Season 6 PvE is $15? - KarQ Reacts to More Overwatch 2 Season 6 Blog

Season 6 PvE is $15? - KarQ Reacts to More Overwatch 2 Season 6 Blog

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Pete Moss
Pete Moss - 14.06.2023 21:20

The watchpoint pack should give the missions. It STILL SAYS on the watchpoint pack that it gives access to PvE

Screwtape Letters
Screwtape Letters - 14.06.2023 20:29

Why he keeps saying $5? It is not five dollars. IT IS 15 DOLLARS to play 3 missions.

I don't care about the BP, the coins or skin for a hero I don't play.

I guess cc's are already starting to shill again for Blizz. I guess they cannot wait for Blizz to invite them again to discord channels and to test stuff.

Tgi Prince
Tgi Prince - 14.06.2023 18:53

Karq i wish you would call them out for bs like this

Frae - 14.06.2023 00:45

This is a slap in the face. This should be free and of story. Im not saying overall free pve, but for this little of content for upwards of $40, no no no no and no. If it was a dozen 30-60 minute missions, maybe just maybe worth it, not 3

SonKneeDay - 13.06.2023 23:14

Can you post this on your main channel? This nonsense needs more attention

Nick - 13.06.2023 22:52

Instead of wasting 15 use it on other games instead like stardew valley.

dankmem477 - 13.06.2023 21:21

I get that current OW-devs are green all over but this is on another level. Not too long ago was their biggest betrayal to OW and OW2 players that'll go down in gaming-flop history and now they're trying to potentially scam us further and once again act as if their actions can be forgiven, let alone pardoned with even more money out of OUR pockets. If this was the old and more heartful Blizzard rather than seemingly a bunch of old, greedy, businessing bastards in the office looking to gain more that give, they would know better than to continue this senseless pyramid scheme after their biggest flop. Let's not forget that PvE was a promise, therefore they've broken a promise to us all. How can we trust that a company that ignores all the backlash while instead responding with more transactions will put our money towards the heart of the game? I don't WANT to be hard on Blizzard because some part of me can still at least say that there is some part of them that is trying, but we need to see that they're capable of caring more about the heart of the game and its players rather than our wallets

Rafa la Garrafa
Rafa la Garrafa - 13.06.2023 21:10

It just saddens me so much that the content that I and lot of people have been waiting for, for years, has now been stripped from what it was supposed to be and also behind a paywall. It makes me so sad

I didn't play online multiplayer games before overwatch so I legitimately thought that the trailers where about the campaign of the game, that is the only reason I bought it, I came to terms with the fact that it didn't have a story mode cause I enjoyed it a lot back in the day.

And when they promised the exact thing I was looking for when I originally bought it, I got so excited, it was finally going to be the time where I get my favorite type of content on one of my favorite games.

But now it's all gone, washed away and locked behind ANOTHER payment, it just saddens me so much :c

SprX - 13.06.2023 20:31

I quit ow more than 3 years ago, and then i see in the news that they cancelled pve, and that they are now SELLING it archives missions style. What a bullet did i dodge

TheTausty - 13.06.2023 18:25

The “access to all legacy heroes” might just mean you don’t have to do that tutorial to unlock each hero. Remember, new players now have to unlock ALL the heroes.

ThePHATPHUC - 13.06.2023 18:16

I'm buying the $40 bundle

Dayoni - 13.06.2023 18:09

I like the thumbnail that have nothing to do with your take, because you are totally ok with it and justifying it too. "They have to monetize PVE" lol

jowern - 13.06.2023 17:53

give ow1 players free access to pve

JALDR - 13.06.2023 17:30

It's going to come down to how good and how replayable these missions are but given that they've gutted the whole PvE and there's no progression, I'm not sure why you would replay them

Pred: it's just archives and the only incentive to play again are some challenges and a leaderboard 💤💤💤

NinthFriend - 13.06.2023 17:21

I see the value if you regularly buy the bps. But for those who don't or are new players or only care about PvE, I don't see the value in it. This also creates barrier of entry for playing PvE. If you want to play PvE, you have to pay for it.

This does mean we have pay for more sets which Idk about that. Like Flats said, it's like this crawling feeling that tries every bit to get you to spending.

SocialExperiment - 13.06.2023 17:19

Man I just hate this community. These comments are so stupid. Nothing is free I don’t understand how y’all been alive this long and still don’t know that ffs. Just don’t play anymore omg.

Shawn - 13.06.2023 17:10

I rather pay for a full game than keep spending all these money which cost so much in long run. Ridiculous. The business model is really unfair to the players who played since ow. This is how they treat the loyal players.

fluteplayer - 13.06.2023 16:50

I want there to be a way to just buy the missions. I don't want the battle pass, I don't want the skin, I don't care about cosmetics, I just want to play the game. Like, if I could pay $5 (not 500 coins, actually $5) I would probably do it. But saying "it's only $5" assumes that I'm already paying $10 for the battle pass, which I'm not. So this is $15 for one thing I want and three things I don't want/need.

Royal - 13.06.2023 16:44

No as bad as I was expecting. I buy the battle pass anyway so that $5 extra isn't bad for me. It comes down to not eating out or passing up on a few sodas. I get that this can't apply to everyone because situations are different.

Deykar - 13.06.2023 16:06

3 years of development time for 1.5 hours worth of PvE content. Amazing blizzard.

Eightydegreespls - 13.06.2023 15:50

Is it potentially going to be $15 every season or every other season for pve drops? That’s not cool, and that would cost way more than the $60 one time game that they told us about 4 years ago. This makes it seem super shady to me if that is Activision’s possible intent.

DCuNN Gaming
DCuNN Gaming - 13.06.2023 15:38

Yeaaa I’m not buying this. L Blizzard.

LeoDeer - 13.06.2023 13:30

To make it clear why this sucks to me personally is that they are asking for 15 bucks for content they abandoned the game 3 years for and sure, if it actually was just 5 bucks I'd be perfectly fine but they add a bunch of fluff that nobody needs or necessarily wants to make it seem "great value" and all that when in reality you're just wanting the story missions. I'm hoping story missions will either be able to be bought with 500 ow coins or can be played during the season for free, then you gotta pay after that.

Nova Sky
Nova Sky - 13.06.2023 13:22

Common Blizzard L. PVE sounds fun but charging $15 for a free to play game that I already bought for $40 years ago is scummy

Rogue - 13.06.2023 12:47

It’s not even a game at this point, it’s a hustle. Not giving them another dime until there’s a real apology to the player base.

Harvey Smith
Harvey Smith - 13.06.2023 12:33

Its not 5 bucks

Kaleb Nolan
Kaleb Nolan - 13.06.2023 12:19

I know it’s pointless to ask this but please no one give these fuckers your money, the fact they are still charging for this after saying “lol sorry we can’t afford the staff to make the game we actually promised and have hyped up all these years but here is archives+” is pathetic

Chorongy - 13.06.2023 11:15

The first one should have been free if they still cared at all about their image. Another store rework this is, now pay for archives we must.

Futuristic - 13.06.2023 10:46

So that just confirms they did nothing in those 4 years? They planned hundreds of missions for pve as they said, they couldnt finish skills so it would make sense they worked on something else like missions, but all they have is 3? Holy shit.
The fact its not a single time purchase as I am guessing also makes this 10x worse. For 15$ I literally can buy games truly focused on pve that are good, I can buy Borderlands 3 on sale, Deep rock Galactic on sale, list goes on. Whole ass games that have a lot more content than 3 missions

AI Beauty Artwork
AI Beauty Artwork - 13.06.2023 10:41

A gameinformer article said it took them around 31 minutes to complete one of the missions. If each mission is about 30 minutes, and we have 3 missions, that's about 1.5 hours of content. So maybe about 1.5 hours of content of story missions + 1000 coins + skin = $15???? Not worth it in my opinion.

Glen Poezyn
Glen Poezyn - 13.06.2023 10:40

What a joke

Remedy4theheart - 13.06.2023 10:24

"They thought PVE was dead!" Hah! What a bite in the butt back!

ULTRAVIOLENCE - 13.06.2023 10:20

Why are you calling it “5 bucks”? It’s not stated anywhere you can buy it separately with coins, they’ll probably sell it only with the bundle.

min - 13.06.2023 10:14

it took some rando journalist 30 minutes to complete one story mission. now think how long it'll take for someone who is competent at the game, let alone high elo players. like is this a joke

VirtualGears - 13.06.2023 09:15

I don't understand why you keep calling it "5 bucks" it's not 5, it's 15 at the least

Bavdingo - 13.06.2023 09:12

Looks like they're looking to make a quick buck

Cinema Gaming
Cinema Gaming - 13.06.2023 09:03

It’s crazy how KarQ has the biggest boot lickers in his audience.

They are charging $15 for three missions that are amateur at best with good cinematics.

One of those missions is a 2019 mission that got mixed reviews when people tried it and now has even less content in it due to removing talents.

aimrobot - 13.06.2023 08:57

They know the deal is so bad that they need to plaster stuff on it and say value, just to sell it.
So the content alone is not good enough.

E. BB - 13.06.2023 08:38

Keep it

Roberto Naldi
Roberto Naldi - 13.06.2023 07:47

15 bucks is fair, PvE was bound to be a paid option.

Claudius Pulcher
Claudius Pulcher - 13.06.2023 07:37

seems to me that asking people for money for three missions of a pve mode in an otherwise PVP game- with no progression- is quite an ask. Better be some impressive missions and not just a gussied up archives event.

Claudius Pulcher
Claudius Pulcher - 13.06.2023 07:35

"They have to monetize PVE" as if they're not monetizing the whole game to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars already via the regular battlepass and shop (and that's not including any revenue from OW1)

Felipe Callegari Parpineli
Felipe Callegari Parpineli - 13.06.2023 07:31

I haver no words anymore, trash company

Anna - 13.06.2023 07:29

People making fun of Blizzard asking for 15$ for a few minutes of "replayable" pve while paying 20 - 25$ for a fan service Mercy skin.
It's kinda sad and funny. Anyways, not paying them a cent

my tits
my tits - 13.06.2023 07:22

If they add single player with bots and allow you to replay the missions with all heroes, it might be worth it. 15$ is pushing it but any more would be indefensible.

Etonui - 13.06.2023 07:21

If it’s not a Kiriko bikini skin and/or oiled up Cassidy skin, I’m not buying it

BuffNesquik Bunny
BuffNesquik Bunny - 13.06.2023 07:20

Genuinely, why are people ok with high scores being a thing for pve??

Everyone collectively stopped caring after the 90’s and when arcades stopped being a thing.

I hope to god that the only replayability isn’t “get high scores!”
As if it isn’t just a thing that will be dominated by top 500 players smh

Dom - 13.06.2023 07:13

Where did people get the idea that we were going to get PvE for free? That wad the whole reason pvp got decoupled, so that it would be free and we'd buy the new pve stuff.
Other than, it's business as usual. Battle pass instead of loot boxes, no 2cp, regular (not frequent, but regular updates), it's pretty much just OW1 but wirh updates. Not sure what people want. Except maybe an infinitely replayable, infinitely updated game, with a one time $60 purchase back in 2016? Is there a studio that did that and is in business, because I'd like to see it.
