Exclusive Interview: Inside Star Wars Outlaws' Reputation System

Exclusive Interview: Inside Star Wars Outlaws' Reputation System

Game Informer

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@mejrikais6002 - 08.05.2024 00:23

Another ubiturd far star Outlaw cry

@THEODSTKING117 - 08.05.2024 01:03

I really wish we could customize our character. It kinda lame they opted for another boring human protagonist with the cute companion gimmick. The Jedi games are already doing that, give us some fresh!! Let me play as that cool ass droid with the duster on !! 😭😭😭

@TranscendingPolygons - 08.05.2024 01:19

Ubisoft writers are some of the worst in the industry. They destroyed Assassination Creed and they've permeated to other franchises. This story will be trash. Guaranteed.

@tigertony7724 - 08.05.2024 01:32

Want to see more gameplay soon this summer before I make this decision to buy the game physical disk

@domdinocapuccino - 08.05.2024 01:34

Would love them to remake jedi academy... This looks like a fun Christmas holiday play but I'm not that keen on 'scoundrels' when Jedi exist

@MrStrangermoon - 08.05.2024 01:47

why we cant select diffretn ship. why only girl.

@youremadlol - 08.05.2024 02:20

Flloooppp 😂

@PorknBeans21 - 08.05.2024 03:47

I’m just waiting on the splinter cell remake. If they screw that up I’m gonna be pissed.

@softside1 - 08.05.2024 03:52

Have they mentioned if there will be any Jedis or lightsabers. Or you know. What we all really want in an open world Star Wars game.

@RuthlessNightsister - 08.05.2024 06:24

Every piece of information we get is just solidifying that this game is going to be something I've been wanting for a while!
I can't wait to get my hands on it in August!

@henridiop8446 - 08.05.2024 06:40

Bomboclat!! Am I dreaming, or they were saying the exact same thing for litterally 15min18 sec

@Thedevilsjskkskk - 08.05.2024 10:55

Ubisoft is gonna make sure this games flops there not capable of making good games anymore there a slop companie what was the last game when was that

@dario6425 - 08.05.2024 11:42

Damn, it looks absolutely terrible.

@CanadianTroutBum - 08.05.2024 14:11

80s mom Karen in a Jean jacket. 😂😂😂

@Perfectblue33 - 08.05.2024 14:39

I see micro transactions incoming from a mile away. I will wait till it get's reviewed.

@EH_1995 - 08.05.2024 15:22

Ubisoft & Star Wars.. this might end up being the wokest game ever created lol

@fredeblob - 08.05.2024 17:19

Why do they sound guilty?

@tylerworthington6208 - 08.05.2024 18:10

This game is growing on me more and more each time we find out new information on it. As long as they can contain the micro transactions I think it will be a very great game. Look forward to playing!!

@CymruJedi - 08.05.2024 18:35

Those black bars better be optional. They are doing nothing to make the game look better. When I play something I expect the game to fill my monitor.

@guibacana - 08.05.2024 18:48

how much reputation you need to avoid microtransactions?

@lulu98769 - 08.05.2024 18:55

Actually nice interview

@OfficialNinjaNoodle - 08.05.2024 20:12

Developers dont seem confident. Story looks childish and shallow rather than deep and meaningful like in Red Dead 2 or Witcher 3 or Baldur's Gate 3

@seandawdy - 08.05.2024 20:57

Do they actually outline how the system WORKS at anypoint in this video? Am I missing something? If I hear "experience" or "choice" again, I'm gonna explode. The title and length of the video makes me think they will tell us how the reputation system will function in the game.

@drake3292 - 08.05.2024 21:41

I know it’ll be ironed out on release but damn the frame rate lookin rough here. Otherwise excited for it

@Jshaw71 - 08.05.2024 23:32

'you maybe doing bad, an hour later you'll be doing good' is that overall or with a cartel, or syndicate in general? did I mishear that? they are rerally talking up the Rep system in this game it better be really good, also can you do or see Rebels in the game?

@carlossena5572 - 09.05.2024 01:16

Will there be bikini outfits?

@smashinghappydays - 09.05.2024 03:54

This sounds genuinely terrible?

Basically they’re saying the reputation system comes far far 2nd to the narrative, meaning even if you sided so heavily with one group, it doesn’t mean shit because the narrative might force you to then betray that group etc, so everything you’ve done in the past means nothing and is forgotten about because it doesn’t fit the linear narrative…?

It’s totally going to like “well you just killed 50 of our people, but if you move this cargo over to that building in the next settlement, don’t worry about all our people you just slaughtered, all is forgiven!” And you’ll be able to do this 100 times again and again lmao

Also wtf maybe chill on the “being betrayed” spoilers?

@les121476 - 09.05.2024 07:17

In two years they will remove it from your library.
And after a 130$ price point for the full game.
Hard pass
Moving on

@reticulizeta7351 - 09.05.2024 07:48

don’t like ubisoft and specially when they go woke

@SaiyanSambo - 09.05.2024 09:57

Not quite convinced yet. Need to see an unscripted gameplay demo

@joshuabrzezinski2828 - 09.05.2024 10:27

Instead of making the main character Han Solo such morons it's unbelievable. Ugly girl boss that's what guys want since men is our target demographic and we'll make her non binary too that will be awesome. Fools this game will be mid at best

@ShaneJoshua1980 - 09.05.2024 11:04

I don't like the character design, not because she is female, I think it is the hair and the way it moves it's jarring. If they'd gone for a character design similar to the female protagonist in Cyberpunk although generic that would have been cool or a ponytail, her face also seems really skeletal. The animations as well are bit meh.

Saying that the actual game is different, fresh and in hope it's good.

@HorribleMuttonChops - 09.05.2024 13:58

It's "Archetypal" not "Archetypical"

@chokoon21 - 09.05.2024 14:58

I don't know how much I'd like to play as a Final Fantasy character in a Star Wars game

@BushmasterH - 09.05.2024 17:44

Nothing about the character screams "OUTLAW" or even remotely star wars. Shes dressed like a GTA V npc. Should have just made this a bounty hunting mandalorian game

@Soyouthinkyoucanact420 - 09.05.2024 18:18

Interesting. still afraid to buy. Hope to she plays a role in the rebels and empire. The main character being a scoundrel is awesome.

@je19921 - 09.05.2024 19:10

This is 15 minutes I can't get back. A company selling gated content for more than 100 USD and microtransactions telling people reputation is important. Also repeating the exact same 2 sentences and same simple tought for a 15 minutes rambling.

@bdre5555 - 09.05.2024 22:10

We needed to be able to create a character in this game. I have no interest in playing this game because of the protagonist.

@ravipeiris4388 - 10.05.2024 05:12

My question is: Will there be different endings based on which faction(s) you align with?

@NewWorldOrderx0x1 - 10.05.2024 08:25

Neo i fall

@Blessed_Souls - 11.05.2024 21:02

They don’t mention anything about reputation unlocking weapons or accessories at specific aligned merchants which is a major problem, only getting discounts is so generic and bland.

Reputation seems to be okay, but maybe to heavily relied upon

@spankg888 - 12.05.2024 05:12

Lol who wants to play as that character ? She looks so freaking lame hahaha Jesus

@thelastvigil111 - 12.05.2024 20:12



@bigjohncasey2641 - 13.05.2024 04:35

But what about reputation? Lol

@chrisjdgrady - 13.05.2024 14:20

Could they not find anyone who seems excited about the game or Star Wars to talk about it? Gonna fall asleep watching this.

@StewBedazzle - 21.05.2024 08:50

Ironic. They could program reputation....but not save their own

@Cats_and_Chaos - 01.06.2024 23:01

Nope, thanks. I dont want another wokewashed game by sweet baby inc.

@youngblood71 - 07.06.2024 05:44

I think as fans of Star Wars and video games, we can all agree on this: Don't pre-order and don't pay for the more expensive versions. We as fans are not just limited to the comment section to air our discontent. Our dollars speak more volumes than any comment. The game companies sit back and laugh at our comments. They will cry when see no profit.

@shredder420xx2 - 10.06.2024 04:35

how many planets are there?

@shredder420xx2 - 10.06.2024 04:36

better space game than starfield and even better its star wars
