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@nevadahiker6661 - 01.07.2024 18:29

Was looking up Newton County and it is still very rural to this day!
I have lived and hiked all over the country, and the Ozark forests creeped me out more than any other place. Especially Devil's Den! (lived in Benton County for a year.)

@gregoryaultman4401 - 01.07.2024 20:18

My guy I had the exact same experience and I was 12 and I awoke and I saw this grey alien staring at me 2’ away and soon as I saw it instinctively I open hand slapped it from the 12 to 6 direction but my hand went right through it and it rippled like water and disappeared and I go to get out my bed and I was paralyzed from the waste down and eventually went away now I’m 38 and i have 5 Sasquatch that live on my property that interact with me every day or night and the grey aliens actually babysit the bf kids because I believe Sabe only get one chance or shot at reproduction and the greys insure survival of the species and they are the fey people. Fey,grey,sabe and i have enchanted woods and i have taken pictures of the fey folk and right before my eyes the picture slowly changes or disappears completely. I’ve gotten totem pole pictures green man pictures fairies elves even Alf. I even got shocked by a Sabe somehow during a face to face encounter oh yeah ufo pics and paranormal activity all at my house in north Alabama in a town name Eldridge which translates to elf ridge or place or spooky place and I know the answer to pareidolia and it’s a real thing and it’s a camouflaging technology and I wish you would swing through Alabama and I’d show you all of this even a portal

@pennyjohnson8490 - 02.07.2024 02:25

Great show as always

@walterdewald267 - 02.07.2024 05:08

I fall in the category of seeing and experiencing "weird" stuff. One of the reasons is that usually those folks can handle it in some way, shape or form - does not mean one is not scared.
Another aspect is the general level of consciousness one is able of when still in the human body. Being in afterlife (I had a NDE) means being in a different state of consciousness and there seems to be a stronger than usual connection to that state and for that reason the veil lifts more easily for us lucky bunnies.

@walterdewald267 - 02.07.2024 05:35

Our whole life is a psy-op run by the governments (or rather those behind them) so anything real is toxic for their purposes. We have been made weak, dependent, morally numb and plenty of other nasty things. The truth would really set us free as we would understand our own current wrongdoings and would give us the strength to change because we would know about our unlimited potential.

@hillaryaustin2482 - 02.07.2024 07:20

So stoked to know you got to go to Alaska and chilled with Fred! You guys are definitely two of the best! Can’t wait to hear stories from your trip!

@tonydenney2139 - 02.07.2024 07:45

I live in Berryville Arkansas in Carroll county Arkansas and I could show you where a hot spot is.. several Pension Mt.! I've lived here 40 years & have several stories..many trees upside down and boulders being thrown down hills the size of cars!

@tonydenney2139 - 02.07.2024 07:50

Need a tour guide? I can show you "real talk" a Bigfoot boundary markers etc,trees upside down and bedding etc.

@tonydenney2139 - 02.07.2024 07:50

I live in Berryville Arkansas NW corner in the Ozarks! Carroll county Arkansas

@Juanita6173 - 02.07.2024 08:27

My posts are not been permitted to submit....weird except maybe this one

@Clarkansas - 02.07.2024 20:21

NW Arkansas native here. I really enjoyed hearing this one since it's so close to home for me. The Buffalo national forest is massive. Not only does it have deer but also elk. In my mind there is definitely enough food to support large creatures there.

@davidnickels6015 - 03.07.2024 00:06

DNA is either Human or not human. All life on earth shares basic building block components. There is no "contains some human DNA". The problem with studies is that you can not identify a species with just DNA as there is no gold standard, universally accepted, approved base sequence to compare a finding too. We have known, proven, DNA sequences for humans, chimps, gorillas, etc. If you find some unknown DNA, the closest thing you can do is to compare it to a known sample. Being that humans, chimps and gorillas all are within 2-4% of each other, you can see where confusion would stem from. Being 98% similar to a person (or a chimp) does not mean it has human DNA. It just means it is very close. Oddly, Bonobo chimps and Common Chimps differ by a greater percentage between each other than humans. In the world of genetics 1-2% might as well be 50%. Humans and domestic cats are 95% genetically similar. When you get down to 1-2% without an accepted sequence to compare to, you can not rule out contamination or any other issues. I believe the Ketchum DNA tests to be flawed at best, or a fake. Her later claims about her interactions with bigfoot make me suspicious - she gets very Janice Carter wooish.

@davidabernathy4553 - 03.07.2024 09:58

Well now this is a interesting video, but I still have to remain skeptic. Everyone today just about has a camera with them and every picture you see of Bigfoot is blurry. There is just not enough proof out there to convince me.

@alonzomccloud4530 - 03.07.2024 10:58

how about they are created. Wouldn't that be something, 😮

@rebeccaeverhardt214 - 03.07.2024 14:00

Her stories were absolutely incredible and believable. Something about her just makes me truly believe everything she said and if she reads this I want to tell her thank you so much for sharing these experiences with us.

@RootsLion - 03.07.2024 17:27

sasquatch built d pyramids
and out of africa is B,S let alone totally unconnected to pyramids lol

@keithblount229 - 03.07.2024 20:16

Thanks again Miguel. 👍🏻

@johnwaddle670 - 03.07.2024 23:04

I'm glad you started this channel as well. I'm glad I'm not the only one in arkansas to know about these things. Thank you Lisa.

@jewelyjem1986 - 03.07.2024 23:54

I love your channel. I have never seen anything bigfoot related but I love hearing the stories. I'm happy people have a place to tell their story because anything is possible. BTW I have always wondered what is the plural for bigfoot, bigfeet, bigfoots? LOL but seriously I am courious.

@user-vy2ne5ly3b - 04.07.2024 04:27

Regarding the first story, she said she moved to Newton County Arkansas. Newton County has been known as booger County for as long as I can remember. I live in Carroll County only 2 counties away from Newton. I would believe any stories coming out of that County.

@Manco65 - 04.07.2024 11:56

My family had two separate encounters about 20years apart on exactly the same spot.
Now im living in the middle of the SE Missouri Ozarks just in the process of moving and settling in. Going to try and find one when I have the time and resources to.
Anyone want to check out something in the Arkansas Ozarks look into the Fly Gap and Hare Mountain area. Thats all I'm saying.

@crystalshields6421 - 04.07.2024 18:05

Hi Miguel I know that you talk to me also and I just want you to know that I have seen paranormal activity still to this day I can see not objects but see them with color of clothes they are wearing I work at nursing homes I’m a CNA been one since 1987 and I started to see things when I was a kid I would notice objects missing and then they would show up in a different place when I was married to my first there were times that I had seen evil presence and had levitated and all of a sudden dropped to the floor and I can go on. My daughters have the same abilities also but I just wanted to let you know cause I have seen and listen to you on this channel and I just wanted you to know but I to have there isn’t a day goes by that I don’t think of my encounters with Bigfoot that I want to know more about him and what I seen and I am glad I had the experience I hope he knows I not there to hurt him or any other animals and I hope he knows to this day I want to help animals and people with what I do for a living you can tell I’m a very passionate loving person and caring and like I said I would try and help the animals that I come across and also when I was a kid I would always try to help stay dogs that came around mom would get upset with me

@americanmonster8342 - 05.07.2024 08:46

Hello from Arkansas.

@Kittiesdawn - 05.07.2024 12:04

I used to think they probably existed, but now, with the thousands of people actively looking for it, or claiming to live close to where they are, producing absolutely no proof whatsoever, I have concluded it’s some kind of mass hysteria going on.

@robertnunneley100 - 05.07.2024 12:58

I live in Arkansas . In the Ozarks!On the backside of Devil's Den State Park. On a 600 acre ranch. High strangeness in these parts!!

@zachsiner383 - 05.07.2024 22:32

Its just very difficult to believe for me

@bobcat9314 - 06.07.2024 04:11

It's all a lie..all of it.. The Egyptian didn't build the pyramids.. They covered the walls with graffiti like a street gang from Brooklyn...please..
It's all connected all of it ..
It only takes 50 years to erase and rewrite the past , and lie to the next generation. That's why we can't put the pc together..
Elephant, and whales produce some crazy frequency
We are human and don't know anything about our own world ..but war, corn, money it's amazing we're still here

@deborahflello2316 - 06.07.2024 17:08

I love hearing from articulate, coherent and expressive people who have given this topic their full consideration and have decided they are a real creature.
Great episode Miguel thank you.

@RichardSeaton-mu1vm - 06.07.2024 23:03

They don't tell us because we are not top predators 😢😅

@fredricabrams7081 - 07.07.2024 04:52

It's a trip. I have all of those things. I mean all of those where you feel like you know more and you're picked but I have never seen a Bigfoot and to my knowledge don't remember seeing any UFOs but I have that overall feeling of all-knowing without being conceited. I felt like that my whole life. I'm 57 years old. I raised all three of my kids. I was married but I was a stay-home dad working graveyard and I was so in tune with my kids and even today I think it's having a kind spirit. Gives you opportunities being open-minded but not talking a lot about everything. It's just a suggestion. It's how I feel. As I'm leaving this message, it's a long story. I'm in the bathroom. Someone knocked on the door and there was nobody there. This is what I mean my strange life

@user-fd7ns7ie9c - 07.07.2024 16:51


@bjh1 - 08.07.2024 02:07

I've lived in Arkansas my whole life. In 1967 when I was 7 years old my Aunt was staying the night with us and she slept in my bed with me, before we fell asleep a bigfoot walked up to our bedroom window like he was looking in. It was dark in our bedroom but the porch light was on so we could see outside. My aunt told me to be very quiet, he only struck around a couple minutes. He was so tall, I will never ever forget it.

@rebeccagraves3137 - 08.07.2024 19:56

I live in an area with a major big creek and thousands of acres of woods. Nibe seen BF three times as well as other supernatural things. My husband and I both have seen a loved horse that passed and I've seen a dog that passed several times.. my kids say I'm a witch, I'm not, I'm Christian. I think we live near a portal. I also saw.a ghostly man in myoms house and my daughter saw him too. The first time I saw BF he seemed about eight foot tall and he had long brown red hair and. Human like face, very long arms and I was within. Few.feet of him. He stepped out of the wood right in front of my car and he looked startled but not mean. A second one was different, big, thick probably four hundred or more lbs, black with long hair ,no neck and he literally jogged across my lower field and vaporized right before me. That's why I think they re interdimensial or there's a portal. I agree that only certain people can see them, don't know if it has to do with the pinel gland or what

@fatkidsarehardtokidnap - 08.07.2024 20:10

Hey man thank you for the time you're putting into help this community. Much love from the great state of Texas!

@danielleterry2331 - 08.07.2024 23:54

Sitting on Grandpa’s porch when I was 4 it was evening and enjoying watching the firefly’s we heard a howl it was incredibly long, I looked at grandpa and he said oh big man is back, I said who is big man? He just looked at me and said oh he is just a big man that lives up there in the mountains he doesn’t come down here that’s just his way to let us know he is back, I didn’t think anything about it till I heard one on utube and had a dear lord moment as that memory’s on grandpa’s porch hearing that same kind of howling.

@Regina-cm8ik - 09.07.2024 21:58

Panthers i belive have the ability to do the subsonic frequency, i have felt this while being stalked in the Richland creek area.

@keeislegend - 09.07.2024 22:04

Yea that was definitely sleep paralysis, same thing happened to me but instead of an alien, it was a guy with a cat head.

@DontHateItsBased - 10.07.2024 04:00

I have spent days upon days in the Buffalo River. Whether it be on the river or on the trails. Newton County is rough country. Super easy to get lost, everything looks the same. I have yet to see anything Bigfoot related. I have seen a lot of strange things in the sky though. The biggest hot spot in Arkansas is SW area combined with SE Oklahoma.

@cindyq52700 - 10.07.2024 10:29

So proud to have watched this video seeing through another's eyes about why we live our flag our patriotism those who fought for our Country, I just wanted to say we can never pay them enough for their sacrifice of self ! Honor and respect to them their families may God bless them 🙏 📖❤️ 🇺🇸

@Heidishereandthere - 10.07.2024 19:47

The door she describes being ripped off the hinges is called a LATCH STRING DOOR. Its described in the Little House on the Prairie book, chapter: "TWO STOUT DOOR,S" and I read about it on my channel; if anyone is interested in hearing it. 😊
Washington State🌄💐💖

@Tbowie13 - 11.07.2024 05:18

Not far from my place. This is just below Harrison AR, probably in or right by Buffalo National. It just started, maybe she says further on in the video.
Buffalo is a wild place! I fish the Buffalo river.

@NanaBren - 12.07.2024 00:26

Hi, I grew up in Franklin county, Arkansas. We had woods on the hill behind our house that were really thick. We played in the woods and built forts and climbed trees. Everything was fine except when the hair on your neck stood up. We knew that it meant we were being watched. Sometimes we heard the big loud knocking on a tree further up the hill. Grandma called them Wood Boogers. I had never heard of Bigfoot. Sometimes we heard a screaming sound that sounded like something was walking around the house. It was terrifying. There were panthers that migrated through the area but usually in winter. One night we heard what sounded like a tree branch being dragged against the outside of the house as it walked around. We were brave kids and played in the woods close to our house. When we felt the watchers, we left the woods immediately.
I had one terrifying experience with something in the woods that woke me up several nights in a row by calling my name and my brother’s name in a strange woman’s voice. It was Brennnnnda, Riiicky, come outside! Over and over, always trying to get us to come out of our house. I instinctively knew that would be bad, even though I was only 4 or 5. I was already sure that someone was watching me at night. I wouldn’t sleep near a window. The calling voice mimicking a woman happened for almost a week. The last night at our house, I heard her calling us and I was able to work up the courage to run to my mother’s room. She was sitting up in bed listening to the woman. She tucked me in and checked my brother who slept through it. Next morning she asked if he slept well and he said he dreamed someone was calling his name. I spent the next night at my grandma’s house. My brother was at my uncle’s house and I found out later he was running a high fever with the measles. I was literally climbing up the side of the big feather bed, my sister was already asleep. I heard my brother’s voice from outside the window calling my name and saying answer me! I called to ask what he wanted. His voice kept calling me, Are you ok? Answer Me! Come Out ! I thought he was pranking me so I snuck over to the side of the window where I couldn’t be seen, but I could see out. It had to be a full moon because I could see the yard really well. Keep in mind, he was still calling my name. When I realized that he was NOT in the yard and I could still hear him, I panicked and ran like heck to the living room and my grandma. I was shaking and crying and hysterical. She calmed me down and I explained the voices. I slept on her couch with her praying over me all night. I never heard the calling again. The mimic was one thing that truly scared me because I was sure I would be taken if I went outside. ❤Brenda

@SunshineBear1211 - 12.07.2024 16:55

Mmm I’m a sucker for some smoked pork myself, don’t blame them 😂

@SunshineBear1211 - 12.07.2024 17:39

Oh man this lady is saying some very intelligent things about where she believes Bigfoot came from. Very intelligent and open minded. That’s a brilliant combination! I’d love to have a conversation with her and it would be awesome to find a group of people that think this way that can meet up in person. I’m in central Arkansas. I need to start researching.

@vickiehensley2196 - 13.07.2024 23:12

Thank you Lisa and Miguel I really enjoyed this interview! I also loved the visual Videos of nature.

@BB-tw9ff - 16.07.2024 06:28

I live in Newton County Arkansas

@rondadecker2397 - 17.07.2024 09:38

Yeah they are logging people in their ships. Not are world it's Saba world earth maybe we are from Mar Or wherever and we took their land world maybe that's why they hate us. I think we will find out before we die we can be really messed up people sad really is. Thank you for sharing this video

@Kiako13 - 18.07.2024 09:33

So this is a little off the subject but I’m from Arkansas and my grandfather told me when he was a kid growing up in the Ozarks that they used to get chased by “the lights” in the woods.
Your interview with Fred made me remember him saying this. Makes me wonder about the UFO/lights/creatures connections.
My grandfather was a minister for 40 years. He was just a simple country preacher with no reasons to lie.

@lootlovers-oluz9534 - 18.07.2024 15:52

Maioria das pessoas que são traídas pelos parceiros não tem fotos ou vídeos da situação!
