Fedora 40 - How to install Mate Desktop via Fedora 40 - MATE - Windows 11 - WSL - GWSL - YouTube

Fedora 40 - How to install Mate Desktop via Fedora 40 - MATE - Windows 11 - WSL - GWSL - YouTube

150 Просмотров

How to install Mate Desktop via Fedora 40 - MATE - Windows 11 - WSL - GWSL - Linux

You can find fedora 40 in Microsoft store or via link

How to install Mate desktop on Fedora 40 - TEXT

How to install Mate Desktop via Fedora 40 via windows 11 WsL - Movie

About Fedora 40

Fedora is developed by the Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat.
It follows its own release schedule, with a new version approximately
every six months. Fedora provides a modern Linux operating system utilizing
many of the latest technologies. It is free for all users and
supported via the Fedora community 2024. https://fedoraproject.org

About MATE Desktop

The MATE Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2.
It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop environment
using traditional metaphors for Linux and other Unix-like
operating systems. MATE is under active development
to add support for new technologies while preserving
a traditional desktop experience. https://mate-desktop.org

You cand find more about WSL desktops here - Linux and Windows

Mattias Vinberg - 2024 - Fedora 40 - WSL/Windows 11 - SwEden - Mate Desktop - Linux - Windows 11
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