CHAOS : Biden BAILS Out - Why Now And Not WEEKS Ago? Democrats Scramble

CHAOS : Biden BAILS Out - Why Now And Not WEEKS Ago? Democrats Scramble


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@tycane8779 - 22.07.2024 22:25

$$$$$$$$$$$$ that’s why she endorsed her

@Fleshbag453 - 22.07.2024 22:26

After 4 years of democrat lies, I'm never voting for them in my lifetime.

@tycane8779 - 22.07.2024 22:26

Pelosi did today

@kentgrinton5093 - 22.07.2024 22:45

There must have been a real good reason cuz Jill was tragging him around on a leash

@moseykay - 22.07.2024 22:46

From the recent virus announcement. My gut is saying we are watching a real life movie. Anyone remember Dave in 1993 starring Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver?

@XaqNautilus - 22.07.2024 22:47

Short answer: because the democrats are either stupid or it's all part of their plan.

@dsalvatier - 22.07.2024 22:51

When I started watching you, you emphasized that your channel was focused on looking at the entertainment industry through a financial lens. That appealed to me greatly and I’ve enjoyed your pov on many topics, but talking politics is not something I’m interested. I don’t want to hear about either side. There’s enough of that in my life from multiple sources. Just my two cents.

@MundaneThingsBackwards - 22.07.2024 22:57

Why not weeks ago? The the attempt last Saturday at that rally and the obvious consequences for the election wasn't weeks ago.

@TheEnigman - 22.07.2024 23:02

I'm guessing they've threatened him with the 25th amendment and other dirt they have on him if he didn't withdraw but that they'd 'let' him serve out his term. What is odd is that his letter was not on White House letterhead as you would expect even if he was producing the communication at his home. No official speech to reassure the public that while he has Covid he'll continue but that he's made the decision to withdraw.

@paulsorensen5996 - 22.07.2024 23:11

Force of light, you are brilliant and funny and I loved your clips about using Kamala’s quotes against her.

@OrioleBeagle - 22.07.2024 23:13

Valiant and WDW Pro should consider starting a political channel together.

@drbryant23 - 22.07.2024 23:20

This is boring. What happened to movie news?

@gudrun5531 - 22.07.2024 23:21

I actually enjoyed hearing your views on politics, since I agree. I know this is a divergence from your normal coverage so you might get mixed results.

@dalastar3 - 22.07.2024 23:29

It's a waste of time trying to guess who the 'man' is behind the curtain. They will have made sure to put up several firewalls for accountability. George Soros is thrown around a lot, but I wager there is more likely a cabal that pulls the puppet strings of the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, etc...

@JosephJames_joejimmy - 22.07.2024 23:30


@PBlueturtle - 22.07.2024 23:37

Pease don’t become a political channel. We have too many of those.

@FLABrowncoat - 22.07.2024 23:45

It comes down to whether they want a strong leader, or another figurehead/placeholder that they can control. If the former, there's no shortage of the pathologically ambitious. If the latter, Harris is more than qualified for once.

@tommydarbe1524 - 22.07.2024 23:46

Jill seemed to want to hold on to the Presidency tighter than Chris Christie on an apple fritter, so she either gave on to pressure or saw her husband as he really is.

@chrisleonard2908 - 22.07.2024 23:51

Biden's cabinet and staff are full of Obama acolytes who know what Obama wanted done.

@Edera7795 - 22.07.2024 23:53

No offence to the two ladies. but if they by pass Kamala they are going to lose the black caucus. They are already down 35% of the black vote, they can not afford to lose the other 65%.

Michele can not run as Michele. He has to run as Michael and HE doesn't have the name.

@Halbared - 22.07.2024 23:59

Pro watches the Why Files.
Hecklefish 2024!

@ghostprojekt - 23.07.2024 00:02

Please PLEASE let this be Iger's ticket to become the nominee. I NEED IGER VS TRUMP DEBATE!

@bartlester591 - 23.07.2024 00:04

In my opinion, Jill Biden has been under great pressure to get Joe out of the White House and I think that pretty much told her no one certain terms if she doesn’t write a letter and get Joe to sign it that he is withdrawing from the race he will end her meaning Obama will end Jill Biden swiftly. I also think the decision to endorse Kamala came a little bit after the resignation from the campaign. I think that was Jill Biden‘s FU2, the DNC and the Democrats and Obama and his Lackeys because that means this, if Biden did not endorse Kamala and give her the keys to the cash and the infrastructure that means that they would have pretty much 15 days scramble to set somebody up as the candidate because this all has to be done before August 7 for federal reasons and for the state Ohio who hast to have a candidate to print up the ballot before the end of the first week of August there convention isn’t until the first week of August so that was they were going to have to scramble to do that and also mentioned the 14 million votes that had already been virtually cast, for Biden would be disenfranchise yet again another middle finger to Obama and the DNC because they were about to do something that would even break their own rules and here’s the kicker. We all know that Trump is going to be able to clean the floor up with Kamala. It’s no contest and remember what Kamala really is she’s a DEI hire she was pulling badly against Joe in the primary. She couldn’t even pull in 3% of the population in the primary race in 2020 that’s bad what’s what’s gonna make it even worse now they have to accept her. Obama doesn’t want Kamala doesn’t want Kamala nobody in leadership wants Kamala because they know that she doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing, she was just there to look pretty and look for the DEI checkboxes so what’s going to happen here they’re going to try to dissuade her in every way shape or form to get out she’s not going to and that’s gonna piss them off even further because they have four monthsto get a candidate get them up and running and it’s impossible to do that they should if they were going to get rid of they should’ve gotten rid of him at the beginning of the year instead of waiting till now

@crytsanana3592 - 23.07.2024 00:07

Has anyone else noticed that WDW Pro sounds a bit like Rush Limbaugh?

@aquaham3564 - 23.07.2024 00:20

Lol Jill has nothing to do with anything

@charleschris4123 - 23.07.2024 00:27

But Democrat DNC was pushing for this virtual ballot to affirm Joe Biden as their nominee before the convention

@TheAllSeeingEye2468 - 23.07.2024 00:31


@dustinsensenig9798 - 23.07.2024 00:33

You're talking about Harris and there's a pro Harris as playing in the middle of this video

@karenpojar2514 - 23.07.2024 00:50

On one hand, Brandon probably entered stage 6 dementia and/or is in hospice. Hence the scramble, and why it didn't happen on a Friday.

On the other hand, this is a coup: someone kicked the potus out of the WH and installed a puppet (well, replaced a puppet).

@davecable7630 - 23.07.2024 00:56

Joe might not even be alive. That letter wasn't from him. A silent coup.

@jamesstone1493 - 23.07.2024 01:26

The biggest problem is the Democrats are stuck with Kamala as the money is stuck to Joe, or Kamala Harris. So they need to nominate her just to use that money!!!!!!

@thefalloutshelter7799 - 23.07.2024 01:29

It was a hard for somebody insane or vote for somebody thats senile......slight change now

@connormcclenny9681 - 23.07.2024 01:41

I'm sad for Joe's totally real 81M first term voters that are adrift right now, without their leader. Those poor souls.

@vegasgone07-dh4lb - 23.07.2024 01:55

Think it was always the plan for Biden to step down and to make Kamala the President. Only they didn't expect Trump to make it. Something's fishy.

@Azrael.the.fourth.horseman - 23.07.2024 02:15

At this point who really gives a 💩. The old man with dementia is not running 👍 however the fat man still is.

@bondgabebond4907 - 23.07.2024 02:35

The one single event that changed everything, including what the democrats are doing right now is that Trump survived.

@pduidesign - 23.07.2024 03:03

So tens of millions of democrat voters who selected Biden get disenfranchised so the Democrat elite and Washington insiders can choose instead. Someone should sue for fraud. Not only that but all that money wasted by republicans. Red states should sue as well.

@willscarlet8211 - 23.07.2024 03:35

Thank you for at least exploring the campaign funds aspect of this STRANGE bizarre experience. Remember JB is our only “mail order” candidate. God help us!!

@NOYFB982 - 23.07.2024 03:51

And rumors are he passed away and didn’t even sign his own letter pulling out of the race. This is so very sad. He should have been able to retire a few years ago and lead a nice reimagining time in his life.

@gortgnut9461 - 23.07.2024 04:22

I also thought that the Biden endorsement of Harris was a final FU to the Democratic party that shut down his campaign. It's also interesting how this chaos in the Democratic party started so quickly after the Trump shooter incident. Almost like some grand plan is no longer in play isn't it... It definitely makes one wonder who really is running the nation under Biden, and how they will try to regain control now that the puppet's fallen apart in front of everyone. Look at who is giving the money and amounts, this will tell a story, esp money from outside the US which is technically illegal I think for US campaigns.

@vana.johnson8845 - 23.07.2024 04:33

Who does not remember that debate back in June 2020 where Kamala Harris stated "Joe you are not FIT to run this country!". At the time I agreed. Following that debate Harris dropped out of the race. One month later Jim Crow Short Eyes Joe added her as his Vice President nominee.
Sorry that Shady Assination attempt virtually assured DJT a Avalanche, Landslide in the November election.

@roystoyscomics1361 - 23.07.2024 04:54

Kamala Harris was an anchor baby when she was born. Neither of her parents were US citizens at her time of birth. Which means she is not a natural born citizen and thus ineligible to be president. Nnnnnn. Thanks for playing.

@denvan3143 - 23.07.2024 05:29

This letterc on Joe Biden‘s stationary says this is actually Joe Biden and I’m not running for reelection.
Peace out.

Oh, yeah, I didn’t mention this in my previous message: I endorse Kamala Harris, or whatever.

@RandallStevenson - 23.07.2024 05:43

Pelosi's Congress went through two sham impeachments, knowing that they were bogus, just so they could say "twice impeached". Vigilante DAs brought sham trials, knowing that the charges were bogus, just so they could say "convicted Felon". The DNC Media has been equating him with historic dictators and white supremacists, knowing that he isn't and has never been one, just to say he's literally Hitler. This has been one long dog and pony show all along for optics to sway the drones. The Democrat machine is terrified of Trump, and it has been ever since the day he came down the escalator.

@themalcontent100 - 23.07.2024 06:26

With any organisation, it is mostly incompetence.
Look at the entertainment industry.
WB needed a place to put all of the director's nephews and wackos. They put them in the least profitable sector where they could do the least damage. Which was the comic book sector. It is public enough to virtue signal while giving them no power.
IGnN put its wackos in the game journal sector.
With GW it was the Black Library.
The government needed to hire all of these women and nephews and put them in a place from the important stuff. Which is how Trump got them.
What companies find out too late, is that these sectors are there for a reason

@mkb4560 - 23.07.2024 07:35

Joe Biden said before he was sworn in that a day would come where he would get a disease and drop out and here we are and he has disappeared

@mkb4560 - 23.07.2024 07:37

I think that Obama and the cabinet and Jill Biden are the ones running the show

@mkb4560 - 23.07.2024 07:48

The money can't go to anyone but Kamala until after the convention because it has to be used for what the donations were for

@mkb4560 - 23.07.2024 07:52

I think that the powers that be knew that Joe was getting bad and so they had the debate early to see if he could do it and when he failed they moved to getting him out
