WHY YOUR MENTAL IS KEEPING YOU IN LOW ELO | League of Legends Improvement Guide

WHY YOUR MENTAL IS KEEPING YOU IN LOW ELO | League of Legends Improvement Guide


2 года назад

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@noparley9256 - 06.10.2022 21:06

great video as always adamoose, I hope to see your channel grow to the millions

@lordofdalkiran - 12.02.2022 01:07

im getting so tilted if my team cosplay blind lee sin, skipping free baron instead pushing nexus tower and die vainly or while ganking don't hit even once just watching and enemy %5hp escaping.

@roksvensek1710 - 16.10.2021 11:30

Needs more subs, short effective guides! keep up the good work bro.

@jaykobh6167 - 30.09.2021 10:59

Had no idea about the f keys for map control can’t wait to try it in game

@jaykobh6167 - 30.09.2021 10:56

Had no idea about the f keys for map control! Can’t wait to practice with it in my jungle clears!

@aznsnouball - 17.09.2021 15:24

I started our with tactic FPS and one thing that helped me improve the most was watching, trying to understand and imitate pro/high elo play. also getting 1-2 friends is equally important to improve since you learn how to coordinate and eliminate some "surprise factors".

PS: I wanted to give the video a thumbs up but I decided to leave it at 69. much love

@DarshNetwork - 08.09.2021 08:02

Really helpful video, never thought about these things which are crucial, often times we forget to have fun from the game.
Thanks for the video appreciate that.

@Anas-ro7vg - 16.08.2021 15:02

i want more of these videos xD

@jhnclvr - 11.08.2021 22:34

Great video, thanks for sharing

@destrucktor8071 - 11.08.2021 21:57

Brilliant video - awesome stuff, man!

@GamingWithLuigi - 11.08.2021 21:35

I actually just know what I'm doing what items/summoner spells I take are correct. So overall type of flame pinging my stuff won't affect me at all.

As an ADC main I avoid to ping my supp when they miss abilities or do something wrong to avoid them to tilt. Overall is just healthier interactions. REMEMBER FOCUS ON YOURSELF NOT ON OTHERS! BEST MENTAL :D

@lolesportclips9044 - 11.08.2021 20:50

I like the new style. Maybe one on how to choose a champion pool?

@losscompany4892 - 11.08.2021 20:25

It may seem pretty straightforward, but as a beginner when I analyse my replays I feel I don’t get enough information from it. Got any tips on replay analysis procedure ?

@malsadi101 - 11.08.2021 20:13

I cannot stress enough how important being patient means in life.
