The Murder of President Kennedy : Eyewitness Account

The Murder of President Kennedy : Eyewitness Account

City of Allen - ACTV

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@anglodutch8321 - 16.12.2023 17:55

The backwards head movement of JFK after frame 313 is preceded by a very forceful head movement TO THE FRONT between 312 and 313. You don't show that. Where is the huge exit wound on the left back of JFK's skull ? You say the headshot was from thew right front so that would be logiccal. Fact is JFs backbrace prevented him from moving further forward and he slumps and falls backward and only then slides to the left. The Zapruder film does not show any wound or spray at the back of the head. None. Prove that it was altered and how. If you do that, I'll believe what you claim is happening with the fatal shot coming from the front. No sooner.

@evasive5017 - 16.12.2023 17:34

They found someone that walked out of the sewer to a nearby dealership. His pants were dirty with mud and he smelled. The people at the dealership called the cops because he was acting very suspish.

@anglodutch8321 - 16.12.2023 16:18

A lot of this is hypothetical. But some photos look interesting, like the guy on the Triple Underpass with a white stetson hat and what looks like a radio. The Dallas police detectives all wore those hats....was he from the DPD ?

@alisonteague5582 - 16.12.2023 15:50

If the government of the USA can get away with the president murder than can get away with anything

@barryirvin2417 - 16.12.2023 15:30

Below evidence is overwhelming in Oswald’s guilt alone done by him only .

@barryirvin2417 - 16.12.2023 13:58

Quoting Beverly Oliver is laughable . The same Beverly Oliver at 17 years old said she was with Jack Ruby at the Egyptian Room the night before the assassination . The same lady that said she met Oswald , Jada and Ruby at his club . I have met and spoke to her on the phone and found her to not be believable . Emmett Hudson who speaker mentioned was feet away from the fence and was on the knoll steps said shots came from TSBD .

@user-lm1ms2qn1h - 16.12.2023 02:24

Oswald didn't kill president Kennedy.

@JimOdonal-ub1gt - 15.12.2023 21:48

Now you know. Our government has been corrupt for a long time.

@robsim4692 - 15.12.2023 09:29

This shits crazy, everyone knows Kennedy was on the same island with Elvis and 2 pac until his death in 2003.

@tcollier8 - 15.12.2023 09:04

One of the best description of how this was done that I have ever seen.

@user-ch1hz6ov4b - 15.12.2023 03:03

I can just picture it now. A box truck or a van backed all the way up to the fence doors open just enough to shoot, close doors and drive away like nothing happened

@joepalooka2145 - 15.12.2023 02:55

The opening of this video is total BS and lying crap conspiracy theory. This guy is just selling his BS book to make a lot of money. He claims Oswald had "never sighted the gun in" but this is wrong. In fact on April 10, 1963 Oswald used the very same gun when he tried to assassinate General Edwin Walker of the John Birch Society in his home, and narrowly missed killing him. If you want to believe these liars, go ahead. They just keep twisting the facts to suit their story.

@richardquatermass3824 - 14.12.2023 19:47

And yet Americans can't see the benefit of gun control.

@adb609 - 14.12.2023 16:51

A few months after the death (murder) of Frank (MKUltra) on November 28th 1953, in 1954, the CIA filed a document with the Justice Department exempting their agents from prosecution; a licence to kill. This may cause some problems for 'em if the general public knows this.

@ronaldbarnes1746 - 14.12.2023 05:39

Its insane the institutions who did the crime and then the crime of cover up are the institutions that the government band people have relied upon to state who killed kennedy.

@geraldwalk3544 - 14.12.2023 04:34

The one thing that gets me in this and I was born in 63 is how when you watch the video of the preceding of the head removal of our president I take note that all the buildings is you watch this video you do not see window without somebody standing in it doorway without somebody bopping their head out I mean you just don't see no open buildings like a window or a doorway where somebody isn't standing or if they're angry why is it that this one building just so happens to have three but three maybe four Windows gracefully opened nobody standing around the window nobody's in the window nothing and nobody notices it never crosses anyone's mind that there's nobody in these windows you know and whenever they're getting off the plane and loading in the cars that's another strange issue there it's like pre danger preset and you can't change the order this is one time my friend we have to stop and say how do you think you are

@kevolin4521 - 14.12.2023 02:55

Why is it so hard to believe that some loser communist with his $10 rifle just got lucky that day?

@susansweet1611 - 13.12.2023 23:13

you said "oh, something is going on and I better check it out and he finally pulled his head out (in regards to Clint Hill)." Clint Hill visually saw something wrong with the car and our President and IMMEDIATELY ran to the car and if he had misstepped he could have died running towards the back of the car. You can see the full video of him protecting Mrs. Kennedy by moving her back to the care while bracing his leg and gave the thumbs down to the agents behind him after seeing the wound. EVERYONE saw this happen. Clint Hill did his job that day and every day of his life regrets that he did not see what he saw moments before---this was his only fault---that he did not glance in that direction sooner while glancing in all the other directions while protecting the motorcade. I find the comments about Mr. Hill insulting, ignorant and ill informed. He has been applauded by his colleagues and those real researchers have considered his words facts and have never paid him any disrespect for his heroism that day.

@martinleavitt6094 - 13.12.2023 19:37

Parafins tests on Oswald determined that the accused did NOT fire ANY type of gun that day.(11/22/63) closed.....

@Caeruleo - 13.12.2023 19:28

Ok, less than 20 seconds from the beginning of this video I've already caught a gigantic, glaring mistake:

"...if the government story is to believed is that Lee Oswald, who hadn't picked up a rifle in four years..."

Where on earth is he getting "four years" from? Oswald seems to have acquired the rifle in March, 1963, which is only seven months before the assassination, not "four years." There were also multiple witnesses, including Garland Slack, who said they saw him practicing with a rifle at a shooting range on more than one date less than a month before the assassination. Then, before the end of the first minute, yet another gigantic, glaring mistake:

"...and was able to pull off world class marksmanship in five and a half seconds..."

Where on earth is he getting "five and a half seconds" from? This man didn't already know, long the day he gave this talk, that it has never been proven that the amount of time between the first and the last shots was nearly that short?

And what "world class marksmanship"? What's so hard about firing three shots at a slowly moving target, with the longest shot being only 88 yards, and hitting the target two out of three times? Wouldn't thousands of shooters worldwide be able to pull that off?

And Mr. Edwards didn't know that Charles Whitman, whose highest shooting score in the Marines was only three points higher than Oswald's highest shooting score in the Marines, is irrefutably proven, not merely alleged, to have successfully made shots several orders of magnitude more difficult than anything ever attributed to Oswald? He didn't know that Whitman is proven, not merely suspected, of having shot and killed people at distances of up to 400 yards, some of whom were visible to him for less than ten seconds, total, before he shot them?

JFK would have been visible from that sixth floor window in the TSBD for much longer than ten seconds, total.

Charles Whitman's confirmed shots might be world class marksmanship. Oswald's alleged shots are nowhere even remotely close to world class marksmanship. A person who is no more than a moderately accomplished shooter could fire three shots at a slowly moving target, with the longest shot being only 88 yards, and hit the target two out of three times, especially when the shooter had anywhere from 8.3 seconds to 14.6 seconds to do so. The majority of the evidence suggests that the shortest amount of time for the Dealey Plaza shooting was probably not even slightly less than 8.3 seconds from first to last shots. Interesting that Mr. Edwards doesn't seem to know this.

@ghostdance56 - 13.12.2023 07:30

Hoffman actually watched an assassin shoot from behind the fence. It's no longer debatable that Oswald was framed. Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman described what he experienced in the limo as being hit with a "flurry of shots". How many shots in a flurry?

@R_J_G - 13.12.2023 06:35

Imagine believing what the government tells you! 🐑

@franktrovato2311 - 13.12.2023 06:27

You may not have been able to do it. But Oswald, a marksman in the Marines, did do it.

@danielwebster5748 - 13.12.2023 05:56

Drinking with a reporter friend the president at the time Richard Nixon was asked by the reporter who really killed JFK. He said let me put it this way the Warren commission was the biggest joke and biggest scam ever pulled on the American people. A little later after a couple of more drinks he said Mr President please tell me who killed JFK and he said let me put it this way both LBJ and myself wanted to be president the difference was I was not willing to kill for it. Maybe he was lying but I doubt it I would consider LBJ to be the prime suspect myself. Not of doing it himself of course but of ordering it to be done.

@petfriend991 - 13.12.2023 04:40

You were very arrogant and condesending!

@headedtothecreek - 13.12.2023 03:01

Sing it girl!

@ToddH76 - 13.12.2023 01:36

I have no idea what to think anymore but it was raining around 30 minutes before the motorcade wasn't it? Having an umbrella with you knowing that it was raining doesn't seem that far fetched to me.

@travtuck7646 - 13.12.2023 01:16

The guy with the umbrella was making some kind of political statement. Its been discussed ad infinitum, how is this presenter unaware of it?

@davidcope7651 - 13.12.2023 00:01

Can I ask with him being shot from the front in the neck? Where was the exit wound?

@baron0877 - 12.12.2023 21:04

I think there is a lot of good info here, but I also find this guy to be very assumptive and speculative about certain details. He also seems quite dismissive of other people's points of view on some aspects of the event, even though he claims to be open-minded about everything. I would take many of his assertions with a grain of salt.

@ramongutierrez-gq4cq - 12.12.2023 19:31

The Government will stick to the lone shooter story forever but the people won’t.

@thebakery3996 - 12.12.2023 19:01

wtf was she for😂😂😂😂😂

@megan2878 - 12.12.2023 09:47

Is it true that some of the secret service guys were out drinking the night before the assassination?

@2DclanSnipingTeam - 12.12.2023 09:45

His views are from a modern day post assassination perspective. Secret service received virtually no training prior to November of 63. It was a cake job with a great pension plan and very few security protocols in place. That all changed because of this assassination.

@danielwebster5748 - 12.12.2023 09:15

The man with the gun sticking out of the overcoat is one of the murders it matches almost identical to the man that Ed Hoffman saw who fired the gun. He told him I may be deaf but I'm not he bravely told them I may be deaf but I'm not blind I know what I saw.

@danielwebster5748 - 12.12.2023 08:40

I called for Oswald to get a full unconditional pardon. He was simply a patsy even the Russians know what they tried to warn him believing that he was loyal to the Russians when in reality he was a double agent until he gets a full unconditional pardon and they name the real murderer then there's no justice when it comes to JFK.

@ACCOD - 12.12.2023 08:37

I have great respect for Gary Shaw and his research over all these years. He is one of the best. I think you are on the money with snipper teams and locations. You say you are friends with Beverley Oliver, but she has been lying to you all these years. She is not the babushka lady. Still photos taken shortly after the assassination show babushka lady crossing Elm St. Other researchers have proven its not her. Photos show a middle aged woman. Beverley was 18 years old or so at that time. Couldn't possibly be her. She has inserted herself into the JFK assassination and become famous for it. Still photos in DeallyPlaza prove it's not her. The babushka lady was in fact Abraham Zapruders wife.

@danielwebster5748 - 12.12.2023 08:35

This is the only man to have claimed to have seen the actual murderer. An overweight guy with a cowboy hat and a neatly trimmed beard.

@margienava9940 - 12.12.2023 06:25

I was 14 yrs in 1963, i still remember watching walter cronkite reporting on tv,? We all were dismissed, i think all the schools shut down, an yes, then this guy, jack Ruby kills Oswald as thier bringing him , or taking him to jail! Think he was a scapegoat for the crime, an Ruby died of cancer in prison, but i believe Vice Pres. Johnson, Hoover, an several more were involved in the setup of Pres. Kennedy assassination... Johhnson an hoover were EVIL.. but theyll have thier pl in Hell...God isnt mocked or fooled... !!

@georgehight8449 - 12.12.2023 06:16

Doing a presentation about our own government killing the president and advocating for gun control ! Really?

@margienava9940 - 12.12.2023 04:55

Always wondered why Caroline kennedy never pushed the truth ab her dads death, the hoover fbi or cia hated pres kennedy Edgar hoover didnt like the kennedy boys, his bro Robert kennedy also got shot when running for Pres. Too!! Martin luther king also was a tradjedy in the 1960 s i remember that day so well, an its haunted me up to rt now,?? The truth will have to come out sooner or later, but they all who did this will meets Gods wrath an punishment, which is the worst the world could do to them....? I see HELL in the Atmosphere....God knows everything !! ?

@perryholloway540 - 12.12.2023 03:49

We have been bullshitted for 60yrs. If I were Oswald ,I would not pick a Target ,that was moving away from me. I would be at the grassy knoll behind the fence. And that's exactly where the kill shot came from. And that's a fact. Ive hunted animals all my life. And watching Kennedy's reaction, the kill shot came from the front right. Thanks for posting this, you did a hell of a job.

@Rita-nx6fg - 12.12.2023 03:37


@axilmar254 - 12.12.2023 03:03

Is the photo real? it seems to me it shows 2 rows of seats instead of 3 that is the official version.

@chrisa7481 - 12.12.2023 01:20

Who gives a 🦆

@davidwinnett2226 - 11.12.2023 23:07

Please update your presentation regarding Charles Whitman who killed 14 people and wounded 31 people shooting from the University of Texas tower in Austin on August 1, 1966. Your presentation incorrectly cited many more shot and you said it happened in 1960. Thanks

@UFOtestpilot - 11.12.2023 21:13

Mandalay Bay probably wasn’t a conspiracy either. Just a lone shooter holed up in a room shooting into the crowd because he was mental. Grey Elephants in Denmark…

@martykline5658 - 11.12.2023 20:42

The Vegas Hotel shooting should be investigated. They said there was more than one there too.
