What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

ABC News

1 год назад

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@James-ny6tn - 11.12.2023 18:10

So the concept of the oil reserve was never intended to be used to correct bad policy decisions by an administration .It a shame that we used 40%or of our oil reserve because a senile president and his corupt administration made bad policy decisions. Oil purchased at 38$or less a barrel will know be purchased well over 100$ a barrel and the corupt administration wants to buy foreign oil not American. The green new disaster that the Biden administration has created is absolutely stupid just like the failed electric buss company. Build back better is bullshit. Infustructure bullshit paying to babyset illegal aliens is not infustructure. 293 people a day loose there live s from opioids and fyntanal because of an open border that was created by liberal Democrats. Democrats are delusional scum bags a virus on humanity.

@freetoexplore5669 - 28.09.2023 15:37

Joe Biden and Son making millions of dollars selling all of US oil to China. The US can't afford another 4 years of a Biden or Demoncratic presidency.

@KevinWJenner - 26.09.2023 17:49

I would make motion or proposal upon our rule that, here on U.S. soil this bastion of free-world values; all sequestered scientists per environmental issues be publicly and legally heard, also welcome global dignitaries that they also observe. Do whatsoever are required, such as grant lifelong asylum and offering of safe harbor though perhaps citizenship any scientists who nobly accept said offer and tell us for the first time since; all that is Earth Science instead of inconclusive and manufactured an tragic farce. At least, let's hear any sequestered scientists, and by all means.

@tmorton922 - 20.07.2023 05:38

What an idiotic move. These reserves are for times of war or a shut down of incoming oil. Absolutely foolish. And now they aay they may never be refilled. All to decrease gas prices by 30 cents. Typical politicallly motivated move. Did I say stupid?

@zrated - 29.05.2023 03:47

Have got to resupply these reserves.

@westtexas806 - 29.10.2022 08:53


@ufo_vid9694 - 23.10.2022 20:51

Joe's disaster, democrats better lower gas prices before the elections.

@patrickmcdonough412 - 21.10.2022 04:20

The American strategic oil reserve is for the people if really needed, and not as a partisan manipulation of the mid term elections.

@boogiedownnyc - 20.10.2022 11:45

We really need to stop using fossil fuels

@dinalavaki2982 - 20.10.2022 04:38

Who created the oil crisis and why did they do it

@williampankratz600 - 20.10.2022 03:19

The tactical strategic reserve isn't for political points

@jaersee - 20.10.2022 02:16

What say the US Army about the release of that amount of oil STRATEGIC reserves?

@superoldgamesaturday3277 - 20.10.2022 01:45

Our emergency oil stash that Biden drained for power that ABC explains for the shortbus set, AKA, the Democrat party.

@jimdoe3288 - 20.10.2022 00:11

The reserve should never be in the hands of other countries

@jimdoe3288 - 20.10.2022 00:10

It's a way to send China oil

@onetwo6039 - 20.10.2022 00:03

Even this stunt isn't enough to re-elect his absent minded azz.
Can't wait to get this old man out of office.

@majorseventh2699 - 19.10.2022 23:24

Joe... Has canceling the keystone pipeline come back to bite us in our depends?

@bobcob3362 - 19.10.2022 23:13

Joey seems to think it's his personal stash to use for political gain.

@goodcomments8479 - 19.10.2022 23:09

Let's go, Mighty Joe! Oil companies making record profits, CONs too afraid to report.

@great2473 - 19.10.2022 22:56

Why doesn’t the Democratic Party work on their relationship skills (OPEC)… instead they dip into emergency reserves.

@tammypritts8102 - 19.10.2022 22:49

His just doing this to get votes

@WhateverIwannaupload - 19.10.2022 22:49

yeah this is a terrible idea and failure to raise gas prices will further plunge the USA into economic turmoil. The factors that raise gas prices worsen the more you pump gas and try to justify it with our current system of generating capital for it and the modern emissions reduction systems and measurement of emissions. High gas prices drives out "throwaway" jobs, which are useless jobs only meant to give employment to someone for the sake of giving them an income to survive. High gas prices value essential jobs over "throwaway" jobs and lower the amount of people, that will currently be working, who need to drive somewhere. lowering traffic, emissions pollution, and investing the rest of the gasoline into speeding up our transition to renewable energy or electric cars would highly benefit the economy. Electric cars if running on gasoline have a higher mpgE( miles per gallon electric). I did the research on it. 1 gallon of gasoline converted into electricity nets you over 100+mpgE compared to using the gasoline from gas to engine. The process of converting gasoline to electricity means cars won't pollute the air because when you convert the gas to electricity, you do so in a stationary work place and the emissions released can be easily trapped. have you guys seen the amount of money billionaires are spending to capture the emissions from the air? why wait til the emissions reaches the air when you can filter it out better from the source that is not longer moving. consider how much emissions is already being filtered out by the car and note how more weight from the car = more gasoline needed to drive you from point a to point b. let alone the calculations people do to show that turning on the ac instead of rolling down your window can save you a lot of gasoline in the long run. Furthermore, rich companies like Elon's companies make a good profit selling their emissions tax: meaning they pollute less than others so much that they are able to cash in credits by selling it to others. This release of oil reserves is not only a big mistake but it caves into people who don't care about the future and only want a short term solution. psalm 23 is the answer so let God take the wheel.

@dakotad6472 - 19.10.2022 22:24

I love how what wasn’t included was this reserve wasn’t maintained for years until it was finally filled in 2020 by Trump when the price of oil was at its cheapest. Even when he did that Dems heavily criticized him for it but now they have no problem taking advantage of it. Still is a short term fix for a long term problem.

@aaronjoseph9018 - 19.10.2022 22:23

Why don't they just use electric or find a better way to fuel cars etc

@Zebrazone99 - 19.10.2022 22:14

Biden the mindless imbecile has caused all the problems when he shut down American petroleum industry. And now he is making it worse. STUPIDITY

@KevinStDenis1 - 19.10.2022 22:08

Biden is a failure….. FJB
