Useless Feats

Useless Feats

XP to Level 3

4 года назад

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@Dovestorm - 20.07.2023 05:58

Lemme tell you, skilled and skill expert on a rogue is broken once reliable talent kicks in. My swashbuckler had about all but 2 skills she wasn’t proficient or expertised in.

@denominator4663 - 01.08.2023 19:13

My 7 blood hunter order of lycan 3 fighter echo knight and lucky feat being a dm's worst nightmare.

@electrochick2163 - 02.08.2023 00:47

Wait.. you’re left handed??

@zaprowsdower4938 - 08.08.2023 18:48

Honestly I really like inspiring leader. It's basically a proactive version of the healer feat and flavor wise works really good on a battlemaster fighter or most bards (especially if you flavor it as a musical performance). Not to mention you can use it after a long rest at the same time people are preparing spells.

The only thing I dislike is the limit on effected people, like, I see no reason you can't use it to, say, inspire a group of peasants who you're helping protect their village.

@MantyCore201X - 11.08.2023 16:57

My first ever character, Impostor the evil druid, has the actor feat... bruh

@00Linares00 - 13.08.2023 18:05

Inspiring Leader is amazing, the temp hit points are definitely very useful since you can essentially re-add them to the whole party every time you take a rest.

@DillonMeyer - 17.08.2023 22:30

At level 4 with a human who has taken both the Grappler and Poisoner feats, you can force feed an enemy you're grappling some really nasty poison. Hope this helps.

@Ghostwolf7372 - 18.08.2023 14:25

So that's why he needs glasses

@danielzaiser - 28.08.2023 21:44

roll for constitution

@jasonsweeney890 - 01.09.2023 19:19

it hurts having your favorite feat, inspiring leader, be called useless

@XboxUnitD77 - 01.09.2023 22:52

The problem I have with some feats is, they are legitimately good in a vacuum, but when you consider...... ability score increase, or other feats. They suck.
I'd love to see "earned feats" that you get through achievement, and not from a level up bonus that could be better spent getting warcaster

@turtrooper8310 - 04.09.2023 03:21

Skill expert >> skilled.

@TheLeviathanYT - 07.09.2023 00:48

"All the feats are bad."

That's how I feel sometimes.

@shilohmagic7173 - 07.09.2023 03:19

Actor isn't... useless.
well, okay, it's useful for pranks.
Not much else.

@colechristensen1909 - 09.09.2023 07:01

I love this wizard character so damn much it hurts

@principedelamuerte3235 - 10.09.2023 12:55

Well, the Actor-Feat gives more than just mimic someones Speech. You get +1 Cha and Advantage for mimic another Person. Its not that trash. But yeah, there are better feats out there.

@bulldogger1467 - 13.09.2023 17:47

i took dungeon delver in bg3 on astarion and just use him to disarm traps and unlock shit then switch back to a good character

@wilsonmiranne214 - 14.09.2023 21:13

I have a Warlock with a fiend patron semi-possessing him, and he occasionally has to appease/feed his patron via cannibalism, so the Warlock uses the Actor feat and Mask of Many Faces to lure 'prey' into secluded areas before ambushing to feed.

@mezcla191 - 16.09.2023 20:07

Inspiring Leader as legit saved the party so many times, and if you're a barbarian then you get extra mileage out of them.

@Gotofy105 - 19.09.2023 18:47

My dad actually found a use for the grappler trait as a warlock! His whole build was just to cast create bonfire, grapple a creature, and hold them onto the bonfire.

@Kualinar - 22.11.2023 20:32

There are some bad feats. Some truly useless feats. Like that one that enable quick draw, but, the prerequisite for the spell ALREADY give quick draw...

@syrehn7684 - 03.12.2023 01:23

Lol my bard has actor and inspiring leader, granted actor was a free feat given by the DM, but it let me start with 18 cha at lvl 1.

Also inspiring leader is actually very good especially early on, its reusable free hp and adds up very fast. Its basically an extra level of hp on everyone. Not to mention the RP value. Ive never had a DM make a player talk for 10 irl minutes.

@DaysDX - 27.12.2023 01:00

There should be lesser feats and greater feats. Lesser feats would be good for adding flavor while trying to be mechanically tame enough to not impact the power balance. Then greater feats could be feats where the point is to change the mechanics of the game and be able to do things not previously possible etc. Just a thought. I personally love the idea of feats being something that really sets your character apart. Players always want to seem clever for finding a way to exploit some rule or interpret rules in weird ways to their benefit and sometimes those could just be something the PC can do if you call it a feat. Just make sure everyone gets a chance to do things like that for their characters.

@AngryBoozer - 25.01.2024 12:39

Don’t ever throw Gfuel powder in your eyes. If it mixes with your tears, you eyes will turn into pure energy.

@georgepattimore5429 - 31.01.2024 14:50

"No one's going to listen to you talk for ten minutes." Definitely my favourite line.

@michalsell4802 - 08.02.2024 22:01

I love actor though hahaha if you play like charlatan or entertainer or like a bard it's so cool. I made a charlatan warlock / sorcerer class and the character was convincing people to be a devil ( as a tiefling with a make up and shit ) that descended to the earth as a tiefling. And was like trying to sign deals with people xD

@TwoGnomes - 16.02.2024 01:44

I won't stand for this blatant Inspiring Leader slander, that feat is the only reason my Curse of Strahd players are still alive.

@tminusboom2140 - 22.02.2024 18:56

Skilled would be a great feat IF you could use it to gain expertise.

@lolandahalfmullin2305 - 01.03.2024 20:10

I take the two turns to grapple and then I whisper into his ear "silvery barbs"

@boiledelephant - 03.03.2024 18:43

The Healer feat is nuts, because healing kits are everywhere and healing potions are extremely overvalued for how little they heal.

@bobjimboob6920 - 07.03.2024 01:32

"Deez Nutz"

@Eaterofthedark - 08.03.2024 09:05


@matth2283 - 30.03.2024 22:41

skill expert > skilled

@sega3607 - 02.04.2024 07:02

I’ll take mage slayer. Now I can slap anyone who casts a spell within 5 ft of me. I’m still gonna die, but at least I got them slightly bruised.

@psugames7779 - 03.04.2024 05:21

To be fair, our dm let’s inspiring leader to work just by planning a combat beforehand, and if the one using his feat participates a lot in the planning, it just gives the buff.

@lank5582 - 10.04.2024 23:26

I had a player take Inspiring Leader at level 19. Don't knock 20+ temp hp multiple times a day!

@jothrax4673 - 22.04.2024 21:49

Anyone else find it funny the GM had a Wizard taking Great Weapon Master as the #2 possibility?

@reallyFrogman - 28.04.2024 21:38

grappler effectively ends combat if there's only one enemy/one enemy left so ut can be really good against enemies that are immune to your shit.

@lucasraphaelpianegonda2058 - 23.05.2024 13:50

You did inspiring leader bad. Its pretty good

@nomymina5429 - 30.05.2024 15:43

personally love evasion nothing like being a wizard who i made have horrible memory and mix up his spells so in world i have him casting stuff like fireball at his feat trying to do a smoke cloud because he surrounded by enemys just made him with a lot of dex and suddenly i am passing my own saves as i come out of it unscathed after my party watched me momentarily become a ball of fire

@PopcornBunni - 07.06.2024 00:02

ONE dnd seems to be addressing the fact that of the player's handbook's two grappling focused feats, only Tavern Brawler is actually usable for a wrestler. At least as of the last I heard, the unarmed attack+grab trait is moved to the Grappler Feat, and Grapplers can now haul their victims away without a speed penalty, meaning among other things, Jump spell empowered suplexes and quickly escorting the grappled enemy necromancer to the nearest cliff. The AS boost was also moved to Grappler.

Tavern Brawler retains the d4 unarmed bonus (woo?), and proficiency bonus for improvised weapons, with the new addition of rerolling any time you get a 1 on an unarmed strike (good for other sources of unarmed strike augments like Unarmed Fighters' d6 or d8) and treating any small or large furniture, like say, a folding chair, as a great club for damage rolls.

These changes come with the "Leveled feats" and changes to backgrounds. Tavern Brawler is available to any player as a level 1 feat as part of their background, while Grappler is a level 4+ feat, so it got a lot of buffs to make up for the now only -1 AS increase.

@CorwinWolf - 27.06.2024 18:04

That last quip about his videos was a nice stinger

@FisherWilliams4 - 09.07.2024 20:10

Alert is my go-to feat
+5 to initiative
Can’t be surprised while you’re conscious
Creatures don’t get advantage an attacks as a result of not being seen by you

Overall a well rounded feat. Also I’m very impatient & like to go first in initiative

@themcqueendream6797 - 18.08.2024 00:12

Your crazy puppet mouth, moving while you talk is jut 😂🤣😂🤣 I can't take my eyes off of it lmfao

@AncientRylanor69 - 06.09.2024 11:18


@oddersisadog - 07.09.2024 05:43

What if you made armor that has spikes on it and then you grapple them?

@Falcon-doing-doodles - 07.09.2024 12:36

had a friend who took the lucky feat because he made a stupid high ac build (draconic soul sorc/swords bard) but with a serious drawback. A 6 in con. So lucky was imperative

@Dan-fw2db - 15.09.2024 18:47

If the Wizard doesn't take Telepathic or Telekinetic, you're safe.

@XPtoLevel3 - 21.08.2020 05:47

The jokes in this video poking fun at some of the feats are in the sake of good fun. Most of the feats are seriously awesome and this dumb video shouldn’t stop you from considering them.
