Cervelo and Santa Cruz Have MASSIVE Factory Shut Down....... The Pros Closet Opens back up?

Cervelo and Santa Cruz Have MASSIVE Factory Shut Down....... The Pros Closet Opens back up?

GC Performance

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@winningwithoutracing7811 - 08.11.2024 17:57

Unbelievable news. Were there actually Cervelos made in Europe?

@nd9329 - 08.11.2024 18:21

Consumers are smarter and deal direct with one another through Marketplace, Craigslist, Facebook groups, etc. Why pay an extra premium on used through a third party company???

@SourPatchPuss - 08.11.2024 19:55

Hopefully this brings prices down 👍🏼

@SourPatchPuss - 08.11.2024 19:58

Funny, when santa cruz dropped the price on their 2023 Nomad framesets from like $4k to $2k, they sold out immediately. 🤔 maybe the demand is still there, just not at ridiculous dentist prices!

@marcinstyle85 - 08.11.2024 20:39

So they closed the factories in China ?

@RacerX101 - 08.11.2024 21:34

The bike industry made too many bad choices with flawed designs that instituted recalls and forced customers to have long wait times for repairs that mechanics despise. Bikes of the past were lighter, had better tolerances, easier to work on and replace parts that were available.

@jghabana - 08.11.2024 21:41

The thing with Santa cruz is that their bike models seem outdated. Trek and Specialized are always innovating so hard to compete. I think they will do ok in their ebike line.

@borismue - 08.11.2024 21:46

I still love my 2016 Santa Cruz highball Aluminium with 3x11 drivetrain. I would like to replace it. Just for fun, but I do not like 1x drivetrains. So I save a lot of money and have fun with my old one.

@ericdweber - 08.11.2024 21:58

Really appreciate you keeping politics off your channel. Thanks!

@TheFartGallery - 08.11.2024 23:44

ORRO in the UK too

@coramdeo8312 - 09.11.2024 03:21

I have a Specialized Aethos and have been trying to upgrade parts. Has anyone noticed a difficulty finding or lack of Specialized components? Are they decreasing production?

@SamHoliday-i1e - 09.11.2024 04:17

You are delusional if you think TCP is making good decisions…they are basically keeping the same guys that made them fail…the CRO and CCO. They’ll only job was to purchase and sales which is why they are out of business

@wgehtdichnixan2680 - 09.11.2024 06:14

Deshalb kauft man Räder die in Deutschland entwickelt und gebaut werden und keinen amerikanischen Schrott, der in Asien produziert und von einem Niederländischen Konzern irgendwo auf der Welt zusammengetackert wird und völlig unbegründet ein Schweinegeld kostet.

@TheArrowFist - 09.11.2024 08:29

I’ve always wondered what inspires the doom and gloom aspect of reporting.

@BmoreIrish - 09.11.2024 16:55

In Covid when the bike companies were making money hand over fist they should’ve spent record amounts on lobbying in the US. Pushing for mass expansion of bike infrastructure. They 💩 the bed for some short term profits and now their long term health will suffer.

@mikefj2004 - 09.11.2024 21:20

The bike industry and the car industry are literally doing the exact same thing to consumers, at least here in the U.S.

@lokerola - 10.11.2024 01:13

I’m not paying more for a bicycle than I would pay for a motorcycle. It’s insane what bike companies are charging for these bikes.

@13Clicks - 10.11.2024 03:59

I work at a ebike only bike shop and our higher price bikes sit... $4000 and lower are still selling. I have been saying this for 25 years that mountain bikes are way too expensive. I have also seen this same industry shakeup in snowboarding and skateboarding of too many companies and shutdown of companies that have made bad business moves within a saturated market.

@bakerdeathwish88 - 10.11.2024 16:11

Just put out some aluminum bikes, with suntour suspension, deore groupset and whoala! Cheap reliable bikes that will sell

@elih9588 - 10.11.2024 19:41

What percent of either bike is from a European plant?

@TheCervelo100 - 10.11.2024 20:09

The manufacturers have run out dentists to sell too

@Shopsmith10er - 10.11.2024 21:55

Probably the harshest thing to accept, but across all industry and markets, very few workers are worth their wage. You're part of the reason the cost of everything is up. Its only going to get worse until we accept the simple facts. The price is passed onto us due many reasons and of course, labor cost. The solution is to absolutely halt spending and let these companies collaose and reset. The market correction is mega overdue. Bring it down, including Govt out of control spending, regulations (which causes US companies to seek Mexico and Asia ) And if you think tarrifs always work, well, the US ebike tarrif was dead on arrival! Do you remember?
How could we justify putting a tarrif on products that have NO COMPETITION? There's little to no existing e-bike production in the US exist. Get it?

@KreshoMTB - 11.11.2024 00:59

Says a lot when the founder went to work at specialized as consultant

@MrDino27 - 11.11.2024 03:42

It's crazy you can get a bike brand new bike for 50% off .2015.00 for 4000.00 bike.

@al-du6lb - 11.11.2024 03:58

Maybe the political comments were made to you because of where you live? I've never heard you talk politics be we all damn well know you didn't vote Kamala lol. You're way too 😎 for that nonsense.

@martybates9728 - 11.11.2024 04:48

when my $3500 mountain bike is still considered an entry level bike says volumes

@jasonharris3873 - 11.11.2024 08:25

I bought a demo heckler from Santa Cruz for half price. That’s would be a realistic price I feel for the bikes. At 10k there are not many buyers.

@larryt.atcycleitalia5786 - 11.11.2024 17:21

When you buy up a bunch of brands, some do well, some don't. You don't care, you figure you'll make it up with your other brands. If not, various brands go away. Does Trek still sell Fisher or Klein? Too many brands serving a shrinking market...what else is gonna happen? Next, what will happen if the next prez actually puts massive tariffs on Chinese-made bikes and products? Will that depress the bike market further? Will Pro's Closet be able to compete with Buycycle? IMHO Buycycle (based on a purchase experience) sucks...so it's a low bar..maybe depending on how far the depreciation of slightly-used bikes goes? With massive industry production over-capacity, who knows?

@JM00-v9c - 11.11.2024 18:51

I've been mountain biking since 1999, had about 10 bikes, 3 santa cruz including current 5010. Lovely bikes. however they have become ridiculously expensive recently. the servicing of them is insane - ie costs more than a performance car, bearings, chain, cassette, BB lasts about 6m etc etc etc. Also constantly changing stuff just to try and make people buy "the latest" eg the new mixed wheel set up which I will never buy. Also, Hardly anyone is actually riding bikes these days. They seem to just want to get a flash bike, do 1 lap of the bike park then sit about posing in their £80k camper , taking pics for social medial and "being rad". I don't know what the future is, but yesterday riding for about 3 hours I saw 4 other people on bikes, that's all.

@CowneloAlvaroid - 11.11.2024 20:40

I think you just admitted to being a Trump supporters??
You do realize Trump loves Israel more than Gen0cide Joe does right?? W Trump it's ISRAEL 1ST

@citybikervienna - 11.11.2024 21:51

Pon bike opened a new factory in September in Europe for their more urban cycling oriented brands.

@lagwall - 12.11.2024 00:15

Great video, thank you!

@SeanMcCarthy-u8s - 12.11.2024 00:40

I was gonna buy a new bike and i have the cash BUT im not paying 12k for a bicycle!! I really like my 2012 tallboy, ill ride till it dies

@gregmorrison7320 - 12.11.2024 02:09

Watched that movie Civil War last night, thought it was pretty cool, (for entertainment) but my wife didn't understand it, I keep up with the news more than she does, thankfully I don't live in the US or Europe. It's not just training that is polarized these days.

@tengamangapiu - 12.11.2024 05:55

I haven't upgraded my Cervelo S2 2013 because bike brands decided on potentially unsafe standards like hookless rims. I just heard about a pro cyclist who had a crash where its suspected that the front tire just fell off. That's the kind of accident that could get ppl killed. Yet, manufacturers only care about saving a few dollars by selling hookless rims.

I think bike brands will lower prices only as a last recourse. They'd much rather produce less, following the same model car companies have been doing so far.

@shawnhall1971 - 12.11.2024 06:28

I want to get your opinion on something as a bike shop owner. I'm looking at buying a bike but it comes with a crank length that is too long for me. I've asked the shop if they would swap out the crank to the size I need and even offered to pay for the labor. They aren't interested and just want me to buy the bike as is. Is this a reasonable ask in your opinion?

@willyjaybobindy3402 - 12.11.2024 19:45

Speaking of politics, people are now alleging the Democrats lost because they are out of touch with the middle class… Kind of like bike companies charging 6 to $10,000 for bicycles.

I have two Santa Cruz bikes myself (a 2015 AL Tallboy and a 2018 Hightower, each bought at deep discounts) and recently purchased an Orbea E bike.

But it literally takes five years of scrupulously saving before I can refresh a bike.

People simply can’t afford it. And on top of that, you have yearly releases and the industry telling you that you must have the latest greatest thing whatever it is.

When I tell friends that I like to mountain bike and they are welcome to come with me sometime, they are in shock that I would spend 4 or $5000 on a bike. Thus, pricing them out right out of the gate. Something has to change with the bike industry, at least if they want to stop closing factories.

But, maybe they don’t, and we are just part of an ever-growing elitist sport.

@coloradomark2159 - 13.11.2024 01:31

Supply and Demand, the same for any business.

@jamesbridges1107 - 13.11.2024 01:41

$8K for a brittle curved tubed bike?!? Who would pay this? This bike have zero inspiration to them. They all look the same…

@ivanboesky1520 - 13.11.2024 08:24

Solid used car prices for a bicycle! And these are not even custom made bicycles and that itself would also be inexcusable. These though are mass produced stock cookie cutter bikes fabbed and slapped together in Xaimen, China and Taiwan often with very questionable quality control. Laughable! 😀

@ivanboesky1520 - 13.11.2024 09:28

The only way prices of goods are coming down in any meaningful way for any products in the US is recession. Plain and simple.

People are upset about inflation, which is simply at this point being virtually solely driven by corporate price gouging post COVID. The US economy has literally had 150+ weeks of continued economic growth. Unemployment is barely above 4% and GDP growth has been solid for 3 straight years now. So long as people pay the higher price gouging prices for goods, corps and businesses have no incentive to lower prices. That’s capitalism whether folks like it or not! A business will always raise prices on goods they are selling if they can maintain sufficient selling volume doing it. Capitalism 101!

When we first exited COVID there was a massive imbalance between available supply and demand and that drove prices up. Then corps realized they could price gouge after the post COVID supply/demand imbalance cooled off and they did so.

With the coming 20% tariffs on imports, the resulting trade war from those tariffs that absolutely will happen, the additional coming tax cuts that will only help reignite another demand/supply imbalance and the planned deportation of several million working immigrants when we currently have 14+ million jobs unfilled due to a lack of workers anyone who thinks prices of goods are going down anytime soon by the magic waving of an imaginary government wand is living in lala fantasyland.

The only way prices of goods in the US are coming down by any meaningful amount over the next several years is with a recession and resulting steep jobs losses, which could actually happen with 20% tariffs on imports in place, a trade war and the deportation of several million workers when we already have a worker shortage.

And for anyone thinking gas prices in the US are magically going down anytime soon keep dreaming. We are currently extracting and refining record amounts of crude and more importantly the US is currently running near 100% of its domestic oil refinery refining capacity (you never get to exactly 100% due to down time for PP&E upgrades/replacements, etc…). But we have been running near 100% refining capacity for 2 1/2 years now. It takes 2-3 years to build a small refinery from start to finish before it can be brought online and 5-9 to construct and get a large one online. In the US, we currently have NO new refineries in even the earliest of ground breaking construction phases. So unless someone knows how to magically refine additional crude into gas when we currently have no additional domestic refining capacity available, well, US gas prices (other than small cyclical changes we get every winter) are not coming down anytime soon and in fact they may very well go higher going forward! FYI, most big US fossil fuel firms have substantially cut back on new capex and construction plans over the past decade because they have been burned too many times from overspending and carrying too much debt and then the energy supply outstrips the demand, and gas prices tumble along with their profits. Sorry, but they are not about to cut their corporate throats or profits for anyone’s silly imaginary baseless campaign promises. Not happening and anyone that believes they will also believes in Fools Gold! That is the reality of our current economy whether people want to admit it or they can just live in a fantasy alternate reality and pretend it is not true because doing that is far easier than engaging one’s brain and actually using it and facing reality. 😀

@michaelanthony1797 - 13.11.2024 20:25

Cheaper to buy an enduro motorcycle.

@TheHardCorePunkHead - 13.11.2024 23:12

Santa Cruz and Cervelo! Way over priced! Trying to screw us...

@censorshipBS - 13.11.2024 23:33

They have designed their business model on people taking out finance for a bike and people are sick of the stupid prices of bikes in general 😊

@fortunadora443 - 14.11.2024 20:20

Markeplace put the Pros Closet out of business.

@mjor6406 - 15.11.2024 16:00

You can buy a nice sportscar or truck for 12k.

@edwinverduin8790 - 15.11.2024 20:55

They only relocate the production to Emstek to be more efficient

@alexh.4068 - 17.11.2024 18:21

Sc is a brand for boomers per their pricing and branding. The up and coming generations don’t see value in the high price demanded by the company for their products/image. Sc needs to cut prices and rebrand their advertising/optics.

@arvandero - 19.11.2024 00:50

Womp womp! Karma for the bike industry.

@GCPerformance18 - 07.11.2024 19:54

Do you think this will make it harder to find cervelos???
