I feel like we’ll get a future DLC packs for just Dragon Ball then GT and maybe more for Z
ОтветитьAll I really care are completely new characters like Glorio, Kuu, Duu, Gomah & whoever else make it that's new in general.
ОтветитьI think we need to consider the possibility of the Super Saiyan 2 forms getting the axe entirely. They could then free up 4 slots by eliminating each Goku & Vegeta variant. Considering only end of Z goku & vegeta get the forms I think this is a highly likely route to go that allows them to include all 3 tamagamis. I could easily see them making the SSJ2 form part of their ultimate attacks in SSJ1 like Goku's Kamehameha against Tamagami 3
ОтветитьPersonally I don't think SS2 Goku and Vegeta Mini will make it it, nor Arinsu. I also don't see Panzy and base Gomah making it. Super Gomah has 2 sizes, one where he fights the mini characters where he's around Z Broly LSS size, and the actual giant form when he fights the adult characters. So we'll probably have those 2 forms rather than Base and full Giant.
As for Adult SS3 Vegeta and SS4 Goku, they will probably be stand alone characters, but It'd be cool if they were added as transformation for Z End Goku and Vegeta. You know how we have certain outfits that add new supers? They could do the same, but with a transformation instead! Add a Daima Gi for Z End Goku that let's you transform into SS4, and do the same for Vegeta's SS3 (though his outfit is literally the same.. they could give it a different color pallet?).
The Tamagami's power ups that Neva gives mid fights will probably be skills like Kaioken and SSB Evolved.
Either way, I'm hyped for these DLCs, I'm a but shocked they haven't announced a release date yet. Was hoping it would release this month still..
Let's goooo! I put out a video on this last week or so, and had the same idea of the Adult Daima transformations, cuz SS4 Vegeta was wild for me as a standalone, but like since they did it before I could see it again here for these
ОтветитьOkay but what about people SSJ2 doesnt have a lot of material in daima
ОтветитьOh brother, we are gonna get scammed.
ОтветитьWe should be predicting when the next game changing update releases
ОтветитьI want an adult ssj3 Daima Goku that transforms into ssj4, just so they can recreate the adult ssj3 transformation into ssj4 from Daima, removing the shirt and having that legendary echoing scream
Just like how they recreated SuperHero Gohans transformations from the movie
What about red shenron???
ОтветитьWhenever something says 20+ that means it’s anywhere from 21 to 25 cause if it was 26 then they’d say 25+ they tend to advertise in multiples of 5
ОтветитьI’m genuinely disappointed in this prediction… why tf would we get mini piccolo and mini sup Kai thats two useless characters being added when we couldn’t get super 17 yet… what they should do is drop a mini Goku going ssj2,3,and 4 give us mini ssj2, and 3 vegeta, gloriwhore, and tamagami #3 it’s the safest and smartest option. They next dlc would be the other two tamagamis adult Goku that can go ssj3, and then 4 and a adult vegeta that goes ssj3 along with gomah who can transform into a giant that is the best lineup they could do. I almost forgot they could always sup tamagami #1 out for majin kuu or duu
ОтветитьI like the idea of Daima Adult Goku and Vegeta.
Strangely enough I don't think we ever had a Goku that could transform from SSJ to SSJ4 as an adult.
99% of the games had small GT Goku transforming or SSJ4 standalone character.
I do agree with End of Z transformation possibility. I just don't want them as stand alone characters. I love transformations.
The fact tht these devs are counting transformations as adding a character and on top of tht still not fixing glitches that been in the game for awhile pissed me off tht I paid 100for this trash with good graphics
ОтветитьYou can cut SSJ2 for Goku and Vegeta. SSJ Goku Mini will turn SSJ2 for his Ultimate, the Kamehameha he used against Tamagami 3
ОтветитьAll i want is Majin Duu And Ssj3 Majin Duu transformation and Kuu
ОтветитьThey should give us all the characters from dragonball Budokai Tenkahitchi 3. It's a god damn disgrace
I could play that game so much because of all funny interactions and the variety, the lore and the actually great story mode. Instead we have few characters and a shity story mode...
Giving a spoiler warning in the video is pretty pointless when the thumbnail's already giving them away.
ОтветитьMaybe on Goku (end) if you choose the daima outfit it will gave the ssj4 transformation too
ОтветитьArinsu might actually be Badidi 2.0 😭🔥
ОтветитьDLC 2 - Goku Mini SS and SS3, Vegeta Mini base, SS, and SS3, Glorio, Majin Kuu, Majin Duu, Tamagami 1, 2, and 3. That's 11 characters and hopefully they add stages like Demon World 1 and 2
DLC 3 - 2 additional costumes for Goku and Vegeta Z End. Daima outfit. If Goku/Vegeta wears the Daima outit then he can go SS3 and 4. I hope they will add Piccolo mini and two forms of third-eyed Gomah (normal and giant). Ah there's SS4 mini Goku as well so that makes 6 characters. Of course we need stage Demon World 3 too.
Total Season Pass characters - about 28
Cut out super saiyan 2 for the kid and adult forms and you get 29 characters aka 20+ characters
ОтветитьI think realistically they could cut kuu, ssj2 goku/vegeta, tamagami 2/3, then Panzy and anisu. That would take us down to the 20+ number.
ОтветитьMajin duu sayian mimic transformation
Should be in the game
We need more outfits as well
ОтветитьBase for adult goku with ssj-ssj3 and ssj4 and same treatment for vegeta all the way! I love that we have a new gohan nad piccolo along with all their forms👍
ОтветитьYe ggs I'm not buying that bs
ОтветитьI really want the tamagamis as playable characters, they’re so cool
ОтветитьGoma has 3 sizes, small, large, Giant
The new Ginyu guys wouldn’t be in it like you said, though they could be one character that switch off
We need Majin Duu in Ssj3
ОтветитьI would actually hate if they just threw SSJ3 Vegeta and DSSJ4 Goku (D for Daima) in without base forms. I want to transform in my fights.
ОтветитьSSJ2 was heavily glossed over in Daima as a form. So huge doubt we will get them in the DLC.
You have GT Goku in the base game as a guide for this.
He skips SSJ2 and goes straight to 3 and 4 cause he legit has no material to work off of to have it be a form.
Goku Daima just one taps after a Kamehameha Ult. Vegeta only combos a bit in the form before going into 3. So that helps reduce your numbers.
The Tamagami, Kuu, and Duu have enough roles to be added. But Im really unsure on the last character mentioned.
Games washed
ОтветитьI can work with that. Thanks for the Video my Goat.
ОтветитьI believe goku mini is just an extra little character. I fully believe they will have a different diama goku.
ОтветитьDaima is so mid, just give me stages.
ОтветитьI feel like they could readd the Supreme Kai and he’d have a Z skin and a Daima skin
ОтветитьHey glob i know its not sparking related, but do you know if the tybw skins are unlockable in base game or if they really are a $40 extra so i can buy the ultamate edition. I understand if this can be answered but if you do thank you globku
ОтветитьThey needa give us ssj4 vegeta as a dlc at least 😂
ОтветитьI personally think they'll be no Arinsu but 2 versions of Gohma
A Broly sized one and then the actual Giant one as a transformation
This size makes more sense than not because otherwise why bother splitting Daima into 2 packs if they'll have to be much smaller than Super Hero?
How about give daima goku and vegeta outfits over both end Z goku and vegeta and outfits give us their transformation
ОтветитьIt wont happen but i want Panzy
ОтветитьI want super Saiyan 3 adult Vegeta as a separate character. I would rather the red-haired adult super Saiyan 4 Goku be a skin
Ответитьcant lie havnt playd sparking 0 in over a month got corney started to show the bac log some l❤ve
ОтветитьYeah I think these are our most likely candidates DLC 1: Glorio, Vegeta(mini), ssj Goku & Vegeta, ssj3 Goku & Vegeta, ssj4 Goku, Majin Duu, Majin Kuu
DLC 2: Evil Eye Gomah, Adult ssj4 Goku, ssj3 Vegeta, Tamagami 1-3, and maybe possibly Shin
That's around 15 characters in total, which if you combine with the 11 characters we got in the Super Hero pack, its 26 characters which is 20+ as promised, sadly no ssj2s
Of course this might not be everything we get, we could get Daima outfits for Z-End Goku and Vegeta, or quite possibly a map as well, but who knows
They definitely need to add more maps!
ОтветитьI hope for Damia DLC Part 2 they add Adults Goku and Vegeta with all the forms along side this ideas I would hope they give us more Damia content then we thought
ОтветитьI don’t think we are getting the super saiyan 2 variants