Generation War - Fighting in the Streets

Generation War - Fighting in the Streets

Johnny's War Stories

4 года назад

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@mohammadrezakhani2539 - 22.03.2021 21:09


@cagdaskose9429 - 22.03.2021 22:10

German casualties at the Battle of Kursk; 500,000 killed, wounded or captured, 900 tanks and 200 warplanes were destroyed by the Nazis. Kursk fought in which the German army was broken. Germany lost the war Kursk.

@charlesuplifted5216 - 22.03.2021 22:15

Really doubt the ussr had access to 2 panzerfausts in mid 1943

Panzerfausts didnt really appear In any large scale till mid 1944

@afggerways3732 - 22.03.2021 22:59

The German Band of Brothers Legendary

@Tonetwisters - 22.03.2021 23:35

This is some really fine film making. And it well explains the evil of a devil leaning on the shoulder of an idiot dictator who wanted to rule the world. Jesus saves. Choose LIFE. Repent and choose Jesus. NOW. While you still can.

@bugrayavuzbaykiz2990 - 23.03.2021 08:49

I was really sad when Bartel got killed:(

@cytermech - 23.03.2021 22:20

Wonderful vídeo, I love it!!! I want watch the complete movie...

@kidehoward93 - 25.03.2021 05:57

The Nazis had such shit infantry weapons/placement. One of many reasons they lost

@OzireTheMage - 28.03.2021 07:04

To bad this is not on netflix anymore. Love the Channel btw

@ferperoro - 28.03.2021 10:35

Do you know where can I find the serie in México ?

@elperroguapoabuelo7033 - 28.03.2021 16:43

Most of all soldiers both sides were still kids...they died because of terrible, horrible and corrupt politicians !!!

@rastusdarklord4325 - 01.04.2021 11:42

War destroys the common man... heartbreaking example here

@aztroboy1450 - 02.04.2021 20:24

Ain't gonna lie, for a Mini-Series like this, should've been a movie.

@solid2869 - 09.04.2021 03:58

How did that soviet soldier get a panzerfaust?? Kinda awkward

@theemperor7434 - 08.06.2021 01:44

Thats how you speed run a mission

@richardln2472 - 09.08.2021 21:48

Does that guy with the mp40 never run out of ammo. It’s only a 32 round magazine and it’s full-auto, meaning that he’ll run out of ammo really soon. Again it’s a movie and I’m certain that no audiences would enjoy watching a guy change magazines every 40 seconds

@Benderswe1 - 17.08.2021 05:14

why is that russian guy using a panserfaust?

@n00bslayer97 - 21.01.2022 02:56

This is the battle of Kursk,this battle was from Early July to late August 1943.

@MD21037 - 28.07.2022 17:04

Friedholm turns in to "Animal Mother." He molded in to a great soldier; too bad he was killed at the end. I wish he would've fled west, to the sanctity of American and British lines.

@82hanez - 10.11.2022 15:00

He is really a fighter.....if you take a look at his uniform you can see the "Nahkampfspange"...the medal for close quarter says that the owner is harder than a coffin nail....

@Spr232 - 16.12.2022 02:24

Can't even fucking go into a street in ohio💀💀💀💀

@localfatty4364 - 20.06.2023 00:05

Think of the psychology of this scene: He thinks he just watched his brother die, after 3 years of fighting a war he knew was pointless and propaganda based. Then he has to sit there the rest of the night with that kid with that thought…. Just painfully awful and saddening to truly grasp and think about.

And I’m pretty sure he went the rest of his short life not knowing his brother was actually alive and that he gave up on the war after the first few years of buying into the Nazi propaganda

@sheep3866 - 21.08.2023 03:54

would probably shit myself if someone shot a png panzerfaust at me

@jinsvunsolved - 22.08.2023 22:24

Sie waren die besten die wir hatten!

@DangerIncFilms - 24.08.2023 12:16

Why do the Soviets have Panzerfausts?

@DocM. - 17.09.2023 09:26

Probably one of the most intense emotional roller coasters ever experienced ❤ Wish there was more WWII German perspective entertainment

@guishenStreetB - 25.09.2023 04:36

Nazi L

@beerten202 - 28.09.2023 21:22

fear a man who loves death just as much as you love to live

@0Zolrender0 - 09.10.2023 13:35

The common soldier fought for his mates not for anything else. It was only the Leaders that sent them in to die. RIP every solider from every country on every front.

@Sunday_Operator - 21.10.2023 17:18

1 guy with MP40 and shooting it while running can win against 3 men armed with PPSH that are mounted behind cover + 1 machinegunner that are waaaaaay heavily defended.... yeah... forget about realistic and insert CoD things into Movie

@Marauder1981 - 27.10.2023 13:00

[Friedhelm activates rampage]

@markb5403 - 01.11.2023 18:44

I would love a follow up series to this following the defence of Berlin, Seelow Heights, Reichstag battles, etc. I was in Berlin recently and the signs of the battle are still everywhere, every single pre 1940s building is riddled with smalls arms and shrapnel scars. Houses, apartments, museums, bridges, it defies belief the sale of the carnage Germany brought on itself.

@TheHighCastle - 02.01.2024 10:02

Thats some Rambo shi

@tomfoolery6080 - 01.04.2024 18:05

I counted and Friedhelm shoots 64 rounds without reloading in this scene lol

@loyalpiper - 20.04.2024 21:07

Man went full speedsoft mode

@kennethkloby2726 - 26.05.2024 03:18

what's with the RPG?

@königreich_dassogne - 27.08.2024 07:59

Reasonable Crashout

@jindrichburian3946 - 12.12.2024 22:40

It's insane how Friedhelm basically took over charge.

@-foxwint-3140 - 04.02.2025 03:19

Bro went from bfv to csgo p90 lmao

@三浦由章-f8j - 22.03.2025 03:04

Atlantic Fleet the bismarck vs HMS King George V
