How I learned to make more friends

How I learned to make more friends

Better Ideas

3 года назад

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whatmustido - 23.09.2023 06:00

Great video. Initiative is the key.

はいぱーいきりと - 22.09.2023 16:45

It's amazing how he's now speaking with confidence and pleasance, though was an introvert as a teenager. That gives me hope!

Akram Mohamed
Akram Mohamed - 22.09.2023 12:31

1- Seek initiative. Nobody will get a chance to decide whether they like you or not if you never breakout of the small talk and share more about yourself and your beliefs
2- Rejection is a useful tool, stop avoiding it.
3- Demographics play a big part in meeting people you’ll like. Your race, your interests, your religion or political beliefs could play a major part in finding your people
4- (he didn’t really talk about that but I’d like to share it) Expand your social circle. Don’t limit yourself to people you vibe with 100%, that person could lead you onto another and onto another and you’re ought to find someone that you’re comfortable being close friends with.

João Pedro
João Pedro - 17.09.2023 17:15

that whole "Honesty is the Antidote" hit me like a truck

Edss - 17.09.2023 04:19

I used to be a major people pleaser. It's taken me getting older and just becoming fed up with other people's shit tbh. The other day two coworkers I joke around with just continuously made jokes about me having been in band in middle school. After a while I stopped laughing with them and they started laughing at me. It really urked me they were making jokes at my expense so I told them pretty upfront "You two are irritating the shit out of me. Stop." One of them realized he'd overstepped and the other took a lot worse. Either way, whether they like me or not, idgaf. I just want my peace and quiet. At the cost of their conversation? Fine by me. Fuck them. And that's the attitude I'm starting to come into slowly. If they don't like me then oh well. There's too many people on this planet to stress over one or two.

Ricardo - 15.09.2023 02:42

Very interesting perspective on the losing friends near the beginning of the video. Invite your friends instead of waiting around to be invited. I have noticed this quite often in my life. But I also don’t have but a handful to begin with lol. Time to meet some new folks!

Elle B.
Elle B. - 10.09.2023 20:38

Oh my god! This guy is awesome! Thanks for making this video! Spot on!! Subscribing now!

Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 10.09.2023 08:40

I hate everyone

Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 10.09.2023 08:39

I hope I die

Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 10.09.2023 08:39

I hope I did

2004hondacivic - 10.09.2023 01:59

I don’t know how to take initiative. What do you invite people to?

TANMAY PALKAR - 09.09.2023 21:19

Summarising the vid:

1. Always take initiative (instead of expecting to get invitations all the time)

2. Honesty is the way to go (being a man who never disagrees only makes you nice to have unoffending artifact, not a human companion)

3. Rejection is the right direction (The earlier you get rejected or embraced, the less you'd regret in the long run)

4. Fix your demographics (Think of and start visiting places with people like you)

SnivCast - 09.09.2023 17:49

Was on call with a helpline, and your video afterwards helped me realise and have a clearer head. Glad to come across you in my feed❤

zaza rat
zaza rat - 08.09.2023 20:54

when i was a kid i always got invited to playdates and to hangout until i started gaming. i had something i could to all the time without getting bored. i started rejecting all the invitations and my parents had to convince me to go outside and play with someone. i never realized until now that i also have to be that person that invites someone. im still young, and doing good. im popular in school. i often hear rumours that girls like me, and i have a lot of friends. i came early in puberty and become way too mature for my age and everyone else stayed childish. the pros of that is that you get skills talking to younger people and inspiring the youth but the cons is that you have no one that you can be yourself with. my childhood friend still hasn't become mature so i dont really have many people to hangput with. everyone thinks i do something cool after school but the truth is i just sit behind a screen and hope that something fun happens. most of my friends dont respond or see the message/invitation that i send them when i want to hangout. that has made me stop trying to send messages but im ready to get up on my feet and get more social outside of school. if i improve ill probably write another paragraph replying to this one. (english is not my first language and i might have some grammar issues, so just bear with me.)

Bunsenn - 04.09.2023 02:24

I’ve come to realize that I don’t actually have an identity, just a collection of things I pretend to be around other people. So I can’t be myself, because there is no “myself”. There’s just a random assortment of knowledge and nothing else.

lukah - 02.09.2023 19:44

Man, as a kid I never wouldv'e even thought I would have to watch something like this. Times change so much so fast that you don't even have the time to comprehend it.

lukah - 02.09.2023 19:30

I don't know, man it's so hard being honest with everyone. Talking mostly about my school. In my class there is this big dude he is 205cm tall and hes real weird. I don't like talking to him but I never told him that because I don't know how he will react because he is weird and my scared to say it to him. Maybe I am just worried for no reason and I should probably just use the advice in this video lol...

Saitawa - 02.09.2023 11:56

What rver this man speaks in this video is a quote itself

jksc - 31.08.2023 16:11

I hope we all heal from something that hurts us...😊

Mattia Janer
Mattia Janer - 30.08.2023 11:35

I'm going to a new school in a few days, and i'm shocked by how much this video summarizes every problem that i have had when talking to people 🫥. So thank you so much for making this video , i'll try to change !

49HEALTH - 30.08.2023 06:45

I think the tip to initiate activities with friends really opened my eyes.

Soprano - 29.08.2023 14:30

some of us don't want friends were are proud loners

Simon. - 28.08.2023 02:47

yin yang is just Andrew Tate and the Better ideas guy

Sumit - 27.08.2023 02:07

What I got from this video:

1. Initiate the plans, then people will intitate it for you
2. Stop thinking abt it so much, rejection is normal
3. People who stay are the real ones, don't cry about the rest
4. Instead of looking for your "tribe" at general places like school or work, look where your passions lie

A Demonized Wretch Guy Who Live's in Solitary
A Demonized Wretch Guy Who Live's in Solitary - 25.08.2023 01:29

In the depths of my solitude, a profound sense of loneliness engulfs me, wrapping its cold tendrils around my fragile heart. Each passing day feels like an eternity, devoid of connection and genuine companionship. The weight of isolation settles upon my shoulders, suffocating any flicker of hope that dares to emerge. I am adrift in a sea of despair, lost in the vast expanse of a world that seems indifferent to my existence. The echoes of laughter and joyful chatter haunt my thoughts, serving as painful reminders of the happiness I yearn for but cannot seem to attain. Hope, like a distant star, glimmers faintly in the distance but remains forever out of my reach. I watch as others forge meaningful relationships, find purpose in their lives, and chase their dreams with unwavering determination. Meanwhile, I am left behind, condemned to a solitary existence where the concept of a happy ending feels like a cruel illusion. The days blur into a monotonous rhythm, devoid of meaning and devoid of the joy that others seem to effortlessly embrace. I find solace in the darkness, my only constant companion, as it mirrors the desolation within my soul. I'll kill myself tonight goodnight & goodbye.

Tyler - 24.08.2023 05:15

Brain: so you've learned about overcoming social anxiety huh?

Well, ive still got social awkwardness covered for you

Kyoiqx - 23.08.2023 09:14

why do i hear jojo music in the background

Elvin's World
Elvin's World - 16.08.2023 13:05


mucho - 16.08.2023 08:26

His talk is so clear and easy to get .. for the first time i finally understand why i find myself always in the corner..and toxic situations without consciousness

Regen101 - 15.08.2023 18:14

i'm almost 20 years old, introverted, trusting pretty much no one except one or two people and my parents. unable to comprehend the purpose of romance and more friendships. horrible social experience in my overall school career. makes me almost angry and jealous when i see younger ppl growing up with solid friends and friend groups, because i didn't have that.

Emily - 15.08.2023 05:32

So we're all here huh

Fizzy - 15.08.2023 04:40

U just blew my mind. I need to invite people out for them to invite me out too. That makes sense.

Joel La Plant
Joel La Plant - 14.08.2023 18:23

Love his thumnail. Social Anxiety😮
*surrounded by friends.

Carl R.
Carl R. - 13.08.2023 02:33

This video is stupid. Nowadays this world is competitive and individualistic, the real goal of everyone is themselves. If you want to be good and having success in the future, FOCUS IN YOURSELF and not in anyone else. Anyways we come to this world alone and we leave this world alone. Useless video 👎

TheReMorseCode - 11.08.2023 04:39

i'm awful for taking initiative bc i sssume if people aren't reaching out to me it's cuz they don't wanna hang out with me or they're busy, even tho when someone reaches out to me 9/10 times i'm super happy. gotta take more initiative

wild rice
wild rice - 10.08.2023 06:30

First tip was good, don't think I agree with anything after that. It's good advice to find an echo chamber of people just like you I guess. I look at friendship differently. The bonds of friendship can overcome differences in political or social opinions - but only if you allow the friendship to develop first. If you end it right away because of silly tribal allegiances, well you will end up with only friends in your tribe. Good for you I guess, but I think you'll find it wasn't your political opinion that drove people away, it was the fact that you let that divisive topic prevent you from establishing a connection with someone you might've been great friends with.

Maria de Lourdes Anies Sanchez
Maria de Lourdes Anies Sanchez - 08.08.2023 03:40

people forever faster
I like freedom
Iam smile no people

Rayma Farida Anwar
Rayma Farida Anwar - 07.08.2023 21:39

seanie boy, the smirk that you had when you started the promotion of the sponsor is priceless.

Robert Sopin2772
Robert Sopin2772 - 06.08.2023 17:47

See with the first one I always feel scared and uncomfortable being the one to invite someone

Karen - 05.08.2023 19:40

Thank you for your wisdom.

Goldie Shih
Goldie Shih - 04.08.2023 21:31

Thank you for the reality check I needed to hear

Jonathan Meléndez
Jonathan Meléndez - 04.08.2023 00:25

The thing with the last point is, I personally have a lot of different interest. So I don’t really know where I would find someone with even a few of those similar interest. Ex: I love going to dance Salsa and Bachata from time to time, yet I also love playing baseball, video games, anime, etc. I feel like some of those things may not align with interest, so it can certainly be difficult sometimes.

Sly Slancewall
Sly Slancewall - 03.08.2023 07:29

I’m an asshole first and foremost. I make good friends I have relationships for several years and then I fucking reck it like a cannonball. Gain their trust having respect and then something goes wrong in my life out of my hands out of my control and I fucking flip out and fucking alienate. Everybody and I don’t give a shit about it. I’m in the downturn this time and I call it being bipolar and I NTP5 years ago I had a few friends now I have none, this is played out all my life. The truth is, I just don’t give a fuck I’m quite content being alone, and that will result in a living a short life.

Hybrid - 03.08.2023 03:17

I have diagnosed autism and anxiety.
Everyday I wake up. I’m me.
When I’m talking to old friends I’ve known all my life, I’m the extrovert. I’m the person who everyone turns their heads to.

Last year in September, 2022: I started college for the first time.
I knew no one.

For a whole year I made no friends. I hardly talked to people. No one came up to me and tried to talk, and I didn’t go up to them.

In secondary school, I was the funny guy (at least I think I was) that always talked. I expressed every opinion and thought that I had.
No one liked me because I was too open, I practically puked my thoughts onto people. People don’t like that.

I was able to be that guy in secondary school because I went there my entire life. They had a primary school attached to it, so I was there most of my childhood - 11 or so years.

I’m starting my second year of college: and it’s still scary.
Still no friends, other than the two I still talk to from secondary school.

I’m trying to figure out how to be better. How to make friends without dumping everything on everyone.

But I need to be me. Otherwise I can’t do it.

It’s hard. I’m still figuring it all out.

Leobo - 01.08.2023 21:59

He was getting very personal about the photography club

Rinkyu🐾 - 31.07.2023 20:43


Moony - 31.07.2023 05:42


KawaiiJoaco - 30.07.2023 07:46

I think it would help a lot of people to reframe "rejection" as filtering. one of those happens to you, but the other requires you to put effort and risk into bonding. yeah, they might not like you, but that just means your filtering and opening space for those who will. and it stops being a passive process and it becomes something you take control of.
