1922 - Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King | Future Shorts

1922 - Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King | Future Shorts


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@TheVertigo85 - 19.11.2010 01:20

Enjoying it....

@JoeyNunezDa3rd - 21.11.2010 01:01

Thats one heck of a period stain.

@surfercharlie25 - 21.11.2010 19:08

I'm in the midst of the story right now, and it is... hard to read in places, to say the least. It's a good mix between Carrie-era King and the more mature King.

@DTRoland - 22.11.2010 12:08

I like the trailers you made! :) ld&pn

@IndiieMuzic - 30.11.2010 06:35

I read 1922 Big Driver and now im starting the next one. All in 2 days :)

@beaterfred - 01.12.2010 15:23

@CRYPTOCRYPTO2009 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... spoiler!! :(

@beaterfred - 01.12.2010 15:29

@xar51 I think it was very effective. I am certainly intrigued now, and am definitely going to buy the book. People who don't read miss out on so much in my point of view. There is only so much people can potray in movies,and no matter how good the actors are they are still acting. A good writer can create a movie, so complete in detail in your head that actual movies seem so bland afterwards. Thats why people always say 'the book was much better' when commenting on movies based on books. :)

@sarahk2181 - 03.12.2010 10:48

just fnished the book, it was amazing! enjoy fellow constant readers

@cyclopsamurai - 06.12.2010 01:58

Seriously a hat on! Right then, after a heinous, struggling murder?! Details, people!

@celeocanth - 06.12.2010 22:38


@cyclopsamurai - 28.12.2010 14:18

@seonidh In the video he was... in the actual story (which I realized later these films weren't trying to depict precisely-seems a little nuts, some of their changes), but in the actual story, there was a great struggle to kill her. Things were frantic, and I just don't like the idea that fashion sense or security from a hat was any kind of priority at that moment. It's just the kind of thing that can ruin a great scene in a film. I'm just very surprised that people making it don't see that.

@cyclopsamurai - 28.12.2010 14:24

@seonidh Perhaps I need to read it again. It's been a while now. I've read a couple books since then, but this story would vote into a handful of stories that I've really, really liked in my life. I knew it was for me the moment it began. Loved the scenery. When you're carrying a dead body to a well, you don't reach for your hat, but perhaps there was a lull in the timeline that I missed where he may have reached for it, but I remember feeling like that idea was ridiculous, mmmk...

@terroristpie - 03.01.2011 05:45

im reading the book right now and i have to present a paper on it, and im going to use this video, bet they are gonna think im a freak haha. good book recommend it

@BJMallory - 04.01.2011 23:19

The well isn't supposed to have stone walls. Just a hole in the ground with a wood cap and stakes around it so people didn't accidentally walk over the cap and fall in.

@1bobo1 - 24.01.2011 22:25

@KillYourPC Why you say that

@3ISAMAGICNUMBR - 18.02.2011 01:52

@CRYPTOCRYPTO2009 I am in high school and my mom was asking what it was about and what happens in the end and after telling her she was like, maybe we should get you out in the sun before you read any of the other stories. lol

@BlissDeVille - 09.04.2011 09:32

The ratts are so fing scary!

@SOULECKZ - 27.06.2011 09:25

what a great book this is the best story in it....

@EvilDick1995 - 07.09.2011 06:37

stupid question...Is this a real movie or are are all of these fan made? Well anyways 1922 is my favorite short story, I hope it is a real movie.

@OrgodemirDQ7 - 03.10.2011 00:45


@holt1415 - 16.10.2011 21:12

wheres the snood???? and the well is not that big its a big hole in the ground!!

@illhorse - 21.10.2011 21:59

Arlette was a bitch

@illhorse - 21.10.2011 22:00

omg its just how i imagined it while reading! :)

@nyarlotep - 25.11.2011 04:52

Hmmmm... The wife shouldn't be wearing her shoes, she was killed in bed. Later Wilf got a pair of her shoes along with some clothing into the well so people would think she run away.

@geengeena - 18.12.2011 18:36

I can't hear the word "snood" now without thinking of 1922 haha. Amazing collection of stories. Big Driver, 1922 and A Good Marriage were my favourites...disappointed by the ending of Fair Extension but still a good read. These trailers are ok, considering the time constraints but not so good if you've already read Full Dark..the actors are nowhere near how I imagined them in my head..

@loqui136 - 07.01.2012 23:40

i've finished this story,it is so great.

@danielpm1989 - 03.04.2012 02:41

where's part 2?

@EveForbiddenFruit - 03.08.2012 18:08

Does anyone know the song playing in the trailer?

@RushLedZeppelin - 13.09.2012 02:21

good story but i was very sad when shan got shot and the baby also died that part really stuck out to me because king made it feel so much as if hank and her loved each so much i just wish they couldve lived and he just died

@LadyTheStrange - 27.10.2012 10:53

Love this trailer, King is the best. what's the title of this song please?

@MauslpuTZ - 07.11.2012 22:08

The song is called "Sea of Love" by Bliss [Singer: Rachel Morrison] but i can not find this Version :(

@summerinthewoods - 08.03.2013 06:30

D: i know....);

@Found2beLost - 21.03.2013 07:46

I imagined the well being larger, how is the cow suppose to fall down that? lol

@ContextReallyMatters - 21.03.2013 23:27

The worst thing about Full Dark, No Stars was finishing it. Great read.

@Astro84 - 20.05.2013 16:57

Brilliant. Just brilliant. Recommend Full Dark, No Stars to anybody.

@chikaminibob - 23.05.2013 07:09

I have the book for this

@MegaSusy100 - 27.05.2013 16:19

Brilliant story, I went through all the emotions of each character. One of Kings best

@Alexandr666sanich - 05.07.2013 01:55

просто отличная книга

@TheSalixProductions - 18.07.2013 00:42

I wanted to read a really scary book. But I almost ended up crying... It's amazing! Not scary. But sad.

@chrisni9419 - 28.03.2014 05:02

Just finished this story... man... i hate rats...

@AkwardsMyMiddleName - 10.09.2014 00:44

That's so creepy! I love it!!!

@jeredmorrison417 - 17.09.2014 05:47

the well isnt correct...i dont quite see how you could simply walk a cow across the top of that lol

@TheRumpumpel - 14.12.2015 18:46

This short movie is so fucking creepy. The original Story to

@loureed1285 - 31.05.2016 12:48

this trailer is sooo good

@mollyfixxer8799 - 07.06.2016 05:34

This was wonderful. They made movies out of Big Driver and A Good Marriage. Both were pretty close to the actual story. Hopefully they will get around to making this movie.

@brianmann7177 - 29.06.2016 23:18

I absolutely loved this story. The short clip is awesome, but this would make an incredible full length movie too. If it was done right.

@brianmann7177 - 29.06.2016 23:26

I even did a painting of the well oozing blood, with the corn all around. I would've put some rats in there too, but I suck at painting and would've screwed it up. LOL

@yaara51 - 22.10.2016 14:34

One of the best storys I ever read.

@самдамбщитядебил - 14.02.2019 23:12

выруби, выруби свет, мы курим в полной темноте

@jennifervonpickartz2428 - 26.09.2022 20:07

I thank G-d for You
