Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Battle Report - Fyreslayers vs Khorne - THE EMBER VAULT FINALE

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Battle Report - Fyreslayers vs Khorne - THE EMBER VAULT FINALE

Rerolling Ones

4 года назад

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@michaelshaw1782 - 30.10.2020 00:07

What a ride! Loved every minute of it! Archeon definitely hits like a truck, my poor defenseless Goats got crushed at a tournament by an Archaeon player just last weekend, and this brought back painful memories

@Whiplash557 - 30.10.2020 01:04

Super glad to see some everchosen flavor in khorne, Archaon was terrifying!

@iansmith3492 - 30.10.2020 02:24

I can't believe the words are coming out of my mouth, but I missed "do it with the lights on" for robot dice roll-offs

@ProxyResearch - 30.10.2020 03:06

Loved the campaign guys, love the chemistry between you all, just pure fun with solid gameplay on top. I can only say, that I hope there are many more campaigns to come, but also hyped for some regular batreps next. Cheers!

@wargamerwilly8756 - 30.10.2020 03:25

What a nail bitter! All the beginning did was build anticipation! Nothing else! I was on the edge of my seat. I love seeing new videos from you 3, and the intros you put together are hilarious 😆 fantastic editing, everything is coming together so well. Everything is coming up "Thrillhouse" 💥💥💥

@jaysalmon3259 - 30.10.2020 03:41

Well done guys. Very fun to watch loved the final showdown with the berserker on the cliff. Looking forward to the next one when the skaven will rise yes-yes! (Tzeentch would be fine too :D)

@iiirjw - 30.10.2020 04:15

Congrats on finishing the fun campaign!
1. All the players improved in knowing their rules which makes for a more fluid and fun report.
2. Consider adding a 3 player game for the next one!

@johndaly5437 - 30.10.2020 04:26

Epic campaign guys! Really gotta get around to building my Archaon haha

@RoccoYaBoy - 30.10.2020 04:31

Hell yeah

@iansmith3492 - 30.10.2020 05:03

Also can we get a 2v2 in the next campaign?

@supinearcanum - 30.10.2020 05:10

Lol if you are looking for a name for that Slaughter Priest and you want to go all in, might I suggest
Evicerox Kull!

@supinearcanum - 30.10.2020 05:54

So, I think this means that the Ember Vault doesn't collapse and Chaos gets to keep it in further stories.

@acovarru91 - 30.10.2020 06:03

I love the zoom-ins on the models as the army list is being explained. Great touch!

@jovialjesus7144 - 30.10.2020 08:15

Poor hearthguard berzerkers had reroll wounds when you attacked the Varanguard.. RIP :(

@noops9220 - 30.10.2020 12:52

Everyone is Shoe in this game

@oleksandrradchuk8813 - 30.10.2020 12:53

Amazing campaign and great games! Thank you for hours of fun!

@LearnTrainPlay - 30.10.2020 14:27

My will be done, because archaeon is a secret necron

@Fraxxo21 - 30.10.2020 14:57

Jack's turn 2 was disappointing, you should've avoided the hearthguard on the flank, shitfting forward. But hey, we all make mistakes!

@d6damagewargaming409 - 30.10.2020 16:00

I'm about to run Archaon in Khorne... Dirty 😂

Love it guys 👌🏻

@WarmasterMoloch - 30.10.2020 17:16

I have never played a tabletop game in my life and apparently had this channel recommended to me because I play Total War: Warhammer, which is WFB, rather than (HISSSSSSS) AoS. And yet... I got rather invested in this campaign. Livid that my ratty bois got knocked out early, but glad Khorne sorted out those filthy beard-things.

@richreinhart3528 - 30.10.2020 17:34

A fitting end to this campaign... Archaon comes in and steals everyone's lunch money ;)

@EtharealBTB - 30.10.2020 17:46

"The vault is collapsing all around us" - vault fails to collapse at any point XD
Absolutley loved the campaign! Keep these coming!

@arctichordewargaming3550 - 30.10.2020 18:01

This has been a fun adventure!

@Valorax10156 - 30.10.2020 18:06

Awesome battle report, awesome campaign from start to finish. Loved seeing the consistent armies throughout the entire campaign I'm a Khorne player and I learned a lot from Jack and I learned a lot about Fyreslayers and Skaven! Looking forward to the next campaign/battle report!

@danieln6721 - 30.10.2020 20:18

lol, great intro...

@DustyLamp - 30.10.2020 21:43

I love how Jack consistently brings the silly lists and becomes the defacto bad guy. Takes some grit in and of itself.

@WordBeareri - 31.10.2020 00:29

Great batrep once again gents, really enjoyed watching through the campaign and seeing each of you evolve your armies.
Well done Jack on the win and for bringing some crazy lists out!

@MegaCommissar - 31.10.2020 02:45

Cool game guys! Question,

@jacewinter-knight745 - 31.10.2020 03:06

Really enjoyed this campaign guys. Look forward to any you do in the future ☆☆☆☆☆

@noops9220 - 31.10.2020 09:36

Making room for Sigmar 😂

@davismma125 - 01.11.2020 02:39

Can't wait to see which armies everyone takes next time

@Ortoreus - 01.11.2020 07:30

You should name your extra priest “Christopher” like it’s kind of a normal name but still long ish. And good yelling in frustration potential

@Ortoreus - 01.11.2020 08:47

THIS CAMPAIGN WAS AWESOME!!!! I and my fiancé really loved watching this. For your next one having a map of the area would be really cool. Please please please keep making these ❤️❤️❤️

@brutismaximus1 - 01.11.2020 13:28

Nearly had a heart attack on that intro, "This is our last game...." Wa Wa WHAT!!.... oh.. whew

@chowittsas - 01.11.2020 13:51

The campaign model was great as a viewer, and following the progress was enjoyable. Looking forward to when you do another one of these. That said...please Shoe, keep the Skaven going if you do.

@marcbeans3057 - 01.11.2020 22:18

Uh, the Vomiting head of Dorghar should have been D3 Mortal Wounds, not 3. Plus it's the Nurgle head, not the Khorne head. Beyond that, really fun game to watch.

@Zand3rParkour - 02.11.2020 03:42

Interesting choice with Reapers of Vengeance. Archaon is the only thing in the list affected by the CA.

For the unnamed priest, mine are Kheraine Bloodhelm, Broshtar the Executioner, and Maurik (on the Warshrine). Not every Khorne hero needs a k sound at the start of their name :P Though every unit that stays in a list for a long time deserves a name.

@Level30Commoner - 02.11.2020 04:03

Thank you very much for the great entertainment! :-)

@danielkeller3780 - 02.11.2020 11:54

usually I don't like competitive lists, but there was Archaon, so I'm happy as can be! (woo, go chaos!)

@morganlindsay1375 - 02.11.2020 23:17

Hey heres a idea, why not start collecting battle reports? Where you make a head to head battle using only the contents of a start collecting box for each side? Could be a great way to introduce army tactics for beginners and such? Idk just a idea thats pretty low maintenance if you own the minis already.

@JacobBrandfas - 03.11.2020 08:42

Would love to see a narrative campaign with generals kitbashed from the Anvil of Apotheosis!

@kalleejnar - 03.11.2020 13:05

You forgot to attack with the Hearthguard Berzerkers again. If it is you that start the combat phase, popping the command ability to attack in start of combat phase lets you attack with them again before the opponent attacks. So you would have killed the riders. Even if it wasn't your combat phase, you would still be able to attack with them again.
Personally I think you could have downed Archaon with a attacking twice if you charged straight into him.

@markgrehan3726 - 03.11.2020 15:13

Blown away by these awesome paint jobs.

@earnurelda4125 - 06.11.2020 14:09

What an amazing campaing! I hope you'll return soon with more AoS stuff... or maybe that other campaing with even better story you've announced

@Haloister - 08.11.2020 23:08

Sees Archaon
Ah I see we've dropped any pretense of fun for the final game, respect.

@bryanlofton1469 - 09.11.2020 18:32

Remember Archaon rerolls 1s to hit naturally in reapers.

@danielkeller3780 - 12.11.2020 16:40

Curse you shoe! I want your beautiful terrain setting up music!

@Discomagma - 21.12.2020 19:37

Hi guys enjoy the batreps but have one question. What’s a Carl?

@hobson1488 - 26.03.2021 19:08

Pretty sure you can only summon one magmic invocation per turn.

@DiceChatter - 29.10.2020 20:42

Got a little nervous at the start of that intro Shoe... 😏
