5 Hints Your Friendship Is Turning Into Love

5 Hints Your Friendship Is Turning Into Love


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@Psych2go - 24.10.2022 18:24

Have you fallen in love with your friends before? How did it go?

@noahpark1914 - 28.12.2023 19:52

Why this is so me?😂😂

@Kavehthebroke - 18.12.2023 02:04

Im legit inlove with my female friend who isnt gay. Hope is gone.

@ii8194 - 15.12.2023 16:51

I've known my friend for a few years, we were classmates from art school and over past few years I realised I've developed feelings for him. But at first I didn't admit it to myself and tried to shrug it off. In between I also had two relationships and finished that art school (he's two years younger, so he's still there). But after the last breakup I went to visit my teacher and old classmates and during that time I admitted to myself, that I have feelings for this friend. For the past few months those feelings have been growing and I think it is not so one-sided, yet I'm still afraid to admit my feelings to him, because I don't wanna lose him and I'm afraid, that the conversation might break the friendship

@yelshu306 - 14.12.2023 20:16

this is exactly whats happening to us, im finally being able to accept it :c but, the fear of ruining the friendship or being rejected is something that you can see in both of us.... so how do we move forward? im really confused and i fear the feelings are just getting stronger

@noobvisual1588 - 12.12.2023 14:43

Lol she was just being nice to me she recently had a boyfriend too. Press F to respect for me

@uphilldew - 23.11.2023 05:21

i just watched a k-drama in this video😂

@alexisfonseca5515 - 23.11.2023 02:13

So an ex hmu this week trying to work on things again and later on in the day I sarcastically said to my friend, “ he can start doing favors and come clean my car.” I was just joking. Why is my best friend at the car wash right now while I’m at work. I loaned him my car to run an errand, and he took it for an oil change. 😢 It signs like this that confuse me but everything else is friendship. What do yall think? I need help.

@user-yg9pp7mz6u - 18.11.2023 11:59

I am 14 years old and now I have a boyfriend ❤

@captainjoziah7412 - 15.11.2023 15:30

When I was 14 in 2014 I had a crush on my friend in school. Since then. My friend found her number online and he gave it to me and this was in 2022 since then she says she don’t have a interest in me but she also says “things could change” and recently this happened a few times but she has gotten upset that I talked to a ex of mine. So I hope things do change cus I love her..tbh I always have for years even tho we lost contact

@mikelord9860 - 04.11.2023 10:24

An anecdote from a great coffee table photography book entitled Wisconsin Death Trip, by Michael Lesy - from the turn of rhe 20th century (approximately):There were once 3 children living in a Wisconsin town, two sisters and a boy; he loved one of the girls but she would not reciprocate while the OTHER girl loved him but HE would not reciprocate. But of course the three recognizing the situation, none of them married
but remained close friends in town
for the rest of rheir lives. He even assisted both of them in various business decisions throughout
the many decades.

@Ocean_Lord_derpfish - 31.10.2023 13:41

I have a friend at work,, and we've known each other for a few years.. she's a bit way younger than me (but she's far from a minor when I know her)

lately we have become much closer than before, it just happened for some reason... I kinda started to develop feelings for her, and I also think she kinda has the same feelings with me too.. changed body language,, a bit more nervous than before, I also caught her staring at me and smile, she's also caught me staring at her,, we just stare at each other for a seconds and I look away because i am too shy 😂, and our friend loves to tease us for some reason... 😅

I mean at first I just want to be friend with her,, but wouldn't mind if our relationship become more than a friend....

so uhh.. wish us luck...😊

@calliesta - 08.10.2023 17:16

Delulus attendance say aye

@linksdeath - 05.10.2023 06:34

If only.... Not even in a best case scenario

@ireyn8639 - 30.09.2023 16:09

just me turning delulu

@alpha_jasperflair1097 - 29.09.2023 10:51

Me and my bf used to be the closest friends back in grade school, when we first met we both knew we would be the closest friends, cuz we always relate to each other, we always liked to talk, make jokes, sit next to each other, then one time we fought, we thought our friendship will be permanently broken, but then luckily we met each other again in high school and both us were enlightened and happy, so we started to regain our friendship again, we became best friends, then suddenly both of us confessed our feelings for each other, and it was unexpected, so yeah we’ve been dating for quite awhile now.

@kaidesuu - 12.09.2023 19:28

I have a friend, my best friend, we lived so much together, eight years is long huh? We're childhood friends, since like second grade, and now im just starting to notice how romantic are some thing that we do are, specially bc some others said to me that i looked in love or that we would be a great couple.
My girl bfs, said to me that i was probably in love with him so much before and just now im thinking about it, and im just so sad of the though that im going to be the forever in love and my feelings being unrequited, and my heart cant with the pain

@adammanuel3525 - 19.07.2023 18:27

Thankyou for this video, i learned a lot. My heart broke.

@Ce1estiaYT - 29.06.2023 05:09

About the friend one, after talking to one of my guy friends(who, annoyingly, i thought of this entire video but i don't know whether to act on it or not cause i don't want to ruin it plus we're both very socially awkward) at school he went back to his desk to do work and my other friend came over, and she friggin inspected me, pointed out that my pupils were dilated, and declared that i like someone. She's also dared him to snuggle against me, for which he repeatedly apologized for and purposely put himself in a very uncomfortable position for the dare(i felt so bad for him). Yet somehow i don't think she's realized that it's him that i might like.

@user-zb4rq3pb4j - 26.06.2023 18:21

now i'm scared she might actually like me...

@user-zb4rq3pb4j - 26.06.2023 18:19

seriously so trueeeee, my whole school, including the teachers, students and staff members gossip about me and shipping me with a girl named Evelyn Wang and those actions in the video are sooooo true but in the end I got rejected by my last year crush who is not Evelyn and is now her adoptive mum... Life is so weird yet so sweet~

@user-yc9gv4jw2e - 17.06.2023 11:59

Idk if theres still a chance to get an answer, but I'm still gonna try. Is it weird if I'm watching this trying to understand my feelings for a close friend that I met a but more than a month ago? Like, I know its waaay too soon, but we're way too close to have met just a month ago, and we're both quite reserved so we dont usually open that much (and our friend group also noticed amd at least 4 of them asked me if there was smt)
Like, could it be, or is it still way too soon to tell?

@rallyjsutmoon3637 - 27.05.2023 22:37

One of my friends is currently ignoring me and its super akward lol

@weitzfc1 - 26.05.2023 19:08

a hunting and fishing buddy brought it up . i thought i had been friend zoned , by his daughter. he said whatever you do don't hurt her . i didn't even know ., about it.

@shredder_64 - 22.05.2023 23:08

I don't know why I keep watching these videos. I don't have any friends to fall in love with.

@lydiahiksan1232 - 01.05.2023 02:15

I'm 31 f and my best friend is a guy who is 23. We've spoken to each other everyday for the past year. It's clear we really love each other but we keep it platonic.
We' live in the same major city.
We are from different cultures, are different races, had a completely different upbringing, I'm an extrovert and he is an introvert, he's been in relationships and I never have been in one (I like being single and more "free" ), I'm celibate and he is sexually active, and I'm 8 years older (even tho I look 23 and he thought I was at first).

There are soooooo many differences between us.
I've never been so emotionally intimate with a guy before and for this long. He stopped telling me about other girls he's sleeping with about 6 months ago.
He talks to his family about me all the time.

I rent with my older sister and will be moving to a new apartment next year. Since I'll be living on my own next year and will be allowing him to come over it's clear we will likely become an "old married couple" who does not sleep together. I think when people are age 25 and older they're 2 adults that can make decisions for themselves.

I've always been someone who is happy on their own but he makes me question this part of myself.

@jaguaa176 - 17.04.2023 14:04

ugh the commentator's voice though ><

@carmel-hayes - 10.04.2023 22:52

I do like, half of these around all my friends

@diejoeboo5624 - 08.04.2023 04:02

Macamane nak send ni kat die

@steveirwin7965 - 29.03.2023 12:52

Everything is accurate but the problem is I'm in.....a girl group but I'm straight-

@rumbodeglasas2797 - 20.03.2023 17:50

im very glad i stomped abravely on this chanel
and it has become a routine to watch atleast on video to relax
i dont even have a crush rn
im just glad these videos exist

@nalz_c3 - 18.03.2023 07:00

the cover of this video is from my favourite manga

@reneerobertson1283 - 09.03.2023 04:45

Stoppp, I feel like these are all happening rn like he looks into my eyes more and he we have been talking more and I feel like a like him and am doing the same thing and we sit next to eachother a lot at school bc of seating rules and without it and I just feel so much more happier around him I just don’t want to ruin it and he makes me laugh so much and he teases me and I tease him and our friends have recently said “I ship you” and stuff like this and I just say bro stop or smth like that and he usually doesn’t say anything and my friend did MASH on me and I got him and she told him after and he said “okay cool” and turned away😀😭😭😭 IDK PLS HELP and let me know what you think😭

@lovemoongirl1763 - 28.02.2023 00:31

Unfortunately this doesn't help me at al. I'm really unsure how I feel about a friend of me. I know him for years but we are also fwb for around 1,5 year. And on that part we are amazing with each other. So i'm not sure if my feeling is created around that or the whole person. Also knowing he kinda likes me, but isn't sure himself. He said it would not be the right timing now cause he has to figure some stuff out and i'm trying to work on myself. Why are humans and life so hard and difficult x.x

@michellemartin1152 - 12.02.2023 02:23

My best friend who was a girl had a crush on me and one of my other best friends and me started to notice and I hated It because I lost a best friend to love and they're literally in the class that's right next to mine and now I have to live this

@Mr.OOf8785 - 07.02.2023 10:19

Knew her for 5 years, didn't even have feelings for her until like 2 years ago and my friend called it out a little before then she still said no...

@alienbird5624 - 18.01.2023 03:34

My friend is straight 😀

@noitsbecky- - 06.01.2023 07:20

There’s this guy who always teases me- but he does this with everyone. I don’t like him- (I think) and I can’t tell if my feelings are the desire to have a platonic relationship

@makemelaugh7518 - 03.01.2023 18:22

Idk if this Lady that im making move does Like me or not its been almost a year, its so confusing that i need advice so here is it, We've been together multiple times but only at school it seems like that she's comfortable with me while were together she talks calmly and always smiles, I've gave her gifts which is coin purse and bracelet which she use and wear also i've gave her a pair of bundle tees Which she didnt wash because i sprayed it with perfume, she sent me a photo wearing it and thank me also she wear it during the new year. We also have spotify playlist (her) she put love songs in it but when i asked her if she does like me she said no and she has no feelings. Any advice???
Sorry for my english

@monkeygirl_0443 - 02.01.2023 09:46

I have known my best friend since we were in grade 4 and we are I'm grade 8 now, I like him and he likes me but he has a girlfriend and I feel guilty because she doesn't know. What do I do?

@ohmygawdthatverygurl1689 - 29.12.2022 20:38

Is the drawing same from the series, "Accidentally in love"?

@choibyeol_neverland_official - 22.12.2022 19:03

could you do one with online friends?

@avxry4069 - 20.12.2022 02:44

I have a friend and we used to be close and i thought he was gonna be crush on me until one day he met someone and that someone chatted him all night and they are "friends" he said, but now we're not close like before ☹️
But It's okay, I dont own him anyway and besides I have friends that support and care for me 💕🤗🌼

@santosmurilo - 19.12.2022 05:48

The number 2 is a little toxic...

@Duranie4Life - 07.12.2022 04:09

“Your friends are staring to notice” Bruh EVERYONE IN THE LITERAL WHOLE SCHOOL WHO SEE US NOTICES

@Duranie4Life - 07.12.2022 04:07

Why am I even watching this cuz I’m 11. Hahahahaha maybe my brain is like 80 yrs old

@tiea363 - 06.12.2022 23:58

Sh*t .....no way.....

@joseluisbelinda - 04.12.2022 17:36

Men can't be friends with women. It doesn't benefit for man to be friends with women. I learn the hard way that an unrequited love can kill you from the inside and it will be reciprocated. Besides women are hypergamous by nature.
