Viking Samurai LIAR FRAUD FAKE Black Belt EXPOSED Frank Dux JCVD Kicks: AJ Van Bakker VS Viking S.

Viking Samurai LIAR FRAUD FAKE Black Belt EXPOSED Frank Dux JCVD Kicks: AJ Van Bakker VS Viking S.

Martial Arts HALL of FAKES

1 год назад

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@davidnomad9750 - 12.02.2024 18:45

I hope samurai doesn’t give you the time and day. You lost all my respect

@SifuSeagal - 13.02.2024 04:22

David paid me to read from a script he hasnt sent the rest of my fee, i do not endorse him and will be asking him to remove our conversation if it isnt sent.

@davidnomad9750 - 14.02.2024 08:00

You are so delusional dude , you made a whole channel trashing someone who gave you a platform, this is so crazy.

@davidnomad9750 - 14.02.2024 18:51

La neta you could redeem yourself carnal just start being positive and apologize and I think you would get crazy respect from everyone.

@antimediaman9354 - 15.02.2024 10:10

Little David, they called him, with a smirk and a jest,
Boasting of battles, a self-made crest.
He spun tales of glory, of fights never fought,
A warrior in dreams, but in reality, not!!

He dodged the real fights with a surgeon's note,
A phantom injury, a fabricated quote.
His arm, unscarred, as fit as could be,
No sign of surgery, for those who could see.

@antimediaman9354 - 15.02.2024 10:11

A sparring session, awkward, a sight to behold,
Against a shadow boxer, his bravado uncontrolled.
Yet when faced with a challenge, a true test of his might,
Little David vanished, a ghost in the night.

@antimediaman9354 - 15.02.2024 10:13

He lured in the masses with tales so tall,
A Viking Samurai, destined to fall.
For when the curtain was pulled, and the truth came to light,
It was just little David, no warrior in sight.

So here's to the Viking, a samurai in name,
A legend in his mind, but in fame, just a game.

@antimediaman9354 - 15.02.2024 10:26

A samurai with no sword, a Viking with no ship,
In the sea of real fighters, David's just a blip.

@antimediaman9354 - 15.02.2024 10:31

Celebrity boxing, now that's your stage,
Where the fights are soft, and the weak engage.

@antimediaman9354 - 15.02.2024 10:34

He claims he's had surgery, but the only thing operated on was his imagination. He's got no scars, except maybe his ego when he looks in the mirror. He says, "I can't fight, I'm recovering." The only thing he's recovering from is a severe case of delusions of grandeur.😂😂

@antimediaman9354 - 15.02.2024 10:37

Then, when someone actually takes him up on his challenge, he's like a magician—poof, disappears. "I've got a more attractive offer," he says. Yeah, celebrity boxing, where the fights are so fixed, even the audience knows who's gonna win. It's like watching two kangaroos in a slap fight—entertaining, but you know it's just for show.

Tim Witherspoon, bless his heart, tried to train him. That's like trying to teach a fish to ride a bicycle. Eventually, even Tim's like, "I'm out. This fish ain't going anywhere."

So here's to Viking Samurai, the man who threw punches only in his dreams. He's the only fighter who can put his leg behind his head, not to kick but to sniff jis own a zz Folks, if laughter was a punch, he'd be the world champion. But as it stands, he's just the king of the castle made of sand—waves come in, and whoosh, there goes his throne.

Cheers to you, Viking, may your sails always be full of hot air!😂😂

@krystiankrysti1396 - 15.02.2024 12:32

dood - why sunglassess at home, why leather jacket , you sweat a lot in it, are you serious

@derekwinkler7414 - 15.02.2024 15:06

Fake people talking other people being fake 😂😂😂

@TheWatcher-NM156 - 16.02.2024 14:34

Viking Samurai is a runt & a gaslighting troll.

@TheWatcher-NM156 - 16.02.2024 14:38

Viking Samurai gaslights old timers that have been hit in the head too many times & bumps elbows with B-actors who never quite made it in the entertainment industry.

@AL.Don.Reviews.TrueCrime - 19.02.2024 10:48

Subbed. I'm from the UK and I would Podcast over the net with you. I am impartial and presume Viking has now been training towards his karate grades?

@GoldenAgeSk8Video - 20.02.2024 07:22

Nothing wrong with pointing out VS ex-wife is trans 🏳️‍⚧️. Not very convincing I have to say!… 😅 Whatever floats his boat, I guess?? 😬 I have to say, I am NOT impressed! 😬 😑 AJ’s 🇳🇱 lady > VS’ 🏳️‍⚧️ lady

@dangkoen - 01.03.2024 14:39

Like to use certain information in this video to ask Viking Samurai a question. Are you ok with that?

@georgecortina9481 - 03.03.2024 03:22

Does Duke call out a fighter then back out like you Viking Samurai?

@gungfurick1 - 09.03.2024 05:18

Why are you acting like you are drinking from a cup,... that is empty ? BLA,BLA,BLA,..You are like a little girl in school bad mouthing other kids because you Think you are Better than them !!! I listened to what you had to say and Everything that came out of your mouth was Nothing but SHIT, 100% Negative Shit !!! Being Negative is Never any good for anyone. GROW UP Man !!!

@alexisjohnson9608 - 09.03.2024 22:02

I'm not sure who this guy is. anyone out there that can enlighten me to just who this guy really is, is he legit? who is he? also he made a statement about Krav Maga not being effective, Krav Maga is used in the Israeli Special Forces it's designed to eliminate a threat immediately it's not for the ring or the octagon it's not designed for MMA because it is a lethal self-defense system used by the military to eliminate an immediate threat (can't say that enough) unless you are one of these instructors in America that says you know it and you can teach it just to get people to come in and pay you and it's a water down form that really isn't that effective. however this guy really seems to dislike the Viking Samurai

@baldersn4474 - 14.03.2024 08:11

Grow up 😂

@RT-bt5ql - 15.03.2024 00:22

He can whoop you

@Justwatching746 - 15.03.2024 20:05

David “Viking Samurai” would whoop your ass.

@seamusnaughton8217 - 16.03.2024 20:12

Subcribed may say great point about upper body thats true you mo what your taiking point

@seamusnaughton8217 - 16.03.2024 20:24

Loke you uou uour . Real what you see is what you get your own person

@chrishambrick892 - 17.03.2024 04:49

Samurai is fake he wants to be van damme he wants to kick like van damme van damme's helicopter kick is a mixture Of martial arts and ballet is basically a ballet kick a show kick

@nicholasscrewyourbutthurto4 - 17.03.2024 09:06

shut up. you are jealos.

@gbosnjak62 - 17.03.2024 16:54

Hollywood is full of fake people and martial arts masters
all of them are fraud
Only Steven Seagel can have my respect

@sonicfuker - 19.03.2024 05:10

Y'all want views?

Pick a gym halfway between where you both live, meet and film a sparring session for 3 rounds. That will suss out who's who real quick.

@Noneevo - 09.04.2024 14:33

I DONT AGREE With this video! David is Legit ! Then again you can try and fight him!

@bretthumphrey6821 - 13.04.2024 10:12

You cant even kick high you got in a street fight you didn't beat anyone out 😂😂😂😂😂😂stop wearing sunglasses inside

@user-wb7nv9ht1g - 30.04.2024 17:16

Fascinating, someone who's just as weird as that other nerd. Love the delusion and having his friend call pretending hes a fan. Keep it up

@C3phoe - 06.05.2024 01:51

AJ can actually FIGHT! He would beat the tar out of ANY guy in ANY army who isnt a pro ufc guy, hell, he could proably best those dudes like tim Kennedy

@ashuosake2323 - 14.05.2024 04:04

I just called him out. He blocked me😂

@robertkuhler7312 - 13.06.2024 14:07

😂😂😂 this man is a joke he will never ever do better kicks then VAN FAMME 😂

@lowandbeland3416 - 24.06.2024 19:29

viking samurai is just a wannabe van damme which he'll never be and now he wants to be a boxer likely staged he has a lot of ego. Initially his mention of classic 80s/90s martial arts movies was good, but then it went sh8t. His movie the last kumite is awful worst acting ever a very poor rip off of bloodsport, all viking does is the same kick van damme does he has no originality.

@CountBellamarre1205 - 14.08.2024 00:44

Bro, can you imagine us doing a remake of Predator?!? With you playing the role of Dutch, VS playing Hawkins, and last but not least me as Billy since I'm more reserved by nature.

@Marko-TKDD - 16.08.2024 21:24

You are full of bullshit, David is real martial artist and i think that Mikael Mulder from urban Combatives Neatherlands have some things to talk to you also... you really have to humble little bit.

@stingytrevor - 25.12.2024 23:14

AJ van bakker - great tae kwon do fighter, excellent kicks , flexibility and fighting ability. Wish more tae kwon do blackbelts were like him.

@spacepuppy720 - 21.01.2025 10:12

Never heard of you, but it is accurate to say you're just another nobody who thinks he's a somebody trying to convince the world that he's worth listening to. Arrogant and jealous.

@FDNRunningandMotivation-ws1hd - 23.01.2025 03:53

Next video: expose Andrew Tate. Cheers. that jacket is dope.👍🏼

@drewdanger9413 - 11.02.2025 06:25

Viking is my brother. I know him personally. He's a good man. He's a legit martial artist. He won his first professional fight and he treats people with respect all the way down. Obviously you did not treat him with the same level of respect and you guys parted ways. That's cool. You should just keep it there. Work on your channel. Keep moving and do what you need to do. You don't have to stir up all this controversy and nonsense
