Trying to be happy

Trying to be happy

Dan Vineberg

9 месяцев назад

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@SuperBob56789 - 02.02.2024 18:47


@aiguesvives30 - 14.12.2023 04:50

En français on dit que de malheurs épargnés le bonheur se compose, il ne faut pas écouter la mélancolie c'est une mauvaise compagne. Pour vivre heureux avec quelqu'un il faut avoir les mêmes passions, les mêmes centres d'intérêts, les mêmes goûts c'est comme les melons il faut en essayer 10 pour en trouver un bon. Vois le bon côté des choses je te souhaite d'être heureux.

@andreasselin3397 - 07.12.2023 18:20

Eh oui Dan, lorsque le mois de novembre arrive, et il nous arrive chaque année, nous nous sentons souvent, tel que tu te sens, soit dans un état quelque peu morne, ennuyeux, et maussades… puisque le climat nous afflige également, puisque… c’est aussi ça la vie.

Puis, suite à cet état, l’on se remet souvent en question, sur notre vie, notre travail, nos amours, bref sur tout ce qui est notre environnement. Puis, les premières neiges arrivent, et notre sourire d’enfant nous revient, et ce, bien que les jours continuent de raccourcir. Puis c’est janvier, et février qui continuent de nous fouetter, et l’on commence à sentir que les jours rallongent. Puis, reviens l’espoir qui se lève comme un lever du jour, et qui arrive avec le printemps… alors l’on se dit : — quelle chance nous avons de vivre réellement au rythme de nos quatre saisons !

@petermanson2265 - 01.12.2023 23:59

Bravo pour ton honnêteté, Dan. Je t'ai rencontré une fois au Parc de la Fontaine et on a jasé un peu. Tu m'as semblé très terre à terre et authentique. Quant à ton idée de te lancer en affaires et ouvrir une boutique à Montréal, je t'assure que je fréquenterais ton commerce peu importe le produit ou expérience que tu vendrais. Je suis certain que d'autres Montréalais feraient pareil, car tu es facile d'approche et avec tes expériences et ton ouverture d'esprit tu tisses facilement des liens avec les gens. Bravo, garde le moral, et bonne continuation dans tout ce que tu entreprends!

@alicia1v - 22.11.2023 10:55

I have a son who is a little older than you, but at your age he went through the same thing, your young generation has the internet dating scene, but also the night club dancing scene, besides dance and other workshop type classes where young people also meetup. I would just tell him to keep busy participating in all of that plus spending time with his group of friends. It may take a long time for some but keeping busy with hobbies, etc. in time he found a girlfriend, you will too. I think both for males and females your age is one of the hardest times, all generations go through it. It's just surviving that phase that really counts. Hang in there young folks, your day will come. Happy Holidays Dan.🙂🍁🦃🎅🎄

@joelpabu - 14.11.2023 10:16

Hey bro. Try seeking Jesus Christ, you dont lose anything and personally I can confirm that He not only fills the void but also brings Joy, peace, love and all acompanying blessings. Peace brother.

@bobuk5722 - 09.11.2023 15:00

Hi Dan, I'm old enough to be your grandad. Even before you mentioned it I thought 'woman'. Internet is one way - it worked for my son at second attempt - and I now have a 7 year old grandson. Me, I was introduced to my late wife by a room mate - first met at an underground station. Often it just happens but you do need to be out there. It's stating the obvious but socialise, don't just hunt online. Just say 'hello' to people - a big part of it is to look like you are interested in them. In the meantime do things that you enjoy. You like filming - ask likely talent for a model release. It's worked for others - Cara and Markus for example! Best wishes.

@rbenjamin1429 - 05.11.2023 21:34

Dear Dan, please just know that we are all rooting for you out here; you are very talented and so appealing! So thoughtful and articulate. I know this doesn’t help much, given how you are feeling, but I felt you should know that you are really appreciated by people you have never met, but who love to follow you. ❤

@porfiriato84 - 01.11.2023 01:58

Im 38 and I feel the same exact way. Ive felt like something is missing in my life for several years now. Sucks 😕
But then I compare my life to those living in war torn countries and those that live in poverty, and then i kinda realize maybe my life isn't that bad at all.

@androidron1 - 25.10.2023 04:24

I have periods of gout. It's so easy to take your feet for granted and for walking without pain. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

@AmanRight-cl2wb - 24.10.2023 18:27

Bro I wish I were you

@vaishnaviyadavofficial - 24.10.2023 10:40

I lost my grandma this year, I lost my 6 year relationship, mostly I just lost myself, however this has to be one of the most beautiful transitions of my life because I learned to be with myself, just learned to find that happiness within myself. Growing up hating travelling, I have fallen in love with it over the last 2 years, ever since I started travelling alone. It's beautiful to just sit with people and listen to their stories and know that no matter which geography we belong to, we are more similar than different. I could relate to this so bad, thanks Dan. Hope things align for you eventually!

@TheTwoTravelersInMexico - 24.10.2023 08:39

I hope you find your happiness in life. You can't depend o someone else to provide your happiness it's something you need to find within yourself. Be happy within your self and then look for a relationship when you feel like you’re happy within yourself. Do the things that make you happy. -Marc

@Interdimensionaltravelagent - 24.10.2023 02:23

Maybe go meet up with other travel loggers in your favorite places. I love seeing my favorite travel vloggers meet I am such a geek,

@christinelanroy4341 - 24.10.2023 02:03

Dear Dan, I am older than you, I could be your mum and I am a mum. I was thinking when I was in my 20’s and in my 30’s that when I will get older, with more experience I will understand more things. But no, I continue to learn and often I don’t have answer, but the only thing I am certain is doing little good things each time you can for your loved ones or for strangers make a sense to your life.
Prends soin de toi et continue, la vie est belle ♥️

@Guilherme-hn3ys - 24.10.2023 01:06

You're not alone stay strong man❤

@josephpanzarella1417 - 23.10.2023 23:24

Hi Dan. Good to see you. I've haven't seen too many of your videos recently. But this one is really interesting.

As someone who loves travel almost as much as you, and who often gets restless in one place, I know where you're coming from.

As much as I loved living in Mexico, the pandemic (and losing a couple of good friends to it) made me realize that I didn't want to stay in just one place.

My response was to move to Sao Paulo, Brazil in January, 2023. Some might call that a radical change.

And I know from experience that no matter where you are in this world, you take yourself with you. That won't change. I'm in a new environment, but I'm still me.

The change has been good for me. I still don't know how long I will stay. Long-term visas aren't that easy to come by here. But, even if I stay two years, there will still be other places to try after that. Right now I'm looking over my shoulder at beautiful Buenos Aires, less than 3 hrs. by plane from Sao Paulo. Who knows? That could be next.

I don't have a lot of Brazilian friends because my Portuguese is still limited, but I'm trying.

I guess my point is, and you know this well, sometimes a change of location can be good for you. It will never solve every problem. But it can make life more interesting.


@randypayette7199 - 23.10.2023 21:35

Enjoy your youth and ability to work world wide. Travel and be happy Dan, you are fortunate and have a good following that enjoys the adventures and wishes they could have that lifestyle. Always enjoy your videos, would have loved to see Peru videos though, amazing country.

@EricLancheres - 23.10.2023 21:27

I don't know you and I won't pretend to know what you're going through. However for me, I'd be hitting the gym (and perhaps getting a personal trainer, joining classes, etc) as that has been proven to directly AND indirectly solve many life issues related to happiness. I found that the problem with me when I was "getting away" is that I kept on bringing myself with me. Exercise helped the mental side, it helped the physical side and indirectly, it helped the relationship side.

@D.E.E.P.Y. - 23.10.2023 20:50

Hey Dan. If you open a place in Montreal I could DJ 😁

@marquis3194 - 23.10.2023 19:33

The New Travel Travel books and coffee shop!

@BobI-jb4rk - 23.10.2023 19:28

Mad respect to you for having the balls to share something so personal. Looking forward to your new videos!

@saodat4844 - 23.10.2023 19:24

Stay strong. Whenever I feel sad or discouraged I tell myself that it is not the last feeling that I will get to feel. Life has always something to surprise us)

@snazzydray - 23.10.2023 19:09

Thanks for sharing ! ❤

@arietimmermans - 23.10.2023 18:32

Stay strong Dan!! We will support you!

@palmsky1119 - 23.10.2023 18:18

Crazy how its possible to feel lonely while being surrounded by people. Although at the same time it kinda makes sense.

@joenroute9646 - 23.10.2023 18:16

Le bonheur n'est pas , c'est les moments de bonheur qui existe . C'est à nous de saisir quand il est devant nous .

@palmsky1119 - 23.10.2023 18:11

Heard you loud and clear. I'm in a similar spot in my life, trying to slowly change but its really hard to be happy. I know happiness comes and goes but its difficult when its gone for so long 😅. Just need to find that balance in life.

I appreciate you for sharing how you feel about your current situation. Sometimes sharing makes you feel clearer about what you want or need to do.

I do have to say that I really enjoy watching your videos and they have made me appreciate some aspects of life I took for granted. I especially enjoy the language focus, really helps with language learning motivation!

@ColKav - 23.10.2023 17:40

You're not alone mate
