The BIGGEST Risk Factor For Heart Attack

The BIGGEST Risk Factor For Heart Attack

Doctor Mike Hansen

1 год назад

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Times Like These
Times Like These - 24.11.2023 19:28

What are your credentials as a "Doctor"? Where did you graduate from Medical School?

Brian Healy
Brian Healy - 22.11.2023 16:43

Doctor put me on statins because I have cholesterol of 6.3

BaccaratFitness - 20.11.2023 01:28

So I guess I’m one of those people who has familial hypercholesterolemia because I had a heart attack last weekend. I’m lean, have exercised my whole life, consistently have triglycerides in the 50’s and HDL in the upper 60’s but my LDL was 230 at my last checkup. I assumed I was a lean mass hyper responder. Wrong! I had a LOT of blockage (99% in one artery and 90’s in 2 others and 88% in another). I still can’t believe it. My doctor has me on 80mg of lipitor, baby aspirin, a beta blocker, blood thinner and a blood pressure medication. I could have controlled my sugar intake better but I considered myself a low carb person who fasted every morning and exercised almost every day for close to 50 years. I have had a lot of stress this past year though.

Noel elnolo
Noel elnolo - 19.11.2023 19:18

Great video and scientifically sound explanation. My doctor wanted me to use statins, I started to eat better, exercise more, reduced sugars added to foods, supplementation with vitamins, fish oil, plant sterols and vitamin K2 and my lipid panel did a 180 degrees change in just 2 months!! The bad thing is my doctor still wants me on statin as, I guess, she is not up to date on the new scientific data. Zero statins for me!!

OurNewestMember - 15.11.2023 02:01

I don't understand how an increased incidence of heart attacks is related to improved identification and treatment.

Are we keeping the vulnerable populations alive longer (eg, due to improved treatments and identification) and as a by product, they continue to suffer heart attacks at some rate, increasing the number of people (who have not died from some cause) but do have heart attacks?

pete jaw
pete jaw - 10.11.2023 21:30

The problem is the amount of money the drug companies bring to doctors.

condoguy710 - 10.11.2023 08:30

so how does one lower the small dense ldl?

lo - 09.11.2023 11:49

Kep camera shots straight on rather than side views, the former is more personal and involves the viewer

Julie Sheard
Julie Sheard - 08.11.2023 07:17

I was offered statins for high cholesterol znd high bloid pressure meds. I declined as I knew they wouldn't lengthen my life.

T. Ames
T. Ames - 07.11.2023 01:34

My doctor wants to put me on a statin, even though all my numbers look good (including my triglycerides) ... except for the LDL cholesterol. I don't want to go on a drug that is 5 times more likely to give me a stroke, or dementia, or chronic muscle pain... than reduce my risk of heart attack.

If your blood sugar and insulin levels are within a healthy range and your arterial walls are strong and healthy, your risk of buildup from type B LDL cholesterol is low or nonexistent.

In other words, the type B LDL cholesterol is only a danger if you are already vulnerable from a bad diet that is high in sugar and carbs.

Gary Cortesi
Gary Cortesi - 06.11.2023 17:59

What about CAC score? Mine is 2025 but just did well on a stress test.

JingoLoBa57 - 06.11.2023 10:41

Had TIA 12 month’s after triple bypass. Neurosurgeon said I dodged a bullet. TIA is a temporary stroke. Lasted less 3 minutes but in that time I had temporary paralysis of my right side arm and leg. I lent up against a door frame, I was in a colleague’s office at that time. I didn’t want to scare him. Later it transpired he never knew. 3 minutes later another colleague came by and we went for breakfast. After that I went for a meeting. Then, not feeling well, I drove to the hospital. Where the attending doctor rubbed up and down my neck (potentially dislodging more debris and completing my permanent stroke or death). The paralysis felt like having hollow limbs. They were there but not at all responsive. Lucky, I am. Pay attention here and save your life.

a_room_without_a_view - 05.11.2023 20:43

It appears that Omega 3 Fish oils have reduced my Triglycerides down to 0.43 (38) when I started taking them they were approx 1.3 (115). These were just standard Kirkland brand. Not the highest potency ones they now offer. 4 grams per day so approx 1.2gms of EPA/DHA. Bottle kept in fridge. Reduced eating pasta and rice, not that I ate a lot of those foods. Trying to reduce binge eating. Healthy BMI, non-smoker, mountain biker.

ScaringC - 05.11.2023 18:40

Didn't you contradict yourself when you said the genetic caused ones SHOULD take statins and eat low fat, when prior you said statins go after the big buoyant LDLs not the 20% dense ones that the real culprits and are not really diet related? Frustrated here.

ScaringC - 05.11.2023 18:28

What about stroke? Same analysis applies?

Ana von Rebeur
Ana von Rebeur - 05.11.2023 14:49

Carb eating cause heart dissease. Period

Ana von Rebeur
Ana von Rebeur - 05.11.2023 14:47

Statins are poison. They ruin your muscles and liver

Ana von Rebeur
Ana von Rebeur - 05.11.2023 14:46

I am superhealthy eating beef and fat with 650 LDL and 30 triglicerides. What you must not do is eat catbs fruit and sugar. I DONT EAT THAT POISON .lost 50 pounds forever .

fandangomymango - 05.11.2023 12:36

Let’s talk about myocarditis and mRNA Vaccines

Paul B
Paul B - 05.11.2023 11:34

Highest risk factor for heart attacks? Check your bins for anything labelled ‘Pfizer’.

george elgin
george elgin - 04.11.2023 05:37

the clarity is good; you do make a couple of statements i can't `prove` to myself
i. 20% of the ldl(c) is sdLdl
ii. Statins ONLY address the large boyant ldl

i appreciate you didn't digress into side effects, but i would have liked to have seen the `why` sdLdl is not taken up by the liver. We suspect it is the FACT the sdLdl hangs around the blood for so long is why it ends up in the Arteriol wall.

Jesse - 04.11.2023 00:54

There is so much conflicting information. I hear other doctors say that fish oil does nothing and could be bad for you. I hear otherw say that excercise is the golden 🔑.

MJ - 03.11.2023 23:15

There is a blood test that will tell you how much fluffy cholesterol you have. You can get the test(self pay) without drs script.
If you want to have your insurance pay, then you need dr's script, and then you have to pay for Dr visit😢

Slim Tortoise
Slim Tortoise - 03.11.2023 19:58

Add the covid vaccine to the list.

joel kirby
joel kirby - 02.11.2023 23:57

This is what my doctors are saying!

lahuryder - 02.11.2023 17:11

So my LDL was 180, I diet n drop 30 lbs, no medication drop LDL to 120, redid bloodwork I'm at 140, should I take any medication? My doctor put me on Ezetimibe

lahuryder - 02.11.2023 17:04

Everyone says something different, who can I trust but GOD

Freddie F.
Freddie F. - 02.11.2023 15:27

Statins can also increase chances of diabetes 2

Julie Sharp
Julie Sharp - 02.11.2023 10:52

Did he mention the Covid vaccine,? That needs to be brought into the conversation now.

Chris Wright
Chris Wright - 02.11.2023 09:33

Could it have anything to do with a needle with experimental juice?

Steve Holloway
Steve Holloway - 02.11.2023 07:55

The fact that this doctor is Licensed under the CDC or whatever it is puts me straight off

Saba Siddique
Saba Siddique - 02.11.2023 07:53

I thank my doctor for putting an end to statins on my prescription at least a decade ago. The statins had been prescribed by another doctor.

jeffreyscottfishman - 02.11.2023 02:56

What would you recommend to use as a cooking oil if not Extra virgin because of the low smokepoint? If avacado, i was told you have to becareful cause most avacado oils are cheap brands and oxidized already. Also.... If you have a CAC score of 0 can you still have a blocked or clogged artery?

James Dean
James Dean - 02.11.2023 02:34

so what on the TG level is the target number... please...

Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas - 01.11.2023 16:50

How can you measure someone living four days longer unless you know the death date ahead of time?

Angling Rob
Angling Rob - 01.11.2023 14:43

Question, so what about leam mass hyper responders?...

DFinni - 01.11.2023 04:34

Try to eat a healthy diet and be active and don't do a statin unless you really really need to. Doctors will just about always say to take a statin, they weren't trained on eating healthy. Here, take a pill to help, just about all doctors will say that.

Donnie Shepperson
Donnie Shepperson - 31.10.2023 07:19


Christian B
Christian B - 31.10.2023 01:46

I agree with most but there’s no evidence that olive oil changes when heated above a certain temperature.

“heating olive oil does not damage the health benefits but it will make the olive oil lose flavor. Overall, Olive Oil is safe to cook with. Heating Olive Oil will not destroy the health benefits or turn olive oil unhealthy.”

Philippines Adventures
Philippines Adventures - 30.10.2023 23:22

I disagree

Chris Rhodes
Chris Rhodes - 30.10.2023 13:40

Probably important to talk about inflammation of arteries, if arteries are inflamed LDL will still build up regardless of low LDL numbers , focus on inflammation not lowering LDL

Lulu - 30.10.2023 00:30

What about LDL/HDL ratio? Mine is normal 4.7.
And A1C? My triglycerides are high but my A1C is 5.3
and HDL is 58 - supposedly good numbers there.

WOLF 359
WOLF 359 - 30.10.2023 00:15

Biggest risk Standard American Diet.

The Bro Check Club
The Bro Check Club - 29.10.2023 23:37

No mention here at all of the importance of healing and supporting the endothelial? The most important aspect of halting and even reversing heart disease. We still have a long way to go when going over the same story of what the lipids are showing us but neglecting the critical importance of repair and replacement of the endothelial for creating Nitric Oxide to increase vassal dilation.

AnimalsAre BeautifulPeople
AnimalsAre BeautifulPeople - 29.10.2023 20:10

Low fat whole food plant based diet is the best for your heart - Mediterranean diet is good for your heart inasmuch as the diet is mostly low fat whole food plant based. There is no reason to add fish or any other animal based foods to this diet.

Steve K
Steve K - 29.10.2023 18:58

My doctor has had me on a statin for years and my total cholesterol is always under 200 so I quit my statin and he doesn't know yet I am going to see him in November he will know then and I will be getting my blood work done and I am almost sure he is going to tell me to get back on my statin

Thomas Arbec
Thomas Arbec - 29.10.2023 18:10

High cholesterol is not a proven risk factor. Cholesterol is necessary

Thomas Arbec
Thomas Arbec - 29.10.2023 18:10

This guy is living in the 1970’s

Red Pilled
Red Pilled - 29.10.2023 07:36


T bear
T bear - 28.10.2023 16:47

Thanking you sir.
Makes a transparent sense.
Cardiologists and lipidologists are criminals
