😅

@cvdinjapan7935 - 22.11.2023 04:04

It's also worth pointing out that some of the endings and trophies are missable if you overwrite the save data after the main story's boss, so be sure to save on a separate file for the post-game content. The PS4 version, like the Switch version, has none of the Vita's issues. Since it includes collectable trophies, I consider the PS4 version to be the ultimate edition of the game.

@PaulTravis-c6m - 01.10.2024 22:19

It wouldn't bug me that reminds me of a Super Nintendo game I don't care about the graphics all I care about is the gameplay

@dannysimion - 05.12.2024 23:50

Might pick this up just to take a little break from playing playing Trails into Reverie for a bit
