Sam Harris: Mindfulness is Powerful, But Keep Religion Out of It | Big Think

Sam Harris: Mindfulness is Powerful, But Keep Religion Out of It | Big Think

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Keshav Raman
Keshav Raman - 01.09.2023 14:49

Funny though my religion has made me more mindful. And I can actually question it and take the teachings which help me in life with me.

Sanjay Thakur
Sanjay Thakur - 19.08.2023 21:16

Vipasana has no religion attached so Sam seem to have interacted with wrong kind of people .Physics was not discovered by Christian as no one discovers any subject as that already existed in different form .Christianity in only 2000 old religion while physics being practiced back in several thousand years in India alongwith several other subjects named differently lately .He should attend one vipasana session at Igatpuri and his views will change for life 🙏

Ted McCartin
Ted McCartin - 11.08.2023 03:39

Keep religion out of it? Mindfulness came from Buddhism about 2,500 years ago. Also. you said the Self is an illusion. That's Buddhist theology/philosophy. I have meditated and the Self is real, and consciousness is real. Mindfulness can be practised without spirituality, but I have found that the Self wants spirituality. It gives the Self purpose for existing. So, what is Nirvana? How can bliss be if your consciousness ceases to exist and you are no longer a sentient entity. You are a great presenter and genuinely believe what you are saying, but I will give the rest of the videos a miss. Thanks for your time.

thedocak 7
thedocak 7 - 31.07.2023 08:18

bruh, this language is pitiful. I will not be consumed by american thinking and have no personality. Life is only interesting, when there's personality and art. Not everybody can understand/appreciate scientific designs and diagrams.

Burnout minion
Burnout minion - 22.07.2023 06:06

Religion is the solution to climate change we facing now.

T Rowell
T Rowell - 18.07.2023 01:39

I don't agree with everything he says about Buddhism, but Sam Harris is worth listening to. I think he missed the class on Buddhist emptiness and many sects of Buddhism and their beliefs, or lack thereof. You could also call this talk "Sam Discovers" Zen Buddhism," for instance. The Buddha was essentially saying all the things Sam said in this video, 2,500 years ago. Welcome to the party.

Many also argue that the new atheists have injected themselves as just another party in modern sectarianism. I say that as someone who shares their views, largely.

Data X Football with Supayan
Data X Football with Supayan - 12.07.2023 16:54

Just learn to give the damn credit to Buddhism. Christians discovered physics totally outside of religion and even opposing religion, Buddhism discovered and given the method of mindfulness as its core practice. Physics has no relation to Christianity but mindfulness is the core of Buddhism.

Noremac - 01.07.2023 17:53

Very difficult when there is serious trauma, grief and loss , and when life security is disrupted

Terryankev Miller
Terryankev Miller - 26.06.2023 15:07

Complete mindfulness comes with spirituality....... Sam.....they both exist together ❤

Indegruv 👑
Indegruv 👑 - 22.06.2023 13:26

cute opinion bro. zzzzz

Night Owl
Night Owl - 26.05.2023 03:54

I greatly appreciate the clarity of what describes.

Fernando 30
Fernando 30 - 24.05.2023 09:25

"Hunter Biden could have had the corpses of children in his basement, I wouldn't care." --Sam Harris

Tobber FU Too Again!
Tobber FU Too Again! - 23.05.2023 11:02

He is promoting Buddhism, without promoting Buddhism….
Little bit of woo woo going on here….

Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety - 29.04.2023 02:16

damn, sam is ahead of his time, 8 years ago... mindfulness is definately turning into a religion

Yifu Xero
Yifu Xero - 09.04.2023 02:20

Dive directly into the Transcendental Pure Consciousness, the Self, the One, the Source, Being-In-Itself, the Ein Sof, or Sat-Chit-Ananda. No problem. Access "Mahamritunjaya mantra - Sacred Sounds Choir". Listen to it for 5 min per day for at least two weeks. You are "IT", the whole universe is That Pure Consciousness.

Dan B.
Dan B. - 04.03.2023 19:36

Buddha was NOT a god but endeavored to find "enlightenment" ( wisdom ) through a process. We can do the same without burden. And....I have come to the conclusion that "religion" is evil dressed up as goodness. The bible even says that Lucifer was most beautiful. Not that I believe the bible either.

Farmer John
Farmer John - 28.02.2023 15:52

What is mindfulness anyway? The opposite of mindlessness? 🤔

Leo Zacharias
Leo Zacharias - 05.02.2023 04:29

Remember when Sam Harris used to use reason to his ideas?

Greg Blair
Greg Blair - 27.01.2023 12:09

John 3:16-21

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Cat Keys
Cat Keys - 23.01.2023 09:51

You want to hear what Clear Thinking sounds like? Listen to Sam Harris speak. He has the most efficient brain I've ever had the pleasure of listening to.

Ramprasad Rai
Ramprasad Rai - 22.01.2023 08:36

Sam Harris is an articulate speaker, but his idea to completely separate "religion" from meditation may not have been fully considered. While using Buddhism or Atheism as an identity or means of dividing humanity is not beneficial, certain "religious" practices, even if they seem illogical, may aid in understanding the nature of existence more quickly than relying solely on the mind. We do not live that long:(. It's important to remember that logical arguments may be true but not necessarily be useful to ones growth. Keeping an open mind and learning through experience is a more valuable approach. I try to expand my imagination and consider new perspectives and keep testing them.

Melissa O'Connell
Melissa O'Connell - 16.01.2023 19:05

Thank you.

03 2
03 2 - 07.01.2023 16:21

Yeah, fair enough I guess

LivinOnAFlayer - 25.12.2022 20:54

This is why I enjoy Sam Harris. The core belief that it doesn't take religion to be a good person. Likewise being human and all the ups and downs etc are part of a experience that we all have.

Mobius Trip
Mobius Trip - 30.11.2022 00:07


John Cenile
John Cenile - 21.11.2022 10:47

Anyone who disagrees with this man simply doesn't posses the mental capacity to understand what he's saying

Kesh - 18.11.2022 21:22

I am not able to understand the point Sam made here in the way he equates Christianity with it’s discovery of physics and Buddhism to invention of meditation. Christianity didn’t lay a path which lead to the discovery of physics and hence it’s easier for a physicist to stay away from it’s religious business, whereas Buddhism has it’s foundation on meditation and mindfulness.

Siddhiratana Tepahudi
Siddhiratana Tepahudi - 18.11.2022 08:09


Arno Wisp
Arno Wisp - 26.08.2022 10:17

The same man who argued they should take Buddhism back from Buddhist, now reduced to following the religion of Modern politics.

Sorry, Not sorry. I'll keep my religion thank you very much.

Ramil Urazmanov
Ramil Urazmanov - 02.08.2022 14:05

Oh my god, Sam's mind is so brilliant. I'm really thankful to him for delivering all this information is such a digestable way and right to the point❤

Luke Dermott
Luke Dermott - 08.07.2022 17:45

Christians “invented/discovered” physics? In what alternate universe? Ancient Egyptians, Persians, Arabs, Chinese, Indians etc were all “inventing/discovering” physics before any Christian walked the earth.

PERCETAKAN KINGPRINT - 07.07.2022 17:12

Yeah we keep religion out, but we also give credit to culture

Alwilda Alfrieda
Alwilda Alfrieda - 26.06.2022 23:05

Thank you, sir, for this excellent video. Sorry if my spelling is a bit funny, it’s because English is not my first language

Robert Douglas
Robert Douglas - 23.06.2022 06:25

We have the mind of God. No stress ball needed. That isn't a superpower; it's just power that we all are.
Ask and you receive. If you want to ask God to show you your unconscious mind to correct it, that's what you will receive.
You realize you are angry because you blame others for your condition. God will show you how to correct those false ideas by metanoia.
You don't have to declare you have a religion to ask God for help.
Turning consciousness upon itself does not remove you from thinking you are separate from the world you experience. When the messenger returned with the truth that we are projecting the images on the wall, they killed him.

Mano Aruldhas
Mano Aruldhas - 14.06.2022 21:28

Buddha is an atheist.

Blue Dragon Acupuncture
Blue Dragon Acupuncture - 13.06.2022 03:27

He raises an interesting point, but the problem is there is a glass ceiling beyond a certain point with meditation if you are totally allergic to Buddhist or Taoist etc ideas.

Blue Dragon Acupuncture
Blue Dragon Acupuncture - 13.06.2022 03:27

He raises an interesting point, but the problem is there is a glass ceiling beyond a certain point with meditation if you are totally allergic to Buddhist or Taoist etc ideas.

UnbornChickenVoices - 07.06.2022 04:49

Sam Harris has wasted a great part of his time and abilities obsessing over religion. Religion is not the root of evil. People are.

Skankhunt420 - 21.05.2022 17:28

The problem with the argument is that even believing that you are witnessing your thoughts is an active thought in itself. It's a subjective experience and people are naturally going to experience mindfulness in a religious or spiritual way and there's no getting away from it. It won't be segregated from religion like physics because physics is actually provable with mathematics

Kicking Horse
Kicking Horse - 04.05.2022 05:02

While we're at it, keep science out of it

Robert Ray
Robert Ray - 26.04.2022 17:58

Declaring yourself a Buddist is much like declaring yourself non secular 😂🤣😂😅

Yolan Ankaine
Yolan Ankaine - 14.04.2022 10:49

I greatly value Big Think for bringing on all sorts of speakers. I learn so much just hearing these different perspectives

Serena M
Serena M - 01.04.2022 01:18

The Buddha didn't set out to teach Buddhism after his own awakening through heedfulness; he set out to teach the "Four Noble Truth" which has to be fully understood.

Mansoor - 02.03.2022 09:50

The issue he puts is which is a trick rather than an evidence is that, he say ' if we all did not react towards fear in the same way or our bodies did not show than the evidence become invalide', well Mr Sam
Arguments can not stand on the grounds of 'if' and do we experience love, pain and joy, and U can not deny it by putting into a change of process in the. Brain ?
Because how come we feel it without removing it and trying to not experience it in the first place ?

He basically means we are empty bodies like robots and energy is just an illusion
That robots feels alive,
But we are human and we have soul as we feel it.. in numberless ways,

Wild Snakes
Wild Snakes - 24.02.2022 20:04


Marselinus Nugraha
Marselinus Nugraha - 15.02.2022 08:04

I think many people missed his point. He's not saying Buddism wrong but he want meditation practice is open to everyone Wheter you're buddhist or not
