Bridget Teyler

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Bridget Teyler
Bridget Teyler - 23.12.2019 06:52

Hey Mamas! Thanks for watching! Are you a first-time mama or do you have other kiddos? Let us know!

Britty Sue
Britty Sue - 26.09.2023 02:13

I'm being induced at 37 weeks because of a previous loss and current health issues.

FoodandFaithfulness - 23.09.2023 03:22

Thank you for your videos on this topic! I was diagnosed with GD and was told to expect to need to be induced at 39 weeks. This really shook me up for a little bit because it was so different than what I thought labor would look like for me (aka getting to labor at home). Your videos and others are really helping me feel more informed and more relaxed about the whole process. Thank you!

I will be bringing a birth preferences plan (my doctor didn't appreciate the detail, but she said everything on it was very feasible) to hand the nurses and my partner just so I feel more heard.

Healthy baby and mom is the goal, but you're helping me with figuring out how to communicate with my team what will help me feel more empowered/comfortable through the experience.

Rosanna Blake
Rosanna Blake - 16.09.2023 20:43

Induction sounds horrible but I'm being told they will most likely want to manually induce me. Because of gestational diabetes.

I waited last pregnancy till it started on its own. Even though I had gd I went to 41+1. Sadly my wish for a homebirth turned into a hospital they finally an emergency c-section birth.

Not a single thing on my last birth plan happened so I'm not sure I'll bother this time. But I will make it clear in advance that I have had traumatic event in a hospital as a kid and I'm a survivor of child hood sexual abuse so they are aware how anxiety and fearfully I am of hospital environments and people being down there.

helen garner
helen garner - 26.07.2023 12:11

I’m nearly 37 weeks. Due to my advanced age and a larger baby I’ve been told it’s not advisable to go past my due date. I feel crushed. I’ve had two normal unmedicated v bac births. I really would prefer to go into labour naturally.

Jaclyn Starkey
Jaclyn Starkey - 07.07.2023 04:23

Omg all I need is your videos talking me thru labor.. I don’t need anybody else in the room with me 😂

Sierra Atkinson
Sierra Atkinson - 30.06.2023 15:36

Currently 2 days after my Due date, if baby doesn’t come on her own we will have to be induced next week 😬

Michayla - 24.06.2023 02:15

Can anyome summarize this video?❤

auld bert findley
auld bert findley - 22.06.2023 05:42

My girlfriends getting one of these tomorrow afternoon

International Grace
International Grace - 03.06.2023 05:24

So difficult when you put a link above the video, as I am looking again I can’t find it to watch it.
Please put them below your link so we can find and click easily.


Gottly - 01.06.2023 19:54

Not just moms coming to view this content😅

kehidupan kanada
kehidupan kanada - 26.04.2023 18:49


jhellygirl - 24.03.2023 22:13

Not bringing any birth plan.just go with the flow, just watching a lot to be informed on what can possibly happen.

Malorie Guerrero
Malorie Guerrero - 15.03.2023 10:44

Im a first time mom im 18 getting induced in 28 days I’m nervous

Haley - 13.03.2023 19:02

I’m currently 41+3days and my care team is really pushing for an induction soon, even if me and my baby are still perfectly healthy and I don’t understand why. They just keep saying “the placenta has a shelf life” and telling me that I have to pick a date. I never see the same provider twice and I don’t really trust any of them. I’m feeling so frustrated that after a perfect pregnancy with no complications, that I’m facing several days in a hospital I don’t want to be in, doing something I don’t understand and I don’t want to go through. Obviously I don’t want to endanger my sweet baby in any way, and that’s the only reason I’m not just telling them to F off, but I do not feel good about this at all. My instinct tells me my baby isn’t ready yet and not to force her out. I don’t know why I’m posting this here, I guess I just need to vent.

ChefDaddy36O - 15.02.2023 22:53

I hope you see this I need some personal advice. I am a dad and my wife’s personal advocate. I’m struggling with the process our hospital is taking. They are making her stay laying down in the birthing bed for up to 36 hours at a time. Not to be funny but her butt hurts! It’s seeming like cruel torture honestly. They are making her cry and the birth or contractions or kicks are not the worst part. They are making her and yelling at nurses stay in bed even tho we’re fine with the monitoring it’s the bed stay they are hurting her and I don’t know what to do. I am at a loss and just need to know if even when the cervidil is taken out and she’s been monitored for long periods of time is it unreasonable to beg to get out of bed. To not be in tears not from the pregnancy but from the bed? I know it seems reasonable sounding but it seems like a crazy amount of non communication is occurring when new doctors come in they say oh it’s fine it’s been out oh it’s not ok she has to stay in bed for 24 hours. I just need help please. ❤

Amanda N
Amanda N - 26.01.2023 02:29

Thank you for your videos. I’m currently 40 weeks and 4 days. 50% effaced, 0 cm dialated this will be my second time getting induced. Anything I should expect this time around? 😢

Purplefreax - 25.01.2023 02:11

I love her videos.
And I happy to hear the reality.
But after watching this it made me very nervous now.. I am scared 😨.. I get induce Friday 3 days and walking I can't anymore my feet are very swollen and doesn't help me with walking im trying to do squats birth exercises & still no success my swelling doesn't go down all the way ..

I am very scared now

Marcela Carlo
Marcela Carlo - 19.01.2023 15:44

I'm getting induced again for the 5th time 😫 due to growth decline. I just want to go into labour on my own! I'll be 38weeks then. Even though i've had 4 inductions they've all been different so i'm still a little nervous!

TeaCup1940 - 23.12.2022 11:40

Doctors are too quick to want to induce for social reasons. Just say no if baby or yourself have no health issues! Better let baby alone and not force him/her to be born before he/she is ready!

Monica VanDeventer
Monica VanDeventer - 22.12.2022 06:58

Currently 38 weeks + 4 days. Baby is due on December 31st. 2cm dialated as of now, and I’ve been having mild contractions all day. They come and go, and some of them are very uncomfortable/painful. I really hope this baby comes on his own and I don’t have to go in for induction which I am scheduled for in December 30th.

marii S
marii S - 18.12.2022 09:50

thank you so much hoping to have a safe labor and delivery getting induced on the 23rd❤

Jennifer Romero
Jennifer Romero - 19.11.2022 01:07

It doesn't feel natural. The pain caused. I wouldn't have done it if I had the choice.

C - 12.11.2022 07:39

Can you walk around when induced?

HappyBusinessMama - 11.11.2022 17:27

My OB wants to induce me at 39 weeks because my baby is measuring 97th percentile...this is my second baby and I had so many interventions last time and ended up with a 3rd degree tear, lots of "push push push!!!" and a lot of emotional trauma. I really want to avoid induction if at all possible but my convo with my current OB was less than empowering. I'm in great health and trust my body to birth my baby unless unforseen trouble arises. I should mention my first baby was 8lb 9oz. Not officially "big" ...I really didn't want to labor on my back but I was required or felt like I had to anyway. Is there a good birthing position for minimizing trauma and tearing the second time? I was thinking all fours or side lying?

Angel Green
Angel Green - 07.11.2022 18:59

About to be induced in several hours for my first birth. Thank you for this

Nini Fire
Nini Fire - 28.10.2022 01:57

The ARRIVE study says induction at 39 weeks earliest actually has a reduction in issues.

Nightbladewolf X
Nightbladewolf X - 20.10.2022 10:22

Hearing this make me wanna cry.
Why can’t it be natural?

sergio ixmatlahua
sergio ixmatlahua - 03.10.2022 22:30

Hi, Bridget, here a future dad trying to get aa much information to support my wife. I have been following your videos. They are very informative. We are having an induction for my wife tomorrow. Praying everything goes well I am a little nervous though.

Bethany Brown
Bethany Brown - 30.09.2022 22:54

Just found out I’m being induced in 5 hours🤯 trying to mentally prepare myself for what’s to come. Thank you for sharing this information!!!

Laurence Provost
Laurence Provost - 25.09.2022 04:56

So this video is telling me that elective induction have greater risks of intervention while the Doctor Bjorkman's video tells me elective inductions are basically the same but with LESS c-sections and other small advantages (except a longer labor)
I hate this 😓

Alexys c
Alexys c - 19.09.2022 22:26

Today is 9/19, my due date is 9/21 told the doctor I would like to try a membrane sweep on 9/20 and see if that gets things going “naturally”. Then if baby is still not coming out my induction is scheduled for 9/26 ahhhh lol wish me luck! 😊🤞🏽

Teleute - 11.09.2022 04:08

Expect a fucking nightmare that lasts for three days and ends in a cesarean which is what the money grubbing doctor wanted all along anyways

Elisia Daniels
Elisia Daniels - 10.09.2022 21:07

40 weeks 5 days and still no baby. Had 5 baby already and this is frustrating

Wild Embrace
Wild Embrace - 09.09.2022 01:54

Getting induced at 39 weeks next week!! I have been so anxious

Mariela & More
Mariela & More - 05.09.2022 02:28

Menn even with diabetes I don’t want to get induced anymore!! 😱😱😱

Maame Yeboaa
Maame Yeboaa - 02.09.2022 09:43

Hello Bridget am 41 weeks 3days and I don’t want to be induced I want it to happen naturally any advice? Am nervous

Melissa Schopp
Melissa Schopp - 14.08.2022 19:14

The doctor induced me at 39 weeks and 2 days, because my fluid was low. Ended up with a healthy baby boy

Jamie Brown
Jamie Brown - 02.08.2022 18:45

I don’t wanna go past my due date knowing it’s usually dangerous and videos never tell you that but it is

Rebecca W
Rebecca W - 27.07.2022 07:00

Wow I have to leave a comment because at the end when you said even a C-section can be a positive birth experience that’s powerful, thank you for that perspective. I have been terrified of a C-section and really hope for a healthy natural and painkiller free delivery like my other 3 have been and I think it will be, but I do have gestational diabetes this time around and I am trying to keep an open mind to intervention that in years past I would have refused. It’s funny cause I have been afraid of C-section but my friend is afraid of natural birth and planned a C-section before she even was pregnant. To each their own. All is well that ends well and one way or another I know this big old boy is coming out happy and healthy. Alright thanks again for this perspective it’s like when my brother told me more people die in car crashes than plane crashes and that really helped me overcome my fear of flying in a plane, to have that perspective

anna trumbo
anna trumbo - 26.07.2022 05:26

The two things I want from this induction: being able to use my birthing playlist and aromatherapy

katherine zavala
katherine zavala - 25.07.2022 09:16

First time mom and the hospital told me I need to be induced because it seems my baby is big on the chart 😅 39 weeks induction apparently

lovetinagoxi - 21.07.2022 18:08

Bridget, i just came back from my second ultrasound in two days, with a different doctor. Both doctors say baby is big and fat and they want to induce me. I'm 36w and 4 days today. I really don't want them to induce me but they say it's better to avoid possible c section. I'm very very scared, I was watching all your videos on natural birth and really wanted one. Please any advice on this?

Danielle Bailey
Danielle Bailey - 25.06.2022 03:32

My baby is 7 pounds and 4 ounces at 35 weeks and she’s not stopped we’re inducing july 8th for both our saftey

OgSydney - 16.06.2022 07:43

Mama of soon to be 2 little girls! I had my 1st daughter at 37 weeks. This baby however hasn't wanted to budge. I'm about to be 40 weeks and there's no signs of contractions. My sciatica pain has begun for the last week, my bones and joints have felt dislocated and I'm just super nervous about being unprepared for when labor starts naturally. I thought I had Colestasis with the longer this pregnancy goes on, it passed midway through pregnancy but I'm still on edge that I had a gallstone stuck for 4 days. I'm just nervous about all of this "induction" possibility I just wanted to see what I may be working with!

Alexis Thomson
Alexis Thomson - 24.05.2022 00:43

im getting induced on sunday due to high blood pressure and so nervous but so excited to meet her

cat - 28.04.2022 00:12

They are using the pill (cervidill) for me!

amy barnhill
amy barnhill - 22.04.2022 15:59

I really enjoy your videos but find the amount of times you say “momma” extremely distracting.

Tara Nicole
Tara Nicole - 04.04.2022 03:46

My waters broke at 28 weeks and I’m going on 34 soon. I’ve been told that induction may be needed since he’s also IUGR too. You’re videos have helped me SO much to embrace this change. Still hoping natural labour will occur, but if not I’ll feel so much more prepared. Thanks Bridget!!

JoNa Wesolowski-The Community Chest Radio program
JoNa Wesolowski-The Community Chest Radio program - 30.03.2022 11:27

I looked up cervidil induction n your vid popped up. My daughter and her husband are at the hospital and she has the cervidil placed now. Pitocin in the morning. She found out 4 days ago she'd be induced. Thanks for the info 😊
