What to Do If Your Rabbit is Scared of You

What to Do If Your Rabbit is Scared of You

Sincerely, Cinnabun

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@quaide3847 - 04.12.2023 09:35

What does it mean when your rabbit is making a burrow

@allieard4589 - 05.11.2023 21:11

My poor lil bun. We are still working on the fear of people and she got sick and now I’m having to get her twice a day for meds 😭 sweet girl is not happy

@kiscrazyreptiles - 23.10.2023 08:52

My bunny just passed away a few days ago. He's sister was all alone and seems really sad, I just got her a friend that she shockingly got along with immediately. She ( the new bun) was bred to be used for meat, the person kept picking her up by her skruff, never had leafy greens, and no hay. She unfortunately is extremely head shy and flinches ( I think they probably where picking her up by her ears). She was also outside 24/7 in a tiney wire bottom Cage that was exposed to all of the elements. so glad she can be with me and my family now.

@danielle1216 - 06.10.2023 14:26

i go to a pet shop often and it is hard to resist temptation to reach in order to play with their rabbits, since they live in a giant glass playpen

@bonnyboo65 - 05.10.2023 17:11

Good tips I have a nervous bunny who's 5 months old I ca n sit with him and talk to him he will eat out of my hand and he will come nudge my hand but can't touch him yet so just doing the things I described above

@ra88ot74 - 02.10.2023 20:35

Picking up my rabbit in a couple days and I'm so excited. Hopefully this will help lots <3

@katiewoollams5428 - 28.09.2023 03:34

I recently rescued a bunny who is 4 months old beautiful vienna blue flemish cross lop, she is just so scared when we try and pat her, she is happy to climb and jump on us but immediately retreats when we pat her, so hopefully this works, it can be hard when you just want to love them but she has alrady been through alot in her life. but in the end I'm sure when we have earnt her trust it will be so rewarding! Thanks Morgan x

@user-xg8kn2rb8e - 19.09.2023 06:04

I am not able to free roam her. She is in a hutch most of the day. How can I get her to want to be around me when I am around her? I am barely able to see her anymore because of school. I love her and want her to be happy. How can I make her happier at home?

@Swaagybry - 14.08.2023 17:58

I got my rabbit 4-5 days ago. She was born in another place with a lot of other rabbits around her. I went to that place to see how she is thinking i will adopt her very soon. Now, just today she is not really comfortable with me. She is kinda scared as what im thinking. Idk why, but i still love her. I hope she gets normal with me soon

@MrsSankta - 12.08.2023 09:33

i wish i could just let our skiddish angora alone so it can build trust first. but we have to take care of his fur tomorrow and i know he will be afraid D:

@-strangerThings-. - 11.07.2023 10:28

Wait but what if there not going in there cage and you pick them up to put them in there cage does that ruin it for me and his bond?

@raspberrybiscuits7066 - 09.07.2023 03:59

I just got my bunny a few hours ago and have been watching your videos for a few weeks. He seems pretty scared of me and I’m a little nervous so this video is really helpful!

@kylenalovett2678 - 07.07.2023 05:23

It took some months for my baby to get comfortable with me but it was worth it😭😩.

@staceymills7481 - 19.06.2023 06:17

I’ve had my lion head bunny for a year and 5 months and she’s STILL so scared of me. I’ve free roamed her since day one. I let her come to me and just sit with a treat. I have watched SO many videos and done so much research 😭

@rebornland6702 - 18.06.2023 18:39

Istg, I literally just threw my bunny's trust because I needed to brush him. He's an anogora and I really needed to brush him but he's very scared because of his past life and he's just been for 2 months and a half at my home. I'm so devastated, literally all the time and effort I've put in this, to make him feel safe and comfortable around me, I feel like it did nothing, I'm sad and frustrated....

@softy_swimmer3212 - 23.05.2023 20:16

Will this work if my rabbit lives outside?

@Nicolas-yd2mw - 08.05.2023 11:15

It took 2 years to reach trust betwen us and our bunny. She got starved by lack of care and her brother and sisters died because of it. We gave her shelter and she was very agressiv and territorial. With time and care she turned to be a lovable animal. Bunnies are fantastic and you will melt when they flop and stretch with pleasure ! :D N.B : also it's absolutely hillarious when she eat red pepper... it gives her lipstick !!!!!!!

@aliciadelasmaravilla - 07.05.2023 18:11

I’ve had my rabbits for 6 months now. They free roam in the living room. They do not liked being pet. It has been so difficult trying to catch them to groom them and clip their nails. I have tried all these tricks to try and have them use to us. I don’t know what else to do. It’s shedding season and we can’t brush them 😔

@maislifewithbunny4486 - 24.04.2023 03:39

I got my new bunny today I named her cinnabon Bec I have watched your videos for so long and she looks like your bunny she is a Holland lop and I love her so much u helped me so much and I'm so thankful for you 😘❤️ my bunny died a few months ago so I just got mine today no joke like 4 hrs ago!!!

@waqarsiddiqui3608 - 07.04.2023 00:12

You make it look so easy.

It’s been 3 weeks, my bun is okay eating out of my hand, climbing into my lap to get food (and then pooping on my lap even though he is litter trained), flopping in front of me, and circling me when I’m nearby.

But God forbid I try petting him. That’s absolutely unacceptable. I’m only allowed to pet with my eyes.

@loisxoxo2117 - 24.03.2023 02:39

I got my rabbit 4 years ago and I never felt a connection with my rabbit and my rabbit never came to me. I was young then and I was sad that he never came to me and always ran away so I lost interest (I know it sounds bad), of course I always feed him and clear his cage but never took the time to actually bond with him. I also never understood on how to bond with rabbits. So I am here now maybe quite late trying to focus on my rabbit and make that connection

@ivanakadlecikova3360 - 23.03.2023 20:37

perfect video!!! You are amazing
loving this video
you helped me very much

@aziamikayle - 20.03.2023 16:54

this helps so much 😩😩i just got my bunny yesterday

@schleich_lover22 - 12.03.2023 17:03

My bunny literally loves pets and cuddles but since yesterday he is Elly scared of me he corners himself and doesn't want to get close to me so im just following these steps rn so he hopefully wont be scared of me anymore i did nothing he was normally scared of i just did my morning routine thats get out of bed, do skin care, and put clothes on, nothing more if any of yall have a tip for this it would be rlly helpfull

@averyunderwood5421 - 02.03.2023 07:20

my bunny is very comfortable with me. she will eat out of my hand but she gets scared when i go to pick her up! what should i do?!

@wesleyp3024 - 10.02.2023 14:54

rabbits and guinea pigs are SO similar i feel like you could just replace the word rabbit with guinea pig and the video would still apply 100%

@Jachammer93 - 26.01.2023 15:09

Gaslight your rabbit into liking you :))

@sophiemichel8045 - 20.01.2023 15:05

Mine is just starting puberty and wants to be close and in the same room, but NO touching, except very late when I want to sleep or when I’m standing and towering over him. As soon as I get down he goes away 😅

@nyasham6917 - 17.01.2023 09:27

i think i’m bonded with my rabbit and he’ll approach me, jump on and over my lap at times but he really hates being held or touched too much. and any times i’ve had to transport him to the vet or bring him inside i always feel so bad because it stresses him out and makes him feel trapped and sets back our trust.

@marcelavega920 - 04.01.2023 06:13

Hi, I´m loving your content, just adopted a bunny and did lots of research but your videos are so helpful and I´ll want to know about the rugs you have in your house. Thank you

@rubyhornik2 - 31.12.2022 01:03

Just adopted a very sweet rabbit named Munchkin! Love this channel so much - it has been so helpful.

@Snkjy - 25.12.2022 23:47

Got my rabbit yesterday and he comes to me but gets scared when I move, I've watched your other videos and I know this is gonna be helpful

@tammyluce8474 - 12.12.2022 19:47

I rescued a bunny that someone had dumped as a pair. After months of me feeding her outside she came inside my house and now I’m trying to litter box train her but my other bun isn’t very happy with me.

@fiaF_Xx - 23.11.2022 19:34

Btw all rabbits are different!!! I got My rabbits 3 days ago and they already let me stroke them, on the 1st day i wasn’t aloud to stroke them. But now they will let me stroke them i still have to work on it a bit as they still flinch a bit sometimes.

@atomic_hound8524 - 23.11.2022 16:44

Just got my rabbit today

@rickjames3766 - 01.11.2022 22:29

I got a minlop from a fair and did a little research on their life span

I don’t mind spending the year forming that bond in exchange for the many years of companionship to come. These lil guys, if taken care of properly, can live for almost as long as a dog or cat

@fabiennevandommelen - 06.10.2022 18:49

What’s the best way to get my rabbit in the office with me without picking him up? He’s living in the living room and we can’t free roam him there, but I can in my office but I’m scared picking him up will destroy our band

@Bk_MxLife - 02.10.2022 20:58

Please could you give us a bit of advice so I have owned my little flopsy for 2 months now. She will happily eat from my hands and play tug of war with the toilet roll with us 🤣 but when I do slowly stroke her she just completely stops doing anything and half just freezes on the spot if that makes sense. Soon as she does i take the pressure away and try the next day. What else could I try 🤔

@shingi9950 - 27.09.2022 01:59

i tried doing the food part and i ate a burger next to my rabbit and gave it some lettuce and it wanted the burger

@ceciliaponce700 - 26.09.2022 20:33

Please help!

@ceciliaponce700 - 26.09.2022 20:33

Hi Morgan, so I’m a little confuse, my bunny let me pet her and come around, but sometimes she goes after me, she kinda bite me. I’m not sure what is going on.

@Bewter_ - 20.09.2022 20:41

Can you do a video on how to pottytrain your rabbit without having to pick them up as much? I have a problem with this, I am currently working on gaining their trust but since I haven't really gained their trust yet it's hard to pick them up so it would be nice to get some tips for that.

@ameliagroves1720 - 12.09.2022 20:15

this is helpfull, but i find it hard to not touch my rabbit because he goes under some things and i get scared he will get stuc :(

@csop245 - 06.09.2022 21:49

Mine are very very s kiddish and they Jeep hiding sadly however I hope this video helps bc I want them to have a happy life

@milktocoffee - 27.08.2022 00:36

I'll be honest. I just learned that yelling at your Bunny is bad. I have a short temper but they get the best care. I woudo say attention but I've noticed that both are scared of me. I feel really bad about it and I'm working on it. They would watch me every time I move and run from me. They still take treats from my hand but run afterwards. I don't want to be known only for treats but as a friend. I hope this video helps. I'm learning to be patient. Also if you're gonna come for me in the comments. Save it. Already said I feel bad and working on it.

@cosmiccrush22 - 19.08.2022 04:51

I got my rabbit from a good place, just got him little black sponge haha, but he's scared and hasn't come out his hidey house I made him, for now he's completely free roam, I want him to get used to his space and live as he pleases, but when guests are over, or when the destructive behaviour starts he can be in his pen.
Anything I can do, he's just in the hut laying around, I put some water right outside, hoping he will do better tomorrow.

@hooter8505 - 07.08.2022 01:28

My daughter and son just brought home a bunny today from the fair that was gonna go to the meat truck.. so we took them. My sons is so nice and likes being held my daughters is so skittish so I’m gonna let her watch this.. she’s so heart broken..

@xoxo.dxxni51 - 06.08.2022 22:36


@taeilballs12756 - 24.07.2022 07:09

I'm so excited, I just got a baby bunny. I'm not sure what its gender is yet since it is too young now, but I would love to let it free roam in my room. I have carpet right now, this fall I will be getting waterproof wood flooring so I should be able to let it free roam. it's pretty calm right now, it doesn't really like to be picked up but it loves being in my lap
