Best Stats For All Players  (Best Skills To Level On Ark) 2020

Best Stats For All Players (Best Skills To Level On Ark) 2020

Complete Games

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@Overcharge1 - 13.01.2024 22:53

melee is def worth, if you have 300% melee and a 300% damage sword you're gonna do 900% damage 100% worth because if you get stuck or pined you're gonna do way more damage with a sword on a dino then a shotgun would you would need a 900% shotgun to do even close the damage

@dinathseyara325 - 11.12.2023 05:28

stamina-enrgy usage(good to pump points into)
oxygen-increases oxygen levels(increase faster swiming)
food&water-absolutely nothing
weight-important for early game and late game
mele dmg-absolutely nothing(except in pvp)
movement speed-yes put points then together with decent stamina you can run away from dinos(important)
crafting skill-??? higher dmg on weapons as @sunnyfields1845 points out
fortitude-yes put points into that as well(can resist environment,diesease,dont have to eat or drink often)

so ideal build - put points into weight
-put into movement speed
-put into fortitude
-put into stamina

@virtualbunksie5117 - 11.11.2023 13:28

New video needed, I'm learning brand new just downloaded

@jeremiahwilkes9588 - 15.09.2023 23:44

For PVP having fast movement, high melee, and lowhp with fortitude pumped. This allows you to fill an assassin like role. Preferably one tribal member per 5 setups uses this but can be fierce. You almost can't be "captured" as you die easier than being put to sleep most of the time. If they try to sleep you generally you sleep them first or die. It also allows you to enter exit battle/cover. And ultimately as a solo you can avoid combat better as well as bandit people gathering quickly. You can easily survive for longer periods of time "camping/stalking" teams of players.

@hybrid3216 - 14.08.2023 15:08

Can anyone tell me the exact number of points that you put in each stat in a single-player scenario pls???

@MrLoowiz - 19.06.2023 00:24

Are you just literally reading the Wiki?

@thetoptiervids - 25.04.2023 12:38

background song?

@Cod3OfWar - 19.03.2023 22:23

Health 510
oxygene 300 max
0 crafting
0 food
0 water
22-50 fortitude max
and use the other points in the rest spec when need

@Animatronic7529 - 28.01.2023 03:00

I use health weight and strength as my go to. If melee does damage to dinos by weapons or fist to me it's useful and health is important as well the other important stat is fortitude I lvl up as well. 4 stats I lvl up. I mean I wonder how many punches it takes to kill a dilo by lvlin up the melee damage?

@saiyanwarrior3895 - 30.11.2022 16:07

unleas you have to out run angry wild spinosaurus high level in ark then you want to increase moven speed and stamina higher

@jaradshaw4723 - 30.10.2022 02:09

Of course if you have a monkey pet, a player built towards melee and kiting is gonna have a hard time closeing the distance. I argue the monkey shoulder pet is far superior to melee damage. Further more if you take the same points they put in melee and split them between hp and speed, you can kite and shoot them and they'll never catch you.

@BlakeEIves - 15.09.2022 06:58

Fortitude is a wasted stat for PVE. And to some extent PVP also. 24 points of fortitude gives you 48 point fortitude rating. Meaning, you get 108 in hypo, and hyper-thermal protection. Someone with 0 points in fortitude will be knocked out from torpidity when they receive 50 points of torpidity. For every point of fortitude you have, you gain an extra point. So 1 fortitude pushes that number up to 51. So 24 points makes that 74 points before knocked out. A primitive club does 20 torpidity per hit. A boomerang 42 per melee hit, and 70.5 for a ranged hit.

Someone with 0 fortitude takes 3 hits from a club, and 2 hits from a boomerang to be knocked out. 1 hit from a boomerang throw
Someone with 24 fortitude takes 4 hits from a club, and 2 hits from a boomerang to be knocked out. 2 hits from a boomerang throw.
It will only take 1 hit from any dino, that does torpor damage, to knock out either of them. A scorpion that has 0 points in melee, which is freakishly rare to find, will do 45 points of torpor in 1 hit. So 2 hits is all it takes for a LEVEL 1 to knock out someone with 24 fortitude, and 2 hits for someone with 0 fortitude.

So the thing that protects you most from torpor buildup is your armor, and practically your armor alone. Which leads me to my main point.

Armor sets are the better option. And simply carrying more will easily out preform fortitude on many levels, and will do so more efficiently.

Hypothermal Protection: It takes 4 points in weight to allow you to carry primitive engram level fur armor, which give 249 hypothermal protection. 4 in weight, or 24 in fortitude? Plus you get to keep the extra 6 units of the weight being used from carrying the 34 weight fur armor. This leaves you with 20 points--200 weight, health, melee, or 30% speed--you could be using in other stats.

Hyperthermal Protection: It takes 3 points in weight to allow you to carry primitive engram level ghillie armor, which give 155 hyperthermal protection. 3 in weight, or 24 in fortitude? Plus you get to keep the extra 6 units of the weight being used from carrying the 24 weight ghillie armor. This leaves you with 21 points--210 weight, health, or melee, or 31% speed--you could be using in other stats.

Carrying both armor sets is 6 points in weight, increasing your weight stat by 60 points, leaving you with 2 units of weight to use in other areas.

Wearing an otter adds 0 weight, and does more for both insulation protections than fortitude ever could. An otter gives 75-82 hypothermic protection and 34-38 hyperthermic protection per 100% melee damage. And again, finding a dino with 0 in melee is freakishly rare. So having an otter with 200% melee is extremely easy. Meaning a low level otter will easily give 150-164 hypothermic protection, and 68-76 hyperthermic protection. So just a level 1 otter with enough points to put its melee up to 200%, at the cost of maybe carrying a 0.5 unit weight cryo-pod, nearly invalidates the effect of fortitude's thermal protection.

But how often does a player have primitive, engram level armor sets? Maybe a little while, when they are first starting out. So that same weight stated above can easily give double the effect per weight unit. And you can use that weight to put down your stuff, and carry other things around your base. But there is no such option for fortitude. Once you have it, you can do nothing else with it. And even then, it barely does anything noteworthy. Especially for those in the tail end of the early game, or middle to late game. If you wear armor that is good enough to invalidate the benefit for fortitude, the points are lost. But you will always have use for more weight.

@florinbuf4602 - 07.09.2022 16:11

250 health
150 stam
500 weight
I level this last so depends
130 movement
30 if scorched earth etc or 15 if on usual maps

@bazar2021 - 02.09.2022 04:50

I start out with health weight and movement speed for survival purposes. Even though I’m on PVE the melee damage that I can do has saved my life and my tames plenty of times. Ark is unpredictable and sometimes you will get attacked while harvesting resources, especially early on when you don’t have decent tames to protect you

@Jaystarzgaming - 30.08.2022 15:09

You can break your computer if your character is high on running speed.

@milkplease789_yt9 - 13.08.2022 12:07

Man how do you play pve there's no base spots anywhere on offical plus the smallest bases spam the entire Map like teach me your ways

@craigslitzer4857 - 24.07.2022 02:08

A significant beneficial side effect of putting points into Fortitude is that you don't have to eat or drink as often. It's a nice Q.o.L. passive buff, not having to deal with the starving/dehyrated grunts & groans every 30 seconds.

@tipoftheiceberg7034 - 15.07.2022 07:31

Honestly you should still put points into oxygen and fortitude. Ever been knocked out in water and drowned? Not killed but just knocked out and drowned. Oxygen 310 will ensure that likely will never happen and fortitude will help you not lose health in super hot or super cold environments

@laggy7102 - 08.07.2022 03:30

I pump around until 300% in MD, let's just say no dino can stand against my ascendant sword.

@GiggleFlippers - 28.06.2022 16:25

The outro music has no business being that good

@darthdart3360 - 07.06.2022 01:46

Top 3 attributes to pump ur points into is speed, stamina, and weight. Weight being your highest priority

@neiljensen8306 - 02.06.2022 16:00

i put like 2 points into weight. a few more when i learn hide armor. weight is a trash stat. use dinos to haul heavy loads, its what they are for lmao

@sunnyfields1845 - 30.05.2022 22:55

My favorite stats to pump points into are weight, health, speed, fortitude, and a little bit of oxygen & crafting skill.

Weight and health were my default before I really knew how to play the game. Now I really try to go for weight and speed. Health is good too, but I don't need as much health if I can just leave all the dangers in the dust.

On maps where I may be in the water often, I'll put a few points into oxygen so I can swim faster and stay under longer.

I do some fortitude so I can survive extreme weather, and a little bit of crafting skill (I just like how fast it lets me craft tbh lol).

I never noticed anything helpful with melee so I just don't use it.

I never do anything with food, water nor stamina. I started playing with my sister and she has all 3 on 0 so you never get either. Personally I like the challenge of food and water, but I keep stamina at 0 as I have no patience/a short attention span.

@sunnyfields1845 - 30.05.2022 22:51

Crafting speed also has the chance to give you a % increase to damage when crafting weapons. For example: My tribemate crafted a gun, and it was at 107% damage as opposed to 100% damage.

@TrianglE7 - 24.05.2022 23:38

I usually go 200% movement speed witch is almost faster than a giga

@seamusmcboon558 - 10.05.2022 08:51

Mealy damage?

@jamesconkey1480 - 06.05.2022 19:43

My distribution: (Total at lvl 100)
50% Carry Weight
20% Health
20% Fortitude
10% Stamina

This is from my extensive experience after playing Ark for a whopping..... 2 months 🙄

@MrChach1ng - 01.05.2022 06:27

I pumped a decent amount of melee just in case a Kaprosuchus would grab me better yet any dino grab me, then at least I'll have a decent amount of damage input against whatever grabbed me with my trusty pike

@noconsequence4486 - 24.04.2022 12:00

I pretty mucy exclusively play PvE. I usually focus movement speed, stamina, and carry weight. Nothing ever hits me because of how fast I am, so I put the points I would otherwise put in health into fortitude, so negative weather effects as minimized.

Imo, movement speed increases your survivability on foot vastly more than anything else does, though health is better for caves if you aren't bringing tames in with you

@Ves-sj6fe - 13.04.2022 23:00


@anotheryoutubechannel5393 - 09.04.2022 15:52

Single player n PVE Speed 130% Weight 200 The rest in health.

@skunk7150 - 06.04.2022 05:23

only thing i completely disagree w u on is the mele damage i only play pve and being able to one shot almost anything that comes at me such as a thyla or something that can dismount me it’s no problem before i started pumping that stat i was scared of the redwoods

@scruffmaster0185 - 09.03.2022 04:16

I like my speed+stamina😁

@andreaspoesen1289 - 03.03.2022 18:36

I saw a ark tutorial were they put all their points into weight but didn't explain why, now I know thx👍

@andreaspoesen1289 - 03.03.2022 18:35

I saw a ark tutorial were they put all their points into weight but didn't explain why, now I know thx👍

@rickrollrizal2747 - 03.03.2022 05:03

Was the melee stat changed? I noticed my 2k damage rex gets more meat total versus my 600 damage rex

@Baka_Oppai - 02.02.2022 18:57

Melee also deals more torpor with weapons and weapon damages from non-gunpowder ranged weapons. It's dumb not to. You also failed to mention fortitude lowers food/water usage rates.

@HallyVee - 01.02.2022 21:36

When you increase food the food you eat will heal your hit points more. Or rather, you can eat several pieces of jerky and restore a bunch of hit points.

@XxTaiMTxX - 31.01.2022 21:45

Personally, I tend to dump about 100 points into Fortitude. This basically means I can survive in pretty much any inclement weather without armor if I have to, and keeps anyone/anything from ever knocking me out. I typically die before being knocked unconscious. With that being said... dumping 50 levels into Fortitude isn't typically something any player really WANTS to do. Especially if their character is limited to just a few different Arks to play on. If you only have The Island to work with, you're effectively dumping 50 of the 104 levels you get into Fortitude. If you have more places to work with, you can get the full 179 levels and 50 really doesn't seem so bad. Still got 129 points left to distribute.

I also tend to dump the rest of my points into Crafting Speed and Weight. I like crafting because it basically means Blueprints are more effective in my hands and I can "stack food". A custom recipe is usually far better than eating standard food. You can carry a stack of 50 cooked meat, correct? Well, you can carry 20 of any given custom food. I can take 5 cooked meat, create a custom recipe, cook them together, and now I am effectively carrying 100 cooked meats in my hotbar. Not only that, but the custom recipe also HIGHLY REDUCES the spoil times on foods. One of my favorite things to do is to cook prime meat, create a custom recipe that uses 1 cooked prime meat, and then cook a bunch. Spoil timer immediately jumps up to at least 1 day. Then, you can dump it into a preservation bin or fridge and get a bunch more days. Custom recipe food lasts a lot longer without spoiling, and can be as effective (or sometimes moreso) than your actual meals. At that point, I tend to just carry a stack of 20 of whatever I'm eating, it lasts in my hotbar forever, and when I get very low on food or whatever, I eat one, and then it fills my bar entirely.

In Singleplayer, these are enough to get me through basically anything. In PvP... this requires a lot of... special playstyle. A lot of "hit and run", mostly. A lot of hitting people with Torpor to steal their stuff. A lot of hiding and fighting unseen. There aren't a lot of players who protect themselves from torpor online, which makes hidden theft relatively easy. Land a headshot on someone with a tranq dart and they usually go down pretty quick. Hard for people to figure out it was you as well, especially if you don't kill them. You don't get notifications on who attacked you, only on who killed you. Some situations can be dealt with fairly easily by knocking people unconscious in the extreme weather areas, stripping them naked, and then letting the environment kill them.

But, that's just the way I like to play. Hidey and sneaky and tranq and steal.

@npc2153 - 29.01.2022 06:15

So your saying 50% fortitude. 130% speed. 200% hp. 500 carry weight. Good build. 10/10 im fast as fuck boi

@leithalmeme1486 - 27.01.2022 22:02

literally watched ace ventura like a few days ago

@8is - 27.01.2022 20:14

Thanks, I was wondering how much fortitude I should level up :).

@gabrielrivera2681 - 25.01.2022 07:23

Pc pvp meta:
Health 300
Weight 300-400
Rest into movement speed.

All other stats are useless

@alwayscuriousalwayslearnin - 22.01.2022 22:20

I only play sp PvE ,my first points go into speed ( to around 15-16 ) and stam just so I can outrun raptors then its weight and health, also fort in the later and yes the otter great shoulder pet keeps your temps level but also can hold artifacts which are great when in some of those artifact caves you can wait around not be affected but the heat or cold and keep grabbing artifacts as they respawn. if I am doing a speed run, testing myself then It is more like o2 and stam so that I can do underwater caves but it has been a long while since I have done a personal speed run using the official speed run settings

@sirianofmorley - 19.01.2022 00:14

That damage is so mealy.

@tribuneoftheplebs9948 - 18.01.2022 14:09

If I wanted to re roll my character but keep my dinos. Can I unclaim my dinos, then create a new character spawn in and claim them? On official.

@craftingodst3400 - 17.01.2022 13:47

Weight Movespeed health and a lil stam and 1 point in fort is all you need
