Real-World Test: Petrol vs Diesel vs Hybrid, Surprising Results! (Highway & Urban Driving)

Real-World Test: Petrol vs Diesel vs Hybrid, Surprising Results! (Highway & Urban Driving)

Chasing Cars

1 год назад

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@chasingcars - 20.04.2023 15:44

Some interesting results, I'm sure you'll agree! Which engine would you choose?
(P.S.: unlike mobile phones, it's lawful to use a two-way radio while driving in our jurisdiction.)

@user-ez7wy3qz8n - 03.02.2024 02:06

I'm prefer the nostalgic Steam-Powered Santa Fe. 🚂

@andya6008 - 02.02.2024 18:42

Also, if you finance a car, you need to also consider the addition costs of the various loans for the different cars. More money borrowed means longer break even points.

@NoMoreIllegal5 - 02.02.2024 16:47

Is it true in a hybrid, if the battery goes bad, you could skip replacing the battery, & just use the ICE portion?

@rodolphedrolet6994 - 02.02.2024 14:24

How many liters to a USA gallon ,2005 caravan averages 22 per USA gallon ,,,,,,,at 18 years old at 5000 dollars cost ,,,,,,how get it do against your new status

@colewilds1553 - 02.02.2024 14:07

New taxes on older cars? Y'all gotta check your government. We have similar bs with trudeau.

@allanlawrence3456 - 02.02.2024 12:13

How were you allowed to drive and talk without using hands free. This did not come across as being very respectful

@honkers009 - 02.02.2024 09:23

A diesel hybrid car would make much more sense than petrol hybrid car.

@theSHER1FF - 02.02.2024 06:25

You've forgotten the maintenance price, for example hybrid battery lifetime and cost

@simonarmitage2591 - 02.02.2024 04:50

If all other things are equal you’re right- what’s the maintenance cost differences (inc cost of fixing issues) and depreciation?

@GraveUypo - 02.02.2024 04:47

am i the only one who would get the v6 regardless? i mean even if they were the same price. in fact that's what i did in 2020 with my outlander. except, well, the diesel was literally twice as expensive than the v6.

@fatihbilgeylmaz3966 - 01.02.2024 17:41

Car companies charge ridiculous amount of money for battery replacement. You have to take this into account for hybrids. And no, not all hybrid batteries last million kilometers, I know some of them last about 100k-150k km's.

@jonmallinson5921 - 01.02.2024 12:05

Why does my diesel make me cough will I die at a young age?

@Maybe-So - 01.02.2024 07:58

I bought a Toyota Corolla Hybrid in The States. I was pleased with the fuel economy, nearly 50MPG (calculated myself, by miles traveled vs gallons, NOT the overly optimistic car computer which lies and claims 53). Due to an incident with a pothole, I ended up putting 4 new tires on the vehicle, the dealer recommended these 'less expensive' tires. I immediately lost 6MPG averaging 42-43MPG vs 48-49MPG. I was pretty annoyed (and WHY aren't these more efficient tires sold on standard vehicles on a regular basis anyway, if they make that much difference? Makes no sense). The calculations have been done over a 3 year period, 65,000 miles (about 25k miles on the original tires, and about 40k on the new 'less efficient' tires). That's an additional 136 gallons of fuel (roughly $410 USD). Average fuel economy for my vehicle is about 32MPG. For me, if I hadn't gotten the wrong tires, the hybrid system would have paid for itself after about 75,000 miles, and I plan to keep the car for at least 300,000 miles.

@winteringhaminfo6088 - 01.02.2024 01:28

2018 qashqai diesel ... 99 gm/km. mileage - 60 to 70 mpg.

@jlrguy2702 - 31.01.2024 23:50

Good comparison, wish there were more reviews like this. The only thing I don't think was taken into account was residual values, also I don't think driving them all the same is fair really. I've got a Nissan X-trail Diesel and a Tesla Model X, for long distance I use the X-trail I can easily get 70mpg out of it at a constant 58mph, that's 880 miles on one tank of fuel, but for my normal commute and Model X.

@OverlandTT - 31.01.2024 14:56

Was the hybrid on a full battery to start? Is so the test is void.

@EverQuist - 31.01.2024 11:20

The math is completely wrong. You calculate on a hybrid as if it were a petrol car, and say that it will only pay off after 6 years. Yes, this is true if you are sick in the head and only drive the hybrid car on petrol. Normal people will drive it as much as possible on electricity. I don't know their prices over there but here in Europe the prices for electricity are 1/4 per mile than petrol.
I would think that 3-4 years repayment is more realistic.
The reason why hybrid cars and electric cars have become so popular here in Norway is various intensives that make it cheaper to both buy and drive them than petrol cars. Hybrid and electric cars have been exempt from VAT, which amounts to a large sum. Both electric cars and hybrid cars have a much shorter lifespan. There is an excess of first-generation cars that are not worth the cost to fix, sitting at scrap dealers, only 7-8 years old.
We have an electric car, a hybrid car and a diesel car. The electric car is now broken, the battery and on-board charger, it was 7 years old and has driven 60,000km. It is on its way to a scrap dealer now.
The hybrid car is only 4 years old. The diesel car is 20 years old and has traveled 350,000 km

@actualfacts1055 - 31.01.2024 11:15

It depends on how much driving you will be doing as to which one you would choose.

@tslinger21 - 31.01.2024 11:04

Hybrids (especially this kind of large SUV’s) are no more than widely accepted greenwashing, imho.

@jameskinsey4182 - 31.01.2024 10:11

The hybrid con followed by the ev con

@user-yq4sp5ij6u - 31.01.2024 09:42

"makes a cool noise", is one of the most important aspects to consider when buying a new vehicle.

@kimba381 - 31.01.2024 08:19

"Lowest fuel efficiency?" I suspect you mean HIGHEST fuel efficiency. Or perhaps lowest fuel CONSUMPTION?

@plohish1337 - 31.01.2024 08:05

I think you forget about car selling price. Even hybrid is more expensive and it will take 5-6 years to come to the same cost for the owner, hybrid selling price is higher for 2-3k so really it's not 5-6 years for break even, but more like 2-3 years.

@MrABREX - 31.01.2024 06:13

A great assessment. How about a comparison between the new Ford Everest 2L bi Turbo and the V6. As a vehicle this would suit my family needs as well as work needs. I don't need the off road capability but rather a large wagon type vehicle with some road clearance.I am keen to understand better the fuel consumption of regular driving mostly around the suburban areas as a daily as well as some highway km's for weekends. My concern is the high fuel consumption which most reviews are communicating. I am unsure if this is reflection of a heavy right foot but the review or really the case.

@Jeffnvz - 31.01.2024 04:00

You missed one point. After not even 6 years, your hybrid battery is scrapped and you have to buy a new one. I don’t know when the government will collect the carbon tax and how much it will charge, but I know that replacing the battery is very expensive.

@itsame1277 - 31.01.2024 03:41

Excellent video with appreciated high resolution graphics. Just like being there! The testing was well covered and you introduced a topic I had not considered being the tax on CO2 emisions. Thanks from NZ

@kristopherbastani854 - 31.01.2024 02:33

Hybrids need to replace their batteries about every 150k miles the average battery life for most hybrids is 200k miles or 6-10 years. And that’s for super reliable brands like Toyota. As for Hyundai I’d assume it be lower. So you’ve got to take that cost into play. Diesel cars are known to last well over 300,000 miles and that’s at the low end. Diesel Mercedes last over 1 million miles! So for cos, reliably and fuel consumption I’d go for a diesel. But if you’re looking for the best deal I’d go for a older diesel I’m in CA so anything 1997 and under is perfect for no smog

@kostrstore1000 - 31.01.2024 01:44

Loved the video and content focus! I would love a bit more energy from the hosts!!!

@Marszczak - 30.01.2024 23:25

I drive a hybrid v6 diesel. How about that?

@davidryder3374 - 30.01.2024 20:09

One point to consider: The V6 at 7 years will have a better resale value than the hybrid, since the hybrid's battery will be that much closer to its end of life. Assuming similar reliability between models, what would you rather buy, a used car with a robust proven V6 that's could have another 6 years ahead of it, or a hybrid that might need an expensive battery replacement in the next couple years?

@julianfontaine4062 - 30.01.2024 19:17

Hybrids also tend to have smaller gas tanks. So for the hybrid to get as much range or close too with less fuel is impressive

@robertrocheville7769 - 30.01.2024 18:38

Probably average American here. My experience could translate.

My wife like drive-throughs.
The ability to shut down the engine during that time can be massively beneficial.
I know,I know. Auto idle stop.
This is something that hybrids do just better.

@Daniel-fv1ff - 30.01.2024 14:53

You can't trust the lab tested co2 values

@christurton2128 - 30.01.2024 14:40

Great video, thanks. After purchasing a 2022 Navara diesel Pro4x ute, which claims 7.0L/100km on the highway, I would like to see a diesel ute dual cab consumption test against rivals to show how woefully under quoted these cars can be advertised. At 80-100km/h on flat roads (tested) on the Nullabor, the car consumption figure was high 9s/100km and the actual pump calculations was around 10L/100km. The dealer attempted to tell me the consumption gets "better" after 10,000km. But now with 30,000km down, it's nowhere near 7.0L or even 8L/100km. I'd love it if you can replicate this testing with the Navara and Ranger and Isuzu competition please?

@TheBlobik - 30.01.2024 14:30

I wonder if it is possible to convert your petrol car to use LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas, basically a propane-butane mix) and to tank it in Australia

From the description of the V6, you mentioned its naturally aspirated and has port injection, meanint it should be easily convertible to the alternative fuel.

And I believe on average you get 10% more consumption (11l LPG per 10l of petrol you would use) but the LPG tends to cost about 50% of what you pay for a litre of petrol.

This makes such conversion very common where I live, as the LPG is a commonly sold fuel here. I think every second petrol car has the LPG installation installed, making it a hybrid petrol-LPG installation.

And I think LPG even emissions-wise is better, as propane generates more H2O and less CO2 / unit compared to petrol, so the CO2 taxes aren't that bad.

@youdontneedmyrealname - 30.01.2024 11:30

Sounds like government overreach is the problem in this choice. Get rid of the government overreach, problem solved. 👌

@cmadventures6077 - 30.01.2024 10:08

I mean, if we are gunna speculate on emissions standards that could be introduced, and you leave out servicing, and resale value, then yeah, getting a hybrid isnt stulid at all

@johnsavage6628 - 30.01.2024 09:23

No. You still have the cost of replacing the batteries at some point. Plus the related costs, such as tires, and insurance. The auto industry refuses to produce reliable and affordable transportation. I don't see where they are even considering Troy Reeds' magnetic motor, because they can't stick it to the consumer, and it can be used in all vehicles. New and used. For a few thousand dollars you have a pollution free vehicle, and you don't have to use gasoline or batteries. And this would set the car repair business on it's ear. People would have affordable transportation again. Dependable, and easily repaired transportation. We can't have this says the auto industry. Guess what auto industry, 60 percent of the auto market can't afford the vehicles you are making. Now what?

@tioraytm - 30.01.2024 07:58

Also this is a parallel design hybrid where the ICE engine is connected to the wheels. If it was a serial design the engine is only connected to the generator to power the batteries where staying at a constant rpm is the strength of ice engines and the strength of the electric motor is torque. And yes you also need to take into account the life of the batteries that will be short due to the small size of the batterie pack in hybrid vehicles. About 6 years.

@BobHutton - 30.01.2024 06:47

If we are going to get a CO₂ tax, then the CO₂ emissions with manufacturing the vehicle should also be taken into account. I'm far from convinced that these "low emission" vehicles result in any overall CO₂ savings at all. They would produce less urban pollution, which is a good thing, but more needs to be done to demonstrate that they really do result in any nett savings of CO₂ pollution.

@dropbear9526 - 30.01.2024 04:21

Even if they do Introduce a carbon tax, I won't be paying it.
Free Tip: They use your tax dollars against you. Obviously.

@TheJonstolte - 29.01.2024 20:14

it'll be interesting to see how resale value will enter this equation. as fuel gets more expensive, fuel efficient vehicles should be more popular, add in AWD and i suspect you will get some initial investment back. This would be affected by how reliable these drivetrains prove to be

@jimmyz5831 - 29.01.2024 20:11

What we forget is that hybrids trade in for more money $$, often as much as the hybrid system added to the cost, meaning the hybrid is only borrowed for the life of the vehicle. Always look at trade in values for the vehicle you are looking at. Best way to separate the good from the bad.

@iguanaman08 - 29.01.2024 19:33

You should take resale values into account. Although the hybrid costs more, I'm guessing it will keep it's value better than the other two.

@user-rc1xs2ct3g - 29.01.2024 19:13

I see a real problem for us Yanks. Diesel here is VERY expensive. Today in Tenn. Reg 3.09 gal Diesel 3.90 gal. Plus diesel engines are more expensive when its time for oil change and such I would like to see someone in America do a comparison like this. My 2 cents worth. Good job on the video.

@ngauruhoezodiac3143 - 29.01.2024 19:03

One advantage of a diesel is that hauling a load ( eg. a caravan or trailer weighing 1000kg ) does not significantly affect fuel consumption.

@dutchrebel8727 - 29.01.2024 18:52

So the issue is the insane price of diesel in Australia? Diesel is cheaper in certain countries so it'll really depend on the price difference of diesel vs gas.

@markiliff - 29.01.2024 18:24

Your method excludes ground-up EVs so is of limited relevance
